In pairs, contestants run out, dive under a muddy net, retrieve a chest, and haul it back. Once all three chest are back, three people go back out to climb a ramp and retrieve a key. The keys unlock the chests, one of which has has three sandbags, which one person at a time (Thomas/Star/Shauhin ; ?; ?) must land on three overhead platforms. Purple (Lagi) lands all three before the other tribes get their chests open, win camp supplies (pot, flint).
Head-to-head race for supplies, as in Survivor 47. Kyle and Kevin volunteer. They must follow a rope in a path to a machete (and a coconut with a key). They must get the key out, run to the beach, get a pot down from a bamboo log, fill the pot with water, and use it to fill a glass jar, raising the water level to float a second key up to the top, which they use to unlock the camp supplies. It's close, but Kyle accidentally breaks his glass jug. He decides to help Kevin with the rest. Kevin wins for Vula.
Ep1 journey: "Fight for Supplies" - Kevin wins supplies for Vula.
Day 2
(June 28)
Ep.1 idol: Sai
Hunting with Justin on Day 1, Sai found the Beware Advantage package, which contained a cylindrical puzzle box unlocked with a 6-letter code, which contains an idol. The box came with a clue, which was a series of six colored numbers. On Day 2, Sai recruited help from Justin, Kevin, and Cedrek to try to open the box. Eventually, Sai realizes the colors on the numbers match the colors of animals painted on various spots around the camp. The matching numbers are for the letter in that position. Writing out the six letters, Cedrek immediately sees the answer: LISTEN. Sai uses that, opens the box, and removes a fully powered idol, good until final five.
Contestants must cross a net obstacle and tunnel, then one person (Joe, David, Kevin) will smash through a mask using a Fijian war club. Doing so releases a key, which they use to unlock a sled. They must drag the sled to the end of the course, over sandbags, and up a ramp, where finally, two people (Charity, Kamilla; Bianca, Thomas; Kevin, Stephanie) remove the puzzle pieces inside to build a logo puzzle. First and second tribes to finish receive Survivor tool kits and immunity. Results: Lagi has a huge lead, wins easily. Vula is last to the puzzle, but catches up, and is in a tight race on the puzzle. Civa takes second, Vula loses. In addition to the tool kit, Civa wins their flint & tribe supplies.
Filming in Fiji again, running from approximately mid-June to mid-July, 2024. Start date purely an estimate, to be updated as information emerges.
Martin Holmes at Inside Survivor (August 6, 2024): Reveals the first five cast names, including Shauhin ("SD"), the alternate from 46 everyone had their eyes on in the pre-game.
Martin Holmes at Inside Survivor (August, 2024): Adds three women to the roster: Stephanie (8/12), Bianca (8/13), and Kamilla (8/31).
Martin Holmes at Inside Survivor (Oct.- Nov. 25, 2024): A series of additional piecemeal updates brings the total to 15.