Survivor 16: Micronesia calendar
Survivor 16: Micronesia calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: August 12, 2024
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-game Ep1: "You Guys Are Dumber Than You Look" Ep2: "The Sounds of Jungle Love"
Day 0
(Oct. 28)

Pre-game interviews?
Day 1
(Oct. 29)

Ep.1 individual IC - necklace race

Ep.1 individual IC - necklace race

Ep.1 individual IC - necklace race

Ep1 Individual idol race. Contestants must run across a lagoon and find two individual, single-use idols, one for each tribe. Fairplay finds it first, but picks up Airai's by mistake. Yau-Man sees him, and gets Malakal's first. Yau-Man then tells Kathy to pick up the discarded Airai idol.

Next: Ep.1 RC/IC →

Filming begins. Ep1 Ind. IC: Yau-Man, Kathy get idols.
Day 2
(Oct. 30)
Day 3
(Oct. 31)

Ep.1 RC/IC: Reinventing the Wheel

Ep.1 RC/IC: Reinventing the Wheel

Ep.1 RC/IC

Ep1 Reward/Immunity Challenge: Reinventing the Wheel. Eight contestants must assemble four wheels from 16 puzzle pieces, attach them to a cart carrying two tribemates, and push/pull the cart through the jungle. They must dig up planks from a sand pit to cross a bridge, then disassemble the wheels and use them to complete a turnstile, raising a wok to light a fire. Airai gets an early lead on the first puzzle, and wins easily.

← Previous: Ep.1 ind. IC Next: Ep.2 RC/IC →

Ep1 RC/IC: "Re-inventing the Wheel" - Airai wins.

TC1 - Fairplay voted out (9-1), 19 left.
Day 4
(Nov. 1)
Day 5
(Nov. 2)

Ep.2 RC/IC: Smash and Grab

Ep.2 RC/IC: Smash and Grab

Ep.2 RC/IC

Ep2 Reward/Immunity Challenge: Smash and Grab. Kathy sits out. Contestants (Ozzy, Ami, Amanda, Parvati, Penner; Jason, Alexis, Chet, Mikey B, Erik) must cross 'lily pads,' climb a platform, and smash five tiles containing keys. After all five are retrieved, keymaster (James; Joel) unlocks a puzzle chest. Rest solve a puzzle map of Micronesia. Malakal wins fishing gear. They exile Kathy and Cirie.

← Previous: Ep.1 RC/IC Next: Ep.3 RC →

Ep2 RC/IC: "Smash and Grab" - Malakal wins. Kathy, Cirie exiled.
Day 6
(Nov. 3)

Kathy, Cirie return.

TC2 - Mary voted out (6-2-2), 18 left.
Ep3: "I Should Be Carried on the Chariot-Type Thing!" Ep4: "That's Baked, Barbecued, and Fried!" Ep5: "He's A Ball of Goo!"
Day 7
(Nov. 4)

Ep.3 RC: Beach Bash

Ep.3 RC: Beach Bash

Ep.3 RC

Ep3 Reward Challenge: Beach Bash. Contestants start at opposite ends of a watery field, and must race to take pillows and bring five to their end zone simultaneously. By any means necessary. Malakal wins, Kathy and Ami are exiled. Malakal gets a tarp.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC/IC Next: Ep.3 IC →

Ep3 RC: "Beach Bash" - Malakal wins. Kathy, Ami exiled.
Day 8
(Nov. 5)

Ep.3 IC: Nut Bucket

Ep.3 IC: Nut Bucket

Ep.3 IC

Two men and two women from each tribe (Parvati, James, Cirie, Penner; Erik, Natalie, Tracy, Joel) must hold up a large net, while remaining contestants from the other tribe take turns shooting baskets with coconuts (with the net as the basket). First tribe to drop their basket loses. Chet, of all people, lands the coconut that causes Malakal to drop their basket, and Airai wins.

← Previous: Ep.3 RC Next: Ep.4 RC →

Kathy, Ami return.
Ep3 IC: "Nut Bucket" - Airai wins.

TC3 - Yau-Man voted out (6-2-1), 17 left.
Day 9
(Nov. 6)

Ep.4 RC: Diver Down

Ep.4 RC: Diver Down

Ep.4 RC

Chet sits out. Divers must retrieve 10 coconuts from a long underwater cage, then bring back to shore, where rest solve puzzle. Ozzy hacks the challenge by moving almost all the coconuts to the end at once, making it simple for the other three Malakals to retrieve them. Coconuts retrieved: Ozzy 4, Penner 3, Ami 2, Parvati 1; Jason 3, Mikey B 3, Alexis 2, Natalie 1. James solves the one-word puzzle (TRIUMPHANT), and Malakal wins, easily (Fans still had only 9 coconuts retrieved). Faves get 3 egg-laying chickens. Kathy, Ozzy exiled.

← Previous: Ep.3 IC Next: Ep.4 idol →

Ep4 RC: "Diver Down" - Malakal wins. Kathy, Ozzy exiled.

Ep.4 idol

Ep.4 idol

Ep.4 idol

Ozzy finds the hidden idol. With Kathy uninterested in finding the idol, Ozzy pretends to look for clams, follows all four clues, and finds the hidden idol.

← Previous: Ep.4 RC Next: Ep.4 stick →

Ozzy finds the hidden idol.
Day 10
(Nov. 7)

Ep.4 stick

Ep.4 stick

Ep.4 stick

Ozzy makes a fake idol. With Kathy still sitting around, Ozzy makes a fake idol out of a stick, and hides it where the real idol was previously hidden.

← Previous: Ep.4 idol Next: Ep.4 IC

Ozzy makes, re-hides fake idol.
Day 11
(Nov. 8)

Ep.4 IC: Crosswalk

Ep.4 IC: Crosswalk

Ep.4 IC: Crosswalk

Tracy sits out. Six contestants per tribe must get in a harness attached to the ends of three crossed poles with a sliding hub. First they must each remove a lock, then navigate an obstacle-strewn course, picking up wooden necklaces. The remaining two people (Eliza, Cirie; Chet, Kathy) must use the necklaces to solve a word puzzle (TRIBE STAYS INTACT). Results: Fans struggle with locks, Faves have four necklaces before Fans even unlock their poles, giving them a huge headstart on the puzzle. Malakal wins, easily.

← Previous: Ep.4 stick Next: Ep.5 RC →

Ozzy, Kathy return.
Ep4 IC: "Crosswalk" - Malakal wins.

TC4 - Mikey B. voted out (6-3), 16 left.
Day 12
(Nov. 9)

Ep.5 RC: Cat and Mouse

Ep.5 RC: Cat and Mouse

Ep.5 RC: Cat and Mouse

Held following the tribe swap, where Ozzy and Natalie draw purple and orange rocks, respectively, and are the two captains. New Malakal: Ozzy, Joel ("Troy"), Amanda, Erik, Ami, Tracy, Cirie, Chet ; New Airari: Natalie, James, Alexis, Penner, Jason, Parvati, Kathy, Eliza. Challenge: Contestants are tethered together in pairs. One pair at a time, they must race through a bamboo obstacle course, while a pair from the other tribe tries to catch them and grab a flag from them. If they do this in 1 minute, the chasing pair gets a point. If not, the running pair gets a point. First tribe to three points wins reward (barbecue items and wine). Results: Rd.1: Ozzy/Erik catch Kathy/Natalie (M1, A0). Rd.2: Eliza/Parvati catch Chet/Joel (M1, A1, Parvati injured). Rd.3: Ami/Amanda catch Jason/James (M2, A1, but Ami injured). Rd.4: Alexis/Penner catch Cirie/Tracy (M2, A2, Penner injures his knee). Rd.5: Joel/Chet fail to catch Parvati/Eliza (M2, A3; Chet dragged repeatedly by Joel). Airai wins!

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Ep.5 IC →

Tribal swap: Two re-picked tribes.
Ep5 RC: "Cat and Mouse" - Airai wins.
Day 13
(Nov. 10)
Ep5: "He's A Ball of Goo!" Ep6: "It Hit Everyone Pretty Hard" Ep7: "Like A Wide-Eyed Kid in the Candy Store"
Day 14
(Nov. 11)

Ep.5 IC: A Stone's Throw

Ep.5 IC: A Stone's Throw

Ep.5 IC: A Stone's Throw

Four contestants take turns throwing rocks to break four ceramic tiles, each of which releases a bundle of puzzle pieces. The remaining three must solve the puzzle, guided by a caller (Chet, Eliza). Tiles broken: Malakal - Ozzy, Tracy, Erik x2; Airai - Penner x2, James (doesn't break enough x2), Jason x2. Puzzlers: Amanda, Ami, Cirie; Natalie, Kathy, Parvati. Thanks to Eliza's guidance, Airai overcomes early struggles with the tiles, solves the puzzle first. Airai wins!

← Previous: Ep.5 RC Next: Ep.6 RC →

Ep5 IC: "A Stone's Throw" - Airai wins.

TC5 - Joel voted out (6-2), 15 left.
Day 15
(Nov. 12)

Ep.6 RC: Build It Up, Break It Down

Ep.6 RC: Build It Up, Break It Down

Ep.6 RC: Build It Up, Break It Down

Natalie sits out. Tribes must swim out to a dock, and bring back bundles of planks, sticks, and ropes. They then have 10 minutes to build a barrier in the other's tribe's tunnel on the beach. They then race to tear down the barrier the other tribe built in their tunnel. First tribe through their tunnel wins training from two native Micronesians (Edwin and Joe) on survival skills. Airai wins, exiles Chet and Jason. Immediately after the challenge, Penner is pulled from the game to get his knee seen to at a hospital.

← Previous: Ep.5 IC Next: Ep.6 stick →

Ep6 RC: "Build It Up, Break It Down" - Airai wins. Chet, Jason exiled.

Penner removed, 14 left.
Day 16
(Nov. 13)

Ep.6 stick: Jason

Ep.6 stick: Jason

Ep.6 stick: Jason

In perhaps the only entertaining thing ever to happen on Exile Island after an idol was found, Jason gets free rein from an injured Chet to follow the clue trail to the island. Chet also correctly warns Jason that Ozzy probably has the idol already. Jason does this, finds Ozzy's stick, and happily tells the camera that this must be the idol. (To be fair, he seems a little taken aback by the general stick-likeness of the "idol" when he opens it, and is maybe putting on a brave face for confessional.)

← Previous: Ep.6 RC Next: Ep.6 IC →

Jason finds a f***ing stick.
Day 17
(Nov. 14)

Ep.6 IC: United We Stand

Ep.6 IC: United We Stand

Ep.6 IC: United We Stand

As seen in Cook Islands. Each tribe must use stepping poles to transfer two people (Tracy, Ami; Eliza, Parvati) from one platform to another. Once complete, all seven must swim out and climb another platform, such that everyone has both feet on or above the tiny top platform level. Results: Mostly thanks to James's strength, Airai just carries its people across one at a time. Airai starts climbing the final platform before Malakal gets their first person (Tracy) across. Airai wins.

← Previous: Ep.6 stick Next: Ep.7 RC →

Chet, Jason return.
Ep6 IC: "United We Stand" - Airai wins.

TC6 - Chet voted out (5-2), 13 left.
Day 18
(Nov. 15)

Ep.7 RC: Money Roll

Ep.7 RC: Money Roll

Ep.7 RC: Money Roll

Natalie sits out. For each tribe, a caller (Cirie, Eliza) directs blindfolded tribe members to roll a large Micronesian money stone (wheel-shaped, with an axle for 4 contestants to hold) through an obstacle course, smashing a tile along the way. The smashed tiles reveal pairs of smaller money stones (metal discs) that function as cogs in a cog puzzle (Kathy, Tracy collect the stones; CIrie, Erik, Ozzy and Eliza, Kathy, James work the puzzles). First tribe to complete the puzzle wins reward: A getaway spa trip with food. Result: Malakal has a slight lead entering the puzzle, wins. They exile Jason and Tracy (who misses out on the spa trip).

← Previous: Ep.6 IC Next: Ep.7 IC →

Ep7 RC: "Money Roll" - Malakal wins spa trip. Tracy, Jason exiled.
Day 19
(Nov. 16)

Kathy quits. 12 left.
Day 20
(Nov. 17)

Ep.7 IC: What-Er Drag

Ep.7 IC: What-Er Drag

Ep.7 IC: What-Er Drag

Basically the same as South Pacific's "Hitching a Ride." Contestants must run out on floating lily pads while carrying a rope. Once they reach the platform, they clip the rope onto a bundle of puzzle pieces, and the entire tribe turns a giant winch to pull them and the puzzle pieces back to shore, through the water (OzzyX4, Erik; ElizaX2, Jason, Parvati, Natalie). Once all pieces have been retrieved, two people (Amanda, Cirie; Eliza, Jason) must use the pieces to complete a square puzzle. Results: Ozzy gives Malakal a one-bundle lead (out of 5) in getting the puzzle pieces, but Airai wins.

← Previous: Ep.7 RC Next: Ep.8 RC/IC →

Jason, Tracy return.
Ep7 IC: "What-Er Drag" - Airai wins.

TC7 - Tracy voted out (5-1); 11 left.
Ep8: "A Lost Puppy Dog" Ep9: "I'm in Such a Hot Pickle!" Ep10: "I Promise..."
Day 21
(Nov. 18)

Ozzy, Alexis exiled.
Ep.8 RC/IC: The Gauntlet

Ep.8 RC/IC: The Gauntlet

Ep.8 RC/IC: The Gauntlet

Tribes are instructed in treemail to select one player from the opposing tribe (Alexis, Ozzy) to sit out of the challenge. These two will be sent to Exile until after the challenge, but each will receive a single-use individual immunity, should their tribe be the one attending Tribal. Challenge: (Parvati sits out.) Similar to "Gauntlet Dash" from Palau. One by one, two contestants (Erik, Amanda; Eliza, Jason) must cross a set of obstacles (rope bridge, 2 rolling barrels, balance beam, rope bridge, cargo net) grab a flag, then go back across the obstacles to the start. While they're on the obstacles, people from the other tribe try to swing sandbags at them to knock them off into the water. First tribe to 5 flags wins immunity ... plus pizza and beer delivered to camp. Results (flags retrieved): Jason-3, Erik-2, Amanda-1, Eliza-1, Erik-3 (M4, A4), Jason-4 (A5). Airai wins!

← Previous: Ep.7 IC Next: Ep.9 merge →

Ep8 RC/IC: "The Gauntlet" - Airai wins.

Ozzy, Alexis return.
TC8 - Ami voted out (4-1), 10 left.
Day 22
(Nov. 19)

Ep.9 merge

Ep.9 merge

Ep.9 merge

Both tribes are instructed to gather all their camp items and go to a new location. There, they have a merge feast (including cooked bats, which James appears to enjoy), decide on a merge tribe name (Dabu, which Erik suggests, and is a made-up word he claims means "good"), and pick which camp to live at (Malakal, duh). Nobody is exiled. (Yay.)

← Previous: Ep.8 IC Next: Ep.9 IC →

Ep8 RC/IC: "The Gauntlet" - Airai wins.
Tribes merge, Dabu formed.
Day 23
(Nov. 20)

Day 24
(Nov. 21)

Ep.9 IC: Last Gasp

Ep.9 IC: Last Gasp

Ep.9 IC: Last Gasp

As seen in S10: Palau. Contestants must hold onto and stay under a metal grate as the sea level rises, until they can't. Results: Everyone lasts 35 minutes, as the water level rises from 12 inches of free space to 4 inches. 10.Amanda first out. [45 minutes] 9.Parvati, 8.Alexis, 7.Cirie, 6.Natalie (at 50 minutes). 5.Eliza, 4.Erik, [1 hr, water above grate] 3.James, 2.Ozzy, 1.Jason wins.

← Previous: Ep.9 merge Next: Ep.10 RC →

Ep9 IC: "Last Gasp" - Jason wins.

TC9 - Eliza voted out (8-2; 1st juror), 9 left.
Day 25
(Nov. 22)

Ep.10 RC: Bai Bai

Ep.10 RC: Bai Bai

Ep.10 RC: Bai Bai

Schoolyard pick for teams (Jason, Natalie are captains: Jason-Ozzy, Erik, Amanda; Natalie-James, Parvati, Alexis). Cirie is not picked, and is exiled before the challenge. Contestants must swim out, crawl through a multi-level net obstacle, swim to a dock, then memorize a set of Micronesia-related symbols. They then race back to the start, and place as many symbols as they can on their answer board. First team to do so correctly wins an overnight trip to Yap island, where they sleep in a traditional bai. Ozzy, Erik, Jason, Amanda win.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC Next: Ep.10 IC →

Ep10 RC: "Bai Bai" - Jason, Erik, Ozzy, Amanda win trip to Yap. Cirie not picked, exiled.
Day 26
(Nov. 23)

Day 27
(Nov. 24)

Ep.10 IC: When It Rains, It Pours

Ep.10 IC: When It Rains, It Pours

Ep.10 IC: When It Rains, It Pours

As later seen in lots of seasons. Contestants must stand on a stump with their hand above their head, tied to a barrel of water that will tip over and soak them if they drop their hand too low. Last person standing wins immunity. Results/order out: 8-tie. Cirie, Erik drop at 20 min for candy. 7.Alexis drops at 45 min, right before Probst announces the food he's holding, he doesn't let her get it. 6.Natalie, 5.James (both accidentally, neither of them get the milk and cookie, either). 4.Ozzy drops at 1 hr for donuts. 3.Amanda drops at 4 hrs to pee. 2.Jason drops at 5 hrs for food for everyone (at Parvati's urging). Parvati wins.

← Previous: Ep.10 RC Next: Ep.11 auction →

Cirie returns.
Ep10 IC: "When It Rains, It Pours" - Parvati wins.

TC11 - Ozzy voted out (5-4), 8 left.
Ep11: "I'm Ruthless ... and Have a Smile on My Face" Ep12: "I'm Gonna Fix Her!" Ep13: "If It Smells..."
Day 28
(Nov. 25)

Ep.11 non-RC: Survivor Auction

Ep.11 non-RC: Survivor Auction

Ep.11 non-RC: Survivor Auction

As usual, contestants get $500 to bid with, bids are in $20 increments. No sharing of money or items. Item 1: Cirie, $120, covered (hot dog, fries). Item 2: Erik, $80 (covered, swap for another covered item, he gets nachos, avoids raw octopus). 3. Natalie, $40 (covered, it's fruit bat soup, she doesn't take it, James does). 4. Amanda, $280 (PB&J, milk). 5. Natalie, $240 (covered, it's a note, she sends one person to Exile, gets their cash - she picks Jason). 6. Natalie, $380 (giant chocolate cake, she gets to pick three people to share with for 60 seconds - she picks Parvati, Alexis, Cirie - Erik pays Cirie to lick her fingers after).

← Previous: Ep.10 IC Next: Ep.11 idol →

Ep11 Non-RC: "Survivor Auction." Jason exiled.

Ep.11 idol: Jason (for real)

Ep.11 idol: Jason (for real)

Ep.11 idol: Jason (for real)

After getting sent back to Exile from the auction, Jason gets to work deciphering a new set of clues. At least as shown on TV, it doesn't seem terribly difficult, and in short order, Jason is the proud owner of an actual, real idol. Which is voted out without playing two days later. Just like his hero, Ozzy.

← Previous: Ep.11 auction Next: Ep.11 IC →

Jason finds real idol.
Day 29
(Nov. 26)
Day 30
(Nov. 27)

Ep.11 IC: Pool Party

Ep.11 IC: Pool Party

Ep.11 IC: Pool Party

Multi-stage elimination challenge, based on past ones. Rd1: Throw rocks to break a tile (Ep5 IC), first four advance (Jason, Erik, James, Amanda). Eliminated: Alexis, Cirie, Natalie, Parvati. Rd2: Dig up a key, which unlocks the puzzle pieces, then assemble the wheel puzzle (Ep1 IC), put it on a winch, turn it to lower planks. First two advance: 1.James, 2.Erik; 3.Jason (working on puzzle), 4.Amanda out (Amanda doesn't dig up key). Rd3: Using the two planks, cross a rope bridge, then a second bridge with lily pads. James almost catches him, but Erik wins.

← Previous: Ep.11 idol Next: Ep.12 RC →

Jason returns.
Ep11 IC: "Pool Party" - Erik wins.

TC12 - Jason voted out (4-3-1), 7 left.
Day 31
(Nov. 28)

Ep.12 RC: Body Slam

Ep.12 RC: Body Slam

Ep.12 RC: Body Slam

(Loved ones visit - Parvati's mom, Gail; Erik's brother, Curt; Natalie's mom, Rocky; Alexis's brother, Nathan; Amanda's sister, Katrina; James's dad, James Sr, Cirie's husband, HB.). Q&A about tribemates, chop ropes if right. Q1. "Who does most for tribe?" A. James (all right except James). Cirie chops Amanda (1), Natalie ch. Erik (1), Erik ch. Natalie (1), Alexis ch. James (1), Parvati ch. James (2), Amanda ch. Parvati (1). Q2. "Who never shuts up?" A. Parvati (Amanda, James, Alexis, Erik right). Erik ch. Alexis (1), Alexis ch. Erik (2), James ch. Alexis (2), Amanda ch. Cirie (1). Q3. "Who mistakenly thinks they are in control of this game?" A. Parvati (all but Parv, Alexis right). James ch. Parv (2), Amanda ch. Natalie (2), Erik ch. Cirie (2), Cirie ch. Parvati (3, out). Q4. "Who is the most honest?" A. Alexis (Cirie right). Cirie ch. Erik (3, out). Q5. "Who are you least likely to invite to a family dinner?" A. James (all right except Nat). Alexis ch. James (3, out). James ch Cirie (3, out). Amanda ch. Natalie (3, out). Cirie ch. Amanda (3, out). Alexis wins! Alexis takes Natalie, Cirie, loved ones on reward to Jellyfish lake, exiles Amanda (who volunteered).

← Previous: Ep.11 IC Next: Ep.12 IC →

Ep12 RC: "Body Slam" (Loved Ones visit): Alexis wins, takes Cirie, Natalie. Amanda exiled.

James removed. 6 left.
Day 32
(Nov. 29)
Day 33
(Nov. 30)

Ep.12 IC: Shoot to Thrill

Ep.12 IC: Shoot to Thrill

Ep.12 IC: Shoot to Thrill

As seen in Palau. Contestants take turns firing a high-powered rifle, attempting to break colored sake bottles. First to hit all three of their bottles wins immunity. Rd1 hits: Natalie, Parv, Erik. Rd2: Erik(2). Rd3: Natalie(2), Amanda(1), Erik(3). Erik wins! Placement: 1. Erik (3), 2. Natalie (2), 3-tie. Parvati, Amanda (1), 5-tie. Cirie, Alexis (0).

← Previous: Ep.12 RC Next: Ep.12 idol →

Amanda returns.
Ep12 IC: "Shoot to Thrill" - Erik wins.

Ep.12 idol: Amanda

Ep.12 idol: Amanda

Ep.12 idol: Amanda

With some extensive digging during her time on Exile, Amanda managed to follow the new set of clues and dug up the final ... clue. It told her that this time, the idol was not in fact on Exile, but rather buried under the tribe flag, back in camp. After returning to camp, Amanda empties her bag to show her tribemates she doesn't have the idol (yet), and after the IC, enlists Parvati for help distracting the others while Amanda digs. While not shown directly, Amanda correctly plays the idol at that night's Tribal, so she clearly found it.

← Previous: Ep.12 IC Next: Ep.13 RC →

Amanda finds idol.

TC13 - Alexis idoled out ([0]-2), 5 left.
Day 34
(Dec. 1)

Ep.13 RC: Survivor Roots

Ep.13 RC: Survivor Roots

Ep.13 RC: Survivor Roots

It's Survivor Trivia, where each contestant turns a wheel to reveal the season in which a "favorite moment" Probst describes occurred. First person to 4 correct answers gets an overnight spa trip with a massage and a meal. Results: Q1. Pet snake (S7)? - Cirie, Erik right. Q2. Shark bite/retaliation biting shark (S8)? - Cirie, Amanda right. Q3. Sea urchin/ first aid pee on hand? (S4) - Erik (2) right. Q4. Player fell in the fire (S2)? - Cirie (2), Erik (3), Parvati right. Q5. First time for four tribes (S12)? - Cirie (3), Erik (4), Natalie (2) right. Erik wins, Cirie second. Erik exiles Parvati, takes Amanda on spa reward with him. 1. Erik (4), 2. Cirie (3), 3. Natalie (2), 4-t. Amanda, Parvati (1).

← Previous: Ep.12 idol Next: Ep.13 IC →

Ep13 RC: "Survivor Roots" - Erik wins. Parvati exiled.
Ep13: "If It Smells Like a Rat, Give It Cheese" Ep14: "Stir the Pot!" (Season finale) Game over Game over
Day 35
(Dec. 2)
Day 36
(Dec. 3)

Ep.13 IC: Dash-Dig-Decode

Ep.13 IC: Dash-Dig-Decode

Ep.13 IC: Dash-Dig-Decode

Using a set of four symbols for coordinates, contestants must cross ropes to identify a spot, then dig up a set of puzzle pieces. Solving the puzzle reveals the coordinates for the next set of puzzle pieces (three puzzles total). First person to solve all four puzzles wins immunity. Results: Erik wins easily, with the women all still on the second set of bags.

← Previous: Ep.13 RC Next: Ep.14 F4 IC →

Parvati returns.
Ep13 IC: "Dash-Dig-Decode" - Erik wins.

TC14 - Erik voted out (4-1), 4 left.
Day 37
(Dec. 4)

Ep.14 F4 IC: Crystal Method

Ep.14 F4 IC: Crystal Method

Ep.14 F4 IC: Crystal Method

Contestants start on a high perch above the water, and must fill up a bucket on a long rope, then use it to pour water into a tall tube (as in the later-appearing "Vertigo"). Once the water reaches the right height, they can grab a set of keys, then swim to shore. On shore, they must use the keys to unlock a chest containing 16 individually shaped ladder rungs. They must use these to build a ladder puzzle. First person to complete it, climb the ladder, and raise their flag wins immunity. Order to shore: Natalie, Parvati, Amanda, Cirie. Results: Amanda wins, Natalie 2nd, Parvati/Cirie tied for 3rd.

← Previous: Ep.13 IC Next: Ep.14 F3 IC →

Ep14 F4 IC: "Crystal Method" - Amanda wins.

TC15 - Natalie voted out (3-1), 3 left.
Day 38
(Dec. 5)

Ep.14 F3 IC: Don't Drop the Marble

Ep.14 F3 IC: Don't Drop the Marble

Ep.14 F3 IC: Don't Drop the Marble

As later seen in Philippines, Ghost Island, etc. Contestants must use two handles to hold up an increasing series of wooden cylinders, upon which a metal ball rests. Five-minute rounds, after which two more pieces are added. Final round with all nine pieces has no time limit, goes until someone drops. Results: All three make it through the first two rounds (1 piece, 3 pieces). Parvati out in Round 3 (5 pieces). Cirie out in Round 5 (all 9 pieces). Amanda wins.

← Previous: Ep.14 F4 IC Next: Final Tribal Council →

Ep14 F3 IC: "The Ball Drop" - Amanda wins.

TC16 - Cirie voted out (1-0), 2 left.
Day 39
(Dec. 6)

Ep.14 Final Tribal Council & jury vote

Ep.14 Final Tribal Council & jury vote

Ep.14 Final Tribal Council & jury vote

Amanda and Parvati address the jury and respond to juror questions. Natalie and Alexis are pretty clearly only voting for Parvati, James and Ozzy only for Amanda. The remainder are up for grabs, and both finalists give strong answers, at least until the very end, when Amanda tells Cirie that Parvati was running the game strategically, whereas Cirie was playing too under-the-radar (?!). Cirie votes for Parvati, as do Jason and a clearly undecided Eliza, and Parvati wins, 5-3.

← Previous: Ep.14 F3 IC 

Final Tribal Council and jury vote on final two - Parvati wins, 5-3.
(Dec. 7)

(Dec. 8)

Contestants return home to U.S.