Survivor 12 calendar
Survivor 12: Panama - Exile Island calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 4, 2023
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-show Ep1: The First Exile Ep2: Breakdown
Day 0
(Oct. 30)

Cast arrives circa 10/28. 10/30 likely pre-game interviews.
Day 1
(Oct. 31)

Ep.1 Hero RC: Skull Crush Ep1 RC: "Skull Crush" - Bayoneta loses, Misty exiled.
Day 2
(Nov. 1)

Misty still on Exile.
Day 3
(Nov. 2)

Misty returns.
Ep.1 IC: 4x4 Ep1 IC: "4x4" - Casaya loses.

TC1 - Tina voted out (3-1), 15 left.
Day 4
(Nov. 3)

Ep.2 tribe swap Tribe swap: Bruce unpicked, is exiled.

Ep.2 RC: A Reptile Dysfunction Ep2 RC: "A Reptile Dysfunction" - La Mina wins fishing gear.
Day 5
(Nov. 4)
Day 6
(Nov. 5)

Ep.2 IC: Anchor Management Ep2 IC: "Anchor Management" - La Mina wins.

TC2 - Melinda voted out (5-2), 14 left.

Bruce joins Casaya.
Ep3: Crazy Fights, Snake Dinners Ep4: Starvation and Lunacy Ep5: For Cod's Sake
Day 7
(Nov. 6)

Ep.3 RC: Cross Fire Ep3 RC: "Cross Fire" - La Mina wins, Bruce exiled.
Day 8
(Nov. 7)

Bruce returns.
Ep.3 IC: Battle Dig Ep3 IC: "Battle Dig" - Casaya wins

TC3 - Misty voted out (5-2), 13 left.
Day 9
(Nov. 8)

Ep.4 RC: Puzzle Paranoia Ep4 RC: "Puzzle Paranoia" - Casaya wins; Terry exiled.

Ep.4 idol: Terry Terry finds idol.
Day 10
(Nov. 9)
Day 11
(Nov. 10)

Terry returns.
Ep.4 IC: Sea Level Tree Level Ep4 IC: "Sea Level Tree Level" - Casaya wins.

TC4 - Ruth Marie voted out (4-2), 12 left.
Day 12
(Nov. 11)

Ep.5 RC: For Cod's Sake Ep5 RC: "For Cod's Sake" - Casaya wins; Terry exiled.
Day 13
(Nov. 12)

Ep5: For Cod's Sake Ep6: Salvation and Desertion Ep7: An Emerging Plan Ep8: The Power of the Idol
Day 14
(Nov. 13)

Terry returns.
Ep.5 IC: Buried at Sea Ep5 IC: "Buried at Sea" - La Mina wins.

TC5 - Bob-Dawg voted out (3-2-1-1), 11 left.
Day 15
(Nov. 14)

Ep.6 RC/IC: In-Cog-Neato Ep6 RC/IC: "In-Cog-Neato" - Casaya wins; Sally exiled.

TC6 - Dan voted out (3-1), 10 left.
Day 16
(Nov. 15)

Ep.7 merge Merge, Sally returns from exile.
Day 17
(Nov. 16)

Day 18
(Nov. 17)

Ep.7 IC: Vampire Bats Ep7 IC: "Vampire Bats" - Terry wins.

TC7 - Nick voted out (6-4), 9 left.
Day 19
(Nov. 18)

Ep.8 RC: Rock the Boat Ep8 RC: "Rock the Boat" - Aras, Sally, Bruce win; Austin, Danielle exiled.
Day 20
(Nov. 19)

Aras, Sally and Bruce have a soggy breakfast in bed.

Austin & Danielle just soggy.
Ep8: The Power of the Idol Ep9: Fight For Your Life or Eat Ep10: Medical Emergency
Day 21
(Nov. 20)

Austin, Danielle return.
Ep.8 IC: Ups and Downs Ep8 IC: "Ups and Downs" - Terry wins again.

TC8 - Austin voted out (6-3), 8 left.
Day 22
(Nov. 21)

Ep.9 RC: Get Hooked Ep9 RC: "Get Hooked" - Courtney, Sally, Terry, Bruce win food & videos; Aras exiled.
Day 23
(Nov. 22)
Day 24
(Nov. 23)

Aras returns.
Ep.9 IC: Marine Memory Ep9 IC: "Marine Memory" - Terry wins, Casayas eat (except Aras).

TC9 - Sally voted out (6-2), 9 left.
Day 25
(Nov. 24)

Ep.10 RC: Voo Doo Ep10 RC: "Voo Doo" - Cirie wins spa trip with Aras & Danielle; Terry exiled.

Bruce removed from game.
Day 26
(Nov. 25)
Day 27
(Nov. 26)

Terry returns from exile; tribe told Bruce out of game.

No IC, no TC10
Ep11: Perilous Scramble Ep12: Bamboozled Ep13: Call the Whambulance!
Day 28
(Nov. 27)

Ep.11 team RC: The Key of Sea Ep11 team RC: "The Key of Sea" - white team wins.

Ep.11 ind. RC: The Key of Sea Ep11 team RC: "The Key of Sea" - Terry wins.
Day 29
(Nov. 28)
Day 30
(Nov. 29)

Aras returns.
Ep.11 IC: Hold Your Own Ep11 IC: "Hold Your Own" - Terry wins.

TC11 - Courtney voted out (3-2-1), 5 left.
Day 31
(Nov. 30)

Ep.12 RC: Second Chance Ep12 RC: "Second Chance" (loved ones) - Terry wins; Danielle exiled.
Day 32
(Dec. 1)

Terry's wife and Shane's son at resort; Cirie's husband at camp.
Day 33
(Dec. 2)

Danielle returns.
Ep.12 IC: Perch Ep12 IC: "Perch" - Terry wins.

TC12 - Shane voted out (3-1-1), 4 left.
Day 34
(Dec. 3)

Ep13 RC: "Station by Station" - Aras wins Canal trip takes Cirie; Danielle, Terry exiled.
Ep13: Call The Whambulence! Ep14: The Final Showdown (Season finale) Game over Game over
Day 35
(Dec. 4)

Danielle, Terry still in exile.
Day 36
(Dec. 5)

Ep13 IC: "Puzzle Dig" - Aras wins.

TC13 - Cirie voted out (2-2, lost fire tie-breaker), 3 left.
Day 37
(Dec. 6)

Ep14 RC: "Wall to Wall" - Terry wins food, cot.
Day 38
(Dec. 7)

Ep14 IC: "Balance of Power" - Danielle wins.

TC14 - Terry voted out (1-0), 2 left.
Day 39
(Dec. 8)

Final Tribal Council and jury vote: Aras beats Danielle, 5-2.

(Dec. 9)


(Dec. 10)

Survivor: Guatemala finale airs tomorrow.