All 20 contestants are gathered in a single rowboat
in the ocean. Probst scoots up in a speedboat, tells
them the game has started, points them towards their
tribe beach, and tells them two necklaces —
one for a man, one for a woman — await them
there. It is up to each person to decide whether to
help row, or to jump out and swim to shore.
Eventually, Stephenie and Jonathan jump and attempt
to swim, but the boat swiftly passes them. As shore
approaches, everyone else jumps out. Ian is first
for men, Jolanda is first for women, narrowly ahead
of Jenn. Their necklaces will guarantee them the
first picks in the next day's schoolyard pick for
Probst arrives in camp early in the morning (Day 2
according to the show, Day 3 according to the
contestants). He sends Ian and Jolanda to separate
mats, and tells them their necklaces guarantee
they'll keep playing for at least the next 10
minutes. They will start a schoolyard pick for
tribe. Each person must pick someone of the opposite
gender, and the person picked will make the next
selection. Order of picks: For Koror, 1. Ian ->
3. Katie -> 5. Tom -> 7. Janu -> 9. Gregg
-> 11. Jenn -> 13. Coby -> 15. Caryn ->
17. Willard. For Ulong, 2. Jolanda -> 4. Bobby
Jon -> 6. Stephenie -> 8. Jeff -> 10. Kim
-> 12. James -> 14. Ashlee -> 16. Ibrehem
-> 18. Angie. Jonathan (20th place) and Wanda
(19th place) remain unpicked, are sent immediately
to Ponderosa.
Tribe pick: Chain pick, Wanda,
Jonathan out (18 left).
Day 3
(Nov. 3)
Ep.1 RC/IC: Supply Dump
Both tribes must cross obstacles (net crawl,
barriers) then retrieve paddles that they must take
with them, plus a set of optional but heavy items
(fire-making kit, two water cans, flour and rice, a
tarp). They must then cross more obstacles (a high
wall, a swamp) carrying these items with them. They
must then drop the items on the beach, take the
paddles to an outrigger canoe, paddle out to a tribe
flag, grab it, and paddle back to shore. First tribe
to do so wins. Koror takes an early lead after
leaving all items but the fire-making kit. Ulong
arrives at their canoe shortly after Koror departs,
but is unable to paddle as a team, never gets their
flag. Koror wins, then promptly capsizes on the way
back to camp, losing their fire-making kit in the
ocean (until they retrieve it next episode).
Willard sits out. One by one, contestants must
cross a set of obstacles (rope swing, 3 rolling
barrels, balance beam, wobbly bridge, rope bridge)
grab a flag, then go back to the start. While
they're on the obstacles, two people from the other
tribe (Tom, Gregg; Ibrehem, Jeff) try to swing
sandbags at them to knock them off into the water.
First tribe to 10 flags wins fishing gear (and
flint, if Ulong). Results: Ian and Coby fail 3
times, Bobby Jon, James, Caryn fail once. Katie
can't do the rope swing, rips the skin off her
hands, eventually bails. Flags: Angie-2, Ashlee-2,
Stephenie-2, Kim-2, Bobby Jon-1, James-1; Janu-2,
Jenn-1. Koror wins, 10-3.
Katie sits out. Tribe must swim out to a floating
platform. Once all are there, people can swim down
10 feet and pull a rope attached to a heavy foot
locker 50 feet away. As they pull the locker in,
marker buoys pop up every 10 feet. Once pulled all
the way in, they must open it and release 8 mess
kits, collect those, and bring them back to the
beach where they solve a Morse code puzzle
(IMMUNITY). Results: Ulong-40,
Koror-40-30-20-10-done. (Ulong eventually gets to
30.) Kim never dives, Tom does most of the pulling
for Koror, Koror wins easily.
Caryn, Willard sit out. The original version of
"Water Slaughter" - wrestling over life rings in the
water, but in deep water. Here, Probst releases a
ring from an underwater rack, and one person from
each tribe must race out and touch their tribe
pontoon while holding the ring. First tribe to 3
points wins a sewing kit. Results: Rd.1: Jeff d. Tom
(U1, K0). Rd.2: Stephenie d. Jenn (U2, K0). Rd.3:
Bobby Jon, Angie d. Gregg, Janu, as Angie repeatedly
dunks Gregg and Janu (U3, K0). Ulong wins (a sewing
kit, hooray).
Jenn, Janu sit out. Contestants are tethered
together with their tribemates, and must run around
an oval track in varying depth water, carrying 20-lb
weighted backpacks. Anyone can drop out at any time,
but must hand off their weight to someone else.
First tribe to catch the other wins. Order dropped
out: Jeff (immediately), Caryn (quickly), Willard,
Kim, Angie, Katie ... Coby, James. By the end, Bobby
Jon is carrying 80 lbs, Ibrehem 40, Steph 20; Tom
60, Gregg 40, Ian 40. Koror eventually catches
Ulong, Koror wins.
Tribes pick representatives, tools for the Ep4 RC, start
Day 10
(Nov. 10)
Ep.4 RC: Build a Better Bathroom
(Home Depot product placement). Jenn, Coby, Janu
sit out. Each tribe first picks a representative
(Ian, James) who visits the Home Depot tool box to
select six tools for building a bathroom with a
shower and toilet seat. The tribes have a full day
to build, before the judge (Jesse Jensen) returns to
grade their construction. Winning tribe is Koror,
they get the construction department to build them a
lavish shelter, picnic table, and platform, plus two
surprise bottles of champagne.
Ian, Katie, Willard sit out. First edition of Sumo
at Sea (knock your opponent off the platform with a
pillow). First tribe to six points wins. Rd.1: Tom
d. Bobby Jon (K1, U0). Rd.2: Stephenie d. Jenn (K1,
U1). Rd.3: Gregg d. Ibrehem (K2, U1). Rd.4: Angie d.
Caryn (K2, U2). Rd.5: Coby d. James (K3, U2). Rd.6:
Janu d. Kim (K4, U2). Rd.7: Tom d. Bobby Jon again
(K5, U2). Rd.8: Stephenie d. Jenn again (K5, U3).
Rd.9: Ibrehem d. Gregg (K5, U4). Rd.10: Angie d.
Caryn again (K5, U5). Rd.11: Coby d. James again
(K6, U5). Koror wins!
Caryn, Janu, Katie, Willard sit out. One at a time,
contestants sit on a raft, as tribemates pull a rope
to haul them out to a buoy. At the buoy, they must
dive down to retrieve one of 14 sake bottles tied to
a Japanese shipwreck. Then they get on the raft, and
the tribe pulls them back. First tribe to collect
six bottles wins. Results: Ulong has a lead until
Ibrehem can't retrieve a bottle after 3 tries. Ian
also struggles, gives some time back, but Ulong
never recovers, and Koror wins, 6-5. Koror wins a
reward of voting first at Tribal Council, then
feasting while Ulong carries out their Tribal. Then
in a final surprise, Koror gets to vote to assign
individual immunity to one person on Ulong. They
choose Ibrehem in a mostly unshown 3-2-2-1 vote,
over Stephenie, Bobby Jon, and Angie, respectively.
Ian, Katie, Jenn, Janu sit out. Each tribe has 8
tribe-colored tiles they must break, using a replica
16-mm gun. Shooting order: Bobby Jon, Gregg, James,
Coby, Ibrehem, Tom, Stephenie, Caryn. Results: Rd.1:
Tom-1, Steph-1 (K1, U1). Rd.2: Bobby Jon-1, Gregg-1,
Ibrehem-1, Steph-2, Caryn-1 (K3, U4). Rd.3: Bobby
Jon-2, Gregg-2, Stephenie-3, Caryn-2 (K5, U6). Rd.4:
Bobby Jon-3, Gregg-3, James-miss, Coby-1 (tied,
7-7), Ibrehem-miss, Tom-miss, Stephenie-4,
Caryn-miss (could have forced a tie-breaker). Ulong
wins a trip to Jellyfish Lake, with Pringles and Mai
Tais (8-7).
Tom, Gregg, Coby, Caryn sit out. Each tribe
receives a foot locker containing the opposing
tribe's flag with treemail, and are told to use the
included rope to make the foot locker impenetrable.
They bring this to the challenge, where each tribe
has 20 minutes to swim out, retrieve three bundles
of logs, and try to make the chest even more
difficult to get to/open. Katie and Janu use this
time to tie more ropes around the chest, James does
not. Then tribes switch sides, and try to open their
crate, remove the flag, and raise it. Koror is first
to release their crate, first to open it. Koror wins
Ep6 IC: "Build It Up, Break It Down" -
Koror wins.
Day 15
(Nov. 15)
TC7 - James voted out (2-2 [2-0]), 11
Day 16
(Nov. 16)
Tom kills a shark
Day 17
(Nov. 17)
Ep.7 RC: SOS
Tom, Ian, Coby, Janu, Jenn sit out. Both tribes
receive instructions on Day 17 to build an SOS
signal, same as always. Both tribes intend to use
fire to make their signs more visible, but by the
time the plane flies over, neither has fire. Koror
wins MREs, wine, and more fishing gear, because of
course they do.
Caryn, Katie, Ian, Gregg, Tom sit out. One person
(Coby; Bobby Jon, then Stephenie) is the caller as
two of their tribemates work a floating 4x4 slide
puzzle. This takes the two teams over 1 hr, 15
minutes somehow, but eventually, Koror wins.
All of Koror but Ian and Tom sit out. Tom and
Stephenie face off in the first round (1 balut), Ian
and Bobby Jon in the second (2 balut). With each
round, contestants have to eat more balut. All
finish their balut through four rounds. Final round
is a race to eat five balut, Tom vs. Bobby Jon. Tom
wins, and Koror gets a 55-gallon fresh water shower
and hygiene items. Tom promptly insists that Koror
use the water for drinking, not showers, and nobody
audibly objects (except in confessional).
All but Gregg and Coby sit out for Koror.
Contestants must swim out to a series of pontoons,
dive down, pull themselves along an underwater rope
to where bags of puzzle pieces are tied under the
pontoons, untie them, then climb up and carry them
back over floating balance beams. Once all four bags
are retrieved, the contestants must open the bags
and assemble the puzzle pieces, which form a word
search. They then circle the listed words, and
overlapping letters are written on letter tiles.
They must then use those tiles to form a three-word
phrase ("VICTORY AT SEA"). Ulong is first to the
puzzle stage, but promptly fall hopelessly behind,
struggling on the puzzle. Koror wins.
After spending the night alone at Ulong camp and
attempting some fishing, production eventually lets
Stephenie know the obvious: They're not leaving her
there forever. She goes to Koror camp, where she
reads a treemail announcing Ulong has been
"conquered," and she gets a new Koror buff. The note
also informs all present that they'll be having
visitors later. Those visitors are Joe and Edwin,
two Palauan fishermen who teach the men to use the
fishing gear properly. Everyone enjoys a fish feast
with rum that night.
It's Perch, as seen in The Australian Outback.
Contestants must stand on a pole until they can't.
After various periods of time, Probst offers food as
an incentive to jump. Order out: Tie-8. Coby, Janu
jump for donuts at 1 hr.; Tie-4. Katie, Jenn, Gregg
& Ian jump for chocolate chip cookies and milk
(2 hrs, 23 min); Tie-2. Stephenie, Caryn jump for
pizza (3 hrs), so 1. Tom wins.
Contestants are randomly divided into two teams of
four (Dark green: Stephenie, Ian, Katie, Jenn; Light
green: Gregg, Tom, Caryn, Janu). Challenge: As a
group, teams must transport six pieces of metal
scaffolding into the water, and use them to build a
tower. Once assembled, one person (Janu, Ian?) must
climb the tower, grab a small flag, then race back
to the beach. First tribe to reach the mat with
their flag wins a trip to a local village, where
they enjoy a feast. Light green team gets a 1-piece
lead early, never relinquishes.
The classic, first seen here. Stay under the grill
until you can't. First out gets sent to Exile Island
overnight. Elimination order: 8.Janu (6 min),
7.Caryn (55 min), 6.Katie, 5.Jenn, 4.Stephenie,
3.Gregg, 2.Ian, 1.Tom wins immunity.
Standard auction, although contestants each get a
wallet with $500 US currency, and are told they can
keep whatever they don't use in the auction. Also
pooling money/sharing items is allowed. Item 1
(covered): Jenn, $120 - ice cream sundae. Item 2
(covered): Caryn and Stephenie, $260 - they trade
for a bigger covered item, which is a burger and
fries. Item 3: Ian, $300 (with $20 from Gregg for a
bite) - plate of spaghetti, then ... Item 4: Ian,
$40 - bottle of beer. Item 5: Tom, $220 - letter
from home. (Caryn, Katie, Gregg, Stephenie buy their
for the same price.) End of auction.
Challenge is a series of one-person eliminations,
with each stage comprised of elements from past
challenges. Rd.1: Net maze crawl, first five advance
(Caryn out, 6th). Rd.2: Slide puzzle, first four
advance (Katie out, 5th). Rd.3: Eating balut, first
three advance (Gregg out, 4th). Rd.4: Untie a box,
retrieve a flag, raise, first two advance (Jenn out,
3rd). Final round: Shooting at tiles. Tom loses to
Ian, 3-0. Ian wins second straight immunity.
Car challenge, for a Corvette convertible.
Contestants must stand/kneel on a Palauan raft,
paddle across a lagoon and retrieve (one at a time)
five bags. Bags contain mileage markers, which they
must then assign to the right destinations. Results:
Ian is first to collect five bags, and has his miles
correct before Tom collects his fifth. 1. Ian wins!
2.Tom-5 bags, 3.Jenn-3+ bags, 4.Caryn ahead of
5.Katie. Ian brings Tom along for an overnight stay
at a mansion, with a feast, despite their plan to
take either Katie or Caryn.
Contestants must cross pontoons/ floating pads,
memorize 15 symbols in a 3x5 grid, then go back and
re-create the symbols on their own grid. Results:
Ian has his checked, twice. Wrong both times. Tom
wins. (Everyone else tied for second.)
Attached to a rope, contestants must cross several
obstacles, retrieving 3 sets of keys. Upon reaching
the tower, use keys to remove padlocks, move up to
second level. Untie ropes, open trapdoor, move to
third level. Use grappling hook to retrieve 4 ladder
rungs, build ladder, go to top. First two to untie
flag, raise it, move on. Final round: Zipline to
box, get three number cards, open combo lock, raise
second flag. Results: Tom quickly finishes first
four levels, Ian follows. Jenn stuck on grappling
hook, Katie last. Rd.2: Ian has a lead testing
combos, but guesses wrong four times. Tom guesses
right on the third try, wins.
Hold on to a buoy until you can't. Results: 3.Katie
drops out at 4 hrs, 51 min. 2.Ian drops in exchange
for Tom taking Katie to F2 at 11 hrs, 55 min, 1. Tom
Tom and Katie face the jury. Most of the questions
are fairly basic. Katie declines to answer Janu's
question, stating she knows Janu was not going to
vote for her anyway. She's similarly dismissive of
Caryn. In the end, Tom wins, 6-1, with just Coby
voting for Katie (or as he states, against Tom).