Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. |
Pre-game | Ep1: "Greatest of the Greats" | Ep2: "It's Like..." | ||||
Day 0 (May 19) Edge of Extinction finale aired 4 days ago. |
Day 0 (May 20) |
Day 0 (May 21) Pre-game press interviews? |
Day 1 (May 22) Filming begins. ![]() Ep.1 F20 IC: Water Slaughter![]() Held immediately after arrival and tribe assignments. As seen in Caramoan's game-opening RC. Two people from the tribe race out through the water to grab a ring, then try to touch the tribe's pole while also holding the ring, while two people from the other tribe try to stop them. First tribe to 3 points wins. Results: Rd.1: Yul, Tyson d. Jeremy, Ethan (Dakal-1, Sele-0). Rd.2: Kim, Sarah d. Natalie, Parvati (D2, S0). Rd.3: Rob, Ben d. Tony, Wendell (D2, S1). Rd.4: Sarah, Amber d. Natalie, Denise (D3, S1). Dakal wins! (They also get flint.) |
Day 2 (May 23) TC1 - Natalie voted out (7-2-1), 19 left. |
Day 3 (May 24) ![]() Ep.1 F19 IC: Blue Lagoon Bustle![]() Sandra sits out. Mostly as seen in Blood vs. Water. Tribes must push a boat into the water, paddle out to a floating station, where one person (Sarah, Rob) jumps off and unties a bag. They then paddle to a series of water obstacles, where everyone disembarks and must cross the obstacles (crates, roller, net), and go to the beach. One person (Yul, Adam) opens the bag, removing three discs with numbers on them, and uses them to solve a combo lock. Once open one person (Tyson/Wendell; Jeremy) tosses rings at three paddles. First tribe to land all three wins. Dakal has a huge lead, but blows it, and Sele wins, thanks to Jeremy's ring tossing skills. ![]() Ep.1 idol: Sandra![]() In her first day on Edge of Extinction, Natalie receives a quest, directing her to the last place she can see the sunset, in order to earn a fire token. She climbs to the top of the island, and finds an idol (good for 3 Tribals) she must "sell" to someone on the IC-losing tribe, for the low, low price of 1 fire token. She offers it to Sandra, who happily accepts. TC2 - Amber voted out (6-3-1), 18 left. |
Day 4 (May 25) ![]() Ep.2 Sele idol: Denise![]() While collecting wood together, Ben offers Denise advice for finding idols. They both look, and Denise finds one. It turns out to be a split idol, where Denise has to give someone else half of it by sundown, or else it loses its power. After Ben suggest they could use that half to build an alliance with someone, Denise gives Adam the second half. ![]() Ep.2 Dakal idol: Kim![]() While also collecting wood at Dakal camp, Kim finds their split idol. Lacking allies, she offers half to Sophie, who questions Kim's decision-making in confessional. |
Ep2: "It's Like a Survivor Economy" | Ep3: "Out for Blood" | Ep4: "I Like Revenge" | ||||
Day 5 (May 26) ![]() Ep.2 advantage: Safety without power![]() Natalie and Amber find a clue on Edge that talks about reflection. They wander aimlessly all over the island before giving up. Natalie then goes to the water well (hinted at in the clue) and finds the advantage: It allows someone to leave Tribal and return to camp right before the voting. She sells it Jeremy (of course) for one fire token. |
Day 6 (May 27) ![]() Ep.2 IC: Draggin' the Dragon![]() As originally seen in Cagayan's Ep1 RC/IC. Seven people must push a heavy cart along a twisty track, stopping at three stations where one person (Tyson; Ben) knocks a key off a high pole, which unlocks a heavy crate of puzzle pieces. Once all three crates are on the cart, it must be disassembled, pushed through a barrier, then reassembled and pushed to the puzzle station. There, two people (Sandra/Sophie; Rob/Denise) must solve a three-part, vertical circular dragon puzzle. Dakal takes a huge lead heading into the puzzle. Rob forces Denise to organize the pieces before starting on the second part of the puzzle, making Sele fall even further behind. Dakal wins easily, also gets a spice rack. TC2 - Danni voted out (8-1), 17 left. |
Day 7 (May 28) |
Day 8 (May 29) ![]() Ep.3 advantage: Steal-a-vote![]() Natalie, Amber, and Danni receive notes wrapped in bamboo with "pretty shells." The note just shows a distinctive tree Natalie and Amber recognize from the top of the island. The three go up there and find a combination lock, and a note telling them they've already received all the info they need. Amber tries numbers from the crates, but Natalie realizes the shells were in groups separated by knots. She counts them, enters the combo, and gets an advantage to sell: A chance to go to the other tribe's camp and grab a vote steal advantage at night. She sells it to Sarah, who (with Tony's camouflaging assistance) sneaks into Sele and gets the advantage from their torches. For this chance, Sarah gives Natalie her one fire token. |
Day 9 (May 30) ![]() Ep.3 IC: Along the Watch Tower![]() Sandra sits out. Tribe must cross obstacles, dig up a ladder, then one person (Tony; Jeremy) climbs that ladder to unwind a rope/monkey's paw from a high bar. Then someone (Wendell; Rob/Ben) must land that in a hook, and the tribe uses it to scale a tower. Finally, two people (Sarah, Sophie; Rob, Michele) must solve a tree puzzle. Dakal gets a huge lead thanks to Wendell and Tony, barely hold on with the puzzle. Dakal wins immunity and chicken kabobs. TC3 - Ethan voted out (4-3-1), 16 left. |
Day 10 (May 31) ![]() Ep.4 Edge of Extinction![]() At Edge of Extinction, Amber returns with news of the episode's task: The Edge denizens must hike up the mountain, retrieve one log, bring it back down to the camp, then repeat, for a total of 20 logs, total. Everyone who finishes by sundown will receive one fire token. Natalie sets a speedy pace, and the others try to keep up, except Danni, who opts for a slow-and-steady approach. Ethan faints and requires medical attention, but all four eventually finish. Natalie, Amber, and Danni accompany Ethan on his final trip up and down, in a show of solidarity. |
Day 11 (June 1) ![]() Ep.4 IC: Beyond the Wheel![]() Tony, Sandra sit out. Four people swim out from a dock, pulling a boat, carrying the three key grabbers (Nick, Kim, Sophie; Adam, Parvati, Denise), as seen in the Edge of Extinction Ep3 IC. Keys grabbed: Denise-0, Sophie-0, Nick-2, Adam-3, Parvati-0, Kim-1. Once all three keys are grabbed, they swim the boat to a final dock, where two people (Nick/Sarah; Rob/Kim) work a vertical ship's compass puzzle (as seen in the Cagayan F4 IC and David vs. Goliath Ep5 IC, which Nick won). Sele struggles mightily on the key stage, but Adam perseveres. Then Sele comes back on the puzzle, wins immunity and chickens. TC4 - Tyson voted out (7-1-1), 15 left. |
Ep5: "The Buddy System on Steroids" | Ep6: "Quick on the Draw" | Ep7: "We're in the Majors" | ||||
Day 12 (June 2) ![]() Ep.5 swap![]() The tribes arrive at the sand spit where the first challenge took place, see that Tyson was voted out, then promptly drop their buffs. They're divided into three new tribes: Yara (Adam, Ben, Rob, Sarah, Sophie), Dakal (Denise, Jeremy, Kim, Sandra, Tony) and Sele (Michele, Nick, Parvati, Wendell, Yul). ![]() Ep.5 idol: Sophie![]() Placed in a brand-new camp, the five members of Yara quickly realize there's probably a new idol hidden somewhere near camp, and everyone starts looking. Sophie quickly finds it, and it's another split idol, as were the first two. She shares half with Sarah. Sarah gives Sophie back the half-idol before they attend Tribal Council, two days later. |
Day 13 (June 3) |
Day 14 (June 4) ![]() Ep.5 IC: Block in a Hard Place![]() Tribes must cross a series of obstacles. Then 2-3 people (Nick, Yul, Wendell; Rob, Ben; Kim, Tony, Jeremy) toss sandbags to knock four large blocks off a ledge, then two people (Wendell, Parvati; Adam, Sophie; Jeremy, Sandra) must use those blocks to solve the four-block puzzle from "Sea Crates" in Samoa. Yara has a huge lead heading into the puzzle, Dakal way behind. But new Sele finishes first, followed by Dakal. Somehow, Yara loses. TC5 - Rob voted out (4-1), 14 left. |
Day 15 (June 5) ![]() Ep.6 Edge: Idol nullifier for peanut butter![]() The Edge of Extinction people learn a new trinket is hidden somewhere on the island. While the others immediately race to the top of the mountain, Tyson discerns from the clue that it's probably near the tide line. He spots it, pretends to pee as cover, and grabs an idol nullifier. He sells it back to Parvati for a fire token, then immediately spends that token on a giant tub of peanut butter (for himself). |
Day 16 (June 6) ![]() Ep.6 IC: Rice Race![]() Sandra, Michele sit out. Four people must swim to a boat, transport 3 sacks of rice to a gate with a narrow hole, push the bags through the hole, climb over the gate, and transport the rice back to shore. They (Yul/Wendell, Tony, Ben) then cut the bags open with a knife, looking for a ball. Then all three balls must be moved through a maze. Balls placed: Nick-1 (S1), Jeremy drops, Sophie-1 (Y1), Wendell drops, Adam-1 (Y2), Kim drops 2x, Wendell-1 (S2), Sophie-2 (Yara 3!) in a race with Nick. Yara wins, gets PB&J sandwiches, and Sele and Dakal each have to attend Tribal. TC6 - Parvati voted out (3-2), 13 left. TC7 - Sandra idoled out ([0]-1), 12 left. |
Day 17 (June 7) Sandra leaves EoE (Night 16). ![]() Ep.7 Edge of Extinction![]() After Sandra departed immediately upon arrival the night before, the Edge residents are told there are four fire tokens scattered around the island, where the trail ends. Tyson finds one (wrapped) just sitting on a rock. After consulting with the others, the remaining three appear to still be unfound. But it turns out Boston Rob found all three, before Tyson even found his first. Ep7 RC: "Ball-istic Missiles" [unaired] - Yara wins, Sele 2nd. |
Day 18 (June 8) ![]() Ep.7 IC: Dishwalla![]() As seen in David vs. Goliath (where Nick's Jabeni tribe lost, massively). Contestants must carry a giant dish across obstacles to a water tank, put water in it, carry the dish and water back across the obstacles, and pour the remaining water into a tank. When the tank is full enough, a bag of puzzle pieces drops, and two people (Ben, Sophie; Wendell, Michele; Denise, Jeremy) must complete a circular logo puzzle in the dish. Yara takes only one very slow trip with the dish, and has a slight lead heading into the puzzle. They finish it first. Sele and Dakal are neck-and-neck throughout, and complete the puzzle within seconds of each other. Dakal finishes second, sending Sele to Tribal. TC8 - Yul voted out (3-1), 11 left. |
Ep8: "This Is Where the Battle Begins" | Ep9: "War is Not Pretty" | Ep10: "The Full Circle" | ||||
Day 19 (June 9) Tribes merge, Koru formed. ![]() Ep.8 RC: Back in the Saddle![]() (Pre-challenge: Amber gives Rob her token, he and Natalie each buy an idol plus advantage; rest buy one advantage.) Advantage: Users don't have to dig up their string (Rob, Tyson, Danni, Ethan, Natalie). Contestants must cross a net, untying three bags of sticks, then dig up (or not) a bag of string. Then tie sticks together to retrieve a key from behind a gate. (Rob is first through this). Final stage: Snake maze. Order to maze: Rob, Tyson, Nat, Parv, Danni, Yul, Ethan, Amber. (Allegedly) ends up being a tight race between Tyson and Rob. Tyson wins, rejoins the game. All reached the snake maze eventually, and race was to two balls, not one (as aired), so impossible to know who was really second, third, etc. |
Day 20 (June 10) |
Day 21 (June 11) ![]() Ep.8 IC: Get a Grip![]() (Pre-challenge: Amber gives Rob her token, he and Natalie each buy an idol plus advantage; rest buy one advantage.) Advantage: Users don't have to dig up their string (Rob, Tyson, Danni, Ethan, Natalie). Contestants must cross a net, untying three bags of sticks, then dig up (or not) a bag of string. Then tie sticks together to retrieve a key from behind a gate. (Rob is first through this). Final stage: Snake maze. Order to maze: Rob, Tyson, Nat, Parv, Danni, Yul, Ethan, Amber. (Allegedly) ends up being a tight race between Tyson and Rob. Tyson wins, rejoins the game. All reached the snake maze eventually, and race was to two balls, not one (as aired), so impossible to know who was really second, third, etc. TC9 - Wendell voted out (9-3), 11 left. |
Day 22 (June 12) ![]() Ep.9 RC: New School![]() As seen in Kaoh Rong. Two teams, picked by captains: Red - Adam, Tony, Tyson (C-Jeremy, Nick on puzzle); Blue - C-Kim, Ben, Sarah (Michele, Sophie on puzzle). Denise not picked. THree people must swim out and retrieve a net with wooden fish attached. They must bring that in to shore, untie the fish, and put them on hooks on a pole. Then two must carry the pole to the puzzle station where two more people (Nick, Jeremy; Michele, Sophie) must solve a two-layer fish puzzle. Sophie and Michele finish first, blue wins. Sarah swaps out of her reward spot for Nick, because it was his birthday the day before. ![]() Ep.9 advantage: Michele![]() Upon leaving the reward feast, Michele notices something in her bag. It's a 50-50 coin flip advantage, sent to her by Danni and Parvati at EoE (who found it in the same spot Aubry found an advantage in S38). Free to ask any price for this advantage, Parvati goes for FOUR fire tokens (Michele's entire stash). Michele reluctantly agrees. The advantage lets her flip a coin at one Tribal Council, and if it lands on "SAFE" she is immune. |
Day 23 (June 13) ![]() Ep.9 IC: Bermuda Triangles![]() Upon leaving the reward feast, Michele notices something in her bag. It's a 50-50 coin flip advantage, sent to her by Danni and Parvati at EoE (who found it in the same spot Aubry found an advantage in S38). Free to ask any price for this advantage, Parvati goes for FOUR fire tokens (Michele's entire stash). Michele reluctantly agrees. The advantage lets her flip a coin at one Tribal Council, and if it lands on "SAFE" she is immune. TC10 - Adam voted out (8-2-1), 10 left. |
Day 24 (June 14) ![]() No Ep.10 RC: Loved ones visit![]() Visitors: Kim's husband Brian and their three kids. Ben's wife Kelly and their two kids. Sophie's fiance Bobby. Sarah's partner Wyatt and their son. Denise's husband Brad and their daughter. Nick's fiancee Grisel. Tony's wife Marissa and their two kids. Michele's sister, Kim. Tyson's wife Rachel and their daughter, Bergen. Jeremy's wife Val and their four kids. Also: a parallel, Probst-free (no introductions) EoE loved ones visit: Natalie's sister Nadiya, all four (?) Mariano daughters, Parvati's husband John Fincher and their daughter, Danni's daughter (and mom?), Adam's dad, Ethan's wife, Wendell's dad, Yul's wife and their kids. |
Day 25 (June 15) ![]() Ep.10 IC: Got a Hunch![]() As first seen in Kaoh Rong. Contestants must pull a rope to balance a wobbly table, while stacking eight tiles on the table to spell IMMUNITY. Results: Kim drops at six letters, Tyson drops at six, Nick drops. Tony and Ben race with seven each. Ben drops with all 8 stacked. Tony wins! He gets two fire tokens as well. TC11 - Tyson voted out (5-2-[0]), 9 left. |
Ep11: "This Is Extortion" | Ep12: "Friendly Fire" | Ep13: "The Penultimate Step of the War" | ||||
Day 26 (June 16) ![]() Ep.11 idol: Tony![]() While everyone else is sleeping off their Tribal Council exhaustion, Tony gets up early to hunt for the idol Kim played. After misdirecting Nick to look over by the water well, Tony finds the idol, now fully powered and active until final five. Ep.11 RC: (Unaired) - Ben, Sophie, Kim win tacos. |
Day 27 (June 17) ![]() Ep.11 Edge of Extinction: Extortion advantage![]() While gathering wood, Natalie finds a bottle with a note inside on Edge of Extinction. She reads the note with Parvati, it gives them a riddle. For some reason, they climb to the top of the island, before realizing the last line in the riddle refers to their shelter. After waiting all day to retrieve the advantage from under the shelter, Parvati convinces the last stragglers to look at the sunset, while Natalie retrieves the advantage. It's an Extortion advantage: The person they play it against must pay them as many tokens as they ask for (six), or else that person can't compete in the IC or vote at Tribal. They pick Tony, who miraculously meets their price, with help from Jeremy, Nick, and Ben. |
Day 28 (June 18) ![]() Ep.11 IC: 10-Foot Pole![]() As seen in HvHvH. Contestants must stand on a narrow beam, using a pole to keep a statue from tipping over. At regular intervals, they move further back, making the task more difficult. Order out: First stage - 9. Kim. Third stage - 8. Denise, 7. Michele, 6. Sarah, 5. Nick, 4. Sophie, [32 min.] 3. Ben, 2. Jeremy, 1. Tony wins! Tony gets immunity plus two fire tokens. TC12 - Sophie voted out (4-3-2), 8 left. |
Day 29 (June 19) ![]() Ep.12 idol: Ben![]() The entire camp hunts for the idol re-hidden after Sophie's blindside. Ben and Tony are searching together, and Ben finds it, then attempts to stash the idol in his pants. Tony sees this, of course, and the find helps seal their alliance. (For now?) ![]() Ep.12 IC: When It Rains![]() As seen many times. This version now has contestants stand on a beam, unable to touch the structure around them or their own raised arm. Separate necklaces are offered for men and women. M4. Jeremy, M3. Ben (touched frame). F4. Sarah. [15 min.] F3. Kim, F2, Michele, M2. Nick (all three drop for a temptation of peanut butter and chocolate, Nick also convinces Tony to give him a fire token). This leaves two people, Tony and Denise, to win. They win immunity plus two fire tokens. TC13 - Kim voted out (5-3), 7 left. |
Day 30 (June 20) ![]() Ep.13 calendar![]() As Jeremy and Tony discuss how many days are in a week, we get a glimpse of the tribe's calendar. On it, we see confirmation of the season's start and end dates, plus evidence of the unaired rewards (and thus RCs) from Episodes 7 and 11. |
Day 31 (June 21) ![]() Ep.13 F7 IC: Running Down a Dream![]() As (partially) seen in S38: Edge of Extinction. Contestants must toss ball into overhead track, run through obstacle, catch it at the end. Repeat for two total balls. Then dig under a log, go under, then solve a logo slide puzzle. Order through to the puzzle: Jeremy, Ben, Sarah, Tony, Nick, Denise. Nick wins! Gets 2 fire tokens. (Michele still trying to catch her second ball.) TC14 - Jeremy voted out (3-2-[0]), 6 left. |
Day 32 (June 22) ![]() Ep.13 IC disadvantage![]() On Edge of Extinction, the castoffs receive a new clue to an advantage that refers to a "throne of stone." Everyone races off to look for it. Wendell leads and heads up the hill. Natalie knows where it is (not up the hill), and grabs it immediately. It's an IC disadvantage she can sell into the game for whatever price she picks. She chooses Nick and eight fire tokens. After borrowing two tokens from Michele, Nick pays up, and plays it against Ben. |
Ep13: "The Penultimate Step of the War" | Ep14: "It All Boils Down to This" (season finale) | |||||
Day 33 (June 23) |
Day 34 (June 24) ![]() Ep.13 F6 IC: High Step Back![]() As seen in Kaoh Rong. Contestants must stack tiles along a track, while avoiding a trip obstacle. First to knock the entire row over and ring a gong at the end wins. Nick plays his disadvantage (giving him 30% more tiles, beam space) against Ben. Michele wins! Gets two fire tokens. TC15 - Nick voted out (4-2), 5 left. |
Day 35 (June 25) ![]() Ep.14 RC: Don't Call it a Comeback![]() As seen in Edge of Extinction. Natalie buys all three advantages; Parvati, Yul, Wendell buy one. Sophie and Tyson's missing two tokens unexplained. First stage is a rope obstacle (fence, pole). Advantage lets you skip the fence. Second stage is a dig for a rope bridge rung (Natalie gets to skip). Third stage is a rope bridge (Natalie's is one-third complete). Final stage is placing two balls on the table maze from the S38 return challenge. Results: Wendell first to bridge, Natalie second (gets stuck on pole), Yul, Parv, Rob, Tyson, Sophie, Jeremy, Kim. Order to maze (balls placed): Wendell, Rob, Sophie, Natalie, Wendell-(1), Yul, Jeremy, Natalie-(1), Tyson-(1), Wendell drops at end, Natalie-(2) - back in the game. (Ethan, Danni, maybe Adam still on rope bridge, rest working on table maze.) |
Day 36 (June 26) ![]() Ep.14 F6 IC: Slide On![]() Contestants must cross one of three bridge obstacles, collect a puzzle bag, climb stairs, drop the bag on the puzzle table, then slide down a water slide to repeat the process. Once all three puzzle bags are retrieved, they must complete the 3-tier tower puzzle Michele did on Kaoh Rong. Order to puzzle: Ben, Tony, Natalie, Sarah, Denise … Michele. Michele first to finish 1st layer, then Natalie, Sarah. Michele-2, Michele-3. Michele wins! TC16 - Denise voted out ([0]-[0]; 4-0), 5 left. |
Day 37 (June 27) ![]() Ep.14 F5 idol - Natalie![]() Knowing three idols were played at the final 6 Tribal Council, Tony (correctly) deduces that another will be hidden that night. He stays up all night looking for one, to no avail. Meanwhile, the entire tribe gets up early and looks as well. Natalie finds it. ![]() Ep.14 F5 IC: 5 on 5![]() Starting on a floating pontoon in the water, contestants must swim to a ramp, jump off, swim to a balance beam, untie a key, go to the beach, crawl under a net, unlock two sandbags, land them on a platform. Sandbags landed: Ben-1, Tony-1, Tony-2. Tony wins! TC17 - Ben voted out (3-2), 4 left. |
Day 38 (June 28) ![]() Ep.14 F4 IC: Simmotion![]() As first seen in Tocantins. With one hand tied to their side, contestants must drop a ball in a twisty metal track, then catch it at the other end and repeat. At regular intervals, another ball is added, making the task progressively more difficult. Order out: 4. Tony (3 balls), 3. Sarah (4 balls), 2. Michele (5 balls), 1. Natalie wins! TC18 - Sarah out by fire-making, 3 left. |
Day 39 (June 29) ![]() Ep.14 Final Tribal Council![]() Natalie, Tony, and Michele argue their respective cases for winning to the super-sized, 16-person jury. Natalie stresses her success collecting fire tokens and influencing the game from the Edge, and challenge prowess. Tony talks about controlling the votes throughout the game, winning challenges, finding an idol, and his Spy Nest. Michele touts her ability to stay in the game while working from the bottom the entire game. In the end, the jury awards Tony the $2 million prize, in a 12-4-0 vote, over Natalie and Michele, respectively. Tony wins, 12-4-0. |
Game over | ||||||
Day 0 (June 30) Departure. Contestants head back to the U.S. |
Day 0 (July 1) |
Day 0 (July 2) Contestants arrive back home; Instagram/ twitter activity resumes. |
Day 0 (July 3) |
Day 0 (July 4) |
Day 0 (July 5) |
Day 0 (July 6) |