Survivor 1: Borneo calendar
Survivor 1: Borneo calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 4, 2023
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-game Ep1: "The Marooning" Ep2: "The Generation Gap"
Day 0
(March 12)

Pre-game interviews?
Day 1
(March 13)


Ep1: Arrival


The Marooning: Tribes have two minutes to gather items they might need, then jump off a ship and paddle a raft to their beach. Tagi arrives 2 hours later, Pagong 3 hours.

Next: Ep.1 RC/IC →

Tribes marooned, must paddle to shore on rafts.
Day 2
(March 14)

Ep1 RC/IC: Quest for Fire

Ep1 RC/IC: Quest for Fire


Starting at a buoy, all tribe members must hold on to a raft carrying a flaming wok, as the move the raft to and up the beach, lighting a series of torches. First tribe to light all the torches and the big structure at the end wins. Pagong narrowly wins immunity plus 50 waterproof matches.

← Previous: Arrival Next: Ep.2 IC →

Ep1 RC/IC: "Quest for Fire" - Pagong wins.
Day 3
(March 15)

TC1 - Sonja voted off (4-3-1), 15 left.
Day 4
(March 16)

Ep2 RC: (unaired, like "Shoulder the Load") - Pagong wins a better map to their water supply.
Day 5
(March 17)

Day 6
(March 18)

Ep2 IC: Buggin' Out

Ep2 IC: Buggin' Out

Ep2 IC: Buggin' Out

Each contestant must eat butok (a live beetle larva). All do. For the tiebreaker, Tagi selects Gervase and Pagong selects Stacey to race to eat two larvae. Stacey wins, giving Tagi immunity.

← Previous: Ep.1 RC/IC Next: Ep.3 RC →

Ep2 IC: "Buggin' Out" - Tagi wins.

TC2 - B.B. voted off (6-2), 14 left.
Ep3: "Quest for Food" Ep4: "Too Little, Too Late?" Ep5: "Pulling Your Own Weight"
Day 7
(March 19)

Ep3 RC: In From the Deep

Ep3 RC: In From the Deep

Ep3 RC: In From the Deep

All tribe members must swim out to a buoy, then dive down and haul treasure chest through the water and up onto a platform on the beach. Tagi wins, and opening the chest reveals the reward is fishing gear.

← Previous: Ep.2 IC Next: Ep.3 IC →

Ep3 RC: "In From the Deep" - Tagi wins.
Day 8
(March 20)
Day 9
(March 21)

Ep3 IC: Rescue Mission

Ep3 IC: Rescue Mission

Ep3 IC: Rescue Mission

Each tribe has one member (Kelly, Colleen) representing a parachuter suspended from a tree in the jungle. Tribemates must run through the jungle to their 'rescuee,' put them on a stretcher, then carry them back to the beach. Pagong wins.

← Previous: Ep.3 RC Next: Ep.4 Pre-RC →

Ep3 IC: "Rescue Mission" - Pagong wins.

TC3 - Stacey voted off (5-2), 13 left.
Day 10
(March 22)

Pre-Ep4 RC

Pre-Ep4 RC

Pre-Ep4 RC

Tribes send Dirk and Jenna as representatives to meet with Probst about the reward, and request additional items.

← Previous: Ep.3 IC Next: Ep.4 RC →

Dirk, Jenna chat with Probst about Ep4 reward.
Day 11
(March 23)

Ep4 RC: SOS Signal

Ep4 RC: SOS Signal

Ep4 RC: SOS Signal

Tribes have two hours (after sunrise) to create a distress signal visible from a plane. Probst flies over both camps, and decides Tagi's use of the cal-yellow rain jackets (and movement) gives Tagi the edge. Tagi gets a crate of Target items, including towels, toilet paper, spices, and a filet knife.

← Previous: Pre-Ep.4 RC Next: Ep.4 IC →

Ep4 RC: "SOS Signal" - Tagi wins.
Day 12
(March 24)

Ep4 IC: Buried Treasure

Ep4 IC: Buried Treasure

Ep4 IC: Buried Treasure

Ramona sits out. For each tribe, one person (Sean, Colleen) must swim out to a buoy, to retrieve a bottle. They hand it off to a second person (Kelly, Greg) who races across a floating bridge to a boat, where they join a third person (Sue, Joel) and row a boat back to shore. On shore, the bottle contains a map for the location of a key, which one person (Dirk, Gervase) must run through the jungle to retrieve. The final two people (Rudy, Richard/Jenna, Gretchen) must use the map to dig up a treasure chest. Both key runners get back before the chests are dug up, and Tagi wins.

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Pre-Ep.5 RC →

Ep4 IC: "Buried Treasure" - Tagi wins.

TC4 - Ramona voted off (4-2-1), 12 left.
Day 13
(March 25)

Pre-Ep5 RC

Pre-Ep5 RC

Pre-Ep5 RC

For no apparent reason, Probst personally nails the RC treemail to a tree in each camp, hand-delivers weapons with which the tribes are allowed to practice, and awkwardly explains the challenge. Hilarity ensues.

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Ep.5 RC →

Probst comes to camp to announce tomorrow's RC.
Ep5: "Pulling Your Own Weight" Ep6: "Udder Revenge" Ep7: "The Merger"
Day 14
(March 26)

Ep5 RC: Choose Your Weapon

Ep5 RC: Choose Your Weapon

Ep5 RC: Choose Your Weapon

Rudy, Kelly, Dirk, Colleen, Gervase, Greg sit out. First round: blowdarts. Sean and Jenna blow darts into fruit. All hit fruit goes into the reward basket. Second round: slingshots. Hatch and Gretchen break vases holding fruit. All fruit thus liberated goes into the basket. Final round: spears. Joel and Sue take turns tossing spears, closest to the center wins the whole reward. Joel wins. Pagong gets all the fruit, plus three chickens.

← Previous: Pre-Ep.5 RC Next: Ep.5 IC →

Ep5 RC: "Choose Your Weapon" - Pagong wins.
Day 15
(March 27)

Ep5 IC: Shipwrecked

Ep5 IC: Shipwrecked

Ep5 IC: Shipwrecked

Gervase and Kelly paddle outrigger canoes for their tribes. They must paddle out, around a buoy, then 'rescue' their remaining 5 tribemates on the way back to shore. Despite Kelly's extensive experience, Gervase and Pagong easily beat Tagi.

← Previous: Ep.5 RC Next: Ep.6 RC →

Ep5 IC: "Shipwrecked" - Pagong wins.

TC5 - Dirk voted off (4-1-1), 11 left.
Day 16
(March 28)
Day 17
(March 29)

Ep6 RC: Abandoned Barracks

Ep6 RC: Abandoned Barracks

Ep6 RC: Abandoned Barracks

Colleen, Greg, Joel, Kelly, Rudy sit out. One at a time, contestants must race into an abandoned 'barracks' and retrieve one of three items (helmet, knife, can opener). Returning a duplicate item results in disqualification. Sean, Jenna get helmets; Sue gets a knife, Gervase a can opener; then Hatch returns with a second knife, disqualifying Tagi. Pagong wins all items returned, plus MREs, canned food, and chocolate.

← Previous: Ep.5 IC Next: Ep.6 IC →

Ep6 RC: "Abandoned Barracks" - Pagong wins.
Day 18
(March 30)

Ep6 IC: Obstacle Course

Ep6 IC: Obstacle Course

Ep6 IC: Obstacle Course

Colleen, Gervase, Rudy sit out. On a Green Beret-designed course, a pair from each tribe (Joel, Jenna; Kelly, Sean) starts the course, joined at the midpoint by another pair (Greg, Gretchen; Hatch, Sue) for a bridge-crossing puzzle obstacle. Both tribes reach the final flag-raising part at around the same time, but Tagi wins.

← Previous: Ep.6 RC Next: Ep.7 merge →

Ep6 IC: "Obstacle Course" - Tagi wins.

TC6 - Joel voted off (4-2), 10 left.
Day 19
(March 31)

Ep7 merge

Ep7 merge

Ep7 merge

Jenna and Sean get the merge feast all to themselves (lobster, potatoes, wine), as they discuss the tribe name and paint a flag. In slightly over 24 hours. It pays to be an ambassador.

← Previous: Ep.6 IC Next: Ep.7 IC →

Sean and Jenna tour camps, spend night on sand spit as ambassadors.
Day 20
(April 1)

Tribes merge. Pagong moves to Tagi beach; Rattana tribe formed.
Ep7: "The Merger" Ep8: "Thy Name Is Duplicity" Ep9: "Old and New Bonds"
Day 21
(April 2)

Ep7 IC: Snake Island Relay

Ep7 IC: Snake Island Relay

Ep7 IC: Snake Island Relay

In the first round, contestants just hold their breath underwater. Top three times (3.Sean, 2.Greg, 1.Gervase) advance. In the final round, contestants race along an underwater ladder, releasing buoys. First to the finish line wins. Sean and Greg are neck and neck, Gervase hopelessly out of it, but Greg wins.

← Previous: Ep.7 merge Next: Ep.8 RC →

Ep7 IC: "Snake Island Relay" - Greg wins.

TC7 - Gretchen voted off (4-1-1-1-1-1-1), 9 left.
Day 22
(April 3)
Day 23
(April 4)

Ep8 RC: Survivor Archery

Ep8 RC: Survivor Archery

Ep8 RC: Survivor Archery

In one of the lamest challenges ever, each contestant gets to shoot one arrow at a target, closest to the center wins. That would be Greg, who gets to see his entire video from home, and film one to send back to his sister. Kelly, Sue, Gervase, Hatch, and Jenna are the next-closest. Colleen, Rudy, and Sean all miss the target.

← Previous: Ep.7 IC Next: Ep.8 IC →

Ep8 RC: "Survivor Archery" - Greg wins.
Day 24
(April 5)

Ep8 IC: End of the Line

Ep8 IC: End of the Line

Ep8 IC: End of the Line

Contestants must race to the end of a ropes course, picking up a colored carabiner at each of five checkpoints along the way. Gervase wins, Jenna second, Sean third. Greg probably fourth, and the rest unclear.

← Previous: Ep.8 RC Next: Ep.9 RC →

Ep8 IC: "End of the Line" - Gervase wins.

TC8 - Greg voted off (6-3), 8 left.
Day 25
(April 6)
Day 26
(April 7)

Ep9 RC: Out on a Limb

Ep9 RC: Out on a Limb

E9 RC: Out on a Limb

Contestants must must collect 12 medallions from various places along a ropes course, then return to the podium in the center. Colleen and Kelly are 1st/2nd for most of the challenge, but Colleen wins. (Jenna 3rd, Gervase 4th, Rudy 5th?) Colleen gets barbecue and letters from home, brings Jenna with her.

← Previous: Ep.8 IC Next: Ep.9 IC →

Ep9 RC: "Out on a Limb" - Colleen wins, brings Jenna.
Day 27
(April 8)

Ep9 IC: Squared Off

Ep9 IC: Squared Off

E9 IC: Squared Off

Starting on identical squares in a red 10x10 grid, contestants must move to an adjacent square, turning over the square they left, until no red squares are adjacent. 8.Colleen out first, then 7.Kelly, 6.Sue, 5.Jenna, 4.Rich, 3.Gervase, 2.Sean, 1.Rudy wins!

← Previous: Ep.9 RC Next: Ep.10 RC →

Ep9 IC: "Squared Off" - Rudy wins.

TC9 - Jenna voted off (4-3-1), 7 left.
Ep10: "Crack in the Alliance" Ep11: "Long Hard Days" Ep12: "Death of an Alliance"
Day 28
(April 9)

Gervase learns of his son's birth.

Ep10 RC: Bamboozled

Ep10 RC: Bamboozled

E10 RC: Bamboozled

Just a series of balance beams over water. First round: first four to cross advance (Sue, Hatch, Sean, Gervase). Second round: First two (Hatch, Gervase) advance. Final round: Gervase wins, gets one slice of pizza delivered by helicopter (gives a bite to all), phone call home the next morning.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC Next: Ep.10 IC →

Ep10 RC: "Bamboozled" - Gervase wins.
Day 29
(April 10)

Gervase phones home.

Ep10 IC: Fast Fire

Ep10 IC: Fast Fire

E10 IC: Fast Fire

Contestants have three minutes to collect driftwood and build a fire base. Then, after a second starting signal from Probst, they race with their torch into the water, light the torch from a floating wok, then bring it back to shore. They must then use a piece of wood from the fire to transfer fire from the torch to their assembled tinder pile, and get their fire to burn through a string, releasing a flag. Gervase can't keep his torch lit, and finishes last. Hatch wins immunity.

← Previous: Ep.10 RC Next: Ep.11 RC →

Ep10 IC: "Fast Fire" - Hatch wins.
Day 30
(April 11)

TC10 - Gervase voted off (5-2), 6 left.
Day 31
(April 12)

Ep11 RC: Survivor Quiz

Ep11 RC: Survivor Quiz

E11 RC: Survivor Quiz

Contestants use cubes to answer trivia questions. Correct answers allow the contestants to move forward on colored mats, and are eliminated if they're left behind on a color that others have left. Elimination order: 6.Kelly, 5.Sue, 4,3 (tie) Rudy and Colleen, as Rich and Sean advance to the final question. Sean wins, Hatch is second. Sean gets an overnight stay on a yacht, but not until the next day.

← Previous: Ep.10 IC Next: Ep.11 reward →

Ep11 RC1: "Survivor Quiz" - Sean wins a night on a yacht... the next day.
Day 32
(April 13)

Ep11 RC2 (unaired): Colleen guesses her weight loss to within one pound, wins a candy bar.

Ep11 reward

Ep11 reward

E11 reward

Sean finally gets his yacht trip. After eating and getting a shower and a massage, Probst has him meet the 'captain,' who happens to be Sean's dad. They hang out together, drinking that night. The next morning, Hatch joins them for breakfast, then all return to camp, and Sean's dad brings care packages from home for everyone.

← Previous: Ep.11 RC Next: Ep.11 IC →

Sean finally gets his yacht night, his dad is there.
Day 33
(April 14)

Ep11 IC: Walk the Plank

Ep11 IC: Walk the Plank

Ep11 IC

Contestants must stand on a set of planks over the water. After various periods of time, Probst wades in and removes a plank. Elimination order: 6.Rudy out first to escape Hatch's singing (1:30); 5.Hatch, 4.Sean (2hrs), 3.Sue, 2.Colleen (2:54), 1.Kelly wins.

← Previous: Ep.11 reward Next: Ep.12 RC →

Ep11 IC: "Walk the Plank" - Kelly wins.

TC11 - Colleen voted off (4-2), 5 left.
Day 34
(April 15)
Ep12: "Death of an Alliance" Ep13: "The Final Four" (season finale) Game over
Day 35
(April 16)

Ep12 RC: Mud Pack

Ep12 RC: Mud Pack

Ep12 RC: Mud Pack

Contestants go to Pagong's mud volcano, have 10 minutes to cover themselves with mud, transport it back to the starting line on their bodies, and empty it into a bucket. Whoever ends up with the most mud wins. Results: 1.Kelly (15.9 lbs), 2.Sean (15.4), 3.Sue (15.0), 4.Hatch (12.8), 5.Rudy (10.0). That night, a boat takes Kelly to her reward: a blindfolded arrival at a 'Survivor bar,' where she and Probst drink Bud Light, eat pasta, and watch the first 5 minutes of Episode 1.

← Previous: Ep.11 IC Next: Ep.12 IC →

Ep12 RC: "Mud Pack" - Kelly wins.
Day 36
(April 17)

Ep12 IC: Witch Hunt

Ep12 IC: Witch Hunt

Ep12 IC: Witch Hunt

Shameless ripoff of The Blair Witch Project, which was the style at the time. Probst tells five stories. The contestants must run into the jungle to each of five stations with masks, read the question on each mask, and record their answer on a handheld camcorder. First to return with the five masks and correct answers wins. Kelly is first (and correct), followed by Sean and Rich, Sue lags behind, and Rudy answers every question with 'I dunno.' Kelly wins.

← Previous: Ep.12 RC Next: Final 4 IC →

Ep12 IC: "Witch Hunt" - Kelly wins.

TC12 - Sean voted off, 4 left.
Day 37
(April 18)

Final 4 IC: Fallen Comrades

Final 4 IC: Fallen Comrades

Final 4 IC: Fallen Comrades

Held at Tribal Council, in front of the jury. Probst asks the contestants a series of questions about booted castaways, most correct answers wins. Final score: 4.Hatch (4 right), 3.Rudy (5), Sue and Kelly have 7, face off in a tie-breaker ('What is Sonja's last name?') Kelly wins.

← Previous: Ep.12 IC Next: Final 3 IC →

Ep13 F4 IC: "Fallen Comrades" - Kelly wins.

TC13 - Sue voted off, 3 left.
Day 38
(April 19)

Final 3 IC: Hands on a Hard Idol

Final 3 IC: Hands on a Hard Idol

Final 3 IC: Hands on a Hard Idol

Hold onto the statue with at least one hand as long as you can. At 2 hrs, Probst tempts with cal-orange slices, but gets no takers. Hatch drops out at 2 hours, 30 minutes. Shortly thereafter, Probst decides Kelly and Rudy should rotate positions (while still holding the statue) every 30 minutes. At the 4 hrs, 11 minute mark, Rudy absent-mindedly lets go of the statue while moving to the next position, and Kelly wins.

← Previous: Final 4 IC Next: Final Tribal Council →

Ep13 F3 IC: "Hands on a Hard Idol" - Kelly wins.

TC14 - Rudy voted off, 2 left.
Day 39
(April 20)

Final Tribal Council

Final Tribal Council

Final Tribal Council

Gervase asks what they'd change, Colleen asks what traits they used, Sean finds a homophobic slur hilarious, Jenna asks who'd replace them, Rudy bemoans his IC mistake, Greg asks to pick a number, and Sue takes center stage to lecture about rats and snakes. Hatch wins, 4-3, and the vote is read immediately.

← Previous: Final 3 IC

Final tribal council and jury votes on Final Two.

Hatch wins, 4-3.
(April 21)

Departure. Contestants fly back to the U.S.
(April 22)

Contestants arrive back home.