Survivor 21: Nicaragua calendar
S21: Nicaragua calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: September 14, 2024
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-game Ep1: "Young at Heart" Ep2: "Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"
Day 0
( June 13)

Pre-game press interviews?
Day 1
(June 14)

Ep.1 RC: Medallion of Power

Ep.1 arrival/RC: Medallion of Power

Ep1 RC: Medallion of Power

The contestants arrive in fake "tribes" and are told to go find the Medallion of Power in the nearby lagoon. Brenda finds it, then discovers the tribes at arrival are not accurate, and are in fact divided by age: 40-and-over (Espada) versus 30-and-under (La Flor). La Flor chooses to give the MoP to Espada in exchange for flint and a box of fishing gear.

Next: Ep.1 IC →

Ep1 RC: "Medallion of Power" - Brenda/ La Flor wins, gives MoP to Espada.
Day 2
(June 15)
Day 3
(June 16)

Ep.1 IC: Getting Tanked

Ep.1 IC: Getting Tanked

Ep1 IC: Getting Tanked

Espada elects not to play the Medallion of Power. One contestant (NaOnka, Holly) must pour water through a series of gutters held by contestants (all the guys) to fill a bucket. Once full, it releases a bag of puzzle pieces, which the remaining contestants must solve. La Flor has a lead heading into the puzzle, wins.

← Previous: Ep.1 arrival Next: Ep.2 RC/IC →

Ep1 IC: "Getting Tanked" - La Flor wins.

TC1 - Wendy Jo voted out (9-1), 19 left.
Day 4
(June 17)
Day 5
(June 18)
Day 6
(June 19)

Ep.2 RC/IC: Hay-Mate

Ep.2 RC/IC: Hay-Mate

Ep2 RC/IC: Hay-Mate

Dan, NaOnka sit out. Espada plays the Medallion of Power, getting a one-ball advantage, and allowing Dan to sit out. Contestants (Brenda, Kelly B, P Kelly, Alina; Jimmy J, Jane, Holly) must cross a mud pit, retrieve a ball from a pile of hay. Once all four balls are retrieved, tribes must pass them from person to person (Chase-Sash-Fabio-Benry, Jill-Marty-Jimmy T-Tyrone), catching and flinging with shields, into a barrel. Shannon & Yve retrieve dropped balls. First tribe to land all four balls in their barrel wins. Results: La Flor gets all four balls out of the hay before Espada gets three (Holly struggles). Espada wins, chooses fishing gear for reward, instead of a tarp.

← Previous: Ep.1 IC Next: Ep.2 idol →

Ep2 RC/IC: "Hay-Mate" - Espada wins.

Ep.2 idol: Marty (and Jill)

Ep.2 idol: Marty (and Jill)

Ep.2 idol: Marty (and Jill)

Espada receives an idol clue in their fishing gear reward, and reads it as a tribe. Jill figures out the tree/man rebus means treemail, and tells Marty. Marty proceeds to look for it, and he and Jill find it together. Marty keeps the idol for himself.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC/IC Next: Ep.3 RC?IC →

Ep2 idol: Marty, Jill find Espada's.

TC2 - Shannon voted out (7-3), 18 left.
Ep3: "Glitter in Their Eyes" Ep4: "Pulling the Trigger" Ep5: "Turf Wars"
Day 7
(June 20)
Day 8
(June 21)

Ep.3 RC/IC: Getting Barreled

Ep.3 RC/IC: Getting Barreled

Ep3 RC/IC: Getting Barreled

La Flor chooses to not to use the Medallion of Power. Contestants must retrieve ten barrels and place them on stands. Then one or two people per tribe (Tyrone, JimmyT; Chase, Benry) toss sandbags until one has landed on each barrel. La Flor wins, despite eschewing the two-barrel advantage the MoP would have offered. Results: Both tribes start throwing at close to the same time. Sandbags landed: Benry-1, Tyrone-1, Benry-2, Tyrone-2,3,4,5 (Benry swaps out for Chase, then goes back in). Benry-3, Tyrone-6, Benry-4,5,6,7,8,9. Jimmy T agitates to go in. Tyrone-7. Jimmy T swaps in-8, Benry 10. La Flor wins, gets immunity plus spices and fruit, including a hidden idol clue, which Kelly B and NaOnka fight over.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC/IC Next: Ep.4 idol →

Ep3 RC/IC: "Getting Barreled" - La Flor wins.

TC3 - Jimmy J. voted out (8-1), 17 left.
Day 9
(June 22)

Ep.4 idol

Ep.4 idol

Ep4 idol

Using the clue NaOnka mugged Kelly B to obtain, Brenda deciphers the exact location of the La Flor hidden immunity idol. NaOnka walks over to the spot, turns over a rock, picks up the idol, and keeps it. Thanks, Brenda! (She doesn't actually say thanks, that would be silly.)

← Previous: Ep.3 RC/IC Next: Ep.4 RC/IC →

Brenda and NaOnka find La Flor's hidden immunity idol.
Day 10
(June 23)
Day 11
(June 24)

Ep.4 RC/IC: Sears and Doers

Ep.4 RC/IC: Sears and Doers


Kelly B, Purple Kelly and Dan sit out of a massive product placement for Sears. One contestant per tribe (Brenda, Tyrone) is the caller, directing pairs of blindfolded tribemates to collect 10 Sears outdoor items from an obstacle-strewn field, and return them to the tribe mat. Once all 10 are retrieved, they must get a key, unlock a chest, and bring the chest to the mat. La Flor uses the Medallion of Power, starting off with 2 items already on their mat. La Flor wins, gets immunity, and chooses fishing gear, a tarp, and kitchen utensils for reward.

← Previous: Ep.4 idol Next: Ep.5 swap →

Ep4 RC/IC: "Sears and Doers" - La Flor wins a bunch of Sears crap.

TC4 - Jimmy T. voted out (5-3), 16 left.
Day 12
(June 25)

Ep.5 swp

Ep.5 swap

Ep5 swap

Tribal Swap: Contestants must draw rocks from a bag (one bag per tribe). The person from each tribe that drew a colored rock (Brenda, Holly) is the leader, and gets to choose who switches. Brenda makes a list of three people from Espada to switch (Jane, Jill, Marty); Holly chooses four people from La Flor (Alina, Benry, Chase, NaOnka).

← Previous: Ep.4 RC/IC Next: Ep.5 RC →

Tribal swap.

Ep.5 RC: Don't Let Your Balls Drop

Ep.5 RC: Don't Let Your Balls Drop

Ep5 swap

Throwers: La Flor (Purple Kelly & Brenda, Jane & KellyB), Espada (Dan & Holly; Yve & NaOnka). Catchers: La Flor (Sash & Marty; Fabio & Jill), Espada (Benry & Chase; Tyrone & Alina). Pairs of catchers must stop balls (thrown by the other tribe) falling to the ground after bouncing through a Plinko course. Espada wins two chickens.

← Previous: Ep.5 swap Next: Ep.5 IC →

Ep5 RC: "Don't Let Your Balls Drop" - Espada wins chickens.
Day 13
(June 26)
Ep5: "Turf Wars" Ep6: "Worst Case Scenario" Ep7: "What Goes Around, Comes Around" Ep8: "Company Will Be Arriving Soon"
Day 14
(June 27)

Ep.5 IC: Spit It Out

Ep.5 IC: Spit It Out

Ep5 IC: Spit It Out

Three contestants from each tribe (Brenda, Purple Kelly, Kelly B for La Flor; Yve, Alina, Holly for Espada) are strapped to a wheel, where they are turned, going underwater, taking in water that they then spit out into a tube. Jill, Marty, Sash turn the wheel for La Flor, NaOnka, Dan, Chase for Espada. After the tube is full, it tips over, releasing a ball. The remaining two people (Tyrone & Benry, Jane & Fabio) then smash five tiles. Espada is first to release their ball, but La Flor is close behind. Tiles broken: Tyrone 1 (E1), Jane 1 (LF1), Fabio 1 (LF2), Benry 1 (E2), Fabio 2 (LF3), Jane 2 (LF4), Benry 2, 3 (E4), Fabio 3 (LF5). La Flor wins, 5 tiles to 4.

← Previous: Ep.5 RC Next: Ep.6 RC →

Ep5 IC: "Spit It Out" - La Flor wins.

TC5 - Tyrone voted out (6-2), 15 left.
Day 15
(June 28)

Ep.6 RC: Kitty Litter

Ep.6 RC: Kitty Litter

Ep6 RC: Kitty Litter

One individual immunity per tribe, with each winner competing for reward at the end. Contestants must dig up three rings with paddles, flip them into a basket behind them, then place them on a post. For Espada, Holly wins. Jill wins for La Flor. Holly and Jill must then toss three rings onto hooks for reward. Jill wins a feast at tribal council for La Flor, and the chance to observe Espada's Tribal.

← Previous: Ep.5 IC Next: Ep.7 RC →

Ep6 RC: "Kitty Litter" - Holly, Jill win immunity. Jill wins reward for La Flor.

TC6 - Kelly B voted out (3-3-2 [5-1]), 14 left.
TC7 - Yve voted out (6-1), 13 left.
Day 16
(June 29)

Ep.7 RC: Jump Shot

Ep.7 RC: Jump Shot

Ep7 RC: Jump Shot

Jane sits out. Fabio and Chase defend as opposing tribe members jump from a platform and throw a ball into a goal, over a pool. Final score: Espada 5 (NaOnka-2, Benry-2, Holly-0, Dan-0, Alina-1), La Flor 3 (Jill-2, Marty-0, Purple Kelly-1, Sash-0, Brenda-0). Espada wins a horseback ride to a local farm for breakfast the next day.

← Previous: Ep.6 RC Next: Ep.7 reward →

Ep7 RC: "Jump Shot" - Espada wins horseback ride and farm breakfast.
Day 17
(June 30)

Ep.7 reward

Ep.7 reward

Ep7 reward

Espada rides horseback to a local farm, then milk cows, and are served a farm breakfast. Purple Kelly doesn't get to milk her own milk, but Dan does.

← Previous: Ep.7 RC Next: Ep.7 IC →

Espada enjoys its reward trip.
Day 18
(July 1)

Ep.7 IC: Cannon Ski-Ball

Ep.7 IC: Cannon Ski-Ball

Ep.7 IC: Cannon Ski-Ball

Sash sits out. Alina & Benry roll for Espada, Brenda & PK for La Flor, everyone else pulls ropes to aim the tracks. Rollers release cannon balls of various sizes, which roll down the track, hopefully breaking one of five surfboard-shaped tiles. Espada wins: Espada 5 (Benry 3, Alina 2), La Flor 2 (PK 2, Brenda 0).

← Previous: Ep.7 reward Next: Ep.8 merge →

Ep7 IC: "Cannon Ski-Ball" - Espada wins.

TC8 - Jill voted out (3-2-2), 12 left.
Day 19
(July 2)

Ep.8 merge

Ep.8 merge

Ep8 merge

La Flor receives treemail telling them to pack their stuff, they're moving (plus a mysterious key). Espada finds a mysterious chest at their treemail (that they're not allowed to open) and are told guests will be arriving soon. It's the merge, the chest contains merge buffs, food, and rum, and Marty names the merge tribe 'Libertad' (Spanish for 'liberty').

← Previous: Ep.7 IC Next: Ep.8 IC →

Tribes merge; Libertad formed.
Day 20
(July 3)
Ep8: "Company ..." Ep9: "Running The Camp" Ep10: "Stuck in the Middle"
Day 21
(July 4)

Ep.8 IC: Push Me, Pull You

Ep.8 IC: Push Me, Pull You

Ep8 IC: Push Me, Pull You

Contestants must hold a steel rod up by pulling on two handles, to prevent it from falling and breaking a tile. Separate individual immunities for the longest-lasting man and woman. F6. Purple Kelly and M6. Dan fail within the first 3 seconds. Then F5. Alina, F4. Brenda, M5. Benry, M4. Sash, F3. NaOnka, F2. Holly. (F1. Jane wins for women, but stays in.) Then M3. Marty, then M2. Chase. M1. Fabio and F1. Jane win immunity.

← Previous: Ep.8 merge Next: Ep.9 RC →

Ep8 IC: "Push Me, Pull You" - Fabio, Jane win.

TC9 - Alina voted out (10-2); 11 left.
Day 22
(July 5)

Ep.9 RC: Three Little Pigs O-Course

Ep.9 RC: Three Little Pigs O-Course

Ep 9 RC: Three Little Pigs O-Course

Through random draw, teams end up as men vs women. Chase is not picked, chooses women: if they win, he gets reward as well. Contestants must run through hay, collect a key from a high spiral, mud crawl, smash through a stick obstacle, collect a second key, multi-stage net crawl, collect a third key, smash through two brick walls, and finally, unlock three locks to raise a flag. Even with Dan, the men win easily, as Jane struggles on the net crawl. The men unlocking their flag as the women belatedly collect their third key and fail to smash the brick wall. The men win a zipline trip and barbecue. Probst asks if any of the men want to swap out and let a woman go; all decline. Purple Kelly cries.

← Previous: Ep.8 IC Next: Ep.9 IC →

Ep9 RC: "Three Little Pigs O-Course" - Sash, Dan, Fabio, Benry, Marty win.
Day 23
(July 6)
Day 24
(July 7)

Ep.9 IC: Flashback

Ep.9 IC: Flashback

Ep.9 IC: Flashback

Standard memory challenge. Probst flashes a series of cards with symbols (1st round: 6 symbols; 2nd round: 7 symbols). Contestants then show Probst the face of a cube with the matching symbol for each item in the sequence, one at a time. Anyone who is wrong is eliminated. First round: T-10. Jane, NaOnka out on 3rd item; 9. Dan on 4th; T-6. Purple Kelly, Holly, Sash on 5th. Second round: 5. Fabio out on 2nd item; 4. Chase on 3rd, 3. Benry on 4th, 2. Marty on 6th. Brenda wins.

← Previous: Ep.9 RC Next: Ep.10 RC →

Ep9 IC: "Flashback" - Brenda wins.

TC10 - Marty voted out (7-4), 10 left.
Day 25
(July 8)

Ep.10 RC: Barrel Bridge

Ep.10 RC: Barrel Bridge

Ep.10 RC: Barrel Bridge

Teams of five must use barrels, planks, and rope to cross the beach without touching the ground. The blue team (Chase, Fabio, Jane, Purple Kelly, NaOnka) easily wins, gets a helicopter ride, volcano sledding, and a picnic. Meanwhile, the Libertad camp burns.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC Next: Ep.10 IC →

Ep10 RC: "Barrel Bridge" - Jane, Fabio, NaOnka, Kelly, Chase win volcano trip.
Libertad camp burns.
Day 26
(July 9)
Day 27
(July 10)

Ep.10 IC: Splash Back

Ep.10 IC: Splash Back

Ep.10 IC: Splash Back

Contestants must hold onto a rope while leaning back over a pool, for as long as possible. First out Sash, Purple Kelly, then Holly, Brenda, Dan, Fabio, NaOnka. After lowering one knot further, Benry is out, then Chase. Jane wins.

← Previous: Ep.10 RC Next: Ep.11 RC →

Ep10 IC: "Splash Back" - Jane wins.

TC11 - Brenda voted out (8-1-1); 9 left.
Ep11: "You Started, You're Finishing" Ep12: "Not Sure Where I Stand" Ep13: "This Is Going to Hurt"
Day 28
(July 11)

Ep.11 RC: Gulliver's Travels

Ep.11 RC: Gulliver's Travels

Ep.11 RC: Gulliver's Travels

Schoolyard pick for two teams, in which contestants are tethered together - Blue (Benry, Chase, NaOnka, Holly) vs. Yellow (Fabio, Sash, Jane, Purple Kelly). Dan is unpicked, sits out in a giant chair, backs the blue team. Each team must untie, then carry an 8-foot stuffed dummy (named "Gulliver" as a tie-in to a Jack Black movie product placement in the reward) over and through a series of obstacles. If they drop it, they must return to the previous obstacle. First team to cross the finish line gets a trip to the Survivor Cinema (with Jack Black's "Gulliver's Travels," of course), with nachos, hot dogs, popcorn and candy. Results: Neck and neck to the final obstacle, but blue team wins. NaOnka and Purple Kelly announce their intention to quit afterwards, Probst gives them the afternoon to think about it. He also offers rice and a new tarp if anyone on the winning team wants to give up reward: Holly accepts.

← Previous: Ep.10 IC Next: Ep.12 RC →

Ep11 RC: "Gulliver's Travels" - Benry, Holly, Chase, NaOnka win movie nite.

TC12 - NaOnka quits, Purple Kelly quits; 7 left.
Day 29
(July 12)
Day 30
(July 13)

Ep.12 RC: Second Chance

Ep.12 RC: Second Chance

Ep.12 RC: Second Chance

Rd.1: Race through a mud pit, dig through hay to find a ball, bounce it off a shield into a barrel. First four advance. Rd.2: Use a stick to retrieve a key, unlock a chest containing four sandbags, land those on a barrel. First two advance. Rd.3: Use a paddle to dig up three rope rings, land them on the target. Winner gets overnight resort trip. Results: Rd.1: Chase, Jane, Benry, Holly advance (tie-5th: Sash, Fabio, Dan). Rd.2: Chase, Benry land all 4 bags before Holly/Jane even get their keys down. Rd.3: Chase wins, 3-0. Chase takes Holly, Jane with him.

← Previous: Ep.11 RC Next: Ep.12 IC →

Ep12 RC: "Second Chance" - Chase wins, takes Holly and Jane on overnight resort trip.
Day 31
(July 14)
Day 32
(July 15)

Ep.12 IC: Money Box

Ep.12 IC: Money Box

Ep.12 IC: Money Box

Contestants are tethered to a long rope wrapped around a hitching post. Must unwrap enough rope to reach a bag of coins. First three advance. Rd.2: Use coins to solve a 3-D puzzle (box-shaped stack of coins inside a chest). Results: Fabio, Benry, Sash advance to finals. Puzzle: 1.Sash wins, 2.Fabio second.

← Previous: Ep.12 RC Next: Ep.13 RC →

Ep12 IC: "Money Box" - Sash wins.

TC14 - Benry voted out (4-2-1); 6 left.
Day 33
(July 16)

Ep.13 RC: Poolin' Around

Ep.13 RC: Poolin' Around

Ep.13 RC: Poolin' Around

Loved Ones vist: Chase's mom, Connie; Fabio's mom, Ann; Sash's mom, Lee; Dan's son, Matthew; Jane's daughter, Ashley; Holly's husband, Charlie. Survivors run up a plank, jump in the pool to retrieve one of two bags of letter tiles. When both bags are recovered, the loved one uses letters inside to solve a three-word puzzle (FAMILY COMES FIRST). Winner gets an afternoon on a boat along the coast, with food. Results: Dan initially very slow to get puzzle bags, but all working on the puzzle by the end. Holly's husband Charlie blurts out "Family visit time!", which gives everyone else half the puzzle. Chase (and his mom) wins, Chase takes Sash and Holly and their loved ones.

← Previous: Ep.12 IC Next: Ep.13 IC →

Ep13 RC: "Poolin' Around" - Chase wins, takes Sash, Holly and their loved ones on boat feast.
Day 34
(July 17)

Ep13: "This Is Going to Hurt" Ep14: "What About Me?" Game over
Day 35
(July 18)
Day 36
(July 19)

Ep.13 IC: Coat of Arms

Ep.13 IC: Coat of Arms

Ep.13 IC: Coat of Arms

Mostly as seen in the Gabon Ep12 IC. Contestants are blindfolded, attached to a rope (rope is new from the prior version). Must follow the rope over and under obstacles to a shield with raised symbols, memorize it by touch, then grab three puzzle bags, and go back and re-create the shield on the puzzle station. To make it harder, the bags of symbols also contains extra symbols that are similar in shape, but the wrong color. Results: Fabio wins. Chase second, rest tied for third?

← Previous: Ep.13 RC Next: Ep.14 Final 5 IC →

Ep13 IC: "Coat of Arms" - Fabio wins.

TC15 - Jane voted out (5-[0]); 5 left.
Day 37
(July 20)

Final 5 IC: Donkey Dig

Final 5 IC: Donkey Dig

Final 5 IC: Donkey Dig

Contestants must run out on a field, answer one of three Nicaragua history/geography questions (two choices), grab the puzzle bag that corresponds to their answer, then run back. If they were right, the bag contains puzzle pieces, if wrong, the pieces are black. Once they have all three sets of pieces, they must then solve a simple logo puzzle. Results: Fabio wins, despite answering one question wrong; Sash a close second, Holly third, Chase fourth (missing a piece on the ground), Dan last.

←Previous: Ep.13 IC Next: Final 4 IC →

Ep14 F5 IC: "Donkey Dig" - Fabio wins.

TC16 - Dan voted out (4-1); 4 left.
Day 38
(July 21)

Final 4 IC: Balancing Point

Final 4 IC: Balancing Point

Final 4 IC: Balancing Point

With one hand, contestants must hold a sword on top of a shield. With the other, they must balance a stack of coins on the pommel of the sword. If they drop, they're out. Results: Holly out first, then Chase, then Sash. Fabio wins.

← Previous: Final 5 IC Next: Final Tribal Council →

Ep14 F4 IC: "Balancing Point" - Fabio wins.

TC17 - Holly voted out (3-1); 3 left.
Day 39
(July 22)

Final Tribal Council

Final Tribal Council

Final Tribal Council

Fabio, Chase, and Sash face the jury, who range from friendly (NaOnka!) to outright rude and dismissive (Marty and Jane). Fabio gets questions about his approach to the game, Chase is questioned about his inability to make up his mind, and Sash is generally dismissed for breaking promises. In the end, Fabio wins, 5-4-0 over Chase and Sash, respectively.

← Previous: Final 4 IC 

Final tribal council and jury votes on Final 3.
Fabio wins, 5-4-0.
(July 23)

Departure. Contestants fly back to the U.S. SEG continues preparing for S22.
(July 24)

Contestants arrive back home; inevitable facebook activity resumes.