Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
Pre-game | Episode 1 | |||||
Day 0 (Apr. 28) |
Day 0 (Apr. 29) |
Day 0 (Apr. 30) |
Day 0 (May 1) |
Day 0 (May 2) |
Day 1 (May 3) ![]() Ep.1 RC: Battle Dig![]() In head-to-head matchups, one contestant from each tribe must race to the middle of a ring, grab a pillow, then try to bring it back to their tribe's circle to score a point, all while preventing their opponent from doing so. First tribe to three points wins vegetables, wood, and flint. Results: Rd.1: John d. Simon (Ch 0, Con 1). Rd.2: Matt d. Luke (Ch 0, Con 2). Rd.3: Abbey d. Daisy (Ch 1, Con 2). Rd.4: Anastasia d. Laura (Ch 2, Con 2). Rd.5: ET d. Andy, after a reset (Ch 3, Con 2). Champions win! |
Day 2 (May 4) ![]() Ep.1 IC - Obstacles, war clubs![]() Tribes must run out and cross a series of obstacles, then haul a heavy deck, lift it up, then climb over it to scale a tower. Then pull up a wall with five tiles, where two people (Andy, Shaun; David, Steven) must throw war clubs to break them. First tribe to break all five tiles wins. Tile breaks: David-2, Andy-2, Shaun-2, Steven-0 ... then Andy hits the winning shot! Contenders win! TC1 - Anastasia voted out (9-3), 23 left. |
Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | ||||
Day 3 (May 5) |
Day 4 (May 6) ![]() Ep.2 RC: Turnstile![]() Laura sits out. Two tribe members must push a giant turnstile, while two opposing tribemembers attempt to push it in the opposite direction. First tribe to move it across the finish line (90 degrees) scores a point. First tribe to three points wins a tarp, fishing gear, and raft-building materials. Rd.1: Matt, Shaun d. ET, Luke (Ch 0, Con 1). Rd.2: Steven, Ross d. Andy, John (Ch 1, Con 1). Rd.3: ET, Janine d. Hannah, Baden (Ch 2, Con 1). Rd.4: Sarah, Casey d. Pia, Susie (Ch 2, Con 2). Rd.5: Abbey, Janine d. Daisy, Sam (Ch 3, Con 2). Champions win reward! ![]() Ep.2 idol clue (Luke)![]() Suspecting the reward probably contained an idol, advantage, or clue, Luke vows to check the raft later, when he can do so unobserved. He checks the raft late at night, and soon discovers an idol clue tucked into the end of one of the pieces of bamboo. |
Day 5 (May 7) ![]() Ep.2 IC: Muddy sled![]() Hannah sits out. One by one, the entire tribe must slide down a waterslide. Then four people (ET, David, Simon, Luke; John, Andy, Shaun, Matt) must run through the mud to scale a wall, which they then pull down to make a ramp for the rest of the tribe to cross. The entire tribe then hauls a heavy (400 kg) sled of puzzle pieces through the mud over and under two pairs of obstacles to the end zone. Then two people (Steven, Ross; ?,?) complete the puzzle. Contenders get stuck in the mud at the final obstacle, Champions win easily. TC2 - Laura voted out (8-4), 22 left. |
Day 6 (May 8) ![]() Ep.3 RC: Trench, bells![]() One at a time, contestants must run along a "trench" (a narrow lane with a fence on either side) in knee-deep water, trying to reach the end to ring a bell. Someone from the other tribe will run in the opposite direction, trying to do the same, and can stop them any way they can. First tribe to five points wins a mystery crate. Rd.1: Luke d. Matt (Ch 1, Con 0). Rd.2: Daisy d. Susie (Ch 1, Con 1). Rd.3: Shaun d. David (Ch 1, Con 2). Rd.4: Simon d. Harry (Ch 2, Con 2). Rd.5: John d. Steven (Ch 2, Con 3). Rd.6: Abbey d. Casey (Ch 3, Con 3). Rd.7: Baden d. Ross (Ch 3, Con 4). Rd.8: Shaun d. Luke (Ch 3, Con 5) - Contenders win reward! The crate has one item for each person, they pick John to hand the items out and decide who gets what. It's mostly useless hygiene products. ![]() Ep.3 idol: Luke![]() After puzzling over the clue in private, Luke enlists the help of David, who quickly (over Luke's doubts) locates the correct tree, and digs up the idol. Which he then gives to Luke, who keeps it. |
Day 7 (May 9) ![]() Ep.3 IC: Plank, poles, sandbags![]() Nine tribemates must dig under a pole and go under it, then carry a heavy "plank" through a series of obstacles, eventually using it as a seesaw for the sandbags throwers (Hannah, Andy; ET, Nova) to retrieve sandbags. Then the throwers must try to toss those sandbags onto five poles their tribemates are holding up. First tribe to land a sandbag on each pole wins. Contenders take an early lead on the digging, never let up, although Champs briefly tie on sandbags, 3-3. Sandbags landed: Andy-4, Hannah-1, Nova-1, ET-2. Contenders win, 5-3. TC3 - Susie voted out (6-5), 21 left. |
Day 8 (May 10) |
Day 9 (May 11) ![]() Ep.4 RC: Tower, buoys![]() Casey sits out. One by one, contestants must jump off a high tower, grabbing a flag on the way down. They must then swim over to platform and place the flag in a rack. When all flags are in the rack, each person must dive down to retrieve a buoy. The buoys are then used to spell a word (UNSTOPPABLE). First tribe to finish wins hot chocolate and marshmallows. Champions win, as Sarah can't make the jump. They pick John to join them on reward. ![]() Ep.4 (pre-) idol![]() Keeping a keen eye on the reward materials, Janine spies a clue tucked under the table (which ends up on the ground somehow?) She pockets it, although David notices. She later follows the clue and retrieves the idol... only to find it's only valid for a Contender to use at a Contenders Tribal Council. She decides against handing it to the visiting John, and keeps it. (Sharing the story later with David.) |
Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | |||
Day 10 (May 12) ![]() Ep.4 IC: Rope-a-dope, rolling balls![]() Sarah sits out. Eight tribe members are tethered to a rope. In pairs, they must follow the rope through and around a series of obstacles. The last person has a key, which releases a gate and four balls. Two tribe members (Nova, Ross; Andy, Harry) will attempt to roll the balls up a ramp and into a bucket. First to land all four balls wins. Champions lose time when Pia and Luke get the rope tangled. Balls landed: Andy-2, Harry-1 ... before Champions even open their gate. Nova lands 1, making it 3-1, but then Harry lands the winning shot. Contenders win! TC4 - Nova voted out (6-2-2), 20 left. |
Day 11 (May 13) ![]() Ep.5 (pre-) idol![]() At the well (with Daisy), Shaun finds an idol in camp, right next to the water well. Upon further review, they learn it's only good for a Champion to use at their Tribal, but as with Janine's idol, the two can be swapped, maybe. Shaun makes plans to try to do that at a challenge. ![]() Ep.5 RC: Water football![]() In a surprise morale boost for the Champions, last season's fight-for-a-ball water challenge, in which points were scored with a giant slingshot, has had that last bit replaced by kicking a goal. By an amazing coincidence, the Champions just happen to have three pro footballers on their tribe! In further shocking news, those three kick five goals to the Contenders one (by Andy), and win reward: A trip to a "fish and chips shop" on the beach. Replete with mock newspapers celebrating each Champion's career accomplishments. |
Day 12 (May 14) ![]() Ep.5 idol swap![]() Having whispered to each other during the previous day's RC, David and Shaun arrive at the IC ready to swap idols. Shaun has the Champions one he found at Contenders camp. David, meanwhile, has a fake idol he constructed, wrapped in Janine's authentic paperwork. They carry out the swap undetected. ![]() Ep.5 IC: Cages, block puzzle, sandbags![]() Hannah, Sarah sit out. Seven tribe members (two pairs, then three) are locked in cages along an obstacle course. Two tribe members (Simon, ET; Matt, John) must cross the obstacles, releasing them. Then all go under a net crawl, grabbing sacks of sandbags. Then two people (Abbey, Ross; Andy, Baden) do a block puzzle, then knock it down with sandbags. Champions blow a huge lead on the puzzle; Andy swiftly knocks the blocks for the Contenders, who win. TC5 - Steven voted out (8-1), 19 left. |
Day 13 (May 15) ![]() Ep.6 RC: Tug-of-war![]() Baden, Casey, Daisy sit out. Three (or four, or one) at a time, each tribe must pull on a rope connected to a heavy log. First tribe to pull it over and break their plank wins a point, first tribe to three points wins. Rd.1: David, Luke, Abbey d. Shaun, Matt, Sarah - Ch 1, Con 0. Rd.2: Pia, Janine, ET d. Harry, Sam, Hannah - Ch 2, Con 0. Rd.3: Shaun, Harry, Sam, Sarah d. Janine, Abbey, David, ET - Ch 2, Con 1. Rd.4: Shaun, Harry, Matt, John d. David, Ross, Simon, Luke - Ch 2, Con 2. Rd.5: Ross d. Shaun - Champions win, 3-2! They pick Baden to join them. Baden picks Shaun to also come along. |
Day 14 (May 16) ![]() Ep.6 IC: Dunk towers![]() Andy, Sam, Hannah sit out. Two tribe members (Casey, Baden; Pia, Simon) stand on a plank at the top of the tower. Three tribemates (per bag) stand down at the bottom taking turns holding a rope. The rope holds up a sandbag on the tower. If it drops too low, the plank drops, and their tribemate goes in. Rope holders: Sarah/Shaun/Matt, Harry/Daisy/John (drops Baden); David/Abbey/Luke, ET (30 minutes!)/Janine/Ross. Ross drops Simon, leaving a Luke vs. Matt showdown. Luke eventually drops Pia, Contenders win. TC6 - ET voted out (5-3), 18 left. |
Day 15 (May 17) ![]() Ep.7 tribal swap![]() The tribes drop their buffs and draw news ones. The new Contenders tribe has five original Champions and four original Contenders, while on the new Champions tribe, Luke and David are outnumbered 7-2 by original Contenders. |
Day 16 (May 18) ![]() Ep.7 IC: Pairs squats![]() Baden, Casey sit out, due to odd-numbered tribe sizes. In pairs, contestants will balance a bar on their shoulders while holding a squat position. In the middle of the bar is a stack of bamboo cylinders. Too much side-to-side or up or down movement knocks them over, and the pair is eliminated. Last tribe with people still squatting wins. Order of elimination: 1. Hannah/Sarah (Champs). [20 minutes] 2. Harry/Matt (Contenders). 3. Shaun/Simon (Contenders). 4. John/Andy (Champs). [25 minutes] 5. Luke/David (Champs), 6. Pia/Ross (Contenders). [54 minutes] 7. Sam/Daisy ... meaning Abbey/Janine and the Contenders win! TC7 - Sam voted out (5-`2-2), 17 left. |
Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | |||
Day 17 (May 19) ![]() Ep.8 RC: River swim![]() Pia sits out. In head-to-head matches, contestants compete to stay within a marked zone while swimming against the current in a river. Last person to remain in the zone scores a point; first tribe to three wins. Rd.1: Matt d. Luke - Ch 0, Con 1. Rd.2: Ross d. Baden - Ch 0, Con 2. Rd.3: Andy d. Janine - Ch 1, Con 2. Rd.4: Daisy d. Abbey - Ch 2, Con 2. Rd.5: Casey d. Hannah - Contenders win, 3-2! They get a trip to the Survivor Cafe. ![]() Ep.8 idol![]() (Idol-finding sequence is not time-stamped, but is shown between the Day 17 reward and Day 18 IC.) Feeling on the outs and desperate to save himself, Harry wanders off to look for an idol, and finds on in a tree near Contenders camp. He is quite happy to do so. |
Day 18 (May 20) ![]() Ep.8 IC: Team-based Last Gasp![]() Harry sits out. Two people per tribe (Pia, Casey; Hannah, Sarah) lay in chambers with a hole in plexiglass to stick their nose through, like the grate in Last Gasp. The other six tribe members have buckets. They race down to the beach, fill the buckets, bring them back over a long, twisty balance beam, then dump any remaining water into a barrel that feeds into one of the two chambers. Chamber-dwellers must stay in as long as they can, but are free to drop out when the water level gets too high. Last tribe with at least one person in a chamber wins. Order out: Hannah, Pia... Sarah. Contenders win! TC8 - Sarah voted out (6-2), 16 left. |
Day 19 (May 21) ![]() Ep.9 RC: Tethered Idol Hands![]() Janine, Casey sit out. As in "Idol Hands," in head-to-head bouts, contestants try to knock over their opponent's idol while avoiding having their own knocked off. Except here, instead of holding the idol on a paddle, they're tethered to the idol, which sits on a post at the edge of the ring. First tribe to five wins reward. Rd.1: Luke d. Matt - Ch 1, Con 0. Rd.2: Hannah d. Pia - Ch 2, Con 0. Rd.3: John d. Simon - Ch 2, Con 1. Rd.4: Andy d. Ross - Ch 3, Con 1. Rd.5: Harry d. Baden - Ch 3, Con 2. Rd.6: Daisy d. Abbey - Ch 4, Con 2 (Abbey gets medical check). Rd.7: Shaun d. David - Ch 4, Con 3. Rd.8: John d. Harry - Champions win, 5-3! They win toasted sandwich fixings, plus "plates from home." |
Day 20 (May 22) ![]() Ep.9 IC: Blocks, stacking![]() Harry, Abbey sit out. One tribemate (John, Ross) will race to chop through a log, releasing a couple of blocks. The tribe will then work together, as they transport two of them through a series of obstacles, while balancing the blocks on a disc. Once through, two tribemates (Luke, David; Simon, Shaun) will use a pole to bounce the remaining blocks off an overhead net. The tribe must then stack all the blocks. Champions take a big lead on the initial log, never relinquish it. TC9 - Shaun stolen by Champions (4-?), 16 left. |
Day 21 (May 23) |
Day 22 (May 24) ![]() Ep.10 IC: Balls, tower, shoot![]() Two at a time, players will run out into the water, retrieving balls while going under a net obstacle, then climbing the tower. When all 8 balls are retrieved, two players (Luke, Shaun; Ross, Harry) will dive down and hold open a gate, revealing a goal into which the rest must shoot all 8 balls. First tribe to do so wins. Champs have a huge lead, and Andy, David shoot, get zero balls in. Finally the Contenders start shooting, and Simon sinks 4 shots, very quickly. Ross does an impressive job holding his breath to keep the gate open. Both tribes race to retrieve their balls. Simon hits three more, 7-0. Then he hits the final shot, and Contenders win, 8-0! TC10 - Hannah idoled out ([0]-2-2-1; 4-2), 15 left. |
Day 23 (May 25) ![]() Ep.11 RC: Monkey bars![]() Pia sits out. In head-to-head matchups, one contestant from each tribe will race across monkey bars to grab a flag at the end. First to grab it scores a point, first tribe to three points wins a trip to the Survivor Cinema … of videos from their loved ones (with popcorn and ice cream). Rd.1: Matt d. Luke (who falls) - Ch 0, Con 1. Rd.2: Andy d. Ross (who also falls) - Ch 1, Con 1. Rd.3: Baden d. Abbey - Ch 2, Con 1. Rd.4: David d. Simon (who falls at the end) - Ch 3, Con 1. Champions win reward! ![]() Ep.11 idol![]() Upon arriving at the Survivor Cinema, the Champions learn they will be viewing the videos one at a time. Daisy quickly decides David should go first, giving him free rein to scour the place for an idol. Which he does, eventually finding one in the popcorn machine. Later contestants also look. Andy expresses frustration (in confessional) at allowing the guy who needs an idol the most to go first. He's not wrong! |
Episode 11 | Episode 12 | Episode 13 | Episode 14 | |||
Day 24 (May 26) ![]() Ep.11 IC: Gutter, balls![]() Casey, Ross, Daisy sit out. In pairs, contestants stand on a narrow beam, holding a heavy gutter with a ball in it. At regular intervals, they move to a narrower part, making it harder to keep the ball in the gutter. If they or the ball fall, they're out. All make it to the second section of beam (10 minutes). Janine/Abbey drop their ball first. [30 minutes] Pia steps down on transition to final beam section, Pia/Harry out. Simon then falls, and Champions win, 3-0! (The ex-Champs on Contenders were throwing the challenge.) TC11 - Casey idoled out ([0]-4), 14 left. |
Day 25 (May 27) ![]() Ep.12 idol![]() Harry finds an idol clue near camp, directing him to retrieve the idol from the roof of the shelter. He does so as the tribe prepares to leave for the day's reward challenge, giving him his second idol, hours after playing his first. ![]() Ep.12 RC: Tower, rings![]() In head-to-head matchups, contestants will walk out, blindfolded, along narrow beams atop Monika's Tower, and pull up and retrieve a ring from the end of a rope. Then they'll jump in, swim out to a pontoon, and attempt to land the ring on a peg, scoring a point. First tribe to three points wins.Rd.1: Luke d. Harry - Ch 1, Con 0. Rd.2: Baden d. Janine - Ch 2, Con 0. Rd.3: Ross d. Andy - Ch 2, Con 1. Rd.4: John d. Pia - Champions win, 3-1, get a trip to the Survivor Pub, featuring Chicken Parm (for John). They pick Harry to join them. |
Day 26 (May 28) ![]() Ep.12 IC: Slide, masks, puzzle![]() One at a time, contestants slide down the water slide, grabbing a number tile at the end. The tiles are used to open a combo lock, releasing a sledgehammer. They then take turns using the hammer to smash masks, releasing puzzle pieces. Then two people (Andy, Baden; Pia, Harry) will use the pieces to solve a vertical circular puzzle. First to finish wins. Andy tries to throw the challenge, but Baden isn't on board, and wins it for the Champions. TC12 - Matt idoled out [0]-2-2 (4-1), 13 left. |
Day 27 (May 29) |
Day 28 (May 30) ![]() Ep.13 IC: Obstacles, stair puzzle![]() Andy sits out. One at a time, contestants will cross a series of stumps, then a rope swing, then one person (Shaun, Simon) will use a monkey fist (rope) to create a guide rope for crossing a balance beam. Two tribemates (David, Baden; Simon, Harry) will then unscrew a box of puzzle pieces, and use those pieces to build a ladder. First tribe to climb their ladder and light their fire wins immunity. Results: Champs take a huge lead on the stumps, reach the puzzle before Contenders cross the rope swing. Ross removed with a broken ankle. Challenge continues. Champs lose ground on the puzzle, but then regain it, win easily. No TC - Ross medevac. |
Day 29 (May 31) Tribes merge, Soli Bula formed. ![]() Ep.14 RC: When It Rains![]() Each contestant must stand holding a sandbag, tethered to a bucket of water, over their head. If they lower the sandbag too far, the bucket tips, and they're out. Winner gets a mystery crate. Jonathan tempts players to drop out with reward items. Order of elimination: 12. Luke (drops for chocolate cookies), 10-tie. Pia, Harry (phone call home), [20 min.] 8-tie. Abbey, Janine (beef tacos). 5-tie. Baden, Shaun, John (spaghetti and wine). [25 min.] 4. Andy (chicken parmesan). [45 min, after final three turn down multiple temptations] 3. David, 2. Simon, 1. Daisy wins. The crate has every temptation offered, including the advantage the three passed up. Also a free idol. ![]() Ep.14 idol![]() In addition to getting every food item offered in the reward challenge, and a call home, and an advantage in the IC, Daisy is also given a free idol in her reward crate. |
Day 30 (Jun. 1) ![]() Ep.14 IC: Barrel and rope![]() Contestants must pull on a rope that's threaded through a tile, holding up a barrel that contains 60% of their body weight. If they drop the rope, the tile smashes, the barrel drops, and they're out. Daisy's advantage: She gets to start 10 minutes after everyone else. Elimination order: 12. John, 11. Luke (almost at the same time), 10. Harry. [10 min., Daisy joins] 9. Baden. [20 min.] 8. Pia, 7. David, 6. Andy. [30 min.] 5. Simon. [45 min.] 4. Janine, 3. Daisy. [55 min.] 2. Abbey, 1. Shaun wins! TC13 - Andy voted out (11-[0]), 11 left. |
Episode 15 | Episode 16 | Episode 17 | Episode 18 | |||
Day 31 (Jun. 2) ![]() Ep.15 RC: Chimney Sweep![]() With poles instead of walls, but otherwise the same. Also the car challenge. All survive the first 15 minutes on the largest (6-cm) hold. Order out: 11. Shaun (20 min), 10. Daisy, 9. Baden. [40 min, transition to smallest, 1.5-cm holds] 8. John, 7. Luke (45 min), 6. Pia, 5. Harry, 4. Janine (60 min), 3. Simon (75 min). After 100 minutes, remaining two must stay on only using feet. David accidentally regains his balance by touching the poles, so 2. David, and 1. Abbey wins an MG ZS SUV, goes on a picnic with David and John. |
Day 32 (Jun. 3) ![]() Ep.15 IC: Last Gasp![]() As first seen in Palau. Contestants must lie under a grate in rising water, until they have to drop out. Twist here is that it's performed at dusk, the day of Tribal Council. Order out: 11. Daisy, 10. Abbey, 9. Baden, 8. Harry. [20 min.] 7. Pia, 6. John, 5. Janine, 4. Luke, 3. Simon, 2. Shaun, 1. David wins! TC14 - Shaun voted out (7-2-2), 10 left. |
Day 33 (Jun. 4) |
Day 34 (Jun. 5) ![]() Ep.16 IC: Paddle Out![]() As first seen in Philippines, albeit with an additional leg: Contestants must race to dig up a bag of six balls, then roll them out onto a paddle, placing them in divots on the blade. Results: Baden, Luke find their bags early, get a head start. Abbey, David eventually join them. Balls placed: Luke 6, Baden 2 (was 3), rest zero. TC15 - David voted out, 9 left. |
Day 35 (Jun. 6) ![]() Ep.17 idol![]() Harry sets out to find an idol. Meanwhile, Daisy actually finds it, in a stump near the well. Unfortunately, Luke and Pia show up almost immediately, Daisy attempts to hide the idol in her shirt, and she's caught red-handed. ![]() Ep.17 RC: Pairs Over-Extended![]() In pairs, with Harry sitting out, although Harry can choose which pair will win, and if he's right, can share the reward (Chinese food from Deliveroo). Pairs: Luke and Baden; Simon and John; Abbey and Janine; Pia and Daisy. Challenge: As in "Over Extended," using a pole, hold an idol on a platform, extending the pole art regular intervals ... except in pairs. Results: (Harry picks Janine/Abbey) 4. Pia/Daisy (5 min, 2nd section), 3. Luke/Baden (40 min, adding 7th section), 2. Simon/John (same point), 1. Abbey and Janine win! (As does Harry.) Harry adds Simon. |
Day 36 (Jun. 7) ![]() Ep.17 IC: Planking![]() Everyone has to hold a plank position (over knee-deep water), until they fall. That's it. Order of elimination: 9. Harry (2 min.), 8. Abbey (2.5 min), 7. Luke (3 min.), 6. Pia, 5. John. [10 min.] 4. Daisy. [15 min.] 3. Janine. [20 min.] 2. Baden, 1. Simon wins! TC16 - John voted out (4-4-1; 4-3), 8 left. |
Day 37 (Jun. 8) ![]() Ep.18 RC: Pairs vertical Twister![]() In pairs, contestants hang on a wall by holding on to numbered pegs. At regular intervals, Jonathan calls for a specific numbered peg to be removed. One person handles odd numbers, the other even. Eventually, there are too few pegs to hold on to, and someone falls. Last pair hanging wins. Pairs: Luke/Baden, Harry/Abbey, Simon/Janine, Pia/Daisy. Order out: 4. Harry/Abbey (2nd peg), 3. Baden/Luke (~8 pegs left), 2. Pia/Daisy (shortly after). 1. Janine and Simon win an overnight spa trip! They pick Pia and Daisy to join them. |
Episode 18 | Episode 19 | Episode 20 | Episode 21 | |||
Day 38 (Jun. 9) ![]() Ep.18 IC: Crocodile Rock![]() As seen in Ghost Island. Contestants must lift up on a bar, keeping a ball clamped between two metal jaws above their head. (In a new twist, the bar is weighed down with 8% of the contestant's body weight.) If they let go, the jaws open, and the ball rolls out, eliminating them. Order out: 8. Baden, 7. Daisy. [10 min.] 6. Pia, 5. Harry. [30 min.] 4. Abbey. [1 hr.] 3. Luke. [85 min.] 2. Simon (drops for a promise of reward), 1. Janine wins! TC17 - Daisy voted to Exile Beach (7-1), 8 left. |
Day 39 (Jun. 10) |
Day 40 (Jun. 11) ![]() Ep.19 IC: Hanging By a Thread![]() As seen in the Fiji F4 IC. Contestants must lay on a steep ramp over the water, hanging on to a bar with their hands, until they tire and let go. Last still holding on wins immunity. Order out: 7. Baden (under 1 min), 6. Janine. [30 min.] 5. Harry. [45 min., switch to one arm] 4. Abbey. [90 min.] 3. Simon, 2. Luke, 1. Pia wins immunity! TC18 - Simon exiled (4-3), 8 left. |
Day 41 (Jun. 12) ![]() Ep.20 duel: Operation Balance Build![]() As seen in the One World F4 IC. Contestants must carry a cup (along a balance beam) on a long fork, move it through a wobbly metal obstacle, then stack it, for 10 total cups. First to stack all 10 wins. Results: Daisy and Simon each drop their stacks at 9 cups. Daisy gets to 10 first the second time, but her stack tips before JLP finishes counting down. Simon wins. |
Day 42 (Jun. 13) ![]() Ep.20 IC: Got a Hunch![]() As seen in the Ep12 IC in Kaoh Rong. Contestants must hold a rope to balance a wobbly table. Meanwhile, they run out to collect a block, bring it back, and stack it on the table to spell "IMMUNITY" (plus two logos). Results: Abbey dumps at 9 blocks, Luke close behind, wins, as Simon approaches with his 10th piece. Luke 1st, Simon 2nd, rest tied for 3rd. TC19 - Simon voted out again (6-1), 6 left. |
Day 43 (Jun. 14) (Pia's birthday? - Dates here based on Baden's calendar) |
Day 44 (Jun. 15) ![]() Ep.21 IC: Ropes, sandbags, puzzle![]() Contestants are tethered to a rope wrapped around a number of obstacles. They must unwrap enough rope to cross a balance beam, then toss sandbags to release a key, which frees them from the rope. They then must complete a logo puzzle. Results: Abbey, Luke first to sandbags, Luke, then Abbey first to key. Harry, Janine, Baden reach puzzle. Pia last. TC20 - Janine voted out (4-2), 5 left. |
Episode 22 | Episode 23 | Episode 24 | Game over | |||
Day 45 (Jun. 16) ![]() Ep.22 advantage: Eject button![]() Luke finds a clue sitting on a tree near a trail by camp. The clue directs him to a marked coconut at one end of the beach. He borrows the machete from camp, finds the coconut, and chops it open. His prize: A new advantage that allows him to send one person back to camp at any Tribal Council until the Final 5. That person is safe from the vote, but can't vote. |
Day 46 (Jun. 17) ![]() Ep.22 IC: Backed Up![]() As seen in the Ep9 IC in Kaoh Rong. Contestants must stack blocks along a beam while avoiding a trip obstacle (basically, a horizontal trellis). Then they must knock the blocks over, like a line of dominoes, eventually hitting a gong. Baden trips when running back to set his block chain tumbling, knocking over most of his blocks. Abbey makes an attempt, but her last few blocks don't fall. Luke wins! TC21 - Abbey voted out (2-1-1), 4 left. |
Day 47 (Jun. 18) ![]() Ep.23 IC: Always on the Run![]() Similar to the (pairs) version in Ghost Island (which is really a scaled-up "Simmotion"). Contestants must run to the top of some stairs, drop a ball onto a track, then collect it before it hits the sand at the bottom. At regular intervals, more balls are added, until eventually, there are four on the track at once. Contestants are out if a ball hits the sand. Order out: 4. Pia (3 balls), 3. Luke (4 balls), 2. Baden, 1. Harry wins! TC22 - Luke voted out (3-1), 3 left. |
Day 48 (Jun. 19) |
Day 49 (Jun. 20) ![]() Ep.24 IC: Endurance![]() Special guests to watch the challenge: Harry's mom and his girlfriend, Jordan; Baden's parents and his brother, Callum; Pia's husband Luke, and kids Lily and James. Challenge: Contestants must stand on narrow "torture pegs," and pull on two handles lifting up idol statues. If they let go of a handle or step off a peg, they're out. Order out: 3. Harry (6 hrs, 40 min), 2. Pia (right after), 1. Baden wins! Both Harry and Pia request JLP's help to get off the structure. This challenge ends up being the longest one in Australian Survivor's history. TC23 - Harry voted out (1-0), 2 left. |
Day 50 (Jun. 21) ![]() Final Tribal Council![]() Baden and Pia make their cases to the jury, in an open forum setting. Both face harsh questions, but Pia mostly meets the challenge, while Baden fails to convince the jurors. After voting, JLP immediately reads the votes ... after bringing Pia's and Baden's families in to stand with them as the votes are revealed. As it turns out, it's a landslide: 9 votes for Pia, zero for Baden. |
Day 50 (Jun. 22) |