Episode 14: Thoughts from the Edge
Published: May 20, 2020
Now that the king of Survivor has been crowned, Andy looks ahead to what shape the future of Survivor will take, if or when it continues. Which parts of the game need retooling, what twists should stay, and, wait ... teenagers?
Episode 13: Perception is everything
Published: May 12, 2020
As the dawn of the Winners at War finale approaches, Andy casts his gaze on perceptions: How these contestants are viewed by themselves, their competitors, the jury, and the audience, and what that means for their respective chances at a $2 million victory.
Episode 12: All Along the Watchtower
Published: May 5, 2020
There are still two big episodes to go, but Andy is calling his Winners at War shot now: We are watching a virtuoso performance by a unicorn, someone who uniquely combines different Survivor talents, then shapes and performs them in a fiery, string-bending anthem. Andy runs through the many movements involved.
Episode 11: Bleep I yell at my TV screen
Published: April 27, 2020
It was a huge [expletive deleted] episode for Winners at War, and Andy [expletive deleted] Baker is here to tell you all about it, from the good, to the bad, to the [expletive deleted] great.
Episode 10: Unpopular opinions
Published: April 21, 2020
Andy stakes his hot takes claim with a Baker's dozen of potentially unpalatable views about the state of the game and the fates of the players, from kids on Survivor (nay?) to Tribal whispering (aye?) and many hills to die on in between.
Episode 9: Faith
Published: April 14, 2020
This week, as the Winners antipate the iron-clad reassurance of their loved ones visiting, Andy Baker turns his attention to faith: Which players have it in which other players, and most importantly: Should they?
Episode 8: Inclusion conclusion
Published: April 7, 2020
Andy Baker tackles the Winners at War merge with literary analysis: poring over the words of our dozen unreliable narrators, looking at what was said (and not said), and how the action proceeded, in order to discern where this season is headed.
Episode 7: And then there was one
Published: March 30, 2020
With the Winners at War merging, Andy returns from his hiatus to project the outcome of the remainder of the game. Who will come back from the Edge, how will the post-merge alliances shake out, and most importantly: Who is best positioned to win?
Episode 2: Mixed messages
Published: February 23, 2020
After Episode 2 of Winners at War, Andy turns his attention to the big moves various contestants are making: both in the game itself, and in their relative prominence in the show's storyline. What are edit-readers to make of players who appear important in one episode, then disappear in the next?
Episode 1: Truth, lies, and rumors
Published: February 15, 2020
Taking note of the tactics Sandra deployed to successfully shield herself in the Winners at War premiere, Andy dissects the opener and evaluates which scenes and themes were true, false, or unclear portents of the future.
Pre-season: The Natural
Published: February 11, 2020
Andy takes you on an odyssey through the strengths and liabilities of each returning winner, weighing and debating their relative chances of ultimate victory, and finally settles on a winner pick: someone who is just ... well, a natural at this game. Who will it be?
Baker swore he’d never play again, but the
allure of an All Winners season brought him back..
Andy is no longer on twitter, but he's a regular guest at the Survivor Talk with D&D podcast.