Survivor record holders
Index of Survivor record holders

Idols found/ played: Single-season
Idols found, season - Rick Devens, S38


Rick Devens

S38: Edge of Extinction

See full list

Idols found/ played: Career
Idols found, career - Russell Hantz, S19, S20, S22


Russell Hantz

S19, S20, S22

See full list

Votes voided: Single play
Votes voided, single play - Kaleb Gebrewold, S45


Kaleb Gebrewold

Survivor 45

See full list

Votes voided: Single-season
Votes voided, season - Kelley Wentworth, S31


Kelley Wentworth

S31: Cambodia

See full list

Votes voided: Career
Votes voided, career - Kelley Wentworth, S29, S31, S38


Kelley Wentworth

S29, S31, S38

See full list

Advantages played: Single-season
Advantages found/played - Drea Wheeler, S42


Drea Wheeler

Survivor 42

See full list

Challenge stat leaders
Individual immunity wins: Single-season
Immunity wins, season - Ozzy Lusth, Tom Westman, Terry Deitz, Colby Donaldson, Mike Holloway, Brad Culpepper


Ozzy Lusth, S13; Tom Westman, S10; Terry Deitz, S12; Colby Donaldson, S2; Mike Holloway, S30; Brad Culpepper, S34

See full list

Individual immunity wins: Career
Individual immunity wins, career - Boston Rob Mariano, S4, S8, S20, S22


Boston Rob Mariano

S4, S8, S20, S22, S40

See full list

Individual challenge wins: Single-season
Challenge wins (ChW), season - Terry Deitz, Panama-Exile Island


Terry Deitz

S12: Panama

See full list

Individual challenge wins: Career
Individual challenge wins, career - Boston Rob Mariano, S4, S8, S20, S22


Boston Rob Mariano

S4, S8, S20, S22, S40

See full list

Tribal/ team challenge wins: Single-season
TrChW, season - Boo Bernis, Stacy Kimball - Fiji


Boo Bernis, Stacy Kimball

S14: Fiji

See full list

Tribal/ team challenge wins: Career
TrChW, career - Ozzy Lusth, S13, S16, S23, S34


Ozzy Lusth

S13, S16, S23, S34

See full list

Highest mean % finish (MPF) in challenges: Single-season
Mean % finish, season - Joe Anglim, Worlds Apart


Joe Anglim

S30: Worlds Apart

See full list

Highest mean % finish (MPF) in challenges: Career
MPF, career - Joe Anglim, S30, S31


Joe Anglim

S30, S31, S38

See full list

Lowest MPF in challenges: Single-season
Lowest Mean % finish, season - Bruce Kanegai, Panama-Exile Island


Bruce Kanegai

S12: Panama

See full list

Lowest MPF in challenges: Career
Lowest MPF, career - Ciera Eastin, S27, S31, S34


Ciera Eastin

S27, S31, S34

See full list

Most duel wins: Single-season/career
Duel wins - Matt Elrod, Redemption Island


Matt Elrod

S22: Redemption Island

See full list

Most sit-outs: Single-season
Sitouts, season - Janu Tornell, Palau


Janu Tornell

S10: Palau

See full list

Most sit-outs: Career
Sitouts, career - Sandra Diaz-Twine, S7, S20, S34, S40


Sandra Diaz-Twine

S7, S20, S34, S40

See full list

Tribal Council-related stat leaders
Votes for Boot (VFB): Single-season
VFB, season - Natalie White, Samoa; Russell Hantz, Samoa


Russell Hantz, Natalie White

S19: Samoa

See full list

Votes for Boot (VFB): Career
VFB, career - Parvati Shallow, Boston Rob Mariano


Parvati Shallow: S13, S16, S20, S40

Boston Rob Mariano: S4, S8, S20, S22, S40

See full list

Votes Against the Player (VAP): Single-season
VAP, season - Laura Morett, Blood vs. Water


Laura Morett

S27: Blood vs. Water

See full list

Votes Against the Player (VAP): Career
VAP, career - Andrea Boehlke, S22, S26, S34


Andrea Boehlke

S22, S26, S34

See full list

Intended Votes Against the Player (VAPi): Single-season
VAPi, season - Karishma Patel, Island of the Idols


Karishma Patel

S39: Island of the Idols

See full list

Intended Votes Against the Player (VAPi): Career
VAPi, career - Andrea Boehlke, S22, S26, S34


Andrea Boehlke

S22, S26, S34

See full list

Non-Votes for Boot (Non-VFB): Single-season
Non-VFB, season - Eddie Fox, Caramoan


Eddie Fox

S26: Caramoan

See full list

Non-Votes for Boot (Non-VFB): Career
Non-VFB, career - Keith Nale, S29, S31


Keith Nale

S29, S31

See full list

Times voted out: Single-season
Times voted out, career - Ozzy Lusth


Ozzy Lusth

S23: South Pacific

See full list

Times voted out: Career
Times voted out, career - Ozzy Lusth


Ozzy Lusth

S13, S16, S23, S34

See full list

Survivor days played leaders
Most total days played
Longevity - Boston Rob Mariano - S4, S8, S20, S22, S40


Boston Rob Mariano

S4, S8, S20, S22, S40

See full list

Highest average days played
Average days played, career - Natalie Anderson, S29, S40


Natalie Anderson

S29, S40

See full list

Highest average placement
Average placement - Natalie Anderson, S29, S40


Natalie Anderson

S29, S40

See full list

Most 'exile' days played - Single-season
Exile, season - Natalie Anderson, S40


Natalie Anderson

S40: Winners at War

See full list

Most 'exile' days played - Career
Exile, career - Natalie Anderson, S29, S40


Natalie Anderson

S29, S40

See full list

Survivor advanced stats leaders
Survival average (SurvAv): Single-season
Highest SurvAv total - Tom Westman, Palau


Tom Westman

S10: Palau

See full list

Survival score (SurvSc): Single-season
Highest SurvSc total - J.T. Thomas, Tocantins


J.T. Thomas

S18: Tocantins

See full list

Performance above expected (PAE): Single-season
PAE - Adam Klein, S33


Adam Klein

S33: Millennials vs. Gen X

See full list

Performance below expected (PBE): Single-season
PBE - Ken McNickle, S33


Ken McNickle

S33: Millennials vs. Gen X

See full list

Winners only, ranked by: SurvAv
Highest SurvAv, winners - Tom Westman, Palau


Tom Westman

S10: Palau

See full list

Winners only, ranked by: SurvSc
Highest SurvSc, winners - J.T. Thomas, Tocantins


J.T. Thomas

S18: Tocantins

See full list

Top non-winner games (and non-finalists)
Highest SurvAv score, non-winners - Boston Rob Mariano, All-Stars


Boston Rob Mariano

S8: All-Stars

See full list

Top "NoJury" scores (SurvAv minus jury score)
Highest SurvAv score (minus jury votes) - Mike Holloway, Worlds Apart


Mike Holloway

S30: Worlds Apart

See full list