Episode 14: All hail the king
Published: May 20, 2020
Dan is back with his end-of-season assessment of Winners at War, praise for the winner of winners and the runners-up, and hopes that the show can fix some its current flaws during its downtime.
Episode 8: Like animals at a watering hole
Published: April 6, 2020
Dan Otsuki is back (not from Edge of Extinction) to evaluate the state of Winners at War at the merge. With a focus on their edits this season, who are the contenders for the two million, and who are the also-rans?
Pre-season: Winners at War cast assessment
Published: January 9, 2020
Dan is ecstatic to see the long-awaited All-Winners format finally come to fruition, but now all fans have to ask: Who will win? Dan assesses the chances of each returning winner, while also highlighting the ones he's most excited to see play again, win or lose.
Otsuki has been watching Survivor religiously
since season two, and is a recent graduate of the University
of Puget Sound, where he double majored in English and
Religious Studies. He's also applied to play on the show
every time he's been able to do so.
Follow him on twitter: @DanOtsuki