Survivor 12 calendar
Survivor 12: Panama - Exile Island calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 4, 2023
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-show Ep1: The First Exile Ep2: Breakdown
Day 0
(Oct. 30)

Cast arrives circa 10/28. 10/30 likely pre-game interviews.
Day 1
(Oct. 31)

Ep.1 Hero RC: Skull Crush

Ep.1 Hero RC: Skull Crush

Ep.1 Hero RC: Skull Crush

Four representatives (Terry, Austin, Ruth-Marie, Danielle) run to end of Exile, grab a skull, smash it, unwrap the cloth inside, revealing either a rock or an amulet. Run back if it's an amulet. First three tribes to return receive flint. Terry is first, Austin second, Ruth-Marie third. Danielle is last, so Bayoneta/Younger Women loses. They do rock-paper-scissors to select the exilee, and Misty is exiled until the IC.

 Next: Ep.1 IC →

Ep1 RC: "Skull Crush" - Bayoneta loses, Misty exiled.
Day 2
(Nov. 1)

Misty still on Exile.
Day 3
(Nov. 2)

Misty returns.
Ep.1 IC: 4x4

Ep.1 IC: 4x4

Ep.1 IC: 4x4

Tribes must cross a barrier, swim to a raft, unclip it, row to shore. Then solve a rope-and-rings puzzle, removing the ring from the ropes (possibly by digging up instructions). Then use ring to snag a grappling hook, lowering the tribe flag. Bayoneta (younger women) is first, La Mina (older men) second, Viveros (younger men) third. Top three get flint (if necessary) plus immunity. Casaya (older women) are last, never solve their ring puzzle.

← Previous: Ep.1 Hero RC Next: Ep.2 RC →

Ep1 IC: "4x4" - Casaya loses.

TC1 - Tina voted out (3-1), 15 left.
Day 4
(Nov. 3)

Ep.2 tribe swap

Ep.2 tribe swap

Ep.2 tribe swap

The tribes arrive at a challenge site, and are told to step on a wooden disc in front of them, any one. Upon turning the discs over, two have buffs underneath: Terry has an orange one, Danielle a purple one. They will now lead a schoolyard pick, in which each round, the last person picked selects the next one. Men have to pick women, and vice versa. Melinda is the last woman picked. Ruth Marie picks the last man, and chooses Dan over Bruce. As it turns out, Bruce will be sent to Exile Island until after the immunity challenge. He will attend Tribal and observe, then join the IC-losing tribe after they boot someone.

← Previous: Ep.1 IC Next: Ep.2 RC →

Tribe swap: Bruce unpicked, is exiled.

Ep.2 RC: A Reptile Dysfunction

Ep.2 RC: A Reptile Dysfunction

Ep.2 RC: A Reptile Dysfunction

After tribe realignment to two tribes, Bruce sent to Exile Island, does not compete. Tribes must cross an obstacle course (various crawls and balances, an A-frame, a water pit, and a leaf pit) collecting 6 snakes, which one person (Nick, Courtney) must carry. La Mina finds its sixth snake first, wins easily.They win fishing gear and a raft. Sally immediately loses the Hawaiian sling spear.

← Previous: Ep.2 tribe swap Next: Ep.2 IC →

Ep2 RC: "A Reptile Dysfunction" - La Mina wins fishing gear.
Day 5
(Nov. 4)
Day 6
(Nov. 5)

Ep.2 IC: Anchor Management

Ep.2 IC: Anchor Management

Ep.2 IC: Anchor Management

Two people from each tribe (Aras & Bob Dawg/ Shane/ Courtney; Terry & Nick/ Austin) haul a heavy treasure chest/anchor to move a leaky boat to shore (rest of tribe bails water from boat). Terry ends up hauling La Mina's mostly by himself. Once to shore, tribes must haul the anchor to the mat, and put a zombie head on a statue. La Mina wins.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC Next: Ep.3 RC →

Ep2 IC: "Anchor Management" - La Mina wins.

TC2 - Melinda voted out (5-2), 14 left.

Bruce joins Casaya.
Ep3: Crazy Fights, Snake Dinners Ep4: Starvation and Lunacy Ep5: For Cod's Sake
Day 7
(Nov. 6)

Ep.3 RC: Cross Fire

Ep.3 RC: Cross Fire

Ep.3 RC: Cross Fire

One at a time, three people (Misty, Dan, Ruth Marie; Bob Dawg, Bruce, Cirie) launch balls with a giant slingshot. Their other four tribemates are spread out on a balance beam over the water, and must catch the balls. First team to five catches wins tarps, blankets, lanterns, and other comfort items. Catches: Terry-4, Nick-1; Aras-1, Danielle-1, Shane-2. La Mina wins, 5-4. They exile Bruce again.

← Previous: Ep.2 IC Next: Ep.3 IC →

Ep3 RC: "Cross Fire" - La Mina wins, Bruce exiled.
Day 8
(Nov. 7)

Bruce returns.
Ep.3 IC: Battle Dig

Ep.3 IC: Battle Dig

Ep.3 IC: Battle Dig

In various pairs or trios, contestants must run out to one of five circles in the sand. Each circle has a bag buried inside. Contestants must dig up the bag, then return to finish line, scoring a point by touching their mat while holding the bag, while at the same time preventing the other tribe from doing so. Results: 1. Cirie touches mat, Cirie/ Danielle d. Sally/ Misty. 2. Nick outruns Bruce, Nick/ Terry d. Bruce/ Bob Dawg. 3. Austin drags Shane to mat, Austin/ Dan/ Ruth Marie d. Shane/ Aras/ Courtney. 4.Aras scores, Aras/ Cirie/ Courtney d. Nick/ Misty/ Sally. 5. Bob Dawg drags Ruth Marie to his mat, Bob Dawg/ Danielle d. Terry/ Ruth Marie. Casaya wins, 3-2.

← Previous: Ep.3 RC Next: Ep.4 RC →

Ep3 IC: "Battle Dig" - Casaya wins

TC3 - Misty voted out (5-2), 13 left.
Day 9
(Nov. 8)

Ep.4 RC: Puzzle Paranoia

Ep.4 RC: Puzzle Paranoia

Ep.4 RC: Puzzle Paranoia

Cirie sits out. One at a time, players swim out, unclip a triangular puzzle piece, tow it back & put it inside a hexagonal ring. Once all six pieces are back, solve the puzzle by matching symbols on the side of each triangle to the piece or the frame adjacent to it. Casaya wins, gets Casa de Charmin, exiles Terry.

← Previous: Ep.3 IC Next: Ep.4 idol →

Ep4 RC: "Puzzle Paranoia" - Casaya wins; Terry exiled.

Ep.4 idol: Terry

Ep.4 idol: Terry

Ep.4 idol: Terry

Terry receives the all-important fourth clue ("it's under a rock"). The first clue ("why" in quotes) indicates a Y-shaped tree, the third clue says it's buried, and the fourth (on his map) narrows it down to two spots, and says "under a rock." Terry finds the tree quickly, turns over two rocks, digs under one after probing with the machete, and quickly finds a crate containing the idol (inside a bottle). Upon opening the bottle, he learns the idol is good up to and through the final four vote.

← Previous: Ep.4 RC Next: Ep.4 IC →

Terry finds idol.
Day 10
(Nov. 9)
Day 11
(Nov. 10)

Terry returns.
Ep.4 IC: Sea Level Tree Level

Ep.4 IC: Sea Level Tree Level

Ep.4 IC: Sea Level Tree Level

Bob Dawg sits out. Two pairs (Shane-Courtney, Bruce-Aras; Sally-Austin, Dan-Terry) cross balance beams, collect water, go back across the beams, and empty into a bucket. One person in crow's nest (Cirie; Nick) raises the bucket on a rope and empties it into a drum. When it's full enough, the drum will drop, raising a person on a swing (Danielle; Ruth-Marie) high enough to pull out a pin, releasing a tribe flag. Result: It's neck-and-neck, but Casaya wins, mere seconds ahead of La Mina.

← Previous: Ep.4 RC Next: Ep.5 RC →

Ep4 IC: "Sea Level Tree Level" - Casaya wins.

TC4 - Ruth Marie voted out (4-2), 12 left.
Day 12
(Nov. 11)

Ep.5 RC: For Cod's Sake

Ep.5 RC: For Cod's Sake

Ep.5 RC: For Cod's Sake

Danielle, Courtney sit out. Retrievers (Austin, Nick; Aras, Shane) get food items (beans, rice, fish) from boat, toss it along chain of people. Last person (Terry; Bruce, Bob Dawg) must chop head & tail off of fish. First tribe to 8 items (last 6 are fish) wins. Casaya pulls ahead on Bob Dawg's chopping, and wins again. Casaya keeps all their food (which amounts to around 100 lbs of fish, none of which they can cook because of a rainstorm), plus they get some wine. La Mina gets to choose between rice or beans, they choose beans. Casaya exiles Terry again.

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Ep.5 IC →

Ep5 RC: "For Cod's Sake" - Casaya wins; Terry exiled.
Day 13
(Nov. 12)

Ep5: For Cod's Sake Ep6: Salvation and Desertion Ep7: An Emerging Plan Ep8: The Power of the Idol
Day 14
(Nov. 13)

Terry returns.
Ep.5 IC: Buried at Sea

Ep.5 IC: Buried at Sea

Ep.5 IC: Buried at Sea

Cirie, Bruce sit out. Three people (Aras, Danielle, Courtney; Terry, Nick, Dan) paddle a glass-bottomed boat to find four coffins. They must dive down, untie knots, and remove a skull puzzle piece from each one, then return to shore. Last two people (Shane, Bob Dawg; Austin, Sally) build skull pyramid puzzle. La Mina builds a massive lead in the water, and starts their puzzle before Casaya even gets their fourth puzzle piece. Casaya eventually starts their puzzle, but La Mina wins.

← Previous: Ep.5 RC Next: Ep.6 RC/IC →

Ep5 IC: "Buried at Sea" - La Mina wins.

TC5 - Bob-Dawg voted out (3-2-1-1), 11 left.
Day 15
(Nov. 14)

Ep.6 RC/IC: In-Cog-Neato

Ep.6 RC/IC: In-Cog-Neato

Ep.6 RC/IC: In-Cog-Neato

Courtney sits out. One at a time, three people (Aras, Shane, Danielle; Nick, Terry, Austin) run out into a field and untie and retrieve one of four puzzle pieces. Once all four pieces are gathered, the last two people (Cirie, Bruce; Dan, Sally) put the spinning puzzle together. La Mina has a huge lead, blows it on the puzzle. Casaya wins a trip to a local Panamanian village, where they deliver toys to the kids, and have a feast. They exile Sally, who misses that night's Tribal Council.

← Previous: Ep.5 IC Next: Ep.7 merge →

Ep6 RC/IC: "In-Cog-Neato" - Casaya wins; Sally exiled.

TC6 - Dan voted out (3-1), 10 left.
Day 16
(Nov. 15)

Ep.7 merge

Ep.7 merge

Ep.7 merge

At La Mina, the three men receive a treemail directing them to take a hike to the other side of the island. There they find a boat, with a note telling them to take all their stuff (and a crate) to Casaya camp. Once they reach Casaya, and Sally is boated in from Exile, the crate is opened, revealing new buffs, a new flag, and a merge feast.

← Previous: Ep.6 RC/IC Next: Ep.7 IC →

Merge, Sally returns from exile.
Day 17
(Nov. 16)

Day 18
(Nov. 17)

Ep.7 IC: Vampire Bats

Ep.7 IC: Vampire Bats

Ep.7 IC: Vampire Bats

Contestants must hang upside down by their arms & legs until they can't. Order out: 10.Cirie (3 min), 9.Aras (11 min), 8.Bruce (12 min), 7.Sally (12 min), 6.Shane (13 min), 5.Danielle (15 min), 4.Courtney (20 min), 3.Austin (30 min), 2.Nick (46 min), 1.Terry wins.

← Previous: Ep.7 merge Next: Ep.8 RC →

Ep7 IC: "Vampire Bats" - Terry wins.

TC7 - Nick voted out (6-4), 9 left.
Day 19
(Nov. 18)

Ep.8 RC: Rock the Boat

Ep.8 RC: Rock the Boat

Ep.8 RC: Rock the Boat

Three teams: (Orange-Shane, Terry, Austin; Black-Bruce, Sally, Aras; Purple-Danielle, Courtney, Cirie). Move coconuts from a chest into either of the other team's boats, then paddle out, collect a flag & net, then use net to bring your boat's coconuts back to shore. Black team has early lead, fewer coconuts in their boat. Tight race to finish vs. orange team, but black (Aras's team) wins, gets breakfast trip next day. Winners exile one from each losing team (Austin & Danielle).

← Previous: Ep.7 IC Next: Ep.8 IC →

Ep8 RC: "Rock the Boat" - Aras, Sally, Bruce win; Austin, Danielle exiled.
Day 20
(Nov. 19)

Aras, Sally and Bruce have a soggy breakfast in bed.

Austin & Danielle just soggy.
Ep8: The Power of the Idol Ep9: Fight For Your Life or Eat Ep10: Medical Emergency
Day 21
(Nov. 20)

Austin, Danielle return.
Ep.8 IC: Ups and Downs

Ep.8 IC: Ups and Downs

Ep.8 IC: Ups and Downs

4-stage obstacle course. Stage 1 (9 people): Dig & go under a fence. Stage 2 (6 people): Complete a 4-clue logic puzzle then cross an obstacle. Stage 3 (3 people): Cross a rope bridge using two planks. Stage 4 (2 people): Race through a series of vertical & horizontal tunnels. Stage 1 eliminated: Cirie, Bruce, Aras. Stage 2 out: Shane, Danielle, Courtney. Stage 3 out: Austin. Stage 4: Terry barely wins.

← Previous: Ep.8 RC Next: Ep.9 RC →

Ep8 IC: "Ups and Downs" - Terry wins again.

TC8 - Austin voted out (6-3), 8 left.
Day 22
(Nov. 21)

Ep.9 RC: Get Hooked

Ep.9 RC: Get Hooked

Ep.9 RC: Get Hooked

Preceded by a teaser of each person's video from home. Teams of four, one person (Courtney, Danielle) lies belly-down on a suspended cradle, moved by ropes by the other three people, to collect 15 numbered flags (in order). White team: Bruce, Sally, Terry - Courtney. Black team: Aras, Shane, Cirie - Danielle. Neck-and-neck until Aras knocks a flag out, then white cruises to win, 15-10. White gets videos from home, PB&J sandwiches, and milk. Aras exiled.

← Previous: Ep.8 IC Next: Ep.9 IC →

Ep9 RC: "Get Hooked" - Courtney, Sally, Terry, Bruce win food & videos; Aras exiled.
Day 23
(Nov. 22)
Day 24
(Nov. 23)

Aras returns.
Ep.9 IC: Marine Memory

Ep.9 IC: Marine Memory

Ep.9 IC: Marine Memory

All of Casaya (except Aras) sits out to eat burgers and fries instead of competing. Contestants must swim out, dive down to memorize a series of seven symbols on a plank on the bottom, then swim back and re-create the series on the answer board. Order of finish: 1.Terry; tie-2nd: Aras & Sally. Aras guesses first, but is wrong. Terry gets his checked right after, gets it right. Sally had a sequence ready to check.

← Previous: Ep.9 RC Next: Ep.10 RC →

Ep9 IC: "Marine Memory" - Terry wins, Casayas eat (except Aras).

TC9 - Sally voted out (6-2), 9 left.
Day 25
(Nov. 24)

Ep.10 RC: Voo Doo

Ep.10 RC: Voo Doo

Ep.10 RC: Voo Doo

Traditional coconut chop challenge. Q1: Cirie,Aras ch. Terry (2), Terry ch. Aras, Shane eliminates Terry (7th). Q2: Cirie, Shane ch. Bruce (2). Q3: Aras elim. Bruce (6th), Cirie ch. Shane. Q4: Aras ch. Courtney. Q5: Courtney ch. Danielle, Aras ch. Cirie. Q6: Aras ch. Danielle (2). Q7: Courtney ch. Shane (2), Aras elim. Danielle (5th). Q8: Shane ch. Courtney (2). Q9: Aras elim. Courtney (4th), Shane ch. Aras (2), Cirie elim. Shane (3rd). Q10: Cirie elim. Aras (2nd). Cirie exiles Terry, picks Aras & Danielle to join her on helicopter spa trip.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC Next: Ep.11 team RC →

Ep10 RC: "Voo Doo" - Cirie wins spa trip with Aras & Danielle; Terry exiled.

Bruce removed from game.
Day 26
(Nov. 25)
Day 27
(Nov. 26)

Terry returns from exile; tribe told Bruce out of game.

No IC, no TC10
Ep11: Perilous Scramble Ep12: Bamboozled Ep13: Call the Whambulance!
Day 28
(Nov. 27)

Ep.11 team RC: The Key of Sea

Ep.11 team RC: The Key of Sea

Ep.11 team RC: The Key of Sea

Teams of three (White-Courtney/Terry/Danielle vs. Black-Aras/Cirie/Shane). In a group, follow a rope around and through various obstacles. Unclip, cross lily pads, dive into ring, dive to remove bag from underwater box, return across lily pads. Then re-clip and follow rope back to the start. White team finishes before black team even finishes collecting their bags, wins BBQ feast. Aras exiled.

← Previous: Ep.10 RC Next: Ep.11 Ind. RC →

Ep11 team RC: "The Key of Sea" - white team wins.

Ep.11 ind. RC: The Key of Sea

Ep.11 ind. RC: The Key of Sea

Ep.11 ind. RC: The Key of Sea

After Aras, Shane, and Cirie depart, Probst announces Terry, Danielle, and Courtney will compete in a second challenge. Slingshots to break three plates. Winner gets a GMC Yukon. Final score: Terry-3 tiles, Courtney-2, Danielle-1. The winning team then flies to a separate island, where the Yukon is waiting, packed with supplies for a barbecue.

← Previous: Ep.11 team RC Next: Ep.11 IC →

Ep11 team RC: "The Key of Sea" - Terry wins.
Day 29
(Nov. 28)
Day 30
(Nov. 29)

Aras returns.
Ep.11 IC: Hold Your Own

Ep.11 IC: Hold Your Own

Ep.11 IC: Hold Your Own

Contestants kneel on platforms holding ropes supporting 20% of their body weight. Every 15 minutes, another 10% is added. If ropes are released, weights hit trigger dropping platform, sending contestant into the water. Order out: Round 1 (20% body weight) - 6.Shane (13 min). Round 2 (30% body weight) - 5.Cirie (18 min), 4.Danielle (19 min), 3.Aras (23 min). Round 3 (40% body weight) - 2.Courtney (31 min), 1.Terry wins.

← Previous: Ep.11 ind. RC Next: Ep.12 RC →

Ep11 IC: "Hold Your Own" - Terry wins.

TC11 - Courtney voted out (3-2-1), 5 left.
Day 31
(Nov. 30)

Ep.12 RC: Second Chance

Ep.12 RC: Second Chance

Ep.12 RC: Second Chance

Multi-stage challenge made up of elements from previous challenges. After each stage, one contestant is eliminated. Stage 1: Dig up bag (Shane out, 5th). Stage 2: Go through obstacle, untie snake, take it and bag across finish line (Cirie out, 4th). Stage 3: Go through water, untie fish, take 3 items to end (Danielle out, 3rd). Stage 4: Go through tunnel obstacle with all 3 items. Aras drops his bag midway, so Terry wins. The prize is time with loved ones, which Terry decides how it's distributed. Danielle exiled, no interaction with her mom. Aras gets just a hug from his mom. Cirie's husband HB goes to camp. Shane and his son Boston join Terry and his wife Trish on an overnight trip to a resort.

← Previous: Ep.11 IC Next: Ep.12 IC →

Ep12 RC: "Second Chance" (loved ones) - Terry wins; Danielle exiled.
Day 32
(Dec. 1)

Terry's wife and Shane's son at resort; Cirie's husband at camp.
Day 33
(Dec. 2)

Danielle returns.
Ep.12 IC: Perch

Ep.12 IC: Perch

Ep.12 IC: Perch

(Not the original "Perch" from S2.) Contestants must stand on 20-ft pole, dip bucket on a rope in ocean, fill up bamboo tube to raise a flag. Danielle and Cirie are in it early, but eventually it's: 1.Terry, 2.Aras, 3/4 Danielle/Cirie, 5.Shane

← Previous: Ep.12 RC 

Ep12 IC: "Perch" - Terry wins.

TC12 - Shane voted out (3-1-1), 4 left.
Day 34
(Dec. 3)

Ep13 RC: "Station by Station" - Aras wins Canal trip takes Cirie; Danielle, Terry exiled.
Ep13: Call The Whambulence! Ep14: The Final Showdown (Season finale) Game over Game over
Day 35
(Dec. 4)

Danielle, Terry still in exile.
Day 36
(Dec. 5)

Ep13 IC: "Puzzle Dig" - Aras wins.

TC13 - Cirie voted out (2-2, lost fire tie-breaker), 3 left.
Day 37
(Dec. 6)

Ep14 RC: "Wall to Wall" - Terry wins food, cot.
Day 38
(Dec. 7)

Ep14 IC: "Balance of Power" - Danielle wins.

TC14 - Terry voted out (1-0), 2 left.
Day 39
(Dec. 8)

Final Tribal Council and jury vote: Aras beats Danielle, 5-2.

(Dec. 9)


(Dec. 10)

Survivor: Guatemala finale airs tomorrow.