Survivor 14: Fiji calendar
Survivor 14: Fiji calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 4, 2023
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-show Ep1: Something Cruel Is About to Happen ... Real Soon Ep2: Snakes Are Misunderstood ... Now We Have an Understanding
Day 0
(Oct. 29)

Pre-game interviews?
Day 1
(Oct. 30)

Ep.1 arrival: No tribes

Ep.1 arrival: No tribes

Ep.1 arrival: No tribes

The 19 contestants arrive at a beach with no flag, no buffs, no instructions. They talk and search around for a while, but are unclear what to do. Soon, Jeff Probst flies over in a small plane and drops a box with a parachute. Yau-Man opens it, and inside are instructions, blueprints, and a map to supplies for building a camp. They spend the next two days doing so, still with no tribe designations. Sylvia is an architect, and directs much of the construction.

 Next: Ep.1 RC/IC →

Filming begins today. 19 people, no tribes, one beach.
Day 2
(Oct. 31)
Day 3
(Nov. 1)

Tribe pick; Sylvia exiled. Ep.1 RC/IC: Chariots of Mire

Ep.1 RC/IC: Chariots of Mire

Ep.1 RC/IC: Chariots of Mire

After arriving at the challenge site, Probst asks if anyone has stepped up as leader. Sylvia has, so Probst has her join him, then tells her to divide everyone into two tribes. She does so, then is sent to Exile Island (where she discovers lots of snakes, and a note telling her the idol is back in camp). For the challenge, seven people must pull a chariot carrying two tribe members (Stacy and Lisi for Moto, Jessica and Michelle for Ravu) down a flat course, untying three bags of puzzle pieces along the way. At the end, they must grab a tribe flag, then go all the way back. Then four people (the two riders plus Alex/Dreamz or Mookie/Rita) must solve three puzzles that reveal the combination for a wheel lock, that when correctly turned, reveals a knife, which must be used to cut a rope, dropping a tribe flag. Moto has a small lead heading into the puzzle, but struggles on the third one. Ravu wins, and gets the good camp that everyone built, plus further luxury items. Moto gets sent to a new camp with no supplies except a pot and a machete.

← Previous: Ep.1 arrival Next: Ep.2 RC/IC →

Ep1 RC/IC: "Chariots of Mire" - Moto wins.

TC1 - Jessica voted out (6-1-1), 18 left.
Day 4
(Nov. 2)
Day 5
(Nov. 3)

Sylvia joins Ravu from Exile Island.
Day 6
(Nov. 4)

Ep.2 RC/IC: Supply Ships

Ep.2 RC/IC: Supply Ships

Ep.2 RC/IC: Supply Ships

Before the challenge, Sylvia finally gets her Ravu buff (on Day 6). Contestants must paddle an outrigger out a long course, turn around, then paddle back, passing over and clipping four crates of puzzle pieces to a central rope along the way. (Michelle, Stacy ride in the middle and clip the crates in.) At the beach, the tribe must haul the rope to pull the crates up onto their mats, then open them to reveal pieces of a pole puzzle. After assembling the pieces, they must stick a flag in one end and raise their flag. Ravu again leads heading into the puzzle portion, but can't assemble their pole. Moto wins fishing gear.

← Previous: Ep.1 RC/IC Next: Ep.3 RC →

Ep2 RC/IC: "Supply Ships" - Moto wins, Earl exiled.

TC2 - Erica voted out (6-2), 17 left.
Ep3: This Isn't Survival ... It's Thrival Ep4: Let's Just Call Jeff On The Jeff Phone Ep5: Love Many, Trust Few, Do Wrong to None
Day 7
(Nov. 5)

Earl returns.
Ep.3 RC: Slip, Slide and Score

Ep.3 RC: Slip, Slide and Score

Ep.3 RC: Slip, Slide and Score

Lisi sits out. In head-to-head matchups, contestants must slide along a slippery course to a numbered ball, grab it, then go to the end of the course and toss it in a basket. First to do so scores a point. First tribe to six points win their choice of three rewards: (1) luxury items, (2) fishing gear, or (3) a basket of fresh fruit. Results: Rd.1 - Gary d. Anthony (M1, R0). Rd.2 - Rita d. Cassandra (M1, R1). Rd.3 - Boo d. Rocky (M2, R1). Rd.4 - Stacy d. Michelle (M3, R1). Rd.5 - Mookie d. Alex (M3, R2). Rd.6 - Liliana d. Sylvia (M4, R2). Rd.7 - Edgardo d. Earl (M5, R2). Rd.8 - Dreamz d. Yau-Man (M6, R2). Moto wins, picks fishing gear, exiles Sylvia again.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC/IC Next: Ep.3 IC →

Ep3 RC: "Slip, Slide and Score" - Moto wins; Sylvia exiled again.
Day 8
(Nov. 6)

Sylvia returns.
Ep.3 IC: I Pick, U Chews

Ep.3 IC: I Pick, U Chews

Ep.3 IC: I Pick, U Chews

Gross food, nobody sits out. Done as head-to-head matchups for points. First tribe to four points wins. Rd.1 (giant clams): Rocky d. Liliana (M0, R1). Rd.2 (octopus tentacle): Dreamz d. Sylvia (M1, R1). Rd.3 (peanut worms): Mookie d. Lisi (M1, R2). Rd.4 (sea cucumber): Alex d. Earl (M2, R2). Rd.5 (fish eyes): Edgardo d. Michelle (M3, R2). Rd.6 (pig snouts): Gary d. Anthony (M4, R2). Moto wins again.

← Previous: Ep.3 RC Next: Ep.4 RC →

Ep3 IC: "U Pick I Chews" - Moto wins.

TC3 - Sylvia voted out (4-3-1), 16 left.
Day 9
(Nov. 7)

Ep.4 RC: By the Numbers

Ep.4 RC: By the Numbers

Ep.4 RC: By the Numbers

Cassandra, Gary sit out. As originally seen in Vanuatu. Contestants must pass each other on a beam over the water, until the entire tribe is on the final platform. Winning tribe gets a bunch of fish, rice, pillows, blankets, and a king-size bed in camp. Moto adopts a squatting strategy that proves superior, but takes a while to figure out. Order across: Michelle, Yau-Man (R-2), then Lisi, Alex, Edgardo, Liliana, Dreamz, Stacy, Boo (M-7). Moto wins! They exile Yau-Man.

← Previous: Ep.3 IC Next: Ep.4 IC →

Ep4 RC: "By The Numbers S14" - Moto wins. Yau-Man exiled.
Day 10
(Nov. 8)

Gary medically removed.
Day 11
(Nov. 9)

Yau-Man returns.
Ep.4 IC: Crab Pots

Ep.4 IC: Crab Pots

Ep.4 IC: Crab Pots

Lisi sits out. One tribe member runs across a dock to a cage, opening it with a key, releasing a tribemate. They then run across lily pads to the next cage, release another, then another. Final rescuee and rescuer get in a boat, paddle back and pick up tribe members, then all form a human pyramid on the beach, and top person unlocks the final cage. First tribe to get all on mat wins. Plus a twist, revealed to winning tribe after the challenge (give up camp or go to Tribal). Moto has a huge lead, wins, gives up immunity to keep their camp.

← Previous: Ep.4 RC Next: Ep.5 RC →

Ep4 IC: "Crab Pots" - Moto wins, chooses to keep camp.

TC4 - Liliana voted out (6-1-1), 14 left.
Day 12
(Nov. 10)
Day 13
(Nov. 11)

Ep.5 RC: Kung Fu Cannibals

Ep.5 RC: Kung Fu Cannibals

Ep.5 RC: Kung Fu Cannibals

Before the challenge, both tribes receive a catalog from which they can select two reward items. Ravu picks fishing gear and potatoes. Moto picks coffee and toiletries. Challenge is Sumo at Sea, but over mud (as in Heroes vs. Villains). Head-to-head bouts, first tribe to seven points wins. Results: 1. Dreamz d. Rocky (M1, R0). 2. Cassandra d. Rita (M2, R0). 3. Edgardo d. Anthony (M3, R0). 4. Lisi d. Michelle (M4, R0). 5. Boo d. Earl (M5, R0). 6. Edgardo d. Mookie (M6, R0). 7. Yau-Man d. Stacy (M6, R1!). 8. Cassandra d. Rita again, Moto wins. Earl exiled.

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Ep.5 IC →

Ep5 RC: "Kung Fu Cannibals" - Moto wins; Earl exiled again.
Ep5: Love Many, Trust Few ... Ep6: I've Strength Now to Carry the Flag Ep7: An Evil Thought Ep8: So You Think You Can Meke?
Day 14
(Nov. 12)

Earl returns.
Ep.5 IC: Concentration

Ep.5 IC: Concentration

Ep.5 IC: Concentration

Tribes face a field of covered signboards, each with a word or number on them. Goal is to reveal two that match in word or number (they have distracting designs as well). There are four dummy boards with no match to complicate things, and tribes are not allowed to help once someone is on the course. Matches made: Cassandra (M1), Boo (M2), Yau-Man has a match but blows it, Lisi almost gets it but Moto talks, Earl takes it (R1), Anthony (R2), Alex (M3), Rocky (R3), Edgardo (M4), Mookie (R4), Stacy (M5), Yau-Man (R5), Alex (M6), ? (R6) - next match wins ... and it's Cassandra. Moto wins again.

← Previous: Ep.5 RC Next: Ep.6 swap →

Ep5 IC: "Concentration" - Moto wins.

TC5 - Rita voted out (5-2), 13 left.
Day 15
(Nov. 13)

Ep.6 tribal swap

Ep.6 tribal swap

Ep.6 tribal swap

The tribes arrive and Moto notes Rita's absence. Then Probst asks for a representative from each tribe, as Edgardo and Earl step forward. Probst tells them they'll be picking new tribes. Each person selected picks the next person, but each has to pick someone from the opposite original tribe. Lisi is left unpicked, and is sent to Exile. She complains, openly hoping to just be out completely. The two new tribes receive a feast at their camps, and Ravu gets fishing gear.

← Previous: Ep.5 IC Next: Ep.6 IC →

Tribal swap, Lisi exiled.
Day 16
(Nov. 14)

Ep.6 IC: Crosswalk

Ep.6 IC: Crosswalk

Ep.6 IC: Crosswalk

Tribes are belted into a six-point hub (attached) to poles, and they must move together through a field of bamboo poles, adjusting their relative positions to fit through five gates. First tribe to the end wins. They get tangled up twice at spots where the paths cross. Moto narrowly wins.

← Previous: Ep.6 swap Next: Ep.7 idol →

Ep6 IC: "Crosswalk" - Moto wins.

TC6 - Anthony voted out (5-1), 12 left.
Day 17
(Nov. 15)

Ep.7 idol: Yau-Man finds Moto's

Ep.7 idol: Yau-Man finds Moto's

Ep.7 idol: Yau-Man finds Moto's

Earl again takes the tribe (minus Yau-Man) off on an expedition, this time ostensibly to rescue the stranded Moto outrigger. Meanwhile, Yau-Man takes advantage of Moto's extensive tool collection, and starts digging away with a pickaxe. In short time, he uncovers Moto's idol. It's a turtle! Later, after everyone has returned to camp, he constructs a fake idol out of a coconut shell, wraps it in cloth, and buries it in the same spot.

← Previous: Ep.6 IC Next: Ep.7 RC →

Yau-Man finds Moto idol.

Lisi joins Ravu.

Ep.7 RC: Hot La Cross Buns

Ep.7 RC: Hot La Cross Buns

Ep.7 RC: Hot La Cross Buns

One at a time, tribemates take turns putting a metal ball in a handheld launcher, setting it on fire, and flinging it at one of three targets (per tribe). First to light up all three targets wins. Results: Earl-0, Dreamz-1 (R1, M0). Lisi-0, Michelle-0; Edgardo-0, Yau-Man-1 (R1, M1). Boo-0, Mookie-1 (R2, M1). Cassandra-0, Alex-0; Stacy-0, Rocky-0; Earl-0, Dreamz-1 (R3, M1) - Ravu finally wins! The get a seaplane trip to an arcade the next day, with hot dogs and beer. Ravu exiles Earl again.

← Previous: Ep.7 idol Next: Ep.7 IC →

Ep7 RC: "Hot La Cross Buns" - Ravu wins, Earl exiled.
Day 18
(Nov. 16)

Ravu's arcade getaway trip.
Day 19
(Nov. 17)

Earl returns.
Ep.7 IC: Blind Rage

Ep.7 IC: Blind Rage

Ep.7 IC: Blind Rage

Each tribe has one caller (Michelle/Boo, Lisi/Alex) who directs blindfolded tribemates through a course with five hanging skulls. Blindfolded people must swing a Fijian warclub, smash a skull, releasing a bundle of tiles. They must then pick up the tiles, place them on the puzzle table, then race back to the start to hand off the club. Once all tiles are gathered, the tribe solves the word puzzle.

← Previous: Ep.7 RC Next: Ep.8 idol →

Ep7 IC: "Blind Rage" - Moto wins.

TC7 - Rocky voted out (4-2; first juror), 11 left.
Day 20
(Nov. 18)

Ep.8 idol: Mookie finds Ravu's

Ep.8 idol: Mookie finds Ravu's

Ep.8 idol: Mookie finds Ravu's

Unbeknownst to Lisi, Alex and Edgardo share Lisi's idol clues with Mookie. Together, they calculate the location of the Ravu idol, and start digging early in the morning, while Dreamz and Lisi are still sleeping. Mookie finds the idol. The three agree to share it among themselves. They don't tell Lisi or Dreamz about it.

← Previous: Ep.7 IC Next: Ep.8 RC →

Mookie, Alex, Edgardo find Ravu idol.

Ep.8 RC: So You Think You Can Meke?

Ep.8 RC: So You Think You Can Meke?

Ep.8 RC: So You Think You Can Meke?

Yau-Man sits out. Four trained meke dancers show up at each camp, and teach the tribes for 2 hours how to perform the meke, a ritual dance. In the afternoon, each tribe performs this dance in front of judges. Tribes are judged on appearance, spirit, and accuracy. Winner gets a feast. The judges declare both tribes equal in spirit and appearance, but Moto's rhythm and coordination was better. Moto wins, Lisi is exiled again.

← Previous: Ep.8 idol Next: Ep.8 IC →

Ep8 RC: "So You Think You Can Meke?" - Moto wins, Lisi exiled.
Ep8: So You Think You Can Meke? Ep9: Are We Gonna Live on Exile Island?! Ep10: It's A Turtle?!
Day 21
(Nov. 19)

Lisi returns.
Ep.8 IC: Warrior's Choice

Ep.8 IC: Warrior's Choice

Ep.8 IC: Warrior's Choice

Cassandra sits out. Tribes compete in three target-shooting activities: Each person must (1) shoot blowdarts, closest to the bulls-eye wins 1 point; (2) throw spears, closest wins 2 points, and (3) shoot a bow and arrow, closest to the bulls-eye wins 3 points. Results: Rd.1 (blowdarts) - back-and-forth lead changes with each shot. Michelle misses completely, rest progressively get closer, until Boo hits the bulls-eye. Last two are Edgardo and Earl; Edgardo does not beat Boo's shot, so Earl does not shoot. Rd.2 (spears) - Only Dreamz and Yau-Man hit the target, Yau-Man is close to the bulls-eye. Earl again doesn't have to go. Rd.3 (bow and arrow) - Only Michelle, Dreamz, Yau-Man hit the target, Yau-Man closest. Edgardo misses on final shot, Earl doesn't have to shoot. Moto wins!

← Previous: Ep.8 RC Next: Ep.9 merge →

Ep8 IC: "Warrior's Choice " - Moto wins.

TC8 - Lisi voted out (4-1), 10 left.
Day 22
(Nov. 20)

Ep.9 merge

Ep.9 merge

Ep.9 merge

Each tribe receives treemail instructing them to gather their personal belongings (but not reward items, tools, or flint) and paddle to Exile Island. Both tribes suspect they're merging, but have to climb to the Exile tower to discover new buffs (purple) and a note confirming that yes, they are merged. They are then told to go in one boat to Moto beach. Celebration ensues, but it dies down upon reaching Moto, where production has removed the shelter and all the previously won reward items.

← Previous: Ep.8 IC Next: Ep.9 RC/IC →

Tribes merge, Bula Bula formed.
Day 23
(Nov. 21)
Day 24
(Nov. 22)

Ep.9 RC/IC: River Rats

Ep.9 RC/IC: River Rats

Ep.9 RC/IC: River Rats

First post-merge IC, performed in teams, picked by drawing rocks - Green (Alex, Mookie, Dreamz, Michelle, Stacy) vs. Orange (Edgardo, Earl, Boo, Cassandra, Yau-Man). Teams must memorize a Fijian mask with several symbols on it. Then get in a boat, paddle out to three stations where they retrieve bags of puzzle pieces, and paddle back. Two people then assemble puzzle pieces (half-hexagrams) to recreate symbols and place them in correct spot on team's puzzle mask. Winning team is immune, gets a feast of steak and wine. Orange has a huge lead, by more than one station, wins easily. The losing orange team then learns they have to go directly to Tribal Council, with no discussion allowed.

← Previous: Ep.9 merge Next: Ep.10 RC →

Ep9 IC: "River Rats" - Orange team wins.

TC9 - Michelle voted out (3-2), 9 left.
Day 25
(Nov. 23)

Ep.10 RC: Get Smashed

Ep.10 RC: Get Smashed

Ep.10 RC: Get Smashed

Coconut chop-style challenge, three towers of tiles to smash. Q1: Who do you trust with your life? (A: Earl). Cassandra, Boo, Yau-Man all chop Stacy (3, out, #9). Q2: Least likely to invite to a family dinner? (A: Boo). Mookie, Dreamz, Alex chop Boo (3, out, #8). Cassandra ch. Alex (1). Q3: Most entitled? (A: Alex) Cassandra ch. Alex (2), Mookie ch. Earl (1). Q4: Most want to be stranded with? (A: Yau-Man). Earl ch. Mookie (1), Mookie ch. Earl (2), Dreamz ch. Alex (3, out, #7). Edgardo ch. Earl (3, out, #6). Yau-Man ch. Edgardo (1), Cassandra ch. Mookie (2). Q5: Who do you not want to see again? (A: Stacy) Dreamz, Edgardo ch. Yau-Man (2), Yau-Man ch. Dreamz (1), Mookie ch. Cassandra (1), Cassandra ch. Mookie (3, out, #5). Q6: Who smells worst? (A: Dreamz) Cassandra ch. Yau-Man (3, out, #4), Dreamz ch. Edgardo (2). Q7: Who mistakenly believes they're in control? (A: Alex) Cassandra ch. Edgardo (3, out, #3). Q8: Who has wasted this opportunity? (A: Stacy) Cassandra ch. Dreamz (2). Q9: Who has surprised athletically? (A: Yau-Man). Cassandra wins! She exiles Mookie, gets tickets for 3 extra people to join her on an overnight yacht stay. She picks Boo, Yau-Man, and Dreamz.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC Next: Ep.10 IC →

Ep10 RC: "Get Smashed" - Cassandra wins yacht trip. Mookie exiled.
Day 26
(Nov. 24)
Day 27
(Nov. 25)

Mookie returns.
Ep.10 IC: Chimney Sweeps

Ep.10 IC: Chimney Sweeps

Ep.10 IC: Chimney Sweeps

As seen in Tocantins, HvsV, etc. Contestants must stand on one of three sets of footholds (1-inch, 0.5-inch, 0.25-inch), move down to smaller pair in 30-minute intervals. Order out: 9. Cassandra (10 min.), 8. Edgardo (22 min.). Rd.2: 7. Earl (34 min.), 6. Mookie (41 min.). Rd.3: 5. Alex (on transition), 4. Dreamz (63 min.), 3. Stacy (75 min.), 2. Boo, 1. Yau-Man wins!

← Previous: Ep.10 RC Next: Ep.11 RC →

Ep10 IC: "Chimney Sweeps" - Yau-Man wins.

TC10 - Edgardo voted out (5-3-1), 8 left.
Ep11: Blackmail or Betrayal Ep12: A Smile, Velvet Gloves, and a Dagger in My Pocket Ep13: I Want to See ...
Day 28
(Nov. 26)

Ep.11 RC: Slosh Pit

Ep.11 RC: Slosh Pit

Ep.11 RC: Slosh Pit

As seen in Guatemala. Randomly drawn teams: Orange - Yau-Man (shooter), Cassandra, Boo, Mookie. Green - Stacy (shooter), Dreamz, Earl, Alex. Shooter fires balls from a giant slingshot, rest run around a muddy field trying to catch balls with a catching net. First team to five points wins an overnight spa getaway. Catches: Boo, Mookie (O2, G0), Dreamz, Dreamz (O2, G2), Mookie (O3, G2), Dreamz, Mookie (O4, G3), Alex, Dreamz (O4, G5). Green team wins! They exile Boo.

← Previous: Ep.10 IC Next: Ep.11 IC →

Ep11 RC: "Slosh Pit " - Green team wins spa getaway; Boo exiled.
Day 29
(Nov. 27)
Day 30
(Nov. 28)

Boo returns.
Ep.11 IC: Torched

Ep.11 IC: Torched

Ep.11 IC: Torched

Battleship on a 5x5 grid, 3 hits per person. Dreamz hits Dreamz (!), Earl, Boo. Cassandra h. Cassandra (!), Yau. Mookie h. Earl(2). Earl h. Alex, Mookie, Cassandra (2). Yau h. Dreamz (2), Boo (2), Earl (3, out, 8th). Stacy h. Boo, Dreamz (both 3, out, tie-6th). Alex miss. Cassandra miss. Mookie h. Cassandra (3, out, 5th). Yau h. Mookie (2), Stacy. Alex miss. Stacy miss (same as a previous miss). Mookie h. Alex (2). Yau h. Mookie (3, out, 4th). Alex h. Yau-Man (2). Stacy h. Stacy (!), Yau and Alex (both 3, out, tie-2nd). Stacy wins.

← Previous: Ep.11 RC Next: Ep.12 RC →

Ep11 IC: "Torched" - Stacy wins.

TC11 - Mookie voted out (4-3-1), 7 left.
Day 31
(Nov. 29)

Ep.12 RC: Hungry for Love

Ep.12 RC: Hungry for Love

Ep.12 RC: Hungry for Love

As seen in The Amazon, except individual here. With hands tied behind back, tear off as much pork with your teeth as you can. Winner gets IC advantage, top three get river rafting trip (with letters from home, not announced beforehand). Boo, 8.9 lbs; Yau-Man, 6.0 lbs; Dreamz 6.0 lbs; Cassandra, 5.8 lbs; Alex, 5.3 lbs; Earl 5 lbs; Stacy, 4.3 lbs. Boo exiles Earl.

← Previous: Ep.11 IC Next: Ep.12 IC →

Ep12 RC: "Hungry for Love" - Boo wins, gets IC advantage; Earl exiled.
Day 32
(Nov. 30)

Boo, Yau-Man and Dreamz go on rafting trip, get letters from home.
Day 33
(Dec. 1)

Earl returns.
Ep.12 IC: Twister

Ep.12 IC: Twister

Ep.12 IC: Twister

Rd.1 (Boo's advantage lets him skip this round, go directly to final round) Dig up three climbing steps in the sand. First two advance. Dreamz gets 3 before anyone else gets 1. Yau-Man 1, Alex 1, Alex 2, Alex 3. Earl, Cassandra, Stacy all have zero. Rd.2: Use steps to climb a 12-foot pole over the water, then remove a flag. Boo wins, Alex is close after he skips the final two steps and gets all the way up, but can't quite reach the flag. He ends up probably tied with Dreamz.

← Previous: Ep.12 RC Next: Ep.13 RC →

Ep12 IC: "Twister" - Boo wins.

TC12 - Alex voted out (6-1), 6 left.
Day 34
(Dec. 2)

Ep.13 RC: Keep on Truckin'

Ep.13 RC: Keep on Truckin'

Ep.13 RC: Keep on Truckin'

Car challenge: Truck is a 2008 Ford F-350 Superduty. First part in teams of three: cross see-saws, obstacles, dig up a hatchet, chop a rope to release a box. Winners deliver box of supplies to local schoolkids. But first, winning team competes to win the truck. Teams: Green (Earl/ Cassandra/ Dreamz) vs. Orange (Yau-Man/ Stacy/ Boo). Orange team lags initially due to early balance beam problems from Yau-Man, but starts to catch up on the net crawl, and passes green at digging up the hatchet to cut the rope. Orange wins! Individual RC: Throw axes, try to cut through two ropes. Boo cuts first rope, but Yau-Man cuts the next two. Yau-Man wins! He makes a deal with Dreamz, giving him the truck in exchange for F4 immunity, if Dreamz wins it. Yau-Man sends himself to exile.

← Previous: Ep.12 IC Next: Ep.13 IC →

Ep13 RC: "Keep On Truckin'" - Yau-Man wins truck, gives to Dreamz; exiles himself.
Ep13: I Wanna See If I Can Make a Deal Ep14: You've Got a Puzzled Look (Season finale) Game over
Day 35
(Dec. 3)
Day 36
(Dec. 4)

Yau-Man returns.
Ep.13 IC: Grapple Perch

Ep.13 IC: Grapple Perch

Ep.13 IC: Grapple Perch

Everyone has a rope with a ball on the end, must throw it through a hoop, use it to pull down a balance beam, advance to next station. Rd.1 First four advance, rd.2 first two, rd.3 first person crosses beam, gets grappling hook, pulls up buoy, wins. Results: Rd.1: 1.Dreamz, 2.Boo, 3.Earl, 4.Yau advance; 5.Stacy (close), 6.Cassandra (not close, threw away her rope and had to swim to retrieve it). Rd.2: 1.Yau-Man, 2.Boo advance (Earl, Dreamz - tied for 3rd). Rd.3: Boo wins.

← Previous: Ep.13 RC Next: Ep.13 idol →

Ep13 IC: "Grapple Perch" - Boo wins.

Ep.13 idol: Earl

Ep.13 idol: Earl

Ep.13 idol: Earl

Yau-Man returns from Exile Island with news of the third clue: It directs seekers who are "pining" for treasure to look at the base of the tree. Yau-Man shares the clue with Earl, who after an extensive search, finds the third and final idol. He tells Yau-Man, but they keep the info to themselves.

← Previous: Ep.13 IC Next: Final 5 IC →

Earl finds idol.

TC13 - Stacy idoled out ([0]-2), 5 left.
Day 37
(Dec. 5)

Ep.14 Final 5 IC: Fiji Braille Maze

Ep.14 Final 5 IC: Fiji Braille Maze

Ep.14 Final 5 IC: Fiji Braille Maze

Blindfolded maze with five sections. Each person has a unique medallion, which releases a key that opens a drawbridge to advance to the next section. Results: Yau-Man leads throughout, and wins fairly easily; Boo and Dreamz are close behind, looking for the final key; Earl and Cassandra are still stuck in first section.

← Previous: Ep.13 idol Next: Final 4 IC →

Ep14 F5 IC: "Fiji Braille Maze" - Yau-Man wins.

TC14 - Boo voted out (4-1), 4 left.
Day 38
(Dec. 6)

Ep.14 Final 4 IC: Hanging By a Thread

Ep.14 Final 4 IC: Hanging By a Thread

Ep.14 Final 4 IC: Hanging By a Thread

Contestants must hang onto a handle on a 35-degree angle ramp, while water trickles on them. Every 5 minutes, Probst increases the ramp angle by 5 degrees, making it increasingly difficult to hang on. Elimination order: 4.Cassandra (15 min), 3.Earl (20 min), 2.Yau-Man (21 min). 1.Dreamz wins.

← Previous: Final 5 IC Next: Final Tribal Council →

Ep14 F4 IC: "Hanging By a Thread" - Dreamz wins.

TC15 - Yau-Man voted out (3-1), 3 left.
Day 39
(Dec. 7)

Final Tribal Council and jury vote

Final Tribal Council and jury vote

Final Tribal Council and jury vote

Earl, Dreamz, and Cassandra face a range of intense grilling from the jury. Dreamz has to answer for his refusal to hand over the necklace to Yau-Man at Final Four. Cassandra gets criticized for things she didn't actually do, and for not doing enough. Earl mostly receives praise, and sweeps to a unanimous 9-0-0 jury vote win.

← Previous: Final 4 IC 

Final Tribal Council and jury vote.
Earl wins, 9-0-0.
Day 0
(Dec. 8)

Day 0
(Dec. 9)

Contestants return home to U.S.