SurvivorSA 8: Immunity Island calendar
SurvivorSA 8: Immunity Island calendar
By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 5, 2023
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
Pre-game Ep.1: "Nothing Unites Like a Common Enemy"
Day 0
(Nov. 1)

Pre-game quarantine?
Day 0
(Nov. 2)

Day 0
(Nov. 3)
Day 0
(Nov. 4)
Day 0
(Nov. 5)

Pre-game interviews?
Day 1
(Nov. 6)

Ep.1 arrival: Opening scramble

Ep.1 arrival: Opening scramble

Ep.1 arrival: Opening scramble

Upon arrival, the tribes are divided by random draw. They then have two minutes to race across the beach and gather items useful for camp (mostly fruit, bamboo, palm fronds). At the far end, there is also one single-use immunity necklace for each tribe, good at their first Tribal Council. Those go ungrabbed until the closing seconds, when Dino takes Zamba's. After time runs out, Renier reveals he also grabbed a "tribe advantage," which gives Zamba useful camping items (one sleeping bag, a bed roll, knife, etc.).

 Next: Ep.1 Hero RC →

Ep1 arrival: Tribes split, get stuff. Dino gets a necklace.
Day 2
(Nov. 7)

Ep.1 Hero RC: Fire making

Ep.1 Hero RC: Fire making

Ep.1 Hero RC: Fire making

The tribes select one person (Jason; Chappies) to make fire for them. Chappies wins, gets flint and a firemaking kit for Zamba. He and Jason also each win "diplomatic immunity" bracelets, which allow them to swap tribes permanently after their tribe loses an IC. Bracelets are good until merge.

← Previous: Ep.1 arrival Next: Ep.1 IC →

Ep1 Hero RC: (Fire making) - Chappies/ Vuna wins.
Ep.1: "Nothing Unites..." Ep.2: "I Can Go 'Bos' ... No Pun!" Ep.3: "Always Be Closing" Ep.4: "Gloat or Vote"
Day 3
(Nov. 8)

Ep.1 IC: Rope rungs, puzzle

Ep.1 IC: Rope rungs, puzzle

Ep.1 IC: Rope rungs, puzzle

Five people (Chappies, Paul, Mike, Kiran, Wardah; Nicole, Marisha, Shaun, Renier, Jason) must swim out to buoys and untie ten rope rungs, which two people (Tyson, Santoni; Anela, Mike) uses to build a rope ladder to the second level of the puzzle structure. Then one person (Pinty; Qieän) must untangle a rope "puzzle" to release rungs to build a ladder to the third level. There, two more people (Anesu, Carla; Thoriso, Amy) solve a block/logo puzzle. Zamba has a lead on the puzzle, but loses. Vuna sends Thoriso to Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.1 Hero RC Next: Ep.1 Imm. Isl. →

Ep1 IC: (Rope rungs, puzzle) - Vuna wins.

Ep.1 Immunity Island: Thoriso

Ep.1 Immunity Island: Thoriso

Ep.1 Immunity Island: Thoriso

Thoriso is presented with a dilemma: Get individual immunity and perform a timed task, with a risk of consequences if she fails, or return to camp immediately, and keep the necklace, but only to be used on someone else. Thoriso opts to stay and play, and must dig up a colored bag before the timer runs out. She fails and loses her vote, but gets to use the individual immunity at Tribal.

← Previous: Ep.1 IC Next: Ep.2 RC →

Ep1 II: Thoriso loses her vote.

TC1 - Jason voted out (7-2), 19 left.
Day 4
(Nov. 9)

Ep.2 RC: Fish traps, cog puzzle

Ep.2 RC: Fish traps, cog puzzle

Ep.2 RC: Fish traps, cog puzzle

Anesu sits out. In pairs, tribe members must run/wade out to a cage, climb into it, and untie and remove fish traps containing puzzle pieces, then bring them back to the starting line. Once all four cages have been returned, tribes must open up the traps and remove puzzle bags. Then one person (Thoriso; Kiran) solves an eight-piece spinning cog puzzle. Results: Santoni lags on the retrieval, giving Zamba a headstart on the puzzle. Thoriso swaps out for Shaun, who swaps for Dino (Dino promptly places all eight pieces). Kiran swaps for Pinty, Kiran, Paul. Zamba wins fishing gear.

← Previous: Ep.1 Imm.Isl. Next: Ep.2 IC →

Ep2 RC: (Fish traps, cog puzzle) - Zamba wins.
Day 5
(Nov. 10)

Ep.2 IC: Obstacles, sandbags, block puzzle

Ep.2 IC: Obstacles, sandbags, block puzzle

Ep.2 IC: Obstacles, sandbags, block puzzle

Santoni sits out. Moving together as a tribe, each contestant must carry a heavy bag (containing coconuts and sandbags) across a series of obstacles. Once across, they must sort the sandbags from the coconuts. Then one person (Chappies; Anela) must knock a tribe logo block puzzle off a table using the sandbags. Once complete, two people (Carla, Anesu; Dino, Qiean) must rebuild the puzzle. Vuna leads until the puzzle, but Zamba wins.

← Previous: Ep.2 RC Next: Ep.2 Imm.Isl. →

Ep2 IC: (Obstacles, sandbags, block puzzle) - Zamba wins.

Ep.2 Imm. Island: Santoni wins at hook/ring game

Ep.2 Imm. Island: Santoni wins at hook/ring game

Ep.2 Imm. Island: Santoni wins at hook/ring game

Santoni opts to stay and play. Her task is Boston Rob's ring-and-hook game from Winners at War (swinging a ring on a string, trying to land it on a hook). She misses several times, but makes one final attempt as time runs out, and wins! She receives a clue to an idol hidden at Tribal Council. Had she lost, she would have received 1 vote against her at her next Tribal.

← Previous: Ep.2 IC Next: Ep.2 idol (clue) →

Ep2 II: Santoni wins immunity, Tribal idol clue.
Day 6
(Nov. 11)

Ep.2 idol clue: Santoni's 2nd

Ep.2 idol clue: Santoni

Ep.2 idol clue: Santoni's 2nd

With more than a full day to spend at Immunity Island, Santoni decides to look for idols. She eventually finds a package wedged into the Immunity Island sign. It's a clue, but it directs her to a specific location near the well (back in camp).

← Previous: Ep.2 Imm.Isl. Next: Ep.3 swap →

Santoni finds a second idol clue.

TC2 - Pinty voted out (6-2-1), 18 left.
Day 7
(Nov. 12)

Ep.3 tribe swap

Ep.3 tribe swap

Ep.3 tribe swap

The tribes arrive at the RC site, but before they learn what they're playing for, are told to drop their buffs. They pick new buffs, again by random draw. All but six players (Kiran, Anesu, Tyson; Amy, Anela, Shaun) switch tribes.

← Previous: Ep.2 idol clue Next: Ep.3 RC →

Tribe swap: Two new tribes.

Ep.3 RC: Battle Dig

Ep.3 RC: Battle Dig

Ep.3 RC: Battle Dig

Held immediately after the tribe swap. In head-to-head matchups, contestants must race to the middle of a sand ring and try to drag a pillow back to their tribe's square. Reward announced prior to each round. Rd.1: Nicole d. Carla (Vuna wins hammock). Rd.2: Paul d. Tyson (Zamba wins chairs). Rd.3: Chappies d. Renier (Zamba wins blankets, pillows). Rd.4: Marisha d. Wardah (Vuna wins a tarp). Rd.5: Anela d. Dino (Zamba wins nutritional supplements and an IC advantage).

← Previous: Ep.3 swap Next: Ep.3 idol →

Ep3 RC: "Battle Dig" - Zamba wins IC advantage.

Ep.3 idol: Tyson finds Vuna's

Ep.3 idol: Tyson finds Vuna's

Ep.3 idol: Tyson finds Vuna's

During the reward challenge, Santoni whispers the location of the Vuna idol to Paul, in the hopes that he can pass on the information to one of the original Vunas during the challenge. He does so, whispering the location to Tyson while they're wrestling over a pillow. After Vuna returns to camp, Tyson quickly takes an opportunity to go looking, and finds the idol.

← Previous: Ep.3 RC Next: Ep.3 IC →

Tyson finds Vuna idol.
Day 8
(Nov. 13)
Ep.3 IC: The Cruel Sea

Ep.3 IC: The Cruel Sea

Ep.3 IC: The Cruel Sea

As seen in San Juan del Sur (where Drew Christy threw it). One at a time, five tribe members (Renier, Marisha, Tyson, Nicole, Anesu; Shaun, Mike, Carla, Wardah) must swim out, climb and jump off a ramp obstacle, and retrieve one of five rings. After all five are retrieved, two other tribe members (Dino, Kiran; Chappies, Anela/Paul) at a time must toss them and try to land them on a post. Zamba's advantage lets them start with one ring, so they only need four swimmers. Zamba has a big lead heading into the tossing. Rings landed: Chappies 2 (Z2, V0), Dino, Kiran 2 (Z2, V3), Paul (Z3, V3), Kiran (Z3, V4), Paul (Z4, V4), Kiran hits the winning shot. Vuna wins, 5-4.

← Previous: Ep.3 idol Next: Ep.3 Imm. Isl. →

Ep3 IC: "The Cruel Sea" - Vuna wins.

Ep.3 Immunity Island: Amy

Ep.3 Immunity Island: Amy

Ep.3 Immunity Island: Amy

Amy chooses to Stay and Play, and gets a tangram-type puzzle to complete before the time runs out. If she wins, Zamba gets to raid three items from Vuna camp. If she loses, the reverse happens. She loses. But at least she has individual immunity!

← Previous: Ep.3 IC Next: Ep.4 raid →

Ep3 II: Amy loses, triggers camp raid.

TC3 - Mike voted out (5-3), 17 left.
Day 9
(Nov. 14)

Ep.4 camp raid of Zamba

Ep.4 camp raid of Zamba

Ep.4 camp raid of Zamba

Vuna receives treemail informing them the person they sent to I.I. (Amy) lost, and as a result, they get to raid three items from Zamba's camp. They select Anesu and Dino for the task. Upon arrival, Anesu and Dino learn that Zamba is claiming they already used and/or lost all the items (because they hid them). In the end, they get some of the items they wanted, not all.

← Previous: Ep.3 Imm. Isl. Next: Ep.4 Hero RC →

Anesu and Dino raid Zamba camp.
Ep.4: "Gloat or Vote"
Ep.5: "Collateral Damage"
Ep.6: "Control the Flow"
Day 10
(Nov. 15)

Ep.4 Hero RC: Turnstile-of-war

Ep.4 Hero RC: Turnstile

Ep.4 Hero RC: Turnstile-of-war

As seen in Survivor AU: Champions v Contenders 2's Ep2 RC. Each tribe was told to send their strongest man and woman. Vuna selected Dino and Marisha; Zamba sent Chappies and Wardah. In head-to-head bouts, contestants must push on a rotating log, trying to get it to the halfway point, where it will knock over a post, earning them a point (while their opponent pushes in the opposite direction). First tribe to 2points wins reward: A visit to a pop-up FreshStop grocery store, with tons of food items to choose from. Results: Rd.1: Chappies d. Dino (Z1, V0). Rd.2: Marisha d. Wardah (Z1, V1). Rd.3: Marisha, Dino d. Chappies, Wardah (Z1, V2). Vuna wins!

← Previous: Ep.4 raid Next: Ep.4 IC →

Ep4 Hero RC: (Turnstile-of-war) - Marisha & Dino win.
Day 11
(Nov. 16)

Ep.4 IC: A Crate Idea

Ep.4 IC: A Crate Idea

Ep.4 IC: A Crate Idea

As seen in Tocantins, Caramoan, etc. Shaun is told by medical to sit out, Vuna sits out Thoriso and Anesu. In pairs, players must run out and roll five large crates back across the starting line. Once all are returned, they must then stack them in the correct order on a staircase frame, to complete a puzzle along the side. Vuna has a lead starting on their puzzle, but wins easily because the Zamba men refuse to listen to the women's (accurate) puzzle ideas. Vuna sends Carla to Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.4 Hero RC Next: Ep.4 Imm. Isl. →

Ep4 IC: "A Crate Idea" - Vuna wins.

Ep.4 Immunity Island: Carla

Ep.4 Immunity Island: Carla

Ep.4 Immunity Island: Carla

Upon arriving at Immunity Island, Carla weighs the benefits and risks of performing the task and receiving guaranteed personal immunity, or choosing Give Up and Go, and keeping her vote in face of a potential vote split by the opposition. She had promised Wardah she would do the latter, and reasons she can pretend the necklace is fully powered, even though she can only bequeath it. She decides to Give Up and Go, and swiftly returns to camp.

← Previous: Ep.4 IC Next: Ep.5 RC →

Ep4 II: Carla gives up and goes.

TC4 - Paul voted out (5-2-1), 16 left.
Day 12
(Nov. 17)
Ep.5 RC: Rice Balance

Ep.5 RC: Rice Balance

Ep.5 RC: Rice Balance

Contestants are given the choice of competing for a visit to Immunity Island (red challenge) or a tribal reward (blue challenge) for the last person standing: a feast at Tribal Council, observing the other tribe's vote. But both tribes must attend Tribal. Thoriso and Anesu are the only two in the red challenge. The challenge is simple: Balance a bowl of rice on your head while standing on a narrow perch. Last person standing wins it. Red challenge: Thoriso out almost immediately, so Anesu wins. Blue challenge: Order out - Anela, Dino, Renier, Santoni, Carla, Kiran, Amy, Marisha, Chappies, Shaun, Qieän, Wardah (so Vuna wins, with Nicole/Tyson still in), at 10 min., Tyson drops, so Nicole wins! She will receive an extra portion of food at Tribal the next day.

← Previous: Ep.4 Imm. Isl.  Next: Ep.5 Imm. Isl. →

Ep5 RC: (Rice balance) - Nicole/Vuna, Anesu win.

Ep.5 Immunity Island: Anesu

Ep.5 Immunity Island: Anesu

Ep.5 Immunity Island: Anesu

Anesu takes her hard-won trip to Immunity Island, and learns the task is memory-based. Having done a lot of memorization in medical school, she decides to Stay and Play. It's a simple task: Observe a series of 8 objects, cover them, then recreate the series before the timer runs out. Anesu does it, and she wins! Her prize is a Tribal Council Pass, which she can either use herself or use on another player, to remove them from Tribal Council and send them back to camp before the votes are cast. This advantage will be valid until seven players are left.

← Previous: Ep.5 RC  Next: Ep.6 RC →

Ep5 II: (Memory) - Anesu wins Tribal Pass.
Day 13
(Nov. 18)

TC5 - Thoriso idoled out [0]-2-1, 15 left.

TC6 - Carla voted out (5-2), 14 left.
Day 14
(Nov. 19)

Ep.6 RC: Deep In Thought

Ep.6 RC: Deep In Thought

Ep.6 RC: Deep In Thought

Tyson, Qieän sit out. As seen in (US) Philippines. Six tribe members must swim out, one at a time, to retrieve 8 octagonal puzzle pieces (Marisha, Renier; swim twice; Chappies swims three times). Once back, two people (Dino/Renier, Kiran/Anesu; Santoni/Shaun, Wardah) puts the pieces on a spindle and rotates them to spell the winning phrase (PICK ME UP). The winning tribe receives coffee, tea, and pastries. Weather/water are in rough condition. Chappies has to help Anela and Santoni with their pieces, Vuna has a three-piece lead when they start their puzzle. Challenge lasts over an hour, mostly due to the puzzle, but Vuna wins. They ask if they can share their reward with Zamba, Nico approves. Marisha later walks over to Zamba with their recently raided machete and a container of pastries.

← Previous: Ep.5 Imm. Isl.  Next: Ep.6 IC →

Ep6 RC: "In Deep Thought" - Vuna wins, shares.
Day 15
(Nov. 20)

2nd tribe swap: Two new tribes.

Ep.6 IC: Basket Brawl

Ep.6 IC: Basket Brawl

Ep.6 IC: Basket Brawl

Held immediately after the second tribe swap. As seen in Tocantins, One World, etc. In three-on-three matchups, contestants must run through knee-deep water, grab a basketball, and try to shoot it into their basket, while the contestants from the other side use whatever means necessary to stop them. First tribe to three goals wins. Rd.1: Chappies (Renier, Shaun) d. Anela, Tyson, Dino (V1, Z0). Rd.2: Marisha (Nicole, Anesu) d. Wardah, Santoni, Qieän (V2, Z0). Rd.3: Renier (Chappies, Amy) d. Anela, Kiran, Wardah - Vuna wins, 3-0. They send Anela to Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.6 RC  Next: Ep.6 Imm. Isl. →

Ep6 IC: "Basket Brawl" - Vuna wins.

Ep.6 Immunity Island: Anela

Ep.6 IC: Basket Brawl

Ep.6 IC: Basket Brawl

Anela arrives at Immunity Island, and quickly decides to Stay and Play. The task is simple: Land five sandbags in the hole on a cornhole board before times runs out. If he succeeds, he wins an extra vote. Anela lands three, but not five, and he loses his vote. He also spends close to two days at I.I., because Tribal is not until the next night.

← Previous: Ep.6 IC  Next: Ep.6 idol →

Ep6 II: Anela loses his vote.

Ep.6 Zamba idol: Tyson

Ep.6 Zamba idol: Tyson

Ep.6 Zamba idol: Tyson

Shortly after arriving at the new-to-them Zamba camp, Tyson (and Kiran, and Santoni) reason that Zamba's idol probably is hidden in the same spot Vuna's was. In short time, Tyson finds his second idol, as Santoni quietly berates herself for not finding it beforehand.

← Previous: Ep.6 Imm. Isl.  Next: Ep.7 RC/IC →

Ep6 Idol: Tyson finds Zamba's.
Day 16
(Nov. 21)

TC7 - Dino voted out (4-[0]), 13 left.
Ep.7: "Look Behind You" Ep.8: "Here For a Good Time" Ep.9: "A Deal with the Devil"
Day 17
(Nov. 22)

Ep.7 RC/IC: Keys, climb, puzzle

Ep.7 RC/IC: Keys, climb, puzzle

Ep.7 RC/IC: Keys, climb, puzzle

Amy sits out. Contestants start on a raft in the water, have to jump in and swim to shore, collecting three keys attached to buoys along the way. The first key unlocks a set of posts, which the tribe must arrange in order and climb up to the first level. There, a second key unlocks a metal ladder, which they must pull up, slot into place, and climb to the top level. There, the final key unlocks puzzle pieces, which one person (Renier, Kiran) must assemble to make a large, vertical circular logo puzzle. Winning tribe gets immunity plus a Mexican food feast (with margaritas). Results: Vuna takes a lead on the swim, maintains it throughout. They win, send Anela to Imm. Isl. again. Reward includes a surprise: Videos from home.

← Previous: Ep.6 idol  Next: Ep.7 Imm. Isl. →

Ep7 RC/IC: (Keys, climb, puzzle) - Vuna wins.

Ep.7 Immunity Island: Anela

Ep.7 Immunity Island: Anela

Ep.7 Immunity Island: Anela

Anela arrives at Immunity Island, and the "Stay or Play" explainer all but begs him to stay and "play." As it turns out, there is no task, just the same feast Vuna won in the RC/IC, plus Anela's video from home. At the end of the video, his brother tells him "Look behind you." Anela finds a rolled-up piece of paper, and is off on a treasure hunt. The final (third) clue leads him to the Immunity Island sign, where a "Tribal insurance" advantage awaits. It allows him to steal someone else's vote at one of the next two Tribals he attends.

← Previous: Ep.7 RC/IC  Next: Ep.8 idol →

Ep7 II: Anela wins "Tribal insurance"
Day 18
(Nov. 23)

TC8 - Qieän voted out (4-1), 12 left.
Day 19
(Nov. 24)

Ep.8 idol: Renier

Ep.8 idol: Renier

Ep.8 idol: Renier

Early in the morning on Day 19, Marisha spots the Vuna idol, perched in a high log near the shelter. She calls Renier for help. He starts to climb the log, but Marisha knocks the idol down with a stick. Renier grabs it and conceals it, pointing out later in confessional that it's technically his now.

← Previous: Ep.7 RC/IC  Next: Ep.8 merge →

Renier grabs 2nd Vuna idol.

Ep.8 merge (and feast)

Ep.8 merge (and feast)

Ep.8 merge (and feast)

Both tribes are told via treemail that they're merging, and they assemble and are greeted by Nico. He gives them new, blue buffs for the Osindile, which Tyson explains means "the one who remains," or as Nico offers, "survivor." Then Nico leaves and everyone eats the merge feast. Despite excessive searching by Chappies, nobody discovers the clue/advantage hidden under the beverage cart.

← Previous: Ep.8 idol  Next: Ep.8 IC →

Tribes merge, Osindile formed.
Day 20
(Nov. 25)
Day 21
(Nov. 26)

Ep.8 IC: Get a Grip

Ep.8 IC: Get a Grip

Ep.8 IC: Get a Grip

As seen since Cook Islands. Hold onto the pole until you can't. Order out: 12. Santoni (minutes), 11. Anela (5 min), 10. Marisha, 9. Amy, [15 min.] 8. Shaun, [1 hr.] 7. Renier, 6. Wardah, 5. Nicole (2 hrs, 5 min), 4. Chappies, 3. Tyson, 2. Anesu (3 hrs, 15 min.), 1. Kiran wins! He sends Tyson to Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.8 merge  Next: Ep.8 Imm. Isl. →

Ep8 IC: "Get a Grip" - Kiran wins.

Ep.8 Immunity Island: Tyson

Ep.8 Immunity Island: Tyson

Ep.8 Immunity Island: Tyson

As previously planned by Kiran and Anesu, Tyson is sent to Immunity Island, where he keeps his vote by opting to Give Up and Go. In doing so, he now has two idols: His one from the Vuna camp, plus the single-use Immunity Island necklace, which he can bequeath.

← Previous: Ep.8 IC  Next: Ep.9 RC →

Ep8 II: Tyson gives up and goes.

TC9 - Marisha idoled out ([0]-4), 11 left.
Day 22
(Nov. 27)

Ep.9 RC: Ball on disc, targets

Ep.9 RC: Ball on disc, targets

Ep.9 RC: Ball on disc, targets

As seen in Survivor AU: 2017. Rock draw for teams (Green: Kiran, Shaun, Anesu, Nicole, Anela; Orange: Renier, Wardah, Amy, Tyson, Chappies), Santoni draws white rock and must sit out, but gets to bet on which team wins. Challenge: Teams must carry a ball across obstacles, balanced on a disc suspended from ropes. Once across, one person (Anela; Chappies) must toss the ball at four targets. First team to hit all four wins a trip for beer & pizza. Results: Both teams drop multiple times, but orange has a big lead as they deliver to Chappies, and he hits all four targets quickly. Orange wins, and Santoni guessed correctly, so she also gets reward. At the reward, Renier finds a clue stating there's an idol at Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.8 Imm. Isl.  Next: Ep.9 IC →

Ep9 RC: (Ball on disc, targets) - Orange team wins.
Day 23
(Nov. 28)

Ep.9 IC: Living Color

Ep.9 IC: Living Color

Ep.9 IC: Living Color

As seen in Cagayan, San Juan del Sur, etc. Nico flashes a series of colored tiles. Contestants must drop colored tiles into a vertical stack in the same order, one tile at a time. Anyone wrong after a tile is dropped is eliminated. Order out: Rd.1 (8 colors): 10-tie. Chappies, Renier (4th tile); 9. Nicole (8th tile). Rd.2 (9 colors): 6-tie. Wardah, Santoni, Shaun (3rd tile); 5. Amy (7th tile). Rd.3 (9 colors): 3-tie. Tyson, Anela (4th tile), 2. Anesu (8th tile), 1. Kiran wins! He sends Wardah to Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.9 RC  Next: Ep.9 Imm. Isl. →

Ep9 IC: "Living Color" - Kiran wins.

Ep.9 Immunity Island: Wardah

Ep.9 Immunity Island: Wardah

Ep.9 Immunity Island: Wardah

As previously planned, Wardah is sent to Immunity Island, where she keeps her vote by opting to Give Up and Go. This gives the original Vunas a 6-5 majority over the original Zambas. In forgoing the game, she also misses out on the opportunity for an idol that's hidden at Imm.Isl.

← Previous: Ep.9 IC  Next: Ep.10 RC/IC →

Ep8 II: Wardah gives up and goes.

TC10 - Shaun voted out (6-5), 10 left.
Ep.10: "Tied Destinies" Ep.11: "Brownie Points are Everything" Ep.12: "All In a Day's Work"
Day 24
(Nov. 29)
Day 25
(Nov. 30)

Ep.10 RC/IC: A Leg Up

Ep.10 RC/IC: A Leg Up

Ep.10 RC/IC: A Leg Up

As seen in Redemption Island, etc., but performed as part of the "paired destinies" twist, such that whoever wins also wins immunity and reward for their partner. Each contestant must stand with their leg on the end of a seesaw, with a ceramic pot balanced on the other end. If the pot falls off, they're out. Last person standing wins. Winners also get reward: A day at a water park. Also: Nobody will be sent to Immunity Island. Order out: 10. Santoni (in seconds), 9. Anela (5 min.), 8. Kiran, 7. Chappies. [20 min.] 6. Wardah, 3(tie). Renier, Anesu, Tyson all knocked off by a wind gust at the same time. [1.5 hrs] 2. Amy, 1. Nicole wins! (and so does Anela, because of the pairs twist). Nicole, in a "no brainer" decision, takes Nicole and Renier with her and Anela to the water park, a decision the other three instantly regret, because it prevents the original Zambas from doing any kind of plotting back at camp.

← Previous: Ep.9 Imm. Isl.  Next: Ep.11 RC →

Ep10 RC/IC: "A Leg Up" - Nicole wins (so does Anela).
Day 26
(Dec. 1)

TC11 - Renier voted out, 9 left. Amy also out, 8 left.
Day 27
(Dec. 2)

Ep.11 RC: Coconuts, puzzle

Ep.11 RC: Coconuts, puzzle

Ep.11 RC: Coconuts, puzzle

Contestants are divided into two teams of four by schoolyard pick: Green (Wardah - Tyson - Nicole - Chappies) and Orange (Kiran - Anesu - Anela - Santoni). Contestants must toss coconuts into a net until it's sufficiently weighed down that it drops, knocking down a tower of puzzle blocks. Then they must complete the puzzle. First team to do so wins reward: Test-driving a new Mahindra Thar to a secluded location, where they will enjoy a braai (barbecue). Results: Green first to release the puzzle, wins. At the reward, they also receive letters from home.

← Previous: Ep.10 IC  Next: Ep.11 IC →

Ep11 RC: (Coconuts, puzzle) - Green team wins.
Day 28
(Dec. 3)

Ep.11 IC: Keel-Hauling

Ep.11 IC: Keel-Hauling

Ep.11 IC: Keel-Hauling

As seen in Caramoan. Contestants must swim out to a dock, where they must grab a ring, cross a beam to transfer it to another post, jump in, go under the dock, then start again (for five rings total). First to move all five rings wins. Contestants also have the choice to sit out and eat spaghetti instead. Results: Everyone except Chappies and Nicole sits out. The challenge is not close, Chappies quickly laps Nicole, and takes his time on the final two rings. He sends Santoni to Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.11 RC  Next: Ep.11 Imm. Isl. →

Ep11 IC: "Keel Hauling" - Chappies wins.

Ep.11 Immunity Island: Santoni

Ep.11 Immunity Island: Santoni

Ep.11 Immunity Island: Santoni

Santoni, as per prior plan, chooses to Stay and Play. Her task is the pulley-and-ball snake maze used for the first re-entry challenge in Winners at War. She comes close to succeeding, but drops the ball in the final push. Her punishment is losing half her money in the upcoming auction. But she also has time to look for the idol, which she finds.

← Previous: Ep.11 IC  Next: Ep.12 auction →

Ep11 II: Santoni finds idol.

TC12 - Anesu voted out (5-2), 7 left.
Day 29
(Dec. 4)

Ep.12 auction

Ep.12 auction

Ep.12 auction

Each contestant gets 500 "Nicos," bidding is done in increments of 50. (Santoni starts with 250). Item 1: Letters from home, no bidding, 50 Nicos - Santoni and Anela buy. Item 2: Champagne + a bath - no bids. Item 3: Covered - Nicole, 100 - beggars plate, chance to beg part of every item (including ones not bid on, like the bath). Item 4: Tray of candy and chocolate - Chappies, 200. Item 5: Tray of tapas plus wine - Anela, 200. Item 6: Covered - Tyson, 100 - Fish and chips. Item 7: Covered - Tyson, 250 - IC advantage. Item 8: Scroll of unknown effect - Kiran, 300 - ejected from auction. Item 9: Covered - Wardah, 250 - vetkoek and mince ... or rice for the tribe (she picks rice). Item 10: Covered - Nicole, 350 - Immunity Island send ticket. Auction over, but Nico lets Kiran buy his letters from home.

← Previous: Ep.11 Imm. Isl.  Next: Ep.12 IC →

Ep12 Auction: Nicole wins almost everything.
Day 30
(Dec. 5)

Ep.12 IC: Rope-A-Dope

Ep.12 IC: Rope-A-Dope

Ep.12 IC: Rope-A-Dope

As seen in Tocantins, HvsVem>, etc. Multi-stage elimination, in which contestants are tethered to a rope wound around a series of obstacles, and must race to touch the final pole. Last to finish are eliminated each round. Tyson's advantage gives him a bye in the first round. Round 1 order finished: Anela, Chappies, Wardah, Kiran. 6-t. Nicole, Santoni eliminated. Round 2 order finished: Tyson, Chappies, Anela. 4-t. Wardah, Kiran eliminated. Final round: 1. Chappies wins! t-2. Anela, Tyson. Nicole uses her ticket, sends herself to Immunity Island.

← Previous: Ep.12 auction  Next: Ep.12 II →

Ep12 IC: "Rope-A-Dope" - Chappies wins.

Ep.12 Immunity Island: Nicole

Ep.12 Immunity Island: Nicole

Ep.12 Immunity Island: Nicole

In her first visit to Immunity Island, Nicole chooses to Stay and Play. Her task is simple arranging tiles numbered 1 to 100 in order, before time runs out, which she accomplishes with time to spare. She wins the fire idol for her efforts.

← Previous: Ep.12 IC  Next: Ep.13 RC →

Ep12 II: Nicole wins fire idol.

TC13 - Wardah idoled out ([0]-2), 6 left.
Ep.13: "A Very Weird Vibe"
Ep.14: "A Sour Taste in the Mouth"
Ep.15: "The Fruits of Your Labour"
Day 31
(Dec. 6)

Ep.13 RC: Audio Slave

Ep.13 RC: Audio Slave

Ep.13 RC: Audio Slave

As seen in Ghost Island. Contestants must hold a pole (that resembles a boom mic) with a statuette on the end, while standing on a narrow perch. At 5-minute intervals, they must move up to the next, narrower, stretch of perch, without dropping the statue. Last to drop out wins. Also ... loved ones are here! Santoni's sister, Tyson's best friend, Anela's brother, Kiran's sister, Nicole's brother, and Chappies' wife. The loved ones support the statue until the challenge starts, then go to the sit-out bench. Results: 6. Kiran, 5. Santoni (within seconds), 4. Nicole, 3. Anela (on transition to second section), 2. Tyson drops, 1. Chappies wins! He picks Santoni and Anela to go up against him in the next IC as his reward. All the loved ones go back to camp for a burger reward.

← Previous: Ep.12 Imm.Isl.  Next: Ep.13 idol →

Ep13 RC: "Audio Slave" (loved ones) - Chappies wins.

Ep.13 idol: Kiran

Ep.13 idol: Kiran

Ep.13 idol: Kiran

At the barbecue/ burger feast with the loved ones, Kiran notes the sponsor's logo (Outsurance) is prominently displayed, and inspects if maybe it's connected to an idol or advantage. He follows the ropes securing it and spies a cloth bundle. After getting a boost from Nicole's brother, he grabs the idol and pockets it.

← Previous: Ep.13 RC  Next: Ep.13 IC →

Kiran finds idol.
Day 32
(Dec. 7)

Ep.13 IC: Puppet Master

Ep.13 IC: Puppet Master

Ep.13 IC: Puppet Master

As seen in Worlds Apart. Only Chappies, Anela, Santoni present to compete. Contestants must use a grappling hook to snag a ring, releasing a bag with a ball. They must then roll the ball to the center of a table maze, without it falling through a hole first. First to do so wins. Chappies, Santoni snag their rings on the first shot, but both have balls fall into traps, so Anela quickly catches up. Chappies, Anela both in final ring, but Anela drops and Chappies wins.

← Previous: Ep.13 idol  Next: Ep.14 RC →

Ep13 IC: (Table maze) - Chappies wins.
Day 33
(Dec. 8)

TC14 - Santoni voted out (3-2-[0]; +fire), 5 left.
Day 34
(Dec. 9)

Ep.14 RC: Bucket cascade

Ep.14 RC: Bucket cascade

Ep.14 RC: Bucket cascade

Contestants must arrange six buckets with holes on a tall pole. They then race to fill a bucket with water, pour it into the top bucket, then redirect the water into a final bucket. When that bucket fills, it tips and releases a key. They must then use that key to unlock and release their flag. First to do so wins a steak and mashed potatoes meal with red wine. Results: Chappies wins, picks Anela to join him.

← Previous: Ep.13 IC  Next: Ep.14 IC →

Ep14 RC: (Bucket cascade) - Chappies wins.
Day 35
(Dec. 10)

Ep.14 IC: Might As Well Jump

Ep.14 IC: Might As Well Jump

Ep.14 IC: Might As Well Jump

Also the F5 IC in HvHvH. Contestants must swim out to a platform, climb a set of crates, leap off and grab a set of keys. Then cross an aquatic balance beam, stopping midspan to untie a second set of keys. Then use those keys to unlock a puzzle. Finally, rearrange the balls in the puzzle to match color of the table. First to do so wins immunity. Results: Anela first to grab the first key, Nicole jumps repeatedly, missing. Order to puzzle: Chappies, Kiran, Tyson, Anela. 1. Chappies wins, 2-t. Anela, Kiran working on final row, 4. Tyson (two rows to go), 5. Nicole.

← Previous: Ep.14 RC  Next: Ep.15 RC/IC →

Ep14 IC: "Might As Well Jump" - Chappies wins.

TC15 - Kiran voted out (3-2), 4 left.
Day 36
(Dec. 11)

Ep.15 RC/IC: Step Brothers

Ep.15 RC/IC: Step Brothers

Ep.15 RC/IC: Step Brothers

Similar to the F6 IC in David vs. Goliath. Contestants must race through the water to a structure, release a key, go back and unlock and lower a set of stairs, climb the stairs to retrieve a second key, then go back in the water to the structure, unlock a bag containing a rope with a monkey's fist. Then go back up, hook a lever that releases a second ladder. Climb those stairs, retrieve a third key. Go back to the water structure, unlock a pole and retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces, take them all the way back up the stairs, and complete a difficult puzzle. Winner gets immunity plus a breakfast date the next morning with the juror of their choice, to talk about the jury's perception of them. Results: Neck and neck until the monkey fist stage, where Chappies takes a huge lead, landing it on his first throw. Tyson, Anela, Nicole follow. Chappies wins, seconds ahead of Anela.

← Previous: Ep.14 IC  Next: Ep.15 reward →

Ep15 RC/IC: "Step Brothers" - Chappies wins.
Day 37
(Dec. 12)

Ep.15 reward: Juror breakfast

Ep.15 reward: Juror breakfast

Ep.15 reward: Juror breakfast

As (part of) the reward he won, Chappies has breakfast at Immunity Island with the juror of his choice: Anesu. She tells him about his standing with the jury, which of his opponents are most popular with the jurors, and how he needs to sell his game at Final Tribal. After Anesu leaves, Chappies opens an envelope that tells him he's also won the right to remove a juror, which he will do at that night's Tribal Council.

← Previous: Ep.15 IC  Next: Ep.16 IC →

Reward: Chappies chats with Anesu.

Wardah removed from jury.

TC16 - Tyson voted out (2-1-1), 3 left.
Ep.16: "The Final Countdown"
Game over
Day 38
(Dec. 13)

Ep.16 IC: Hand on a Hard Idol

Ep.16 IC: Hand on a Hard Idol

Ep.16 IC: Hand on a Hard Idol

As seen in Borneo. Contestants must stand with their feet on raised pegs (different heights), and one hand touching the central post. If their feet or hand come off, or they fall, they are out of the challenge. Last standing wins. Results: 3. Anela out at over 1 hour (1 hr 58 min?). 2. Chappies falls at over 2 hours (2 hr 18 min?), so 1. Nicole wins!

← Previous: Ep.15 reward  Next: Ep.16 Final Tribal →

Ep16 IC: "Hand on a Hard Idol" - Nicole wins.

TC16 - Chappies voted out (1-0 or 2-1), 2 left.
Day 39
(Dec. 14)

Ep.16 Final Tribal Council

Ep.16 Final Tribal Council

Ep.16 Final Tribal Council

Anela and Nicole face the nine jurors, explaining their games. Nicole stresses that she played an honest game with little scheming, and that she personally saved Anela twice. Anela talks about his coaching experience, and tries to relate that to his game. Shaun makes a statement in favor of Anela, Santoni makes one in favor of Nicole. In the end, it's a blowout win for Nicole, who cruises to an 8-1 victory.

← Previous: Ep.16 IC

Final Tribal Council and jury vote.

Nicole wins, 8-1.
(Dec. 15)

(Dec. 16)

Departure: contestants return home.
(Dec. 17)

Inevitable contestant Instagram influencing resumes.
(Dec. 18)

(Dec. 19)