Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
Pre-game | Ep1: "I Can Forgive Her, But I Don't Have To Because She Screwed With My Chickens" | Ep2: "Dire Straights and Dead Weight" | ||||
Day 0 (June 25) Pre-game interviews? |
Day 1 (June 26) ![]() Ep1 arrival![]() Contestants have a minute to gather survival items, then jump off the ship and paddle a 5-person raft. Four tribes, divided by ethnicity. |
Day 2 (June 27) |
Day 3 (June 28) ![]() Ep1 RC/IC: Lock and Load Light![]() Tribes cross berms, put together puzzle boats, paddle out to light a torch, return, put together compass point puzzles, then assemble a ladder puzzle to climb up and light a wok. Puka first (wins fire kit plus immunity), Aitu second, Raro third. Hiki is last, but gets to select the person exiled. They choose Penner. TC1 - Sekou voted out (3-2), 19 left. |
Day 4 (June 29) Penner returns from Exile Island. |
Day 5 (June 30) |
Day 6 (July 1) ![]() Ep2 RC/IC: Tow the Line![]() Probst reads a story about Captain Cook. Four contestants per tribe (Jenny, Adam, JP sit out), tethered together, cross an obstacle course, untying seven planks with answers on them. At the end, each tribe must answer five questions about the story using the planks. Raro and Puka tie for the win, getting immunity plus two tarps each. Aitu throws the challenge and finishes last. TC2 - Billy voted out (4-1), 18 left. |
Ep3: "Flirting and Frustration" | Ep4: "Ruling the Roost" | Ep5: "Don't Cry Over Spilled Octopus" | ||||
Day 7 (July 2) ![]() Ep3 idol![]() Yul finds it. Aitu selects Yul for exile. Upon reading the second clue, he marks several spots in the sand, digs, and finds the hidden idol. Appears to have happened on the morning of day 7, right before the switch, but shown after IC in Ep2.) ![]() Ep3 swap![]() Ep3 tribal switch. Contestants divide up, men in one group, women in the other, and draw rocks. The two men and two women with X rocks are captains, and initiate schoolyard picks of same gender, picking only people from tribes not yet represented. The four captains then pick eggs to reveal which tribe (red Aitu or blue Raro) they'll join. |
Day 8 (July 3) ![]() Ep3 IC: Steeple Chase![]() As in Palau, tribes are tethered together, carrying 15-lb sandbags, and must try to catch and tackle the opposing tribe while running around an oval course in knee-deep water. The women all drop out eventually, after which new Raro quickly catches new Aitu. Raro selects Candice (from Aitu) for Exile, causing her to miss Tribal Council. TC3 - Cecilia voted out (5-3), 17 left. |
Day 9 (July 4) ![]() Ep4 RC: Strung Along![]() Raro has Stephannie sit out. Each tribe must pass two members (Becky, Candice; Cristina, Jenny) along a rope, through a series of obstacles. When all 8 members reach the end, one person (Ozzy; Brad) swims out & retrieves a boat's wheel. The wheel is used to decode a secret message. Aitu wins pillows and blankets, then exiles Adam. Ep4 RC: "Strung Along" - Aitu wins; Adam exiled. |
Day 10 (July 5) |
Day 11 (July 6) ![]() Ep4 IC: Mayday![]() Raro has Cristina sit out. Four people from each tribe assemble a wooden stretcher puzzle, then take it to the beach. One person (Ozzy; JP) swims out to rescue a tribe member (Candice; Parvati) shackled to a mast. They return to the beach with a life preserver. Then the rescued person is carried back to the starting mat, where the remaining three people build and start a fire to burn through a string and release a flag. Aitu wins. Ep4 IC: "Mayday" - Aitu wins. TC4 - J.P. voted out (7-2), 16 left. |
Day 12 (July 7) ![]() Ep5 RC: Never Tear Us Apart![]() Three pairs from each tribe (Nate/Adam, Rebecca/Stephannie, Cristina/Brad; Yul/Penner, Ozzy/Flica, Candice/Sundra) must hold up ropes upon which the remaining two people from the other tribe load 5-lb sandbags. Yul/Penner (30 lbs) drop out first, then Rebecca/Stephannie, then Sundra/Candice, then Flica/Ozzy. Raro wins spices, wine, fishing gear. THey send Penner to Exile Island. |
Day 13 (July 8) ![]() Ep5 visit![]() Camp invasion: Ozzy, Flica, and Cao Boi paddle across the lagoon to an adjacent island. Turns out it's Raro's. Cao Boi proceeds to bore everyone with a long story, then they leave. Good times. |
Ep5: "Don't Cry Over Spilled Octopus" | Ep6: "Plan Voodoo" | Ep8: "Why Aren't You Swimming?" | Ep9: "Mutiny" | |||
Day 14 (July 9) ![]() Ep5 IC: United We Stand![]() Tribes must assemble three tower platforms, then transport two castaways each from one tower to another. Then the entire tribe must stand on top of a third tower. Aitu wins. Ep5 IC: "United We Stand" - Aitu wins. TC5 - Stephannie voted out (7-1), 15 left. |
Day 15 (July 10) ![]() Ep6 RC: Kicking and Screaming![]() Cao Boi sits out. Each tribe must pull two women and one man from the opposing tribe off of a pole, then drag them through the sand, across the finish line. Candice, Ozzy, Sundra are Aitu's pole-sitters; Jenny, Nate, Cristina for Raro. Aitu wins a lamb feast at tribal council, plus the chance to listen in on Raro's TC. Also (revealed at tribal) they get to kidnap Nate through the next RC. TC6 - Cao Boi voted out (6-1-1), 14 left. Nate kidnapped. TC7 - Cristina voted out (4-2), 13 left. |
Day 16 (July 11) |
Day 17 (July 12) ![]() Ep8 RC: Smash and Grab![]() Each tribe receives a catalog in treemail, in which they must select two items for reward. Sundra, Nate, and Flica sit out for Aitu. Three people per tribe (Adam, Parvati, Rebecca; Ozzy, Yul, Candice) must swim out, climb a platform, jump off, break a tile to release a key, retrieve the key, then swim back. Once all six keys are returned, two others (Brad, Jenny; Penner, Becky) must unlock six locks on a chest, remove a puzzle, and complete the puzzle. Aitu wins potatoes and peanut butter. Adam is exiled. |
Day 18 (July 13) ![]() Ep8 IC: Stairway to Heaven![]() Penner sits out. Tribes must arrange 11 poles by height to form a staircase. Then three people (Ozzy, Yul, Candice; Brad, Nate, Parvati) zipline down to a platform to retrieve a puzzle bag, then swim back. All three then climb a rope ladder to bring the puzzle bags back, and the remaining three people complete a large puzzle. Despite a fairly large Aitu lead, Raro somehow wins. Ep8 IC: "Stairway to Heaven" - Raro wins. TC8 - Flica voted out (6-1), 12 left. |
Day 19 (July 14) |
Day 20 (July 15) ![]() Ep9 mutiny![]() Probst offers all contestants the chance to switch tribes by stepping off their tribal mats. Candice goes first, joining Raro. Penner abruptly follows her as Probst says time is up. New New Raro now has eight members, the depleted Aitu only four. ![]() Ep9 RC: Barrel of Monkeys![]() Penner, Brad, Parvati, Rebecca sit out for Raro. Two tribe members (Becky, Sundra for Aitu; Candice, Jenny for Raro) must climb inside a barrel, which two others (Ozzy,Yul vs Nate/Adam) roll down a rail, then over log obstacles, while collecting buoys. The buoys then are used to float the barrel across a lagoon, the midpoint of which contains four underwater flags that must be retrieved. At the other side, the flags are attached to a bar, the four must dig up an axe, then cut a rope to raise the flags. Aitu wins pastries, juice, and letters from home. They send the just-mutinied Candice to Exile Island. |
Ep9: "Mutiny" | Ep10: "People That You Like Want to See You Suffer" | Ep11: "Why Would You Trust Me?" | ||||
Day 21 (July 16) ![]() Ep9 IC: Depth Charge![]() Nate, Adam, Candice, Jenny sit out for Raro. Tribes must glass-bottomed rowboats around the lagoon, using a crosshair pattern on the glass bottom to line up a target on the lagoon floor. When lined up, they drop a cannonball through a hole, which if correctly targeted, releases one of three pairs of floats. Once all three pairs have been retrieved, the tribe must row back to shore and arrange the floats to form a mutiny-related word (BOUNTY). Thanks to Yul figuring out a superior aiming strategy, Aitu wins. Ep9 IC: "Depth Charge" - Aitu wins. TC9 - Brad voted out (7-1), first juror, 11 left. |
Day 22 (July 17) ![]() Ep10 RC: Make Your Point![]() Rebecca, Nate, Parvati sit out for Raro. Using a compass and an unlabeled compass rose, pairs (Yul & Sundra, Ozzy & Becky; Penner & Jenny, Adam & Candice) must take turns digging up one of four chests per tribe. Once all four chests are retrieved, the tribe removes & solves a nautical flag-coded word puzzle (VICTORY). Aitu wins, exiles Candice. They win a flight to a local village, where they have a feast and dance with the locals. |
Day 23 (July 18) |
Day 24 (July 19) ![]() Ep10 IC: South Pacific![]() Adam, Candice, Jenny sit out for Raro. Contestants swim out to one of four buoys, dive down, unclip a puzzle bag, and return to shore. Once all four tribe members have returned, they match island names in the puzzle bags to island groups on a map of the South Pacific. Aitu wins immunity, Raro gets a sealed bottle that they can only open after the vote at Tribal Council (which says they must vote out another person immediately). Ep10 IC: "South Pacific" - Aitu wins. TC10 - Rebecca voted out (6-1), 10 left. Jenny voted out (4-2), 9 left. |
Day 25 (July 20) ![]() Ep11 merge![]() On Day 25, after Probst gathers the tribes for what appears to be a challenge, he reveals the reward is paint and a blank flag, and new black buffs. Also a feast on a boat in the lagoon, at which most of the 'Raro kids' get extremely drunk. |
Day 26 (July 21) |
Day 27 (July 22) ![]() Ep11 IC: Mast Cling On![]() Contestants must hold on to a pole as long as possible. Adam is first out (at 9 min), then Penner (12min), Nate (23min), Sundra (34 min), and Yul (51min). Parvati lasts 89 min, then Becky (90min). Eventually, after some rain, Candice drops at 135 minutes, and Ozzy wins. TC11 - Nate voted out (5-4), 8 left. |
Ep12: "You're A Rat" | Ep13: "Arranging A Hit" | Ep14: "I Have..." | ||||
Day 28 (July 23) |
Day 29 (July 24) ![]() Ep12 RC: Survivor Auction![]() In this version, contestants can pool money, but not share purchased items. Penner gets a hot dog and pizza, Becky exiles Candice and takes her money, Yul shows his idol, Parvati gets cake and a bath, Ozzy gets ice cream (for $420), and Sundra gets a sea cucumber. |
Day 30 (July 25) ![]() Ep12 IC: Recollection![]() Contestants must answer four numerical questions based on events in the game, then solve a math equation using those numbers. Opening a box corresponding to the correct answer will reveal a wrapped key, a wrong answer just a piece of metal. The key unlocks a flag. Parvati finishes round 1 first, then Penner, Adam, and Candice. The first three advance to round 2, Candice misses by a second. Round 2 has more questions, math, an obstacle crawl, pontoons. Adam wins, easily (!). Ep12 IC: "Recollection" - Adam wins. TC13 - Candice voted out (5-3), 7 left. |
Day 31 (July 26) ![]() Ep13 RC: Pass the Bucket![]() Contestants are blindfolded and paired with their loved ones. Contestants must dip a can into the ocean, then fling the water across a gap to their loved one, who pours as much as they can catch into a bucket. After enough water is collected, a flag will be raised. Parvati narrowly beats Penner (Ozzy is a close third). Parvati exiles Penner. Her dad, Mike, chooses Sundra and Adam for reward, a trip to a local village with a feast and a dip in a freshwater cave pool. |
Day 32 (July 27) |
Day 33 (July 28) ![]() Ep13 IC: Flotsam and Jetsam![]() Contestants are blindfolded and paired with their loved ones. Contestants must dip a can into the ocean, then fling the water across a gap to their loved one, who pours as much as they can catch into a bucket. After enough water is collected, a flag will be raised. Parvati narrowly beats Penner (Ozzy is a close third). Parvati exiles Penner. Her dad, Mike, chooses Sundra and Adam for reward, a trip to a local village with a feast and a dip in a freshwater cave pool. Ep13 IC: "Flotsam and Jetsam" - Ozzy wins. TC14 - Penner voted out (6-1), 6 left. |
Day 34 (July 29) ![]() Ep14 RC: Mud Run![]() Contestants must cover themselves in mud, cross a barrier, then fill a bucket with as much mud as possible in 10 minutes. First three to finish go on a luxury spa reward. Ozzy wins easily, with 45 lb of mud, Parvati is second with 24 lb, Yul third with 22.5 lb. Adam (22 lb), Sundra (20 lb) and Becky (20 lb) miss out. Ozzy exiles Adam. Yul and Parvati get full reward with no negative consequences. |
Ep14: "I Have the Advantage ... For Once" | Ep15: "This Tribe Will Self-Destruct In 5, 4, 3..." (season finale) | Game over | ||||
Day 35 (July 30) Ozzy, Yul, and Parvati return to camp. |
Day 36 (July 31) ![]() Ep14 IC: Cannonball Run![]() Contestants must carry four sets of planks across a three-level balance beam. Once all four are across, they must use the planks to assemble a table maze, then run two cannonballs through the maze, ending in pockets on either side. Ozzy wins easily, Yul is close, reassembling his table maze, Parvati is untying her planks, Becky has two sets of planks across, Adam and Sundra have zero. Ep14 IC: "Cannonball Run" - Ozzy wins. TC15 - Parvati voted out (4-2), 5 left. |
Day 37 (August 1) ![]() Final 5 IC: Compass Ropes![]() Contestants must cross eight different obstacles and retrieve eight puzzle bags. Once retrieved, they must assemble a difficult compass rose puzzle to raise a flag. Ozzy starts on his puzzle first, and is the first to complete it. TC16 - Adam voted out (4-1), 4 left. |
Day 38 (August 2) ![]() Final 4 IC: Self Destruction![]() Contestants must stand on a box atop a pole, over the water. In 15-minute intervals, contestants release a portion of the box, making their perch smaller, until four have been removed. Last person standing wins. BEcky is out first, at 45 minutes, Yul just after an hour. Sundra lasts until 2.5 hours, then falls. Ozzy wins. TC17 - Sundra voted out (2-2; loses at fire-making), 3 left. |
Day 39 (August 3) ![]() Final Tribal Council![]() The jury votes on the final three: Yul wins with five votes, Ozzy is second with four, Becky is third with zero. Yul wins, 5-4-0. |
(August 4) Departure. Contestants fly back to the U.S. |
(August 5) Contestants arrive back home; inevitable MySpace activity resumes. |