Pre-game interviews? (Dalton Ross unavailable for Venus's exit interview)
Day 0
(May 10)
Day 0
(May 11)
Ep1: "One Glorious and Perfect Episode"
Ep2: "Epic Boss Girl Move"
Ep3: "Belly of the Beast"
Day 1
(May 12)
Ep.1 RC: Kang Sera Sera
In pairs, contestants must race under a muddy net, into the jungle, and untie a large pair of puzzle pieces, then bring them back. Once all six pieces are back, they must assemble a rectangular puzzle. First tribe to finish wins their camp supplies (pot, machete, flint). Order to puzzle: Tuku (Caroline, Kyle), Lavo (Aysha, Kishan), Gata (Rachel, Anika). Despite starting last, Gata wins!
Immediately following the RC, TK (Tuku) and Aysha (Lavo) are taken away to do an unknown task to earn their camp supplies. Once they get there, they each have to find three keys on separate paths through the jungle, using photo clues, then find a fourth key on a common spot (the ocean, back where they started). First person to find all four keys wins (only one can). Results: Aysha finds her third key first, but loses her path. TK blazes his own trail. They end up at the buoy at the same time, but TK gets it, unlocks his supplies.
Gabe finds the initial Beware advantage package in a log by the path, then digs up the box (in the path) with Sue's help as lookout, which directs him to a rock face near camp, where the key is hidden. TK finds him while trying to retrieve the key, but only suspects Gabe has found the prior note. Later, Gabe opens the box to discover he's found a crappy idol good for only 1 Tribal, but he can deposit it in the box, lose his vote again, and get a clue for a 3-Tribal idol. He does. That directs him to driftwood, which he breaks open the next morning, revealing the key for the new idol. He has the chance for a fully powered idol, but he stops there, and keeps the 3-Tribal idol.
Rome also finds the initial clue near the path, and must dig up a box in the path. He eventually does so at night, and retrieves a clue he reads the next day, which directs him to a log, which has directions to the key when he pours water on it (it's in the well). Rome retrieves the key for the well, but is spotted by most of the tribe, and runs off, suspiciously. He's not shown opening the box, but presumably did so later that day/night (probably saved for Ep2).
Starting on a platform in the water, they must swim to a boat, and paddle to shore, gathering three heavy chests along the way. Once on shore they must drag the boat up the beach, under a net, then place the chests in position. Each chest contains a key to unlock puzzle pieces, which are used (Aysha, Kishan, Rome; Sam, Rachel, Anika; Tiyana, Caroline, Gabe) to solve a large vertical logo puzzle. First place gets a big tool kit (and flint, if needed), second gets a smaller tool kit. Results: Gata and Tuku both flip their boats with two chests on them. Order to puzzle: Lavo is miles ahead, solves their puzzle before either of the other tribes finish pushing their boats. Tuku takes second. Andy has heat exhaustion near the end of the challenge and collapses, but is cleared to go on after being cooled down via a visit from medical.
After digging up the box the night before, realizing it had more instructions he couldn't read in the dark, then looping in Teeny on his find, Rome returns to his idol box the next morning. He finds Teeny there, with Kishan, and the box already open. Despite appearances, he doesn't make a fuss, and wisely decides to take the 1-Tribal idol, since he now has little control over who knows he has an idol.
Andy initially finds the Beware idol package, but puts it back to think about it, since he knows where it is, and can theoretically track who finds it. Sam finds it shortly after that, while hunting for idols with Anika. They follow the clue to locate the key, but it's tied with lots of knots, so they hit pause and decide to go later. Sam tells Sierra, Anika tells Rachel. So Sam and Rachel go back, untie the key. Sam then takes Sierra to dig up the box with him and unlock the idol. Upon opening the box, they're disappointed to learn it's only good for one Tribal, with unspecified additional task(s) required for a three-Tribal idol. Sam decides to keep the 1-Tribal idol.
Aysha, Sue sit out. Starting on a platform in the water, contestants must swim to a tower to retrieve a bag of rice, then move to a gate, pass the sack through a small hole while everyone climbs over the gate, then take it to shore, where one person (Rachel, Tiyana, Rome) must stand behind a cage door and move a peg through a maze to release the key (on the peg), opening the gate. Then one person (Andy, Sol, Kyle) must cut the rice bag open, releasing a ball, which three people (Sam, Anika, Sierra; Kishan, Genevieve, Rome; TK, Gabe, Kyle) then use on a table maze (the old vertical snake maze, now horizontal, with three ropes). Winner receives big set of fishing gear; 2nd place smaller set. Results: Gata is first to the final maze, wins. Lavo is second, Tuku loses, mainly because they keep dropping their ball into the same hole.
Rome, Kyle, Anika attend. After chatting, they head off on separate paths to face the risk bag from the 44 journeys. The bag contains three scrolls: Two force you to lose your vote, one is an advantage. You have to draw at least once. If you lose your vote on the first scroll, you can draw again, if you choose. Kyle loses his vote, elects not to continue. Rome wins a vote steal advantage. Anika loses her vote, also stops.
Genevieve sits out. First solo (Andy, Rome, Kyle), then in pairs, contestants must jump off a platform, swim to and climb up a net on a two-story platform, jump off, swim to a second platform, climb crates, jump off again. Solo runners must then dive down and retrieve a buoy, then all swim to a floating balance beam (pairs untie one buoy from the beam per pair), then swim to the final dock. Once at the dock, they must use the keys attached to the buoys to unlock puzzle pieces, and two people (Caroline, Gabe; Rachel, Anika; Aysha, Kishan) must solve a vertical seahorse puzzle. Order to puzzle: Tuku, Gata, Lavo. Gata catches up on the puzzle, wins. Tuku is a close second, Lavo a distant third. Gata wins a big tarp, two hammocks. Tuku wins a small tarp.
Ep3 RC/IC: "Seahorse With No Name" - Gata wins, Tuku 2nd.
TC3 - Aysha voted out (3-1-1-[0]), 15 left.
Ep4: "Is That Blood in Your Hair?"
Ep5: "The Scales Be Tippin"
Ep6: "Feel the FOMO"
Ep7: "Our Pickle on Blast"
Ep8: "He's All That"
Day 8
(May 19)
Ep.4 idol: Sue
Sue goes hunting for idols at Tuku, and finds the Beware package. This time, it's a single step: Cut a vine on a tree near the well. Sue does this, the idol falls, along with a giant container of red paint, which goes everywhere. Sue frantically tries to clean up, and manages to mostly accomplish this before Tiyana and Caroline come to the well for water. Seeing the (now clean) machete and red on Sue's hair, chin, and finger, they worry she's hurt herself, but Sue somehow shoos them away.
Contestants must roll a large cube frame underneath a bag, which one person (Rome, Anika, Kyle) climbs to retrieve, then roll to an adjacent bag and get that too. Then one person (Sol, Kyle, Sam) assembles a small frame to toss sandbags through (as in AU:TvR). They must land two sandbags on a barrel, while throwing thorugh the frame. Order finished: Sol, Sam, Kyle. Once through, tribe must carry heavy sandbags onto a platform, revealing a sand pit, from which they must dig up a key. The key unlocks a large vertical flame puzzle, which two people (Rome, Genevieve; Caroline, Gabe; Rachel, Anika) must solve. Gata wins, Tuku second, Lavo doesn't place a single piece. Gata wins 3 egg-laying hens, Tuku six eggs.
Gata selects Andy, Teeny, Caroline to go on the journey, after winning the challenge. Once there, they flip a timer and read the message - if one person gives up their vote, they all get an advantage. If nobody volunteers before time runs out, all three lose their votes. Eventually, Teeny volunteers. They receive a slightly altered set of three amulet idols, which now can only be used after all tribes are on one beach, and can only be idols, but all idol-holders (still in the game) must agree to use.
Ep4 journey: Teeny loses vote; 3 get amulet idols.
TC4 - Kishan voted out (4-0), 14 left.
Day 9
(May 20)
Ep.5 RC: Climb Mate Change
Two randomly drawn teams: Yellow (Caroline, Rachel, Kyle, Sam, Tiyana, Teeny, Sue) vs. Blue (Andy, Sol, Gabe, Rome, Genevieve, Anika, Sierra). Contestants must race under a crawl obstacle, removing keys along the way. They must use the keys to unlock and remove a ladder from a table maze, which one person (Kyle; Rome/Gabe) climbs to retrieve five balls from bags on a high arch. The balls are placed by five increasingly distant logs, from which five different people must land them in five baskets (Rachel, Sue; Anika, Genevieve catch and return rebounds). First tribe to do so wins a trip to the Sanctuary with their team for "Survivor Social Hour" - cornhole, hot dogs, sodas. Results: Yellow takes a huge early lead on the table maze and ladder climb. Shots landed: Teeny (Y1), Caroline (Y2), Gabe (B1), Sierra (B2), Tiyana (Y3), Kyle (Y4), Andy (B3), Sam (Y5) - Yellow wins, 5-3 (Sol is shooting as Sam wins it.)
Anika, Sue sit out. Back in three tribes. Contestants must drag a net full of coconuts and sandbags along a course, collecting more coconuts and sandbags along the way. One person (Kyle, Sol, Andy) must saw through a rope, releasing the first batch. Finally, one person at a time (Kyle, Tiyana, Gabe; Sol, Rome; Sam, Sierra, Andy) must throw the sandbags at a block puzzle, knocking them all off, then rebuild the puzzle. Order to rebuilding the puzzle: Tuku, Gata (passing Lavo), Lavo. Tuku is first by a mile. Lavo, Gata start at same time, end at the same time, with Lavo narrowly second.
Gata and Lavo receive boat-delivered notes telling them to drop their buffs and gather their stuff, they're moving to Tuku beach. At Tuku, Sue finally gets around to washing the paint off her idol (which she found three days earlier) as the boats approach.
As the tribes merge (-ish), Tiyana finds a sign on the beach that all contestants must read together. Gabe reads it: It tells them there's a grueling challenge the next day, and an advantage in the challenge is hidden nearby. Everyone rushes off to look for it ... for a few minutes, before giving up. Genevieve and Sam (neither of whom would know what was normal at Tuku beach) noticed a buoy in the water, but Sam assured Genevieve it was probably nothing. Genevieve later goes back to check it out, and discovers that yes, it is the advantage ... which will be revealed at the challenge tomorrow.
Genevieve's advantage allows her to sit out, receive the feast, and go directly to the IC. The rest draw rocks for captains (Teeny, Tiyana), and there's a schoolyard pick (not shown) for two teams of six: Yellow (Sierra, Rachel, Sam, Sue, Kyle, Teeny) vs. Blue (Rome, Caroline, Andy, Gabe, Sol, Tiyana). In pairs, contestants must go through a mud crawl, then over and under a wood chip obstacle. When all are present, they then must retrieve a bag with a ball from inside a cage, removing blocking debris with poles and grabbing the bag with a grappling hook. Then together they must scale a steep wall (and can pile sandbags to help, if they want). Once all are up, two people (Gabe, Rome; Sam, Kyle) must use the ball to complete the standard table maze. Blue has a lead, but Gabe and Rome struggle on the table maze, and yellow wins.
Blue team is ineligible to compete, but Genevieve does. As seen in South Pacific, etc. Contestants must stand on a narrow ramp, holding a cue ball on a bow-shaped track. If they or the ball fall, they're out. At regular intervals, they must move to a narrower section of the ramp, making the task more difficult. Order out: [1st section, 5 minutes] 7. Sierra, 6. Sam. [2nd section, 10 minutes] 5. Rachel, 4. Genevieve, 3. Teeny. [Final section, no time limit] 2. Sue, 1. Kyle wins!
Rock draw for teams: Yellow (Genevieve, Sierra, Teeny, Sol, Andy, Sam) vs. Blue (Rachel, Caroline, Sue, Tiyana, Gabe, Kyle). Team with the last person standing wins group immunity and a feast. Person lasting the longest on losing froup wins individual immunity. Challenge as seen in Ghost Island, except with a ball on the end of pole, not a statue. Order out: (first section of beam) Y6. Andy, B6. Rachel. [Second section] Y5. Sierra (on transition), B5. Tiyana, Y4. Sol. [Third section] B4. Sue. [Fourth section[ B3. Gabe (transition), B2. Caroline, Y3. Sam, B1. Kyle. Teeny and Genevieve still in, tie for first? Yellow wins reward.
At the reward feast, Sol finds a scroll tucked into one of the posts, while everyone else is napping. Back at camp, he reads it to discover it's something he has to send to one person on the losing team. It's a "Take Your Pick" advantage, which allows the recipient to choose between either blocking one person from voting, or the Safety Without Power advantage, which allows them to leave Tribal before the vote. Sol sends it to Rachel, and she chooses Safety Without Power.
Rachel finds an idol clue in her french fries at the auction, which she takes away to read later. Once back at camp, she reads it, and it tells her there's an idol sewn into the corner of the tarp. She locates it, but then faces a new dilemma: How to cut it out, when someone is almost always in the shelter? She eventually finds a good time, uses the machete to slice the tarp, and retrieves a fully powered idol.
As seen in S25: Philippines, etc.; 1 man and 1 woman will win individual immunity. Contestants must hold up 25% of their starting body weight by keeping a rope from unwinding from around a metal handle. At a certain point, their weight will drop, smashing a tile, and they will be out. Last person standing (1 man, 1 woman) wins. Order out: M5. Sam, F6. Genevieve, F5. Teeny (< 1 min), F4. Sierra, M4. Gabe, F3. Caroline, M3. Sol, F2. Rachel, (meaning F1. Sue wins!), M2. Andy, M1. Kyle wins!
Performed in pairs, selected in camp after receiving treemail: Sue/Genevieve, Rachel/Caroline, Teeny/Sol, Gabe/Kyle, Andy/Sam. Three-stage challenge. Stage 1: One at a time, contestants must crawl through a narrow cage filled with sand, retrieving one puzzle plank along the way, then as a pair, dig up a second step from a ring. First three pairs to get back to their mat with both steps move on. Stage 2: They must use these and other steps to solve a staircase puzzle, climb up it, then (one at a time) cross a three-level balance beam. When both are across, slide down a slide and race to their mat. First two pairs advance. Final stage is just "Chimney Sweeps" with four participants. Last person standing wins individual immunity. Top two pairs (everyone in third stage) also wins a food reward (BLT) back at camp. Last two pairs (eliminated in first stage) lose their votes, and must go on a journey in an attempt to regain those votes. Results: Andy/Sam and Caroline/Rachel out in first round. Sue/Genevieve out in second. Order out in final stage: 4. Teeny, 3. Sol (almost at same time, right before transition to smallest holds). 2. Kyle, 1. Gabe wins!
Andy, Rachel, Sam, and Caroline are taken on the journey. There, they learn they must stack metal cards to make a house of cards, with a triangle shape on each level from three cards. Whoever places the card that makes the stack fall loses. Their vote remains lost, the other three re-gain theirs. (Caroline loses her vote).
Random draw for teams of three: Blue (Kyle, Rachel, Sam), Red (Andy, Caroline, Gabe), Yellow (Genevieve, Sue, Teeny). One at a time, contestants - with their hands tethered to their waists and feet tied together - must crawl on their bellies over sand dunes, moving a ball with them to a mat. When all three reach the mat with their ball, they can untie, then one at a time, they must each roll the ball along a table and land it in a raised hole. First team to finish wins a trip to the Sanctuary. Results: Blue takes a massive lead, lands all three balls before either of the other teams starts rolling.
(Everyone gives up their shots in the dark in exchange for rice beforehand.) Contestants must stand on a narrow beam, holding a disc, upon which they must balance a cue ball. At regular intervals (10 minutes), they must add an extra ball (up to three). Results (order out): [All reach 2-ball stage] 9. Caroline, 8. Andy, 7. Rachel, 6. Genevieve, 5. Gabe. [3-ball stage] 4. Teeny, 3. Sam, 2. Sue, 1. Kyle wins IC #4!
Several people (Rachel, Sue, Sam, Genevieve) draw rocks to attend, Rachel wins by drawing the purple rock. The challenge is a simple sorting game - arrange colored balls - but with time pressure. There are weights attached to a rope, which is tied to the puzzle table. Rachel tosses the first weight in, and as it sinks, it uncoils the rope, bringing the puzzle table closer and closer to being yanked away. Rachel sorts the colored balls and removes the advantage just before that happens. The advantage allows her to block someone's vote, good until the Final 6.
As seen since Blood vs. Water. Contestants must balance a wobbly table by pulling on a rope. While doing so, they must walk across the course and use wooden blocks to spell IMMUNITY. First to do so wins immunity. Results: Sam, Rachel, Genevieve lead by a block. Genevieve drops, Sam does too, then Rachel does (all with 7 blocks). Kyle and Teeny now in lead. Kyle drops. Teeny drops. (Everyone drops at least once). Eventually, Rachel-Genevieve-Kyle. Rachel places final block, Genevieve drops, Rachel gets it, Kyle had his final block placed and was nearing the end.
Individual RC, for a Sanctuary trip with italian food reward. Contestants must untie sandbags and cross a bar, then move a ball through a net tunnel, untie another ball and move both balls through a sandy net crawl. Then run to a high overhead split-level beam and land both balls, one on each level. Results: Sam first through, then Rachel, Andy, Teeny, Genevieve. Balls landed: Sam-1, Rachel-1, Sam-2. Sam wins! He learns he gets to spend the night at the Sanctuary, AND get letters from home. He picks Andy, Genevieve to join him.
Contestants must cross a balance beam while carrying a ball on a pole. Then they must "double-ended warrior staff' (bar with two boxes on the end) to knock two skulls at the same time through two separate wire mazes. Then they must do "Paddle Out," but with only three balls. Results: Order to final stage: Sam, Rachel, Teeny, Andy, Genevieve, Sue (not Caroline). Balls landed: Rachel-1, Rachel-2, Rachel-3. Rachel wins second straight immunity!
Contestants must jump off a high platform, swim to a dock, then move a buoy along a rope through a series of water obstacles, finally getting to a second dock, where they must solve a logo puzzle. Results: (Order to puzzle) Genevieve first, others close behind. Rachel and Genevieve quickly in a tight race. Genevieve wins! Rachel 2nd, everyone else tied for 3rd.
Contestants must race in from the ocean, dig under a beam, then use a long pole and stand on a wobby platform to build a stack of six balls and stands. Results: Sue, Sam, Genevieve, Rachel, Teeny all drop at least once. Genevieve and Rachel both get to four. They both drop again. They get to five again. Rachel wins! (Genevieve's stack dropped as she was placing ball 6.)
Contestants must crawl under a muddy, untie a pole, use it to unweave a rope, then use the rope (with a ball on the end) to release and lower a gate. They must cross the gate, release letter tiles, then use the tiles to solve a combination lock, releasing a machete. Then use the machete to chop through a rope, releasing a ladder, climb up and solve a hanging bat puzzle. Order to puzzle: Sam, Rachel, Teeny, Sue. Rachel and Sam battle on the puzzle, but Rachel pulls away. Rachel has her puzzle wrong, fixes it, wins!
Rachel, Sam, and Sue face off against each other, responding to questions from the jury. Sam puts on a surprisingly well-fought, scrappy performance, but in the end, it's almost all Rachel, and she wins the jury vote, 7-1-0 over Sam and Sue, respectively. (Also, it was Sue's birthday, and she turned 59, which she announced.)
Filming in Fiji again, running from approximately mid-May to early June, 2024. Start date based on press absence during Survivor 46 exit interviews.
Martin Holmes at InsideSurvivor (5/22/24): Releases the first 14 contestant names the day of (and after) the 46 finale, as several contestants appear in the post-reunion trailer.