SurvivorAU 2: 2017 calendar
SurvivorAU 2: 2017 calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 5, 2023
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-game Ep1: "Welcome to Survivor"
Day 0
(Apr. 30)

Day 0
(May 1)

Day 0
(May 2)

Day 0
(May 3)

Day 0
(May 4)
Day 0
(May 5)

Day 1
(May 6)

Ep.1 RC - Race for rice

Ep.1 RC: Race for rice

Ep.1 RC - Race for rice

During the marooning, the tribes have the option of leaving the boat at any time and racing to the beach to grab a large bag of rice. As they paddle their raft, Samatau eventually starts tossing out heavy items, to speed up. Asaga reaches the beach first, but struggles to get their raft onto the mat. Samatau all but passes them, and gets a headstart on the rice, lifting Jarrad up to the top of the pyramid to retrieve it. Asaga tries to pull him off, but eventually he prevails, and Samatau gets all the rice, plus whatever is left on their raft. Asaga gets nothing.

Next: Ep.1 Hero RC →

Ep1 RC: (Race for rice) - Samatau wins.
Ep1: "Welcome to Survivor" Ep2: "The Chicken Idol" Ep3: "The Other Nail in Her Coffin"
Day 2
(May 7)

Ep.1 Hero RC - Fire making

Ep.1 Hero RC: Fire making

Ep.1 Hero RC - Fire making

Tribes are told to select two people to attend, so it's: Asaga (Mark W, Jacqui) vs. Samatau (Tarzan, Adam). Samatau gets their husk burning first, but fails to build a roaring fire. Mark takes a long time to scrape magnesium, but once he sparks it, he builds a big fire quickly. Jacqui assists. Asaga wins, they receive a lit torch and flint.

← Previous: Ep.1 RC Next: Ep.1 IC →

Ep1 Hero RC: (Fire making) - Asaga wins.
Day 3
(May 8)

Ep.1 IC: Obstacles, cubes, tiki puzzle

Ep.1 IC: Obstacles, cubes, tiki puzzle

Ep.1 IC: Obstacles, cubes, tiki puzzle

10 people must scramble under an obstacle, then two people (Peter, Jarrad; Mark, Luke) must climb ropes to release a cargo net. The ten then must move six heavy cubes to build a staircase, go down a ramp, then build a human pyramid to release puzzle pieces. Final two people (AK, Anneliese; Kent, Joan) build a tiki puzzle. Samatau and Asaga start the puzzle at roughly the same time, but Samatau quickly finishes, and wins.

← Previous: Ep.1 Hero RC Next: Ep.2 RC →

Ep1 IC: (Obstacles, cubes, tiki puzzle) - Samatau wins.

(Jacqui's 50th birthday)

TC1 - Joan voted out (6-6 [7-3]), 23 left.
Day 4
(May 9)

Ep.2 RC: Slide, put the ball in the square

Ep.2 RC: Slide, put the ball in the square

Ep.2 RC: Slide, put the ball in the square

Kate sits out. In head-to-head bouts, contestants must slide down a water slide, grab a rugby ball, and put it into their tribe's square, scoring a point. First tribe to score seven points wins fishing gear and a canoe. Scoring: Locky d. Mark (S1, A0), Adam d. Luke (S2, A0), Jericho d. Peter (S2, A1), Jacqui d. Anneliese (S2, A2), Tarzan d. Ben (S3, A2), Ziggy d. Odette (S4, A2), Jarrad d. Kent (S5, A2), Aimee d. Michelle (S6, A2), Henry d. AK (S6, A3), Sam d. Tessa (S6, A4), Sarah d. Tara (S6, A5), Locky d. Mark - Samatau wins, 7-5.

← Previous: Ep.1 IC Next: Ep.2 idols →

Ep2 RC: (Slide, square) - Samatau wins.
Day 5
(May 10)

Ep.2 idols

Ep.2 idols

Ep.2 idols

After the RC win at Samatau, both Adam and AK notice an idol clue tucked into the reward canoe. Adam has people distract AK, while he retrieves the clue. It directs him to an island in front of their camp. Visible from camp, he goes looking there, but can't find the idol. AK sees him, and goes over to look himself. Not shown, but AK finds the idol. Meanwhile, back at Asaga, Henry and Jacqui find a clue in the lid to the water well. They go directly to the tree in the clue, and Henry finds the idol. He keeps it, as a "shared" idol with Jacqui.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC Next: Ep.2 IC →

Henry finds Asaga idol.

A.K. finds Samatau idol.
Day 6
(May 11)

Ep.2 IC: Three little pigs obstacle course, war clubs

Ep.2 IC: Three little pigs obstacle course, war clubs

Ep.2 IC: Three little pigs obstacle course, war clubs

Tara sits out. Nine tribe members must run through mud, then sticks, then a brick wall. One person hammers on pegs, releasing war clubs, then two people (Ziggy, AK; Jacqui, Henry) use the clubs to break six tiles. AK breaks three tiles for Samatau before Asaga gets their war clubs out, but then Henry and Jacqui each hit 3, and Asaga wins, 6-3. Jacqui throws the winning shot.

← Previous: Ep.2 idols Next: Ep.3 RC →

Ep2 IC: (3 Little Pigs OC) - Asaga wins.

TC2 - Adam voted out (5-4-2-1), 22 left.
Day 7
(May 12)
Day 8
(May 13)

Ep.3 RC: Big balls

Ep.3 RC: Big balls

Ep.3 RC: Big balls

Tribes must push a giant ball ("boulder") through three gates and across a bridge. Then two tribemembers (Jericho, Jacqui; Jarrad, Kate) must walk on top of the ball (while holding a rope) across to a platform, where they toss rings to hook two levers, releasing a ramp. The entire tribe then pushes the ball up the ramp and into a hole. Winner gets comfort items. Results: Samatau takes a lead moving Jarrad and Kate over to the platform, and they release the ramp and finish the challenge before either Jericho or Jacqui hooks a lever. Samatau wins.

← Previous: Ep.2 IC Next: Ep.3 IC →

Ep3 RC: (Big balls) - Samatau wins.
Ep3: "The Other Nail in Her Coffin" Ep4: "Cookie Monster" Ep5: "Line in the Sand" Ep6: "Put Both Their Necks on the Block & Start Chopping"
Day 9
(May 14)

Ep.3 IC: Rafts, bamboo tower

Ep.3 IC: Rafts, bamboo tower

Ep.3 IC: Rafts, bamboo tower

Tribes must row a raft around three crates, then one person (Locky, Kent) must dive in and untie 23 knots to release a key. The tribes then row back to the beach, use the key to unlock a crate of bamboo, then stack the bamboo around a pole to build a tower. First to have their tower above the pole for five seconds wins. Henry tries to throw the challenge, and Asaga trails by a lot, but speeds past Samatau on the tower building. Somehow, Asaga wins!

← Previous: Ep.3 RC Next: Ep.4 RC →

Ep3 IC: (Rafts, bamboo tower) - Asaga wins.

TC3 - Kate voted out (5-4-2), 21 left.
Day 10
(May 15)

Ep.4 RC: Coconuts, surfing

Ep.4 RC: Coconuts, surfing

Ep.4 RC: Coconuts, surfing

Ben sits out. Jonathan releases a ton of tribe-colored coconuts into the water. Tribes must run out, gather their tribe's coconuts and collect them in a raft. While moving the raft back to the beach, two people (Henry, Luke; Locky, AK) must ride on surfboards on top of the coconuts. Then everyone brings the coconuts in, where the two surfers bounce them off a trampoline to smash three statues. Hits: Locky-3, Luke-1, Henry-1. Samatau wins coffee, tea, and spices.

← Previous: Ep.3 IC Next: Ep.4 Dilemma →

Ep4 RC: (Coconuts, surfing) - Samatau wins.

Ep.4 moral dilemma: Cookies or wood?

Ep.4 moral dilemma: Cookies or wood?

Ep.4 moral dilemma: Cookies or wood?

A moral dilemma is placed in each camp for one person to find: Take a jar of cookies for yourself, or a load of firewood for the tribe. At Samatau, Tarzan finds it, and wishes he could share the cookies with the tribe, but reluctantly chooses the wood. At Asaga, however, Jericho finds it, picks cookies, then goes to work using the cookies to build alliances with Luke, Henry, and (later) Sarah.

← Previous: Ep.4 RC Next: Ep.4 IC →

Dilemma - Tarzan picks wood, Jericho cookies.
Day 11
(May 16)

Ep.4 IC: Builders and runners

Ep.4 IC: Builders and runners

Ep.4 IC: Builders and runners

Kent sits out. Tribes are divided into "builders" (who have to hold up various obstacles) and "runners" (who have to cross them). Obstacles are a cargo net, stepping poles, and two ladders. On the final step, the runners have to carry sandbags across to the final platform, where two of them (AK, Ziggy; Jericho, Henry) toss them at a statue on a rail. Each hit knocks the statue closer to falling off. It's neck and neck, but Asaga wins.

← Previous: Ep.4 Dilemma Next: Ep.4 idol →

Ep4 IC: (Builders & runners) - Asaga wins.

Ep.4 idol

Ep.4 idol

Ep.4 idol

As Samatau prepares for another Tribal Council, Tessa and Tarzan (and AK) go out looking for an idol. Tarzan picks a tree he remembers that has lots of holes, and lo and behold, there's an idol there. Knowing that Locky plans to pile all the votes on Tessa, Tarzan gives her the idol. He does this in front of AK, who he's decided he needs to trust. This turns out to be the wrong decision, and the majority splits their votes between Tarzan and Tessa. Tarzan is idoled out with his own idol.

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Ep.5 IC →

Tarzan finds idol.

TC4 - Tarzan idoled out ([0]-3-1), 20 left.
Day 12
(May 17)
Day 13
(May 18)

Ep.5 IC: This Much, team version

Ep.5 IC: This Much, team version

Ep.5 IC: This Much, team version

Ben, Jericho sit out. Tribes must stand, side-by-side on a platform, holding up discs at arm's length between two people. If people step off, they're out, if they drop both discs, they're out. Last tribe with one disc being held up wins. After 20 minutes, just three pairs left: Luke/Jacqui and Henry/Mark for Asaga, Ziggy/AK for Samatau. Luke drops, leaving 1 pair per tribe. Final showdown goes to 1 hr, 45 min, but eventually, AK and Ziggy drop, and Asaga wins.

← Previous: Ep.4 idol Next: Ep.6 RC →

Ep5 IC: (Team "This Much") - Asaga wins.

TC5 - Aimee voted out (5-4), 19 left.
Day 14
(May 19)

Ep.6 RC: By The Numbers

Ep.6 RC: By The Numbers

Ep.6 RC: By The Numbers

(As originally seen in Vanuatu). Mark, Kent, Michelle sit out. Eight contestants must stand on a balance beam, and one must go around all the other contestants and exit the beam. If someone falls off, they must start over. If they touch more than one person at a time, they must start over. Order across: Tessa, Ziggy, Anneliese, Locky, Jarrad ... all the Samataus. For Asaga, just Sam and Odette, as Ben falls off repeatedly. Samatau wins a barbecue feast that they cook themselves in camp.

← Previous: Ep.5 IC Next: Ep.6 IC →

Ep6 RC: "By the Numbers" - Samatau wins.
Day 15
(May 20)
Ep6: "Put Both Their Necks on the Block & Start Chopping" Ep7: "Spontaneous and Bombastic" Ep8: "At Least I Can Do My Nails" Ep9: "Yogapants and Sideshow Bob"
Day 16
(May 21)

Ep.6 IC: Water obstacles, shell puzzle

Ep.6 IC: Water obstacles, shell puzzle

Ep.6 IC: Water obstacles, shell puzzle

Jacqui, Sam, Odette sit out. One at a time, contestants must cross a series of obstacles in the water (tower, slide, net crawl) and go to the beach. Once all are there, one person (Mark; Locky) must chop through a log with a machete, releasing puzzle pieces, then two people (Henry, Sarah; Anneliese, Tessa) must complete a shell puzzle. Asaga has a huge lead, but Henry throws the puzzle, and Samatau wins.

← Previous: Ep.6 RC Next: Ep.7 IC →

Ep6 IC: (Water obstacles, puzzle) - Samatau wins.

TC6 - Sam voted out (9-2), 18 left.
Day 17
(May 22)
Day 18
(May 23)

Ep.7 IC: Sumo'an Mud

Ep.7 IC: Sumo'an Mud

Ep.7 IC: Sumo'an Mud

As seen in Heroes vs. Villains. Ben, Jericho sit out. First tribe to seven points wins. Matchups: Ziggy d. Jacqui (S1, A0), Mark W d. Jarrad (S1, A1), Odette d. Tara (S1, A2), Locky d. Luke (S2, A2), Anneliese d. Sarah (S3, A2), Tess d. Michelle (S4, A2), Kent d. Peter (S4, A3), Henry d. AK (S4, A4), Ziggy d. Jacqui again (S5, A4), Mark d. Jarrad again (S5, A5), Odette d. Tara again (S6, A5), Locky d. Luke again (S6, A6). All tied up, match point: Anneliese d. Sarah again (S7, A6). Samatau wins!

← Previous: Ep.6 IC Next: Ep.8 RC →

Ep7 IC: "Sumo'an Mud" - Samatau wins.

TC7 - Mark W. voted out (7-3), 17 left.
Day 19
(May 24)

Ep.8 RC: Ball on disc, knocking down tiles

Ep.8 RC: Ball on disc, knocking down tiles

Ep.8 RC: Ball on disc, knocking down tiles

Jacqui sits out. Six people must work together to carry a ball across a series of obstacles — parallel balance beams, a ramp — holding it on a disc suspended with ropes. Then two people (AK, Locky; Kent, Henry) must throw the balls, knocking down four tiles (revealing the message YOUR TRIBE WINS REWARD). Tiles hit: Kent-3, Henry-1, AK-1, Locky-0. Asaga finally wins reward! They get hygiene items plus cheese, crackers, pastries, and champagne.

← Previous: Ep.7 IC Next: Ep.8 IC →

Ep8 RC: (Ball on disc, tiles) - Asaga wins.
Day 20
(May 25)

Ep.8 IC: Three gates, sleds

Ep.8 IC: Three gates, sled

Ep.8 IC: Three gates, sled

Sarah sits out. In pairs, contestants must race out and open a series of gates: Pairs, tasks: Jacqui/Odette, Anneliese/Locky - open 20 knots; Ben/Luke, AK/Tara - remove bamboo and use it to build a bridge; Henry/Jericho, Peter/Ziggy - moving two keys through a maze on the back of the gate. Once open, the entire tribe must pull a heavy sled through the gates, carrying one person (Michelle, ?), who then lights a cauldron at the end. Samatau has a lead through the maze gate, but gets stuck there and blows it, and Asaga wins!

← Previous: Ep.8 RC Next: Ep.9 IC →

Ep8 IC: (Gates, sled) - Asaga wins.

TC8 - Tara sent to "Exile Beach".

TC9- Anneliese also exiled, 17 left.
Day 21
(May 26)

Swap: Anneliese, Tara join Asaga. Ben, Henry join Samatau.
Day 22
(May 27)

Ep.9 IC: Water football

Ep.9 IC: Water football

Ep.9 IC: Water football

Tara sits out. Tribes have three people in the water, trying to get control of a football, then pass it to a goal kicker on a platform, who tries to kick a goal. First tribe to three goals wins. Rd.1: Kent, Anneliese, Michelle (Jericho kick) vs. Ziggy, Locky, Tessa (AK kick) - on second shot, AK scores (S1, A0). Rd.2: Luke, Kent, Jericho (Jacqui kick) vs. Ziggy, Henry, Peter (Ben kick) - Ben miss, Jacqui miss x2, Ben scores! (S2, A0). Rd.3: Odette, Sarah, Jericho (Luke kick) vs. Jarrad, Ziggy, Tessa (AK kick) - AK miss, Luke miss, Luke scores! (S2, A1). Rd.4: Sarah, Luke, Kent (Jericho kick) vs. Ziggy, Henry, Locky (AK kick) - AK miss x3, but eventually AK scores, and Samatau wins, 3-1.

← Previous: Ep.8 IC Next: Ep.10 RC →

Ep9 IC: (Water football) - Samatau wins.

TC10 - Jacqui voted out (6-3), 16 left.
Ep10: "Opening Up Shop" Ep11: "Deep in the Mangroves" Ep12: "The King of the Jungle" Ep13: "Hanging on the Edge of a Cliff with My Nails"
Day 23
(May 28)

Ep.10 RC: Vertical palm tree puzzle

Ep.10 RC: Vertical palm tree puzzle

Ep.10 RC: Vertical palm tree puzzle

Kent sits out for unexplained medical reasons, Jericho volunteers to double up on tasks to compensate. Half of tribe (Luke, Jericho, then Michelle, Tara; Locky, Ziggy, then Peter, Jarrad) must push a heavy cart full of puzzle pieces to the puzzle station. Then two people (Jericho, Odette; Henry, Ben) must pull on a rope raising the puzzle (a palm tree, with the pieces making the trunk) as it's built by two other people (Anneliese, Sarah; AK, Tessa). Samatau's bulk gives them a lead in pushing the cart, but Asaga passes them on the puzzle, and wins. They get a trip to the Survivor ice cream parlor. Anneliese finds idol clue.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC Next: Ep.10 IC →

Ep10 RC: (Palm tree puzzle) - Asaga wins.
Day 24
(May 29)

Ep.10 IC: Disc race, circle puzzle

Ep.10 IC: Disc race, circle puzzle

Ep.10 IC: Disc race, circle puzzle

Six tribe members must move a set of discs along a rope wrapped around obstacles, then take them off the end of the rope. Then roll them up a ramp, then shove them up a slide. Discs will eventually push a key out from the top of the slide, which unlocks a crate of puzzle pieces. Two people (Henry, AK; Anneliese, Kent) then use those to work a circular sun/tiki puzzle. Samatau wins.

← Previous: Ep.10 RC Next: Ep.10 idol →

Ep10 IC: (Discs, circle puzzle) - Samatau wins.

Ep.10 idol: Anneliese

Ep.10 idol: Anneliese

Ep.10 idol: Anneliese

At the ice cream reward, Anneliese found a clue in her cone, directing her to another (highly visible) clue in a tree near the reward site. She successfully retrieves that clue, which tells her where the idol will be hidden at the next immunity challenge. Anneliese enlists Sarah's help, after the clue warns the idol will be difficult for the puzzle-solver to retrieve. But at the IC, Sarah and Asaga never reach the stage where the idol is concealed. After the challenge ends, Anneliese feigns frustration, sits down on the idol location, and grabs the idol, undetected.

← Previous: Ep.10 IC Next: Ep.11 RC →

Anneliese gets idol.

TC11 - Kent voted out (5-2-1), 15 left.
Day 25
(May 30)

Both tribes receive gifts from home.
Day 26
(May 31)

Ep.11 RC: Key grab, logo puzzle, sandbags

Ep.11 RC: Key grab, logo puzzle, sandbags

Ep.11 RC: Key grab, logo puzzle, sandbags

Jarrad sits out. Three people per tribe (Ziggy, Peter, Locky; Luke, Michelle, Odette) must jump off a platform, grab a key, and swim to shore. There, they use the keys to unlock a block logo puzzle, which two people ( AK, Tessa; Sarah, Anneliese) put together. Then two more people (Ben, Henry; Jericho, Tara) must throw sandbags to knock the puzzle off the table. The winning tribe will attend Tribal Council, and vote for someone to win the Ultimate Reward (idol nullifier). Thanks to Michelle having to jump 3x, Samatau has a huge lead heading into the puzzle, blows it, but comes back as Ben and Henry throw sandbags. Ben hits the final block off, and Samatau wins.

← Previous: Ep.10 idol Next: Ep.11 super-idol →

Ep11 RC: (Keys, puzzle, sandbags) - Samatau wins "Ultimate Reward".

Non-TC - Ziggy sent to reward.

Ep.11 super-idol: Ziggy

Ep.11 super-idol: Ziggy

Ep.11 super-idol: Ziggy

After Samatau votes to send her for the chance to compete for the still-unknown "Ultimate Reward," Ziggy arrives, reads the rules, and learns she's searching for a "super idol" guarded by a "fierce face" in a mangrove swamp. In the dark. And, starting at 11 pm, she has until sunrise to find it, with just a lit torch for light. After wading around in the dark for about six hours, she finally finds the statue, breaks it, and retrieves a "super-idol": half is a regular idol, the other half is an idol nullifier, which can be played *after* the votes are read.

← Previous: Ep.11 RC Next: Ep.12 RC →

Ziggy finds Super Idol.
Day 27
(Jun. 1)

Tribe swap

Ep.12 RC: Idol Hands

Ep.12 RC: Idol Hands

Ep.12 RC: Idol Hands

Held immediately after the tribe swap. Tessa sits out. As seen in Philippines. In one-on-one bouts, contestants must hold an idol on a handheld base, trying to knock their opponent's idol off of its base, while protecting their own. First tribe to 7 points wins all of Samatau's reward items they traded for flint the day before, plus comfort food/snack items. Results: 1. Ziggy d. Tara (S1, A0). 2. Sarah d. Anneliese (S1, A1). 3. AK d. Locky (S1, A2). 4. Henry d. Odette (S2, A2). 5. Luke d. Jarrad (S2, A3). 6. Peter d. Ben (S2, A4). 7. Jericho d. Michelle (S2, A5). 8. Ziggy d. Tara again (S3, A5). 9. Anneliese d. Sarah (S4, A5). 10. Locky d. AK (S5, A5). 11. Henry d. Odette (S6, A5). 12. Luke d. Jarrad again (S6, A6). 13. Peter d. Ben, and Asaga wins all of Samatau's stuff.

← Previous: Ep.11 super-idol Next: Ep.12 IC →

Ep12 RC: "Idol Hands" - Asaga wins.
Day 28
(Jun. 2)

Ep.12 IC: Fill up the barrels

Ep.12 IC: Fill up the barrels

Ep.12 IC: Fill up the barrels

Michelle sits out. One man and one woman from each tribe (Locky, Ziggy; AK, Tara) must hold up a barrel, while people from the other tribe try to fill those two buckets with water, eventually making them so heavy, they're dropped. Last tribe left holding up a bucket wins. Asaga directs all their fillers to solely target Locky, who struggles, but holds onto a massive amount of weight. Samatau targets their weight more evenly. AK drops first, then Tara. Samatau wins.

← Previous: Ep.12 RC Next: Ep.13 IC →

Ep12 IC: (Filling up barrels) - Samatau wins.

TC12 - A.K. voted out (4-2-1), 14 left.
Day 29
(Jun. 3)
Ep13: "Hanging on the Edge of a Cliff with My Nails" Ep14: "Absolute Chaos" Ep15: "One Night Stand" Ep16: "This Is Where the War Really Begins"
Day 30
(Jun. 4)

Ep.13 IC: Team 'When It Rains'

Ep.13 IC: Team 'When It Rains'

Ep.13 IC: Team 'When It Rains'

Ben, Anneliese sit out. Contestants must hold up one sandbag each to prevent a trough of water from tipping over on them. As they tire, they can hand off the sandbag to someone else. Last tribe standing wins immunity. Order out: Michelle (~5 min), Jarrad (~10 min), Henry and Locky juggling 2 bags each, eventually Locky drops one (~20 min in). Asaga wins!

← Previous: Ep.12 IC Next: Ep.14 RC →

Ep13 IC: (Team "When It Rains") - Asaga wins.

TC13 - Ben voted out (5-3), 13 left.
Day 31
(Jun. 5)

Ep.14 RC: Blindfolds, catapult

Ep.14 RC: Blindfolds, catapult

Ep.14 RC: Blindfolds, catapult

Jarrad sits out. One person per tribe is the caller (Luke, Locky), the rest are blindfolded, and must collectively walk to a gate, then one at a time, grab a club, walk out to a watermelon hanging on a rope, smash the watermelon with the club, releasing a sandbag, then take the sandbag to the mat. When all five sandbags are retrieved, the caller must catapult them into an overhead net. Samatau has a huge lead, with two sandbags landed before Asaga even finishes with the blindfold portion. But Luke gives Asaga a comeback, and it's tied 3-3, then 4-4. Locky lands the final bag, and Samatau wins an Italian food feast. They bring Peter and Sarah along with them.

← Previous: Ep.13 IC Next: Ep.14 IC →

Ep14 RC: (Blindfolds, catapult) - Samatau wins.
Day 32
(Jun. 6)

Ep.14 IC: Planks, hanging club puzzle

Ep.14 IC: Planks, hanging club puzzle

Ep.14 IC: Planks, hanging club puzzle

Michelle sits out. Two people (Henry, Anneliese; Jericho, Sarah) run out and untie two ropes (maypole style) from around a tower of planks. Once all planks are untied, the remaining four run out and use the planks to build a staircase. Then the two retrieve puzzle pieces from the tower, and all climb the staircase to the puzzle platform. There the two must solve a hanging war club puzzle. Samatau takes an early lead, never relinquishes it. Jericho and Sarah struggle on the final puzzle. Samatau wins.

← Previous: Ep.14 RC Next: Ep.15 IC →

Ep14 IC: (Planks, hanging club puzzle) - Samatau wins.

No vote - Peter mutinies to Samatau, 13 left.
Day 33
(Jun. 7)
Day 34
(Jun. 8)

Ep.15 IC: A-frames, rope

Ep.15 IC: A-frames, rope

Ep.15 IC: A-frames, rope

Jarrad, Tessa, Anneliese sit out. Tribe members must hold on to a rope, balanced on either side of an A-frame structure in the water. Eventually, they give up and drop. Last tribe with someone still standing wins. Order out: Locky, Luke, Henry, Sarah, Tara, (20 min.) Michelle, Odette, (30 min) Peter, down to a showdown between Jericho and Ziggy ... (2 hrs+) Jericho drops, Samatau wins.

← Previous: Ep.14 IC Next: Ep.16 RC →

Ep15 IC: (A-frames, rope) - Samatau wins.

TC14 - Odette voted out (4-1), 12 left.
Day 35
(Jun. 9)

Tribes merge, Asatoa formed.

Ep.16 RC: Ring Leader

Ep.16 RC: Ring Leader

Ep.16 RC: Ring Leader

The tribes gather, merge, and immediately start an individual RC: As (later) seen in the David vs. Goliath merge IC. Contestants must swing a pendulum on a rope through a frame, while avoiding knocking a bottle off of the frame. Last person still going wins a merge "refresh" package - food, clothes, massage, and the letter from home in their bottle. Order out: 12. Michelle, 11. Henry, 10. Tara, 9. Ziggy. [10 min.] 8. Luke. [30 min.] 7. Locky, 6. Sarah, 5. Jarrad. [1 hr] 4. Peter, 3. Anneliese. [90 min. - switch to other hand] 2. Jericho (out on transition), 1. Tessa wins! Tessa gives up her reward to allow everyone to get their letters.

← Previous: Ep.15 IC Next: Ep.16 IC →

Ep16 RC: "Ring Leader" - Tessa wins.
Day 36
(Jun. 10)

Ep.16 IC: Planking

Ep.16 IC: Planking

Ep.16 IC: Planking

Contestants must hold a plank position between two bars for as long as they can. Order out: 12. Anneliese, 11. Tara. [3 min.] 10. Michelle, 9. Luke, 8. Sarah, 7. Peter. [25 min.] 6. Locky, 5. Jericho. [30 min.] 4. Jarrad. [40 min.] 3. Tessa. [51 min.] 2. Henry, 1. Ziggy wins!

← Previous: Ep.16 RC Next: Ep.17 IC →

Ep16 IC: (Planking) - Ziggy wins.

TC15 - Jarrad voted out (7-5), 11 left.
Ep17: "Jamgate" Ep18: "The Champagne Alliance" Ep19: "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures" Ep20: "Survivor Charades"
Day 37
(Jun. 11)
Day 38
(Jun. 12)

Ep.17 IC: Rings, ropes, ramp

Ep.17 IC: Rings, ropes, ramp

Ep.17 IC: Rings, ropes, ramp

Challenge takes place over three rounds. In the first round, contestants must swing a ring on a rope, and make it catch on a hook on a pole. First six advance: Peter, Tara, Henry, Locky, Tessa, and Jericho. In the second round, contestants must follow a rope wrapped around a fence obstacle, first three through advance: Locky, Henry, Jericho (Tara, Peter tie-4; Tessa 6). In the final round, contestants must roll balls up a ramp, and land three on a ledge at the top. First to do so wins immunity. Balls landed: Locky-1, Henry-1, Jericho-1, Henry-2, Jericho-2, Henry-3. Henry wins!

← Previous: Ep.16 IC Next: Ep.18 auction →

Ep17 IC: (Rings, ropes, ramp) - Henry wins.

TC16 - Anneliese voted out (8-3), 10 left.
Day 39
(Jun. 13)

Ep.18 non-RC: Auction

Ep.18 non-RC: Auction

Ep.18 non-RC: Auction

Contestants receive $500 with which to bid. Results: Item 1: To Luke (outbidding Ziggy) - ejected from the auction … but he gets a seat at a table ('the King's table") in which he gets the same as what each other person wins. 2. Ziggy - $500 for avocado toast. 3. Henry - $500 for cheesecake and champagne. 4. Sarah - $500 for covered item ... a coconut. 5. Locky/Michelle - $500 for a burrito and margarita. They both bid the max, so they draw rocks, and Locky gets it. Michelle gets nothing, but pays $500. 6. Jericho - $200 for a burger and fries. 7. Tara - $500 for a call home (also Luke, as with everything else). 8. Peter - advantage in the IC. 9. Tessa - $320 for an overnight spa trip. She picks Michelle to join her, and of course Luke gets to go, too.

← Previous: Ep.17 IC Next: Ep.18 IC →

Ep18 Non-RC: "Survivor Auction."

Tessa gets spa trip with Michelle, Luke.
Day 40
(Jun. 14)

Ep.18 IC: Bow-Diddley

Ep.18 IC: Bow-Diddley

Ep.18 IC: Bow-Diddley

As first seen in South Pacific. Contenstants must stand on a narrow beam, holding a ball on a bow. At regular intervals, they must step to a narrower part of the beam, making the task more difficult. If they drop the ball or fall off, they're out. Last standing wins. Peter (and Luke's) advantage is that they can start a stage of their choice 30 seconds after everyone else. Luke uses his in the first stage. Order out: 10. Michelle (immediately), [30 sec., Luke in] 9. Tara, 8. Sarah, 7. Ziggy. Second stage: 6. Jericho. Third stage (Peter uses advantage): 5. Peter, 4. Luke, 3. Henry. [30 minutes into final stage] 2. Locky, 1. Tessa wins!

← Previous: Ep.18 auction Next: Ep.19 IC →

Ep18 IC: "Bow-Diddley" - Tessa wins.

TC17 - Henry voted out (6-4), 9 left.
Day 41
(Jun. 15)
Day 42
(Jun. 16)

Ep.19 IC: Over-Extended

Ep.19 IC: Over-Extended

Ep.19 IC: Over-Extended

As first seen in Samoa's F4 IC. Contestants must hold a statue on top of a pole. At regular intervals, more pole is added, making the task harder. If the statue drops at any point, they're out. Results: All reach fourth section of pole/ 3 meters. Very windy day, which affects results. Order out: 9. Jericho, 8. Tara, 7. Locky, 6. Michelle, 5. Tessa, 4. Sarah (all around the same time)... next section: 3. Peter (on transition), 2. Luke, 1. Ziggy wins.

← Previous: Ep.18 IC Next: Ep.20 RC →

Ep19 IC: "Over Extended" - Ziggy wins.

TC18 - Tessa voted out (3-2-2-2), 8 left.
Day 43
(Jun. 17)

Ep.20 RC: Survivor Charades

Ep.20 RC: Survivor Charades

Ep.20 RC: Survivor Charades

Randomly divided into two teams: Orange (Locky, Ziggy, Sarah, Luke); Purple (Michelle, Peter, Tara, Jericho). One at a time, contestants must memorize a series of animals, then act out each animal in order for another teammate to guess. First team to four points wins a KFC feast. Results: 1. Michelle/Peter d. Locky/Ziggy (P1, O0). 2. Sarah/Locky wrong, Jericho/Michelle win (P2, O0). 3. Tara/Jericho d. Sarah/Luke (P3, O0). 4. Ziggy/Luke d. Peter/Tara (P3, O1). 5. Locky/Ziggy d. Michelle/Peter (P3,O2). 6. Sarah/Locky d. Jerico/Michelle (P3, O3). 7. Sarah/Luke d. Tara/Jericho (P3, O4). Orange team wins!

← Previous: Ep.19 IC Next: Ep.20 IC →

Ep20 RC: Survivor Charades - Orange team wins.
Ep20: "Survivor Charades" Ep21: "Winning Her Over with Some Sweet Lollies" Ep22: "Happy Days" Ep23: "Conquered" Ep24: "Day 50"
Day 44
(Jun. 18)

Ep.20 IC: Log rolling

Ep.20 IC: Log rolling

Ep.20 IC: Log rolling

Basic log rolling. Head-to-head matchups, if you fall, you're out. Rd. 1: Luke d. Sarah, Ziggy d. Peter, Locky d. Michelle, Jericho d. Tara. Rd. 2: Luke d. Jericho, Locky d. Ziggy. Rd. 3 (Best of 3): Locky wins, 2-1.

← Previous: Ep.20 RC Next: Ep.21 dilemma →

Ep20 IC: (Log rolling) - Locky wins.

TC19 - Sarah voted out (7-1), 7 left.
Day 45
(Jun. 19)

Ep.21 moral dilemma: Tara

Ep.21 moral dilemma: Tara

Ep.21 moral dilemma: Tara

A third moral dilemma for the season, this time presented to Tara: Take two blankets for the tribe, or a jar of candy ("lollies") for herself. Following the lead of her fellow future finalist Jericho, Tara chooses the candy. She later uses it to recruit Ziggy, then Michelle.

← Previous: Ep.20 IC Next: Ep.21 IC →

Dilemma again: Tara gets jar o' lollies.
Day 46
(Jun. 20)

Ep.21 IC: Memory race

Ep.21 IC: Memory race

Ep.21 IC: Memory race

Contestants face a field of covered items. For each round, Jonathan reveals an item that the contestants must retrieve from under the covers. There is one fewer item than contestants per round, so each time, one person will be eliminated. Last standing wins. Rd.1 (rice): 7. Tara out. Rd.2 (firewood): 6. Peter out. Rd.3 (war axe): 5. Jericho out. Rd.4 (stone idol): 4. Ziggy out. Rd.5 (coconut): Michelle out. Rd.6 (five items): Locky wins, 5-3 over Luke.

← Previous: Ep.21 dilemma Next: Ep.22 IC →

Ep21 IC: (Memory race) - Locky wins.

TC20 - Luke voted out (5-2), 6 left.
Day 47
(Jun. 21)

Ep.22 IC: Will It Go Round?

Ep.22 IC: Will It Go Round?

Ep.22 IC: Will It Go Round?

As first seen in the merge IC in Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers. Contestants must spin a ball around a circular track. If the ball falls out, they're out. Order out: 6. Michelle, 5. Tara (both fairly quickly), 4. Ziggy, 3. Jericho, 2. Peter, 1. Locky wins his third straight.

← Previous: Ep.22 IC Next: Ep.24 RC →

Ep22 IC: "Will It Go Round?" - Locky wins.

TC21 - Ziggy voted out (4-2), 5 left.
Day 48
(Jun. 22)

Day 49
(Jun. 23)

Ep.23 RC/IC: High Step Back

Ep.23 RC/IC: High Step Back

Ep.23 RC/IC: High Step Back

As first seen in Kaoh Rong. Contestants must step through a trip obstacle to assemble wooden tiles along a beam, where eventually they will knock them all over like dominoes, to ring a gong at the end. Winner also gets a new car (Holden Trailblazer). Peter is first to attempt it, falls short. Then Jericho. Then Locky. Then Tara. Finally, Michelle makes her try, just as Locky goes for his second attempt. Michelle wins by 2 seconds. She takes Jericho and Tara with her for a picnic.

← Previous: Ep.22 IC Next: Ep.24 RC →

Ep23 RC/IC: "High Step Back" - Michelle wins.

TC22 - Locky voted out (3-2), 4 left.
Day 50
(Jun. 24)

Ep.24 RC: Peg wall

Ep.24 RC: Peg wall

Ep.24 RC: Peg wall

Contestants must hang from numbered pegs on a wall. At regular intervals, Jonathan has them remove a specific numbered peg. Last person still on the wall wins advantage: The chance to remove a juror at the next Tribal. Order out: 4. Tara (quickly), 3. Michelle, 2. Peter, 1. Jericho wins!

← Previous: Ep.23 RC/IC Next: Ep.25 family visit →

Ep24 RC: (Peg wall) - Jericho wins.

Tessa removed as juror.
Ep25: "Civilized Scrambling" Ep26: "The Wet, the Cold, the Wind, and the Dark" Game over
Day 51
(Jun. 25)

Ep.25 non-challenge: Family visit

Ep.25 non-challenge: Family visit

Ep.25 non-challenge: Family visit

Contestants line up, but notice there's no challenge visible. That's because it's the loved ones visit. Visitors: Jericho's brother, Tara's husband and three kids, Peter's parents, and Michelle's sister. They each spend time in camp together, then leave.

← Previous: Ep.24 RC Next: Ep.25 IC →

Family visit.
Day 52
(Jun. 26)

Ep.25 IC: Canoe, ropes, puzzle

Ep.25 IC: Canoe, ropes, puzzle

Ep.25 IC: Canoe, ropes, puzzle

Contestants must get in a canoe and pull on a rope to move themselves to a tower in the water. There they must use a bucket on a rope to fill a tube with water, to release a key. They use the key to unlock a rope, which they must unwind, then use a monkey fist to hook and pull down a beam. After crossing the beam, they must complete a puzzle. Order to puzzle: Jericho, Tara, Peter, Michelle, but the latter two quickly take the lead, and Peter wins!

← Previous: Ep.25 family visit Next: Ep.26 IC →

Ep25 IC: (Canoe, ropes, puzzle) - Peter wins.

TC23 - Michelle out (2-2; fire), 3 left.
Day 53
(Jun. 27)

Ep.26 IC: Hand on a Hard Idol

Ep.26 IC: Hand on a Hard Idol

Ep.26 IC: Hand on a Hard Idol

As first seen in Borneo, and as the final IC in SurvivorAU: 2016, in the exact same location. This time, however, it's held at dusk. By one hour in, complete darkness, and waves crashing to splash the contestants. 3. Tara drops at 2 hrs, 55 min. By 4 hrs, Jericho and Peter are getting drenched by every wave. 2. After 5 hrs, 13 min., Peter asks for Jonathan's help to get down. 1. Jericho wins!

← Previous: Ep.25 IC Next: Final Tribal →

Ep26 IC: "Hand on a Hard Idol" - Jericho wins.
Day 54
(Jun. 28)

TC24 - Peter voted out (1-0 or 2-1), 2 left.
Day 55
(Jun. 29)

Final Tribal Council and jury vote

Final Tribal Council and jury vote

Final Tribal Council and jury vote

Jericho and Tara face the jury. Both point out they were underestimated. Jericho points out his early "army" with Luke and Sarah, built on his cookie stash, notes that everyone just thought he was a harmless nice guy. In the end, Jericho wins, 6-3.

← Previous: Ep.26 IC

Final Tribal Council and jury vote on Final Two.

Jericho wins, 6-3.
Day 0
(Jul. 30)

Departure: Jurors return home, resume Instagram influencing.
Day 0
(Jul. 1)