Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
Pre-game | Ep1: "I Vote You Out and That's It" | |||||
Day 0 (March 17) |
Day 0 (March 18) |
Day 0 (March 19) Josh Wigler's & Mike Bloom's pre-game interviews? |
Day 0 (March 20) More pre-game interviews? |
Day 1 (March 21) Filming begins: Two tribes, no marooning. |
Day 2 (March 22) |
Day 3 (March 23) ![]() Ep.1 RC/IC: Tower of Equality![]() Contestants must cross a slide obstacle, then one person (Dean, Janet) lands a grappling hook on a wheel, which the tribe pulls to lower a plank, allowing access to the rest of the course. Then they must form a human ladder to scale a huge wall, then three people (Dean, Chelsea, Vince; Molly, Jamal, NOura) must solve a set of seven hut puzzles, in order. Lairo leads entering the puzzle stage, but Vokai quickly passes them, wins immunity and flint. Lairo sends Elizabeth to Vokai by drawing a name (Elaine does the draw). ![]() Ep.1 Island of the Idols![]() Elizabeth arrives at IoI and is greeted (eventually) by Sandra and Boston Rob. She then is given a lesson on making fire by Boston Rob. She goes off to practice with Sandra, then returns and learns she can now challenge Rob to a fire-making contest (as in F4 firemaking). If she wins, she gets an idol good for her next two Tribals. If she loses, she forfeits her vote. She loses. Then she draws from a bag of names containing the next visitor, who will be from the other tribe. (We're not told who it is.) Elizabeth is then sent back to Lairo camp before Tribal. TC1 - Ronnie voted out (7-2), 19 left. |
Ep2: "YOLO, Let's Play!" | Ep3: "Honesty Would Be Chill" | Ep4: "Plan Z" | ||||
Day 4 (March 24) ![]() Ep.2 Lairo idol![]() At Lairo camp, allegedly on "night 4," Chelsea makes fire for Lairo using the flint. She then goes off to fetch firewood, and in the process, finds Lairo's idol stashed in a hole in a tree. It's a full-fledged immunity idol. ← Previous: Ep.1 Island of the Idols Next: Ep.2 Island of the Idols → |
Day 5 (March 25) ![]() Ep.2 Island of the Idols![]() Vokai receives a note, informing them that Kellee has been selected to visit Island of the Idols, but will return that same day. She arrives, greets Boston Rob and Sandra, and is a bit disoriented as they launch into a series of stories about themselves, peppered with questions about Kellee. Eventually, Rob reveals that it's all been a test, and Kellee must answer four out of five questions about Rob and Sandra correctly. If she does, she wins an idol good for her next two Tribals. If she loses, she loses her vote. Kellee hesitates, and Rob increases the offer to three questions right/ idol good for three Tribals. Kellee passes easily, getting all three answers right. She wins an idol, and returns to camp with it tucked inot her hair, for some reason. |
Day 6 (March 26) ![]() Ep.2 RC/IC: Rung-O Star![]() Lauren sits out. Contestants must jump off a dock, swim out to a buoy, then people (Janet, Jack; Elizabeth) dive to untie a ladder, then the tribe swims/carries it to the beach. Near the shore, one person (Chelsea, Molly) must climb the ladder to untie a bag of balls. Vokai manages to drop Molly twice, giving Lairo a huge lead. Then they must use the ladder to cross a gap in a deck, and hand off the balls to three people (Missy, Karishma, Elaine; Jamal, Jason, Kellee). Balls placed - Jamal 2, Missy 1, Elaine 1, Missy 2. (Jamal has winning shot just miss.) Lairo wins immunity plus cooking kit/spices! ← Previous: Ep.2 Island of the Idols Next: Ep.3 Island of the Idols → TC2 - Molly voted out (7-2-1), 18 left. |
Day 7 (March 27) ![]() Ep.3 Island of the Idols![]() Vince arrives, breaks down at meeting Sandra (and Rob), then is told his lesson is keeping calm under pressure. He has to sneak into Vokai camp at night, steal some fire, light a torch, and come back without getting caught. If he does, he gets an idol good for 2 Tribals. If caught, he loses his next vote. Vince manages to get in and out undetected, but brings back ash, because a rainstorm doused the fire. He gets his idol anyway. (Then is promptly voted out without playing it.) |
Day 8 (March 28) ![]() Ep.3 RC/IC: Beam Me Up![]() One person per tribe (Elizabeth; Janet) must swim out to retrieve a key. Then six people must stand on a teeter-totter over the water, and the last person up (Missy; Kellee) must go to each end to retrieve a bag. After two bags are released, they all go to a platform, where two people (Dean, Karishma; Jamal, Lauren) work a fish puzzle. Lairo has a huge lead going into the puzzle, Vokai quickly catches them. Vokai wins immunity and comfort items. ← Previous: Ep.3 Island of the Idols Next: Ep.4 Island of the Idols → TC3 - Vince voted out (5-3-1), 17 left. |
Day 9 (March 29) ![]() Ep.4 Vokai idol![]() While his tribe is out fishing, Jamal makes a thorough search of the area surrounding camp, and promptly comes up with the Vokai idol. ![]() Ep.4 Island of the Idols![]() After volunteering to go, Noura arrives at Island of the Idols. Over a snack of watermelon, she's told her task will be to persuade her tribe to let her be the caller in the next immunity challenge ("Ow Pairs"). If she does, she'll receive an advantage allowing her to prevent someone from voting at Tribal Council. If she fails, she loses her vote. Noura immediately accepts. Her tribe, unconvinced by her sales pitch, makes Noura sit out at the next IC. |
Day 10 (March 30) |
Ep4: "Plan Z" | Ep5: "Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You" | Ep6: "Suck It Up, Buttercup" | Ep7: "I Was Born..." | |||
Day 11 (March 31) ![]() Ep.4 RC/IC: Ow Pairs![]() Noura sits out. As seen (more or less) in One World. Elizabeth caller for Lairo, Jason for Vokai. Blindfolded pairs must go under and over obstacles, find a tower with a rope, pull the rope (dumping a bucket of water on them in the process), then untie a key from a rope that drops down. The caller then leads all the pairs across the course, where the keys unlock puzzle pieces, then the caller must direct one person (Kellee, Aaron) on the puzzle. Vokai takes a huge lead on the keys, wins. (Also received pastries, back at camp, unmentioned on the show, but shown in press photos.) TC4 - Chelsea voted out (6-2), 16 left. |
Day 12 (April 1) Tribe swap, two new tribes. ![]() Ep.5 RC: Headlong Flight![]() Challenge takes place immediately after the swap. As seen in MvGX and HvHvH: contestants, tethered together in pairs, must wriggle across sand dunes. Final pair of contestants (Jason, Aaron for Vokai; Jamal, Kellee for Lairo) must then complete Cochran's fire puzzle from the Caramoan F4 IC. Vokai develops a huge lead early, extends it as Karishma struggles, and wins easily, finishing the puzzle roughly around the time Lairo starts theirs. Vokai gets Applebees in Fiji. Yay? |
Day 13 (April 2) |
Day 14 (April 3) ![]() Ep.5 IC: Discography![]() Four people must dive in, climb a ladder, jump off, then one person (Kellee, Elizabeth) dives down to release three buoys. Two people (Kellee, Noura; Elizabeth, Dan) then carry the buoys on a tray held by ropes as they cross parallel balance beams. Then two people (Dean, Tom; Missy, Tommy) shoot baskets while the remaining two (Jack, Janet; Aaron, Lauren) retrieve missed shots. Shots landed: Missy-1, Tommy-1, Dean-1, Dean-2, Tommy-2. Vokai wins again. TC5 - Tom voted out (6-2), 15 left. |
Day 15 (April 4) ![]() Ep.6 RC: Heroes End![]() Elaine sits out, is immediately sent to Island of the Idols. Tribes must carry one person (Aaron, Jack) on a sled with sandbags, slide them on a track, lift them up to untie a key, then slide them on a second track. Then move a bunch of heavy bags blocking the sled, and slide the sled along the track to a cradle. The rider must use the key to unlock a slingshot, then shoot the sandbags at three targets. Results: neck and neck as they reach the slingshots. Jack-1, Aaron-1, Aaron-2, Aaron-3. Vokai wins chickens! Elaine gets task at IotI. |
Day 16 (April 5) ![]() Ep.6 IC: Cage Against the Machine![]() Lauren sits out. Tribe must dig under a bamboo cage, then as a team, move it along a course, lifting it over three tables and collecting five balls. (Missy, Jack stay outside the cage at the end of the course, to retrieve missed shots.) Then one person (Aaron/Tommy; Jamal/Dean) must shoot the balls into five target baskets. Shots landed: Tommy-V1, Jamal-L1, Dean-L2, Aaron-V2, Aaron-V3, Aaron-V4, Jamal-L3, Jamal-L4, Dean-L5. Lairo wins! ![]() Ep.6 advantage: Block a Vote![]() The previous day at Island of the Idols, Elaine was told to retrieve an advantage from under one of the tables at the immunity challenge. She does so, apparently undetected, during the IC. It's a "block a vote" advantage, allowing her to prevent one person from voting (valid all the way to final 6). She uses it that night at Tribal Council. TC6 - Jason voted out (4-3), 14 left. |
Day 17 (April 6) ![]() Ep.7 Island of the Idols![]() Randomly selected in Ep6, Janet attends Island of the Idols. She's told the lesson is planning ahead, and she's offered the opportunity to play a game of chance. If she wins, she gets an "advantage" in which she can leave Tribal and not be voted against. If she loses, she loses her vote. Janet wisely declines to play, because the advantage would do more harm than good. |
Ep7: "I Was Born at Night, But Not Last Night" | Ep8: "We've Made It to the Merge!" (Part 1) | Ep9: "We've Made It to the Merge!" (Part 2) | ||||
Day 18 (April 7) |
Day 19 (April 8) ![]() Ep.7 IC: Faulty Towers![]() Three shooters (Missy, Tommy, Elizabeth; Jack, Janet, Dean) rotate at flinging coconuts into a basket. When the basket gets heavy enough, it will drop, releasing a stack of 16 large puzzle pieces, which must be brought to the puzzle station and used to solve a giant logo puzzle. Vokai is first to the puzzle, barely holds on and finishes it, with seconds to spare. TC7 - Jack idoled out ([0]-2), 13 left. |
Day 20 (April 9) ![]() Ep.8 Lairo idol![]() The morning after Jack was idoled out (using Kellee's idol), Lairo goes on a wild idol hunt, and Kellee re-finds an idol, undetected. ![]() Ep.8 merge![]() After receiving treemail telling them to gather their stuff, boats carry both tribes to an isolated beach, where a feast and new blue buffs (but no Probst) await. They are merged. They name the merge tribe Lumuwaku (not shown). Then they're boated back to the merge camp. |
Day 21 (April 10) |
Day 22 (April 11) ![]() Ep.8 IC: Pegs Over Easy![]() Contestants must stand on a post, holding up a table with three balls. As they lower the table, it ratchets in to the lower position, increasing the chance the balls can roll off. If they go too low, pegs underneath the table push through a hole, knocking the balls off. Once all balls are gone, they're out. Order out: 13. Noura, 12. Kellee, 11, Dean, 10. Janet, 9. Elaine, 8. Lauren, 7. Dan, 6. Karishma, 5. Tommy. [15 minutes] 4. Missy, 3. Elizabeth. [25 minutes] 2. Jamal (collapses), 1. Aaron. ![]() Ep.8 merge idol![]() Knowing there's often an idol hidden in the merge camp, Kellee spends some time after the immunity challenge hunting for it. In short order, she finds her second idol of the episode. Hours later, she's voted out with both of them in her pocket. TC8 - Kellee voted out (8-5), 12 left. |
Day 23 (April 12) ![]() ![]() Ep.9 RC: Raise the Roof![]() Unaired challenge; details from Survivor Specialists interview with Dean. Challenge is the one shown above (in David vs. Goliath). Schoolyard pick for teams: Dean, Elizabeth, Tommy, Dan, Elaine, Noura vs. Jamal, Aaron, Missy, Janet, Lauren, Karishma. Dean's team wins, last three left standing holding up sandbags are Dean, Dan, and Elizabeth. They win burgers, beer, cookies, and peanut butter. ![]() Ep.9 Island of the Idols![]() Jamal and Karishma (back at camp during the food reward) are walking along a path and spy a note dangling from a tree. Jamal takes it, and it tells him to go directly to Island of the Idols. Once there, he learns he's already lost his vote, for being too bold, or something. As consolation, Rob and Sandra give him a blank parchment and a pencil, which he uses to create a fake Legacy Advantage. Upon returning to camp, he publicly gives it to Dean, for his birthday. |
Day 24 (April 13) ![]() Ep.9 IC: I Hold On![]() As seen in One World, this time with separate necklaces, one for a woman and one for a man. Contestants must hold on to a handle while leaning out, face-forward, over the water. At 5 minute intervals, Probst turns a crank and lowers people to more of an angle. Order out: 12. Lauren, 11. Dan, 10. Jamal, 9. Elaine. (5 min.) 8. Karishma, 7. Janet, 6. Dean. (20 min.) 5. Noura, 4. Tommy, 3. Aaron wins for men!, 2. Elizabeth, 1. Missy wins for women! TC9 - Jamal voted out (6-3-[0]), 11 left. |
Ep10: "Two for the Price of One" | Ep11: "Bring on the Bacon" | Ep12: "A Very Simple Plan" | ||||
Day 25 (April 14) ![]() Ep.10 idol![]() Another person who feels down and knows she's on the bottom — this time Karishma — wanders away from camp, and miraculously finds an idol right next to the trail. Seems legit. No Island of the Idols visit. |
Day 26 (April 15) |
Day 27 (April 16) ![]() Ep.10 IC: We Will Go Round![]() As seen in HvHvH. Contestants must stand on a beam, rolling a ball around inside a circle. At regular intervals, they move to a narrower part of the beam. Two random teams, two immunity winners. Purple: Dan, Dean, Aaron, Janet, Noura, Lauren. Orange: Elaine, Karishma, Tommy, Elizabeth, Missy. Last person standing overall also wins reward (PB&J), and their group goes to Tribal second. Order out: O5 - Karishma, before moving onto the beam. First section: O4 - Elizabeth, O3 - Tommy, P6 - Aaron, P5 - Dan, P4 - Lauren. Second section: P3. Janet (right before transition), P2. Dean, P1 Noura wins (forgets to stay in for reward). O2. Missy, O1. Elaine wins! TC10 - Aaron voted out (5-1), 10 left. TC11 - Missy voted out (3-2), 9 left. |
Day 28 (April 17) ![]() Ep.11 Island of the Idols: Lauren![]() After volunteering to be the "unanimous" pick (over Karishma's unspoken objections), Lauren visits Island of the Idols. After the excitement of meeting Sandra dies down, Rob tells Lauren her task is to make a bet on who will win the next IC, with the wrinkle that she may be able to persuade some to sit out and eat (pancakes and bacon) instead. After hesitating, Rob improves the odds by letting Lauren pick two people. She picks Noura and Elizabeth. If she's wrong, she loses her next vote. If she's right, there will be an idol good for two Tribals waiting in camp for her after the IC. |
Day 29 (April 18) |
Day 30 (April 19) ![]() Ep.11 IC: Crocodile Rock![]() As seen in Ghost Island. Contestants must pull up on a bar to keep metal jaws over their head clamped closed, preventing a ball from rolling out. If it does, they're out. All but Karishma, Noura, Elizabeth opt to sit out and eat hash browns, bacon and pancakes instead of competing (with Lauren's persuasion). Order out: 3. Karishma (less than a minute in), 2. Elizabeth (quickly, but not time stamped), 1. Noura wins! Both of Lauren's picks remained after Karishma dropped out, so she wins an idol, which she collects in camp. TC12 - Elizabeth idoled out ([0]-1-1; 7-0), 8 left. |
Day 31 (April 20) ![]() Ep.12 RC: Full Tilt Affair![]() Loved ones visit. Visitors, watching from the sidelines: Lauren's husband, Matt; Tommy's girlfriend, Nicole; Karishma's husband, Drew; Noura's sister, Lana; Janet's husband, John; Dan's son, Ryan; Dean's mom, Laurie; Elaine's girlfriend, Tanya. Contestants compete in pairs, tethered together. They must cross obstacles, go under a log, then land one (just one!) sandbag on a pole. Dean/Elaine are first through to the sandbag stage, followed by Tommy/Janet, Dan/Noura, and Lauren/Karishma. Tommy and Janet win, pick Dan and Lauren (and their loved ones) to join them. ![]() Ep.12 idol - Elaine![]() While Tommy, Lauren, Janet, and Dan are feasting with their loved ones, the remaining players back at camp listen to Noura rant about being at the bottom of the Vokai's power structure. They then collectively go on an idol hunt, and eventually, Elaine finds an idol. She tells the others, and they band together in a plan to vote out Lauren (which switches to Tommy after Lauren wins immunity). |
Ep12: "A Very Simple Plan" | Ep13: "Just Go For It" | Ep14: "Mama, Look at Me Now" (season finale) | ||||
Day 32 (April 21) ![]() Ep.12 IC: Ballin' A Jack![]() As seen in San Juan del Sur. Contestants must stand on one foot on a pole, and use a buoy on a stick to hold a ball over their head against the structure. Order out: 8. Dean, 7. Tommy, 6. Noura, 5. Janet, 4. Karishma, 3. Dan, [15 minutes] 2. Elaine, 1. Lauren wins! TC13 - Karishma voted out (5-3), 7 left. |
Day 33 (April 22) ![]() Ep.13 idol - Janet![]() The morning after Elaine plays her idol, multiple people get up early to hunt for another one. Eventually, Janet finds it (her second idol found this season). While she is showing it to Tommy, Dean and Elaine observe the two of them from a nearby path. Ep13 RC: [unaired] - Tommy wins, takes Dean and Noura. |
Day 34 (April 23) ![]() Ep.13 Island of the Idols - Dean![]() After a "random" draw of names from a bag, the next Island of the Idols visitor is remarkably someone who has never atteneded: Dean. His "lesson" is in jury management, which apparently is demonstrated by betting on a coin flip. If he loses, he loses his vote. If he wins, he gets his choice of: (1) an extra vote, (2) an idol nullifier, or (3) a 1-Tribal idol that he has to play for someone else. Dean wins the coin flip, and chooses the idol nullifier, vowing to use it to cancel out Janet's idol. |
Day 35 (April 24) ![]() Ep.13 IC: Dizzy Miss Lizzy![]() Contestants start out with a rope wrapped around a ring on their waist, and must spin down a lane to unwrap the rope. Then (while dizzy) they must cross a net obstacle and a balance beam, then work a word puzzle (THIS GAME WILL MESS WITH YOUR MIND). Elaine looks like she has it solved, just missing the first two words. Dean looks over, finishes his puzzle, wins. ← Previous: Ep.13 Island of the Idols Next: Ep.14 Dan removal → TC14 - Elaine voted out (5-2), 6 left. |
Day 36 (April 25) ![]() Ep.14 Dan removal![]() Probst arrives in camp on Day 36 (after an unaired Final 6 IC, perhaps?), and announces that Dan has been removed from the game, after another (unshown) incident of unwanted touching, not to a contestant. Five people remain. ![]() Final 5 idol - Dean![]() The final five contestants are taken to Island of the Idols, where Rob and Sandra give them new buffs, then bid them farewell: They'll stay there for the rest of the game. There's also a clue on the new buffs, though, which Tommy notices: A machete. He finds a machete stuck in a coconut, the inside of the coconut is pink. Eventually, he finds a pink board, under which is an H mark. He enlists Dean's help. Dean finds the H near the shelter's swing, and inside the bamboo is an idol. Plus a congratulatory note from Rob and Sandra. |
Day 37 (April 26) ![]() Final 5 IC: Born to Rung![]() Contestants must use a pole to knock 7 rope rungs off of an overhanging structure, then use them to build a rope ladder. After climbing the ladder, they must then maneuver a bag of balls up a second ladder. Finally, they must land two balls in divots on a table maze (from Edge of Extinction). Dean and Tommy take an early lead, Noura joins them on the maze, Lauren, Janet trail. Balls placed: Tommy-1, Janet-1, Dean-1, Lauren-1, Dean-2 (Tommy just short). Dean wins, also gets lunch back at camp, takes Noura with him. TC16 - Janet voted out (4*-1), 4 left. |
Day 38 (April 27) ![]() Final 4 IC: You Shook Me![]() As seen in HvHvH. Contestants must stack letter blocks on a very wobbly platform, to spell ISLAND OF THE IDOLS. The structure can be locked to retrieve more blocks, but doing so can knock the blocks over. Results: Everyone drops lots and lots of times. Dean, Noura lead. Eventually, Noura wins. TC17 - Dean wins, Lauren out via fire-making, 3 left. |
Ep14: "Mama..." | Game over | |||||
Day 39 (April 28) ![]() Final Tribal Council![]() Tommy, Dean and Noura state their cases to the jury. Tommy stresses that he made it to the finals without the aid of immunity wins, idols, or advantages, just his social connections. Dean flaunts his unplayed idol, and talks big moves. Noura points to her immunity wins and being herself. In the end, Tommy wins, 8-2-0 over Dean and Noura, respectively. Tommy wins, 8-2-0. |
Day 0 (April 29) |
Day 0 (April 30) |
Day 0 (May 1) S38: Edge of Extinction finale airs in two weeks. |
Day 0 (May 2) |
Day 0 (May 3) |
Day 0 (May 4) |