Most votes for boot (VFB) - career

By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 19, 2024

Most times voting for the bootee, career - Parvati Shallow, Boston Rob

27 votes

Parvati Shallow: S13, S16, S20, S40

Boston Rob Mariano: S4, S8, S20, S22, S40

See also:

VFB - Season

Times voting for the bootee (VFB), career
# Contestant Season(s) VFB TCA TC%
1-t Parvati Shallow, S13, S16, S20, S40 Parvati Shallow S13, S16, S20, S40 27‡ 34 0.80
1-t Boston Rob Mariano, S4, S8, S20, S22, S40 Boston Rob Mariano S4, S8, S20, S22, S40 27‡ 33 0.82
3 Russell Hantz, S19, S20, S22 Russell Hantz S19, S20, S22 25 27 0.92
4 Amanda Kimmel, S15, S16, S20 Amanda Kimmel S15, S16, S20 25 29 0.86
5 Cirie Fields, S12, S16, S20, S34 Cirie Fields S12, S16, S20, S34 24 32 0.75
6 Sandra Diaz-Twine, S7, S20, S34, S40 Sandra Diaz-Twine S7, S20, S34, S40 22 31 0.71
7 Ozzy Lusth, S13, S16, S23, S34 Ozzy Lusth S13, S16, S23, S34 20 30 0.66
8 Sarah Lacina, S28, S34, S40 Sarah Lacina S28, S34, S40 19 28 0.68
9-t Stephenie LaGrossa, S10, S11, S20 Stephenie LaGrossa S10, S11, S20 18 22 0.81
10-t Tony Vlachos, S28, S34, S40 Tony Vlachos S28, S34, S40 18 23 0.78
10-t David Wright, S33, S38 David Wright S33, S38 18 23 0.78
12-t Jerri Manthey, S2, S8, S20 Jerri Manthey S2, S8, S20 18 24 0.74
12-t Coach Wade, S18, S20, S23 Coach Wade S18, S20, S23 18 24 0.75
12-t Nick Wilson, S37, S40 Nick Wilson S37, S40 18 24 0.75
15 Andrea Boehlke, S22, S26, S34 Andrea Boehlke S22, S26, S34 18 27 0.66
16 Phillip Sheppard, S22, S26 Phillip Sheppard S22, S26 17 20 0.84
17 Ben Driebergen, S35, S40 Ben Driebergen S35, S40 17 22 0.77
18-t Denise Stapley, S25, S40 Denise Stapley S25, S40 17 25 0.68
18-t Rupert Boneham, S7, S8, S20, S27 Rupert Boneham S7, S8, S20, S27 17 25 0.68
20 Danielle DiLorenzo, S12, S20 Danielle DiLorenzo S12, S20 16 18 0.89
21 John Cochran, S23, S26 John Cochran S23, S26 16 22 0.72
22 Colby Donaldson, S2, S8, S20 Colby Donaldson S2, S8, S20 16 24 0.66
23-t Tina Wesson, S2, S27 Tina Wesson S2, S8, S27 15 20 0.75
23-t Sophie Clarke, S23, S40 Sophie Clarke S23, S40 15 20 0.75
25 Tyson Apostol, S18, S20, S27, S40 Tyson Apostol S18, S20, S27, S40 15 22 0.68
26 Jeremy Collins, S29, S31, S40 Jeremy Collins S29, S31, S40 15 23 0.65
27 Spencer Bledsoe, S28, S31 Spencer Bledsoe S28, S31 15 26 0.57
28 Natalie White, Samoa Natalie White S19 14 14 1.00
29 Stephen Fishbach, S18, S31 Stephen Fishbach S18, S31 14 17 0.82
30 Ethan Zohn, S3, S8, S40 Ethan Zohn S3, S8, S40 14 18 0.77
31 J.T. Thomas, S18, S20, S34 J.T. Thomas S18, S20, S34 14 19 0.73
32 Dawn Meehan, S23, S26 Dawn Meehan S23, S26 14 20 0.70
33 Malcolm Freberg, S25, S26, S3 Malcolm Freberg S25, S26, S34 14 21 0.66
34 Tai Trang, S32, S34 Tai Trang S32, S34 14 22 0.63
35 Aubry Bracco, S32, S34, S38 Aubry Bracco S32, S34, S38 14 23 0.60
36 Kelley Wentworth, S29, S31, S38 Kelley Wentworth S29, S31, S38 14 24 0.58
37 Mick Trimming, Samoa Mick Trimming S19 13 14 0.93
38 Lex van den Berghe, S3, S8 Lex van den Berghe S3, S8 13 15 0.86
39 Amber Brkich, S2, S8, S40 Amber Mariano S2, S8, S40 13 17 0.77
40-t Jonathan Penner, S13, S16, S25 Jonathan Penner S13, S16, S25 13 18 0.71
40-t Kim Spradlin, S24, S40 Kim Spradlin S24, S40 13 18 0.72
40-t Adam Klein, S33, S40 Adam Klein S33, S40 13 18 0.71
43 Erik Reichenbach, S16, S26 Erik Reichenbach S16, S26 13 20 0.65
45 Tasha Fox, S28, S31 Tasha Fox S28, S31 13 22 0.59

Complete through Survivor 46. Click contestant name/picture to view their contestant page.

VFB notes

VFB is votes for boot, the number of times a contestant votes someone out. A basic Survivor action, and one a good player should, in theory, do almost every time. True, it's difficult to distinguish between someone masterminding the vote and someone riding coattails just from this one stat. Perhaps that's where the career numbers come into play.

Important notes:

  • Re-votes after a tie don't count as votes. Only the first vote does. Also, if you vote for the wrong person on a vote split, tough luck.
  • ‡ Final two special case: The F3 vote, in which only the F3 IC winner casts a vote (which is guaranteed to be correct) is a complicated one. We've gone back and forth on whether it should be included or not. We're currently not counting the phantom vote by the non-voting person who's carried to the F2 (Parvati in Micronesia), but it's possible the IC winner's vote also shouldn't count (Boston Rob in All-Stars). As such, Parvati and Boston Rob are tied for first, because at least one of each of their votes is in this gray area.
  • VFB: Votes For Bootee. The number of times the contestant has voted for the person who was ultimately voted out. Applies only to initial votes (no points for revotes in case of a tie). Special, odd case: In a final three TC, where only one vote is cast (by the F3 IC winner), both VFBs are counted, but only the single VAP counts.
  • TCA: Tribal council appearances. The number of times a contestant has attended tribal council (at which they voted).
  • TC%: Tribal Council percent. Attempts to reward voting for the bootee (which players controlling the vote almost always do), while punishing receiving votes yourself. The formula is: TC% = [VFB - (VAP/TotV)] / TCA.