Survivor 19: Samoa calendar
Survivor 19: Samoa calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 3, 2023
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-game Ep1: The Puppetmaster
Day 0
(June 7)

Day 0
(June 8)

Day 0
(June 9)

Day 0
(June 10)

Pre-game press interviews?
Day 1
(June 11)

Arrival: Chiefs (Russell S., Mick) chosen.

Ep.1 RC: Chief's Choice

Ep.1 RC: One for All

Ep.1 RC: Chief's Choice

(Hero challenge.) As the newly elected "chiefs," Russell S. and Mick are told to pick their tribe's best swimmer (John, Jaison), their strongest (Erik, Hantz), their most agile (Yasmin, Marisa), and their smartest (Shambo, Liz). The swimmers race out to a buoy, untie a key, swim back. They hand off the key to the strongest, who use it to unlock two bundles of logs, which the strong guys must carry back to serve as stairs. The agile women climb the stairs and maneuver a second key along a rope wrapped around a balance beam. The smartest then use that key to unlock and solve a statue puzzle. Jaison's swimming gives Foa Foa a lead they never relinquish. Foa Foa wins flint.

 Next: Ep.1 IC →

Ep1 RC: "Chief's Choice" - Foa Foa wins fire.
Day 2
(June 12)
Day 3
(June 13)

Ep.1 IC: Yank Your Hank

Ep.1 IC: Yank Your Hank

Ep.1 IC: Yank Your Hank

Six people per tribe must cross three increasingly tall A-frames, carrying three ropes. They then tie the ropes together and use them to haul a heavy crate along a bumpy track. Once complete, the four-person puzzle team disassembles the crate and uses the plank to solve a puzzle. Puzzlers: Monica, Shambo, Laura, Kelly vs. Marisa, Betsy, Liz, Ashley. Galu leads early on the A-frame, holds that lead to the end. Galu wins.

← Previous: Ep.1 RC Next: Ep.2 idol →

Ep1 IC: "Yank Your Hank" - Galu wins.

TC1 - Marisa voted out (7-3), 19 left.
Ep2: Taking Candy from a Baby Ep3: It's Called a Russell Seed Ep4: Hungry For a Win
Day 4
(June 14)

Ep.2 idol: Hantz

Ep.2 idol: Hantz

Ep.2 idol: Hantz

Russell tells Jaison there's probably an idol in camp, and sets about finding it without a clue. He eventually looks in the roots of a tree in camp, while everyone is standing nearby. He pockets it, examines it in private, then shows it to Jaison as a trust-building measure.

← Previous: Ep.1 IC Next: Ep.2 RC/IC →

Hantz finds Foa Foa's idol.
Day 5
(June 15)

Ep.2 RC/IC: Schmergen Brawl

Ep.2 RC/IC: Schmergen Brawl

Ep.2 RC/IC: Schmergen Brawl

Monica sits out. Rd.1: Women shooting, men in pit - Liz scores (FF1, G0). Rd.2: Women down in pit, John scores (FF1, G1). Rd.3: Ben tossed for cheap shot on Russ Swan (kicking him in the knee/tripping from behind). Foa Foa now must compete with only two players in the pit. Erik scores (FF1, G2). Rd.4: Laura scores, Galu wins, 3-1. They get fishing gear, immunity. Russ Swan sends Yasmin to visit Foa Foa and sit in on Tribal. Borassi is then medevacced.

← Previous: Ep.2 idol Next: Ep.3 RC/IC →

Ep2 RC/IC: "Schmergen Brawl" - Galu wins, Yasmin visits Foa Foa.

Mike removed, 18 left.
Day 6
(June 16)

TC2 - Betsy voted out (7-1), 17 left.
Day 7
(June 17)

Ep.3 RC/IC: Sea Crates

Ep.3 RC/IC: Sea Crates

Ep.3 RC/IC: Sea Crates

Hantz; Shambo, Yasmin, Erik, Brett sit out. In pairs, contestants must run out into the water to retrieve a cube. The other tribe has one defender in the attack zone to slow them down. Once all four cubes are retrieved, must be stacked such that no side of the stack has the same color more than once. Defenders: Kelly, Ashley; Swan, Ben. Rest get crates, in pairs. Galu wins, Russ Swan picks comfort items (blankets, pillows, towels) over a tarp, then sends Shambo to Foa Foa.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC/IC Next: Ep.4 RC →

Ep3 RC/IC: "Sea Crates" - Galu wins, Shambo visits Foa Foa.
Day 8
(June 18)

TC3 - Ben voted out (6-1), 16 left.
Day 9
(June 19)

Ep.4 hero RC: Bocce in a Box

Ep.4 hero RC: Bocce in a Box

Ep.4 hero RC: Bocce in a Box

(Hero challenge.) Each tribe receives a note that instructs the chief to bring two people along for a food-related mission. A swap is suspected, but it turns out it's a hero challenge, with no appearance by Probst. Galu sends Russ Swan, Shambo, Dave. Foa Foa selects Mick, Natalie, Hantz. Once they find the rules, it's a game of bocce ball: Three balls per person, closest ball overall to the stick wins. Opening round is Mick vs. Russ Swan, Foa Foa leads after 1st round. 2nd round is Natalie vs. Shambo, Foa Foa stills leads. Final round is Russell Hantz vs. Dave Ball. Foa Foa still leads up to the final ball, but Dave lands on right next to the flag, and Galu wins chickens.

← Previous: Ep.3 RC/IC Next: Ep.4 idol →

Ep4 RC: "Bocce In A Box" - Galu wins three egg-laying chickens.

Ep.4 idol: Erik finds Galu's

Ep.4 idol: Erik finds Galu's

Ep.4 idol: Erik finds Galu's

Erik knows Yasmin received an idol clue when she visited Foa Foa, so he approaches Shambo, and tells her that there's probably a matching idol in Galu's camp, using a similar clue. John rushes up to them with the same revelation, and Shambo shares her clue with both. After Shambo (and Russ, and Dave) leaves for the RC quest, Erik makes sure everyone else is occupied, then hunts for the idol. He finds it in a tree (duh).

← Previous: Ep.4 hero RC Next: Ep.4 IC →

Erik finds Galu's idol.
Day 10
(June 20)
Ep4: Hungry For a Win Ep5: Walking On Thin Ice Ep6: This Is the Man Test Ep7: Houdini Magic
Day 11
(June 21)

Ep.4 IC: Well Stacked

Ep.4 IC: Well Stacked

Ep.4 IC: Well Stacked

Shambo, Laura, Dave, Russ Swan sit out. Tribes must carry blocks across a net obstacle, then stack them to form a tower. Then cross a rope bridge, untie more blocks, and stack them in an even taller tower. The challenge is neck-and-neck through the first tower, and again after the rope bridge. Galu builds a lead on the second tower, as Foa Foa struggles to open their bags of blocks. But Foa Foa catches up, and places the winning block, after Galu's top two blocks slip off their stack. It holds, and finally, Foa Foa wins.

← Previous: Ep.4 idol Next: Ep.5 RC →

Ep4 IC: "Well Stacked" - Foa Foa wins.

TC4 - Yasmin voted out (8-2), 15 left.
Day 12
(June 22)

Ep.5 RC: Samoa Smoothies

Ep.5 RC: Samoa Smoothies

Ep.5 RC: Samoa Smoothies

John, Laura, Kelly sit out. Gross food, done head to head, contestants just have to drink their smoothie and keep it down to earn a point. Each spins a ball on a roulette wheel, and Probst makes a smoothie that combines the ingredients each ball lands on. Rd.1: Shambo v. Jaison (giant clam + "Jeff's choice"). Rd.2: Russell v. Russell (jelly fish x2, Probst adds milk). Rd.3: Brett v. Mick (giant clam + sea cucumber). Rd.4: Monica v. Liz (sea urchin x2). Rd.5: Dave v. Ashley (Sea slug guts x2) Ashley can't drink hers (not shown: Natalie also couldn't drink hers in an unaired round). Galu wins a barbecue with steaks, sausages. Russell sends Shambo to Foa Foa again.

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Ep.5 IC →

Ep5 RC: "Samoa Smoothies" (Gross Food) - Galu wins, Shambo visits Foa Foa.
Day 13
(June 23)
Day 14
(June 24)

Ep.5 IC: Sack Attack

Ep.5 IC: Sack Attack

Ep.5 IC: Sack Attack

Dave, Shambo, Brett sit out. Standard Nut Bucket challenge, but with one man, one woman holding the nets for each tribe (Russell H, Liz; Russell S, Laura). John, Erik make almost every shot they take, Foa Foa struggles to land any. Order out: Hantz, then Liz. Galu wins.

← Previous: Ep.5 RC Next: Ep.6 RC →

Ep5 IC: "Sack Attack" - Galu wins.

TC5 - Ashley voted out (5-1), 14 left.
Day 15
(June 25)

Ep.6 RC: Roll With It

Ep.6 RC: Roll With It

Ep.6 RC: Roll With It

Dave, Monica, Kelly, Shambo sit out. The never-completed challenge that was halted, resulting in Russ Swan's medevac. But as described: Each tribe has one sighted person strapped inside a giant wicker ball (Liz; Laura), and two blindfolded tribemates rolling the ball along a course (Jaison, Russell H.; Russ S., Erik). They move the ball to table maze, where the caller directs the rollers and two more tribemates in maneuvering a ball through the table maze. First tribe to finish wins reward: pizza. But it'll be at Tribal Council, where each tribe will vote someone out. Winning tribe gets to go first, then eat pizza while observing the other tribe. Results: Russ starts to fade towards the end of the ball-pushing, and passes out shortly after reaching the table maze. Probst halts the challenge, and the medical team quickly decides Russ needs to be pulled from the game. Both tribes still attend Tribal, but on getting there, learn there will be no vote.

← Previous: Ep.5 IC Next: Ep.7 RC →

Ep6 RC: "Roll With It" - Russ Swan removed.

TC6 - No vote, 13 left.
Day 16
(June 26)

Ep.7 RC: Brain Food

Ep.7 RC: Brain Food

Ep.7 RC: Brain Food

Kelly, Shambo, Dave sit out. Concentration game with survival items, chief (Brett, Mick) can choose to forfeit points to keep items. Laura makes first match for Galu, Brett opts to keep the firestarting kit (wrapped in a tarp) and forfeits the point. Matches: Laura 2, Brett 2, John 2, Russell 2, Mick 1, Natalie 1, Monica 1. Galu leads 6-3 with three matches left to go. Natalie makes a match (6-4). Galu wins a day on a sailing ship. Shambo sends Laura to Foa Foa.

← Previous: Ep.6 RC Next: Ep.7 IC →

Ep7 RC: "Brain Food" - Galu wins, Chief Shambo sends Laura to Foa Foa.
Day 17
(June 27)
Ep7: Houdini Magic Ep8: All Hell Breaks Loose Ep9: Tastes Like Chicken
Day 18
(June 28)

Ep.7 IC: Canoe Dueling

Ep.7 IC: Canoe Dueling

Ep.7 IC: Canoe Dueling

Laura, John, Monica sit out. Each tribe must race out to an outrigger, then push/paddle along a course as two people (Dave, Kelly; Natalie, Liz) fish for six strands of fish-shaped puzzle pieces. They then must return to shore, where three people (Kelly, Brett, Dave; Jaison, Mick, Liz) use the pieces to solve a puzzle. Foa Foa has an early lead on the fishing, but Galu paddles instead of pushes their canoe, passes Foa Foa, and wins on the puzzle.

← Previous: Ep.7 RC Next: Ep.8 merge →

Ep7 IC: "Canoe Dueling" - Galu wins.

TC7 - Liz voted out (4-1), 12 left.
Day 19
(June 29)

Ep.8 merge

Ep.8 merge

Ep.8 merge

The tribes each receive treemail vaguely promising food. They're sent to a beach where a treasure chest awaits, but no Probst. The chest contains new blue buffs, flag-making materials, and a note telling them they've merged. The head to old Galu camp, and Brett suggests the merge tribe name, Aiga, allegedly meaning extended family.

← Previous: Ep.7 IC Next: Ep.8 IC →

Tribes merge, Aiga formed.
Day 20
(June 30)
Day 21
(July 1)

Ep.8 IC: Nut Cracker

Ep.8 IC: Nut Cracker

Ep.8 IC: Nut Cracker

Tee-ball/skee-ball, using a club and ball on a tee, contestants must hit a softball into the target area, such that it lands on the highest score. In a twist, there are two necklaces, one for a man, one for a woman. Men and women compete separately. Results for the men, in order of appearance: Dave-3, Jaison-0 (too far), Hantz-4, Brett-0 (too far), Mick-2, Erik-0 (too far), Fincher-5. Women: Natalie-0 (foul), Monica-2, Kelly-3, Shambo-0 (foul), Laura-4. Fincher and Laura each win immunity. Order of finish, Men: 1.Fincher, 2.Hantz, 3.Dave, 4.Mick, 5(tie):Jaison, Brett, Erik. Women: 1.Laura, 2.Kelly, 3.Monica, 4(tie): Natalie, Shambo.

← Previous: Ep.8 merge Next: Ep.9 RC →

Ep8 IC: "Nut Cracker" - John & Laura each win.

TC8 - Erik voted out (10-2); 11 left.
Day 22
(July 2)

Ep.9 RC: Coconut Code

Ep.9 RC: Coconut Code

Ep.9 RC: Coconut Code

Random draw for teams (yellow, purple). Natalie odd person out, backs the yellow team, will get reward if they win. Teams: Yellow (Mick, Russell, Jaison, Brett, Laura) vs. purple (Dave, Shambo, Kelly, John, Monica). In pairs (all but Laura, Monica), teams must run out, untie a pole with black-and-white painted coconuts, then run it back to the start. When all five are collected, they must be placed on a rack, where the white coconuts will form a 4-digit number like an LED clock display. (Each team has a different code, so no cheating possible.) When the code is found, one blindfolded person (Laura, Monica) must turn a combination lock using only the feel of the digits on the dials for guidance. First to enter the correct combo and release the team flag wins. Purple is first to solve their code, and wins. They get a trip to Papase'a sliding rocks, with a picnic lunch. Natalie doesn't get anything.

← Previous: Ep.8 IC Next: Ep.9 idol →

Ep9 RC: "Coconut Code" - Purple team wins.

Ep.9 idol: Hantz finds #2

Ep.9 idol: Hantz finds #2

Ep.9 idol: Hantz finds #2

After a prior confessional saying he planned to look by the well, by treemail, and under the bridge (and shots showing him looking but not finding an idol there), Russell finds an idol in one of these exact spots. While almost all the Galus are away on reward. There's obviously no way anything untoward could have gone on here.

← Previous: Ep.9 RC Next: Ep.9 IC →

Hantz finds his 2nd idol.
Day 23
(July 3)

The day after Natalie killed a rat.
Day 24
(July 4)

Ep.9 IC: Square Peg Round Hole

Ep.9 IC: Square Peg Round Hole

Ep.9 IC: Square Peg Round Hole

Two-round challenge, one immunity this time. Rd.1: Contestants must use grappling hooks to retrieve two bags containing puzzle blocks, first three done advance. Rd.2: The three finalists place a peg in a hole on their puzzle board, knocking out another piece (30 total). Rd1: Shambo-1, Mick-1, Kelly-1, Brett-1, Mick-2 (advances), Jaison-1, Laura-1, Hantz-1, Shambo-2 (advances), Laura, Hantz snag bags at same time, Laura-2 (Hantz drops his). Final round score: Laura-30, Mick-7, Shambo-7+ (probably second). 1.Laura, 2.Shambo, 3.Mick, 4.Hantz, 5(tie): Kelly, Brett, Jaison. 8(tie): Monica, Natalie, Fincher, Dave.

← Previous: Ep.9 idol Next: Ep.10 RC →

Ep9 IC: "Square Peg Round Hole" - Laura wins.

TC9 - Kelly idoled out ([0]-4), 10 left.
Ep10: The Day of Reckoning Ep11: Off With Their Heads! Ep12: Damage Control
Day 25
(July 5)

Ep.10 RC: Get Hooked

Ep.10 RC: Get Hooked

Ep.10 RC: Get Hooked

As seen in Panama - Exile Island. Two teams of five: Yellow (Shambo, Jaison, Monica, Mick, John) and purple (Dave, Brett, Laura, Russell, Natalie). One person (John, Natalie) lies face-down on a cradle suspended by four ropes, which the other four people pull to maneuver the cradle. The person in the cradle must gather 15 flags, one at a time, in order, and place them in their appropriate holes in the finishing log. First team to finish wins a plane trip to Savaii, for a picnic lunch by a waterfall. With a Palm Pre by Sprint, of course. Results: Purple takes a lead on the first flag, never relinquishes it, wins 15-10. On the Pre at the reward is a video clue to the location of the re-hidden idol.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC Next: Ep.10 idol →

Ep10 RC: "Get Hooked" - Purple team wins.

Ep.10 idol: Russell #3

Ep.10 idol: Russell #3

Ep.10 idol: Russell #3

Immediately upon returning to camp from the reward, Russell tells Jaison and Mick about the idol clue. They head off into the jungle, and Galu (Dave, Laura) follows them. After finding the likely location while Dave is with him, Russell takes off running into the jungle, eventually losing Dave, then loops back to the spot, grabs the idol, and is done.

← Previous: Ep.10 RC Next: Ep.10 IC →

Hantz finds third idol.
Day 26
(July 6)
Day 27
(July 7)

Ep.10 IC: Spear Me the Details

Ep.10 IC: Spear Me the Details

Ep.10 IC: Spear Me the Details

Multi-round single-shot target practice. Rd.1(throw 1 rock, break tiles): Shambo-miss, Hantz-miss, Jaison-1, Fincher-miss, Monica-miss, Dave-breaks 1 for Monica, Natalie-miss, Mick-1, Brett-2, Laura-miss. Rd.2 (use crossbow to shoot spear at target): Brett 1-2nd ring, Jaison-miss, Monica-1st (outer) ring, Mick-3rd ring, Brett 2-2nd ring again. 1.Mick wins, 2.Brett, 3.Monica, 4.Jaison, 5(tie): everyone else.

← Previous: Ep.10 idol Next: Ep.11 RC →

Ep10 IC: "Spear Me the Details" - Mick wins.

TC10 - Laura voted out (5-5 [5-3 on re-vote]), 9 left.
Day 28
(July 8)

Ep.11 non-RC: Auction

Ep.11 non-RC: Auction

Ep.11 non-RC: Auction

Standard auction, $500 per player, no sharing money or items. Items sold: 1. Natalie - PB&J sandwich ($200). 2. Shambo - Covered … sea noodles and slug guts ($240). 3. Monica - covered … whole roasted chicken ($340). 4. Jaison - advantage in the IC ($500). 5. Mick - Cheeseburger, fries, beer ($500). 6. Natalie - shower ($120). 7. John - apple pie ($300) - Probst offers to trade for four pieces of a pie that John can't eat; John declines. Auction ends.

← Previous: Ep.10 IC Next: Ep.11 IC →

Ep11 RC: Auction - Jaison buys IC advantage.
Day 29
(July 9)
Day 30
(July 10)

Ep.11 IC: Drop a Log

Ep.11 IC: Drop a Log

Ep.11 IC: Drop a Log

Contestants must hold up a heavy log (adjusted to body weight) via a rope with knots. Every three minutes, they move down one knot on the rope, making the log increasingly heavier. Jaison's advantage allows him to move up two knots at any point, which he does on the switch to the fourth knot (9 minutes in). Order out: 9. Shambo (21 min,1knot left), 8. Russell (1 knot left), 7. Monica (24min, 0 knots), 6. John, 5. Brett, 4. Mick, 3. Natalie, 2. Dave. 1. Jaison wins!

← Previous: Ep.11 auction Next: Ep.12 Final 8 IC →

Ep11 IC: "Drop A Log" - Jaison wins.

TC11 - John voted out (7-1-1), 8 left.
Day 31
(July 11)

Ep.12 Final 8 IC: Fauxconut Bowling

Ep.12 Final 8 IC: Fauxconut Bowling

Ep.12 Final 8 IC: Fauxconut Bowling

It's bowling, but with quasi=spherical coconuts. Random paired match-ups, highest score after two throws advances. Rd.1: Natalie 0-4, Shambo 9-dnt; Brett 0-0, Russ 4-dnt; Jaison 2-4, Monica 0-1; Mick 4-4, Dave X-. Rd.2: Shambo 5-0, Russ 4-0; Jaison 0-7, Dave 0-0. Rd.3: Shambo 0-0, Jaison 0-2. Jaison wins. Order of finish: 1. Jaison, 2. Shambo, 3-t. Hantz, Dave, 5-t. Mick, Natalie, Monica, Brett.

← Previous: Ep.11 IC Next: Ep.12 Final 7 IC →

Ep12 F8 IC: "Fauxconut Bowling" - Jaison wins.

TC12 - Dave voted out (7-1), 7 left.
Ep12: Damage Control Ep13: Two Brains Are Better Than One Ep14: This Game Ain't Over (Season finale)
Day 32
(July 12)

Day 33
(July 13)

Ep.12 Final 7 IC: Walk on Water

Ep.12 Final 7 IC: Walk on Water

Ep.12 Final 7 IC: Walk on Water

As (mostly) seen in Africa. Contestants must wade out to a buoy, untie a bag, return to shore, catapult it into basket (3 bags total). Scoring: Brett 1, Mick 1, Hantz 1, Shambo 1, Brett 2, Mick 2, Jaison 1, Hantz 2, Natalie 1, Brett 3 (out-racing Mick). Order of finish: 1. Brett, 2. Mick, 3. Hantz, 4 (tie): Shambo, Jaison, Natalie, 7. Monica.

← Previous: Ep.12 Final 8 IC Next: Ep.13 RC →

Ep12 F7 IC: "Walk on Water" - Brett wins.

TC13 - Monica voted out (5-2), 6 left.
Day 34
(July 14)

Ep.13 RC: Coco Plunk

Ep.13 RC: Coco Plunk

Ep.13 RC: Coco Plunk

Contestants draw rocks to determine captains (Russell, Natalie), then they do rock-paper-scissors for first pick (Natalie wins). Two teams: yellow (Russell, Jaison, Shambo) vs. purple (Natalie, Brett, Mick). Contestants, one at a time, must approach a large structure in which a huge number of coconuts are sitting on top of criss-crossing ropes. Each contestant must pull out a rope, trying to let as few coconuts fall as possible. First team to 100 coconuts dropped loses. Results: Shambo 4 (Y4, P0); Mick 2 (Y4, P2); Jaison 7 (Y11, P2); Natalie 1 (Y11, P3); Russell 8 (Y19, P3); Brett 1 (Y19, P4); Shambo 10 (Y29, P4); Mick 19 (Y29, P23); Jaison 48 (Y77, P23); Natalie 58 (Y77, P81); Russell 0 (Y77, P81); Brett 23 - purple team loses, 77-104. Russell, Jaison, Shambo get an overnight trip to a local village where they have a feast, dance, and sleep on an actual bed.

← Previous: Ep.12 Final 7 IC Next: Ep.13 IC →

Ep13 RC: "Coco Plunk" - yellow team wins.
Day 35
(July 15)
Day 36
(July 16)

Ep.13 IC: Combo Platter

Ep.13 IC: Combo Platter

Ep.13 IC: Combo Platter

As later seen in Cagayan. Contestants must run out to a field with six stations (pigs, rock, coconuts, squid, fish), count the objects in one station, run back, use number tiles to remember the total, then use all 6 numbers to open a combination lock (36, 24, 18, 32, 22, 14; each lock has a different order of numbers). Order to six numbers: Mick, Jaison, Hantz (Jaison [21, 35], Russell [13, 35] each have two numbers wrong), Jaison tries to open - wrong, Brett gets to 6; Mick tries - wrong (had 35), Brett tries - right. Brett wins. 1.Brett, 2(tie): Jaison, Mick, Hantz, 5(tie): Shambo, Natalie.

← Previous: Ep.13 RC Next: Final 5 IC →

Ep13 IC: "Combo Platter" - Brett wins.

TC14 - Shambo voted out (5-1), 5 left.
Day 37
(July 17)

Ep.14 Final 5 IC: Tentacle

Ep.14 Final 5 IC: Tentacle

Ep.14 Final 5 IC: Tentacle

Contestants must race across a net then a balance beam, untie a bag of puzzle pieces, race back across the net, up a steep wall, then use the pieces to solve a Survivor logo puzzle. First o finish wins. Results: Brett wins, Mick and Russell racing him to the finish, Natalie and Jaison not particularly close. 1. Brett, 2-t. Russell, Mick, 4-t. Jaison, Natalie.

← Previous: Ep.13 IC Next: Final 4 IC →

Ep14 F5 IC: "Tentacle" - Brett wins.

TC15 - Jaison voted out (4-1), 4 left.
Day 38
(July 18)

Ep.14 Final 4 IC: Over Extended

Ep.14 Final 4 IC: Over Extended

Ep.14 Final 4 IC: Over Extended

Contestants must balance a wooden statue on a pole. Every two minutes, they must add a 1-foot pole section at the bottom, making the statue more difficult to balance. Order out: 4. Mick out at 5-6 piece transition; 3. Natalie out right after, 2. Brett out at 7 feet, 1. Hantz wins.

← Previous: Final 5 IC Next: Final Tribal →

Ep14 F4 IC: "Over Extended" - Russell wins.

TC16 - Brett voted out (3-1), 3 left.
Ep14: This Game Ain't Over Game over
Day 39
(July 19)

Final Tribal Council

Final Tribal Council

Final Tribal Council

Mick, Natalie, and Russell face questions from the jury. The questions are pretty standard fare, apart from Shambo lambasting Mick as "feckless" and telling him and Natalie that "there's no way on God's green earth" either of them will be receiving her vote. Erik ends with a passionate defense of Natalie's style of gameplay. In the end, Natalie wins, 7-2-0, over Russell and Mick, respectively.

← Previous: Final 4 IC 

Final Tribal Council and jury vote on final three.

Natalie wins, 7-2-0.
(July 20)

Departure. Contestants return home to U.S.; Probst sticks around for Survivor 20.
(July 21)

Inevitable Facebook and/or MySpace contestant activity resumes.
(July 22)

Preparations underway back in Samoa for arrival of Heroes vs. Villains cast.
(July 23)
(July 24)
(July 25)