Episode 15: Yulnited nations
Published: August 28, 2013
In a final look back at the season, an appreciation of the iconic final jury vote reveal, pitting social/strategic gameplay vs. the physical game (and underappreciated Becky). A mixed season that ends well.
Episode 14: Physical vs. social gamers
Published: August 21, 2013
A look at rewards that are actually punishments, jury management in full display, and the different approaches of physical (Ozzy) vs. social (Parvati) vs. social/strategic (Yul) gameplay, as seen in Episode 14.
Episode 13: Penner gets screwed
Published: August 14, 2013
Jeff examines zero-strategy Ozzy, Parvati's redemptive path through self-inflicted machete wounds, and the many ways in which things didn't go right for Jonathan Penner in Episode 13.
Episode 12: Bollocks
Published: August 7, 2013
Looking past the decidedly unrootable newly minted underdogs, Jeff ruminates on the amped-up, non-cruelty-free auction, Adam's surprise math skills, and more in Episode 12.
Episode 11: Negotiations master class
Published: July 31, 2013
The merge (finally!) showcases Yul's spectacular power play (using an overpowered idol), contrasted with Adam's utter uselessness, and more from Survivor: Cook Islands, Episode 11.
Episode 10: Overwhelming underdogs
Published: July 24, 2013
Jeff Pitman explores the curious editing of Rebecca, the continuing inanity of the post-swap Raro tribe, the unfairness of the bottle twist, and more from Survivor: Cook Islands, Episode 10.
Episode 9: The power of four
Published: July 17, 2013
As the Aitu Four comes into being, Jeff Pitman examines the huge risk production took, and explores other possible outcomes that could have gone far less well.
Episode 7: Puzzling
Published: July 10, 2013
Jeff Pitman looks at Survivor: Cook Islands Episode 7, and ponders (among other things) how the show's history would have been different if Aitu had stuck to the plan and voted out one of Penner or Ozzy before the merge.
Episode 6: Silence of the lamb-eaters
Published: July 3, 2013
As Survivor: Cook Islands removes two in Episode 6, Jeff Pitman looks at Yul's excellent pre-merge options, Ozzy's isolation, Parvati's continuing non-play, and a brief thumbs-up for Cao Boi.
Episode 5: The bore corps
Published: June 26, 2013
Jeff complains about post-swap Raro's utter lack of entertainment value, as seen in Episode 5.
Episode 4: Brains vs. brawn
Published: June 19, 2013
Jeff Pitman weighs the welcome (swimming) and unwelcome (making the episode about Parvati, when she was at best an accessory to the strategy) in Episode 4.
Episode 3: Thinking vs. feeling
Published: June 12, 2013
Jeff compares and contrasts the divergent gameplay philosophies of the Penner-Yul duo and the Cao Boi-Flica pair, on display in Episode 3.
Episode 2: A tale of two heroes
Published: June 5, 2013
Jeff Pitman looks at the heroic throwing of the IC, Billy's heroic unrequited love, Yul's heroic idol find, and more in Episode 2.
Episode 1: Too much
Published: May 29, 2013
Jeff Pitman looks back at the excesses (and occasional successes) of the Survivor: Cook Islands season premiere.
Jeff Pitman is the founder of the True Dork Times, and probably should find better things to write about than Survivor. So far he hasn't, though. He's also responsible for the Survivometer, calendar, boxscores, and contestant pages, so if you want to complain about those, do so in the comments, or on twitter: @truedorktimes