Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. |
Pre-game | ||||||
Day 0 (Apr. 24) Redmond: Cast flies out. |
Day 0 (Apr. 25) |
Day 0 (Apr. 26) Pre-game press interviews? |
Day 0 (Apr. 27) |
Day 0 (Apr. 28) |
Day 0 (Apr. 29) Pre-game press interviews? |
Day 0 (Apr. 30) |
Pre-game | Ep1: "LIVIN" | Ep2: "Lovable Curmudgeon" | Ep3: "I'll Sign the Divorce Papers" | |||
Day 0 (May 1) |
Day 1 (May 2) ![]() Ep.1 RC: Crate Wide Open![]() Two people (Sami, Owen; Geo, Ryan; Jesse, Cody) must run out into the jungle and carry two heavy crates back. Then two more people (Elie, Gabler; Justine, Noelle; Karla, Cassidy) must swim out to a boat, unclip it, and pull it (and crates on it) back to the beach. Finally, the two remaining people must use the crates to build a cube puzzle. Then one of them must climb on top of the cube and use a bamboo pole to retrieve the tribe flint from a high frame. Thanks to Cody's suggestion of putting the flint inside the bamboo pole's end hole, Dwight gets the flint first, and Vesi wins their camp items (flint, pot, machete). The other two tribes must do Sweat or Savvy tasks to get theirs. |
Day 2 (May 3) ![]() Ep.1 dilemma: Karla, Dwight, Gabler![]() Dwight, Gabler, Karla attend. This season, instead of a hike up the hill, it's a hike along the beach, through the water, to a giant rock. Another variation on prisoner's dilemma, except this time they're all together, and each person selects a "risk" or "no risk" card. If at least one person risks, everyone who risks their vote must reach into a bag and draw a pouch that contains either an idol or a no vote penalty. Only one idol per draw, so chances are 1:1 if only one risks, 1:2 if two risk, and 1:3 if all three risk. Pouches must be opened in private, back at camp. Karla chooses No Risk, Dwight and Gabler choose Risk. ![]() Ep.1 idol: Gabler![]() After Gabler and Dwight return to camp, they must each open their pouches in private. Gabler opens his, learns he has an idol good for his first two Tribals. He whoops for joy, and immediately tells his entire tribe. Meanwhile, Dwight learns he has lost his vote. He also tells his tribe about this development (and that this means Gabler has an idol). |
Day 3 (May 4) ![]() Ep.1 IC: Freedom of Choice![]() As a tribe, contestants must race through a mud pit crawl, then collect three balls from a sawdust pile, then one person (Jeanine, Cody, Ryan) must go under a log, then use a machete to chop through a rope, releasing a ramp. Then the tribe must climb the ramp, and one at a time, cross a high balance beam over a net. Everyone who crosses can then untie knots to release a lever and make the beam easier to cross. Once across, the tribe must pick from one of three table mazes. First tribe to reach this stage can choose any one of the three, second tribe must pick one of the two remaining options, last tribe gets whatever is left over. First tribe to place all three balls at the end of their table maze wins. Coco tribe is first to reach the final stage, picks a maze with few exits. Vesi is second, picks a "straight shot" one with lots of ways to fall off. Baka is last, gets the standard table maze used in EoE and Winners at War. Despite Coco's lead, all three tribes are on their table maze before any has placed a ball. Coco wins, Vesi second. TC1 - Morriah voted out (5-1), 17 left. |
Day 4 (May 5) |
Day 5 (May 6) ![]() Ep.2 RC/IC: Serpent Turf![]() Karla, Noelle sit out. As seen in Game Changers. Five contestants must dive off a dock, swim to and climb over to enter a cage, then untie a 400-lb snake, haul it over the side of the cage, to the shore, and up the beach to a platform. There, they untie knots and remove six discs, three of which contain the combination to a lock. One person unlocks it, release a puzzle bag, which contains a puzzle piece two people (Dwight, Nneka; Jeanine, Elie; Cassidy, Lindsay) must use to complete a logo puzzle. Winner gets fishing gear kit, second place gets mask, snorkel, fins. Baka wins, Coco is second. Vesi is very slow moving the snake, loses. ![]() Ep.2 idol: Cody![]() Shortly before Tribal Council, Cody goes looking for idols. After looking in many places, he finds a Beware idol package just sitting on a stump. Being Cody, he opens it immediately, without considering the risk. The new rules require him to acquire a specific bead from each member of his tribe, or he loses his vote, and the idol is inactive. He enlists Jesse's help, who directs him to pretend the beads are for decorating his hat. The scheme works, and Cody recovers his vote, and has an active idol. TC2 - Justine voted out (3-1-1), 16 left. |
Day 6 (May 7) ![]() Ep.3 idol: Karla![]() With no challenges to attend, Coco tribe takes it easy, celebrates James's birthday. He naps, others go off and fish, and Karla takes the opportunity to look for idols. She finds one near camp, notes the 'Beware' labeling, then puts it back. After thinking about it a while, she goes back and takes it, quickly using a series of trades to acquire the beads she needs to activate the idol and restore her vote. |
Ep3: "I'll Sign the Divorce Papers" | Ep4: "Show No Mercy" | Ep5: "Stop With All the Niceness" | Ep6: "Mergatory" | |||
Day 7 (May 8) ![]() Ep.3 RC/IC: Turtle Head![]() Geo sits out. As (mostly) seen in Survivor 41's Ep2 RC/IC. Three contestants must dive off a platform, cross an obstacle (another platform with crates), and dive to release a buoy. When all three buoys are recovered, two other people (Jeanine, Elie; Nneka, Jesse; Lindsay, James) must use keys attached to the buoys to unlock puzzle pieces, then complete a turtle puzzle. Winner gets a big tool kit and basket of fruit. Second gets smaller tool kit and fruit. Baka leads throughout, followed by a tight race between Coco and Vesi. Vesi gets out to a lead on the puzzle, blows it. Baka wins, Coco second. After the challenge, three people (James, Owen, Noelle) go to the dilemma island, as chosen by Baka. ![]() Ep.3 dilemma: James, Owen, Noelle![]() Same system, different location as the Ep1 dilemma. Again with three people, this time James, Owen, and Noelle. Noelle informs the other two she was on the bottom of the prior vote, and with her tribe imminently attending Tribal, James and Owen offer to No Risk, to ensure Noelle gets the advantage. It's a vote steal advantage, which she doesn't use at this Tribal. TC3 - Nneka voted out (4-1), 15 left. |
Day 8 (May 9) ![]() Ep.4 RC: Walk Around![]() Lindsay, James; Elie sit out. One person (Sami, Cody, Ryan) must toss sandbags at a pile of block on an overhead arch. That person must then use two (or more) of those blocks to stand on, and walk across a "hot lava" course, using only their feet to move the blocks. Once across, the remaining three people must each land one sandbag on a hanging platform. First tribe to land all three sandbags wins 10 fresh fish plus the right to visit one of the other camps and steal one item. Sandbags landed: Jesse (V1), [Baka starts throwing], Noelle (V2), [Coco starts throwing], Geo (C1), Jeanine (B1), Dwight (V3). Vesi wins, trades their fish for fresh fruit (since they don't have a fire). Cody does the stealing (from Coco). |
Day 9 (May 10) ![]() Ep.4 IC: Brain Stew![]() Cassidy, Geo; Jeanine sit out. Four tribe members must race over three hurdle obstacles, knocking off heavy sandbags as they go. Doing so will reveal a set of keys, which one person (Cody, Elie, Ryan) must use to unlock a net. They must then drag four heavy bags of puzzle pieces under the net, then two people (Dwight, Jesse; Owen, Sami; Ryan, Karla) use the pieces to form a vertical square. Once the square is complete, they must move the same pieces up a net to a high platform, where two people must use them again to form a vertical triangle. First two tribes to do so win. Baka is first to finish the square puzzle, then Vesi. But Vesi wins, Noelle offers help to Baka on the triangle puzzle, and they finish second, meaning Coco loses. TC4 - Lindsay voted out (4-1-1), 14 left. |
Day 10 (May 11) ![]() Ep.5 idol: Jeanine![]() Elie and Jeanine go on an idol hunt while Sami and Gabler are fishing. Eventually, Jeanine finds the Beware idol package in a prominent tree. She opens it with Elie, and while they're discussing the bead-collecting rules, Owen walks up. After briefly pretending to not be doing anything, they share the idol rules. Later, Elie tells Sami about is as well. Jeanine collects the beads she needs for her idol, only briefly having to negotiate with Gabler for the correct bead. Later, Sami tells Gabler about how he's been duped. |
Day 11 (May 12) ![]() Ep.5 RC/IC: EOC![]() Gabler, Karla sit out. Four tribemates are tied together, and must cross a series of obstacles, then grab a bucket, fill it with water, cross a tipping net, then pour the water into a bucket, until there's enough water to release a gate. Once through the gate, one person (Dwight, Sami, Ryan) must roll three balls up a ramp, landing them on a ledge at the top. The top two tribes each receive tarps (plus immunity). After Vesi wins, Coco had two balls landed, but Ryan "intentionally" knocks them both off, so Baka cruises to second place. ![]() Ep.5 RC/IC: EOC![]() The IC-winning Vesi tribe picks Geo, Jeanine, and Jesse to attend. They're taken to a platform in the ocean, from which they must paddle a rowboat to the dilemma bags on the shore. On the way, Geo tells the other two he's in trouble, and needs their help. Despite this, Jeanine and Jesse both risk their votes. In the end, Geo gets the Knowledge is Power advantage, while Jeanine and Jesse lose their votes for one Tribal. TC5 - Geo voted out, 13 left. |
Day 12 (May 13) ![]() Ep.6 merge![]() The Coco and Vesi tribes receive treemail telling them to drop their buffs and gather their stuff, they're moving to the Baka camp. It's not *really* a merge, because reasons, but all three tribes live together for two days before they eventually all get merge buffs. Except Elie. |
Day 13 (May 14) ![]() Ep.6 RC/IC: No Quarter![]() Prior to the challenge, the contestants draw rocks for teams: Blue (Jeanine, Gabler, Dwight, Ryan, Karla, Jesse) vs. Red (Elie, Sami, Owen, James, Cassidy, Cody). Noelle draws gray, and must bet on one team, whose fate she will share without competing. She picks blue. Contestants must move a pile of heavy sandbags to reveal a sled, which they then drag across a criss-crossing course, stacking two sets of three crates on it. At the the end, they must build a staircase puzzle with the crates, which one person (Jeanine, Owen) will climb, to release a key. Then everyone must scale a high ramp, and two people (Elie, Owen; Jeanine, Dwight) will complete a vertical word puzzle ("Earning your spot at every stage") with hexagonal shaped pieces. Karla injures her hand mid-challenge, and blue struggles getting up the ramp, giving red a huge lead. But blue solves the puzzle quickly, wins merge buffs and a feast. TC6 - Elie voted out (7-2-1-1), 12 left. |
Ep7: "Bull in a China Shop" | Ep8: "Proposterous" | Ep9: "What About the Big Girls" | Ep10: "Get That Money, Baby" | Ep11: "Hiding in Plain Sight" | ||
Day 14 (May 15) ![]() Ep.7 IC: Eve 6![]() First two stages run in pairs, which the contestants decided in camp by drawing rocks. Stage 1: One at a time, players must go through a twisted net in the mud, and out the other side. When both are through, they must then dig up a bag of planks in a sand pit, and return it to their mat with a flag. First four pairs to finish move on, last two are out. Stage 2: Pairs must climb a structure, and use planks to cross a rope bridge. If they fall off or drop a plank, they must restart. First two pairs across with their planks move on. Stage 3 (individual): Hold up a bucket with 25% of your starting weight, at the end of a string wrapped around a handle (as in S25 Ep7 IC). Last holding their bucket wins immunity. Results: Stage 1: Ryan/James, Karla/Cassidy, Owen/Gabler, Dwight/Cody move on, as Jeanine and Noelle get stuck. Sami/Noelle, Jesse/Jeanine eliminated. Stage 2: Dwight/Cody, Gabler/Owen move on, as James/Ryan, Cassidy/Karla are out. Stage 3: Order out - 4. Dwight, [23 min.] 3. Owen, [38 min.] 2. Cody, 1. Gabler wins. ![]() Ep.7 advantage: James![]() After the Gaia tribe returns to camp following the IC, four people go to the water well, and James discovers a bottle floating in it. He opens it (the other three also saw it). Inside is a note telling everyone that an advantage is hidden under the shelter. They agree to wait until after Tribal to look for it. Unsurprisingly, almost immediately after this conversation, James gets the advantage. It's Knowledge is Power, back in the game again just three days after it left. For unknown reasons, James tells pretty much everyone he has it. TC7 - Dwight voted out (7-3-2), 11 left. |
Day 15 (May 16) ![]() Ep.8 (-ish) idol: Jesse![]() After Dwight's boot, the Gaia tribe discusses the shuffling of idols and advantages prior to Tribal, to avoid James's KIP advantage. They come to the conclusion that Jeanine's idol, which she gave to Dwight, probably left the game with him. Jesse nods along to this, then the next morning (in confessional) reveals that actually, Dwight handed the idol to Jesse before Tribal. This means Jesse now has an idol, one which nobody left in the game knows he has. (Slightly less great news for Jeanine.) |
Day 16 (May 17) ![]() Ep.8 IC: Over Extended![]() Sami, Karla, James, Cassidy, Jesse are all coerced to sit out in exchange for a bag of rice. Challenge: contestants must balance a volleyball-size ball on a rimmed plate on top of a pole. At regular intervals, they add more pole, making it harder. Order out: 6. Jeanine, 5. Noelle (both at 3 poles transition), 4. Gabler (4 poles), 3. Ryan (5 poles), 2. Cody (transition to 6), 1. Owen wins! TC8 - Jeanine voted out (9-2), 10 left. |
Day 17 (May 18) ![]() Ep.9 RC/IC: Crocodile Rock![]() As seen in Ghost Island at this exact spot. Random draw for two teams: Blue (Noelle, Owen, Sami, Karla, James), Red (Jesse, Cassidy, Gabler, Ryan, Cody). Contestants must pull up on a handle to prevent a ball from rolling out of a chute. Last team standing wins PB&J and the ability to attend Tribal second. Order out: R5. Jesse, R4. Cassidy, B5. Noelle, B4. James, R3. Gabler, B3. Owen [10 min.], B2. Sami (Karla wins), B1. Karla (holds on a bit, but drops). R2. Ryan, R1. Cody. Red wins reward. TC9 - James voted out (4-1), 9 left. TC10 - Ryan voted out (4-1), 8 left. |
Day 18 (May 19) ![]() Ep.10 RC: Put a Ring on It![]() Contestants must spin a vertical cage they're standing in, which turns a spool to pull in a buoy. Once the buoy crosses a line, they must cross a net obstacle then a balance beam, retrieving a sandbag. Then they must untie a rope gate, and land the sandbag on a tall pole. First person to do so wins a getaway reward to "The Sanctuary," with pizza, cheesecake, beer, and ... letters from home. Noelle struggles for a long time on the balance beam, is last to the sandbag stage. Several people land the sandbag but it falls off. In the end, Noelle wins! She picks Sami, Jesse, and Owen to join her. |
Day 19 (May 20) ![]() Ep.10 IC: Teeter Tower![]() As seen in South Pacific. Contestants must build a house of cards with tiles, doing so on top of a tilting platform, while steadying the platform with their other hand. Lots of people drop their stacks repeatedly, but eventually, Cassidy wins. TC11 - Noelle voted out (5-2-1), 7 left. |
Day 20 (May 21) |
Ep11: "Hiding in Plain Sight" | Ep12: "Telenovela" | Ep13: "Snap Some Necks and Cash Some Checks" | Game over | |||
Day 21 (May 22) ![]() Ep.11 advantage: Cody![]() The morning of Day 21, the Gaia tribe receives "boatmail," a message informing them that there's an advantage hidden near camp. Everyone races off in search of it, and the highlight is multiple people walking right past the advantage, which is tacked to a tree, right next to a path, at eye level. As people are about to give up, Cody finally finds it, and opens it in secret. It's the 'Choose Your Champion' advantage, which allows him to bet on one (other) person to win immunity at the next IC. If he's right, he also wins immunity. He chooses Owen, who indeed wins. ![]() Ep.11 IC: Last Gasp![]() As first seen in Palau. Contestants must hang onto a metal grate in the water. As the tide rises, breathing becomes more difficult. Order out: 7. Gabler, 6. Sami, 5. Jesse, [60 min.] 4. Cody, [112 min.] 3. Cassidy, [185 min.] Tie! Karla and Owen each win immunity, because tide starts going back down. (Cody, who bet on Owen to win, also wins immunity, but this is not revealed until after votes are cast.) TC12 - Sami voted out (6-0*), 6 left. |
Day 22 (May 23) ![]() Ep.12 RC: Roll With It![]() As almost seen in Samoa. Random teams of three, Owen and Cassidy are strapped into a giant balls, directing their blindfolded teammates to push the ball along a twisty course to a finishing ramp, where they must then direct them to move a ball through a table maze. Cody, Karla, Owen (caller) win. They win a trip to the Sanctuary, get coffee and pastries. |
Day 23 (May 24) ![]() Ep.12 IC: Battle of Evermore![]() Contestants must cross several obstacles, releasing a bag with three number tiles along the way, use those tiles to open a combo lock, releasing a key. They must then go under a cargo net, climb a net obstacle, and use the key to unlock a hanging bat puzzle. First to finish puzzle wins. Karla is last to puzzle, but is soon racing Cassidy for the win. Then she has hand cramps, as Cody also catches up. Cassidy finishes, but is wrong. Second time, she's right. Cassidy wins! Cody finishes seconds behind. TC13 - Cody voted out (4-[0]-[0]), 5 left. |
Day 24 (May 25) ![]() Ep.12 IC: Battle of Evermore![]() As the contestants adjust to their new camp on Day 24, they receive word that they must solve a word scramble that will lead them to a challenge advantage, hidden near camp. Karla is the first to solve it, and hobbles off on her injured ankle. Owen quickly follows, passes Karla, and eventually finds the tree holding the advantage. Right as he's about to grab it, Karla swoops in and takes it. It gives Karla a "slight advantage" in the next IC. ![]() Ep.12 IC: Battle of Evermore![]() Contestants must maneuver a buoy along a rope across a series of obstacles. Then use two handles to move puzzle blocks across a seesaw to a puzzle table, then complete a word puzzle. Karla's advantage gives her 10 pieces already at her puzzle table. Order to puzzle: Karla, Owen, Gabler ... all are working on it eventually. Owen wins, takes Cassidy with him to reward (feast at the Sanctuary). TC14 - Karla voted out (4-[0]), 4 left. |
Day 25 (May 26) ![]() Ep.13 F4 IC: Operation Balance Build![]() Sort of as seen in the F4 IC in One World. Contestants must use a metal fork to move and stack 15 small bowls on top of a platform on a wobbly spring. If the stack falls, they must start over. Gabler has a tall stack, it falls. Then Owen leads, his falls. Finally, Cassidy wins. TC15 - Jesse out via fire, 3 left. |
Day 26 (May 27) ![]() Final Tribal Council![]() Gabler, Cassidy and Owen address the eight-person jury, and answer questions in the now-standard open forum format. In the end, the jury awards Gabler with the million-dollar prize, in a 7-1-0 vote over Cassidy and Owen, respectively. At the aftershow, Gabler reveals his plan to donate the entire pool of prize money to veterans' charities. |
Day 0 (May 28) Departure. Contestants head back to the U.S. |
Historical notes: