Tyson Apostol - Survivor: Tocantins, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, Survivor: Blood vs. Water, Survivor: Winners at War

Seasons: 4 | Days played: 116.5 | Wins: 1 | Jury: 2

  • Survivor 18: Tocantins (2009) - 8th place, 9th out - 2nd juror.
  • Voted out in Episode 9, "It's Funny When People Cry" (Day 27).

  • Survivor 40: Winners at War (2020) - 11th place, 12th out - 9th juror.
  • Voted out in Episode 4, "I Like Revenge" (Day 11).
  • Returned to the game in Episode 9, "This is Where the Battle Begins" (Day 19).
  • Voted out again in Episode 10, "The Full Circle" (Day 25).
  • Cumulative time: In-game - 17 days; Edge of Extinction - 18 days.

Tyson Apostol on social media: Bluesky | Instagram

Tyson Apostol - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S18: Tocantins 3.11 5.24 0.59 2 5 4 0.46 1.56 - - - 1.05 4.66
S20: Heroes vs. Villains 0.66 2.03 0.33 1 3 2 0.42 2.00 - - - 0.75 2.66
S27: Blood vs. Water 2.91 10.11 0.29 9 2 11 0.82 3.82 7 8 0.875 1.98 11.98
S40: Winners at War 1.34 5.79 0.23 3 12 5 0.55 1.05 - - - 0.78 2.39
Career 8.02 23.30 0.34 15 22 22 0.68 2.61 7 8 0.875 1.24 5.93


Tyson Apostol - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile



Tyson Apostol - Challenge record

In the Barrel - Ep2 RC/IC

Tribal/team challenge record (6-for-7):

  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Blue Lagoon Bustle" - Swims and row for Galang, and Galang wins.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 2 RC/IC: "In The Barrel" - One of three barrel rollers for Galang; Galang wins.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Sumo at Sea" - Loses to Hayden and injures his shoulder, but Galang wins.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 4 RC/IC: "Boats, Brains and Brawn" - Paddles AND does the puzzle for Galang, all with one arm; Galang wins again.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 5 RC/IC: "Slide Show" - Beats Hayden, but loses to Caleb, and Galang finally loses one.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 6 RC/IC: "Buoy Oh Buoy" - Now with New Tadhana, dives & does puzzle with Aras. Tadhana wins.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 7 RC/IC: "Chain Reaction" - Throws bolos for Tadhana, and Tadhana wins again, 3-2.


A Bit Tipsy - F5 IC

Individual challenge record (2-for-9; 1 sit-out): (Mean % finish: 63.7%)

  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 8 IC: "Flash Back" - With Tina, eliminated on the fourth item shown (tie-7th/11).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 9 Final 10 IC: "Pesky Palate" - Makes it to second round, but no further (tie-4th/10).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 9 Final 9 IC: "Balancing Point" - Eliminated seconds before Hayden (3rd/9).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 10 RC/IC: "Splash Back" - Eventually drops out after Laura Morett falls (2nd/8).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 11 IC: "Wrist Assured" - Does not compete, opts to eat instead (tie-7th/7).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 12 RC/IC: "Ram-Ball On" - Finishes third (3rd/6).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 13 RC/IC: "Pulled Up" - Has an early lead, but doesn't win (bottom 4/5).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 14 Final 5 IC: "A Bit Tipsy" - Tyson wins! (1st/5).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 14 Final 4 IC: "Rise To It" - Tyson wins again (1st/4).


Hero challenge/ duel record: 0-for-0

  • Blood vs. Water : None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 20
Played: 33
Win%: 0.61
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 18
Sat out: 1
Win%: 0.28
Mean% Finish: 68.4%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -


Tyson Apostol - Tribal Council record

Final three

Idols held/played: (2/1; 2 votes voided)

  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 8: With the merge upon him, Tyson acts on the clues Hayden & Caleb gave him post-switch, and digs up the idol fairly quickly.
  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 11: Tyson plays the idol, although nobody voted against him.
  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 12: Now using Ciera's clue, finds the new idol, hours after playing the last one.
  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 14: Hands his idol to Gervase, who plays it, voiding two votes against him.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (9/11):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 (M1) Laura M Candice Cody (voted out, 6-3-1) -
Ep5 Laura M Laura Morett (voted out, 7-1) Yes
Ep8 Aras Aras Baskauskas (voted out, 7-2-2) Yes
Ep9 (F10) Vytas Vytas Baskauskas (voted out, 8-1-1) Yes
Ep9 (F9) Tina Tina Wesson (voted out, 7-1-1) Yes
Ep10 Laura M Laura Morett (voted out again, 7-1) Yes
Ep11 Caleb Caleb Bankston (voted out, 4-3) Yes
Ep12 Hayden Katie Collins (out via rock draw, 3-3; 2-2; rocks) -
Ep13 Hayden Hayden Moss (voted out, 3-2) Yes
Ep14 (F5) Ciera Ciera Eastin (voted out, 3-[0]) Yes
Ep14 (F4) Tina Tina Wesson (voted out again, 3-1) Yes


VAP - Votes against (2):

  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 9 (F10 vote): One vote, from Vytas.
  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 9 (F9 vote): One vote, from Tina.


Jury votes received (7/8):

  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 14: Received 7 jury votes, from Aras Baskauskas, Caleb Bankston, Katie Collins, Hayden Moss, Laura Morett, Ciera Eastin, and Tina Wesson (and won, 7-1-0).
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Idols found: 2
Idols played: 1
Votes voided: 2
Voting record
VFB: 15
Tribals: 22
VAP: 22
Jury votes
Made: 2
For winners: 1
Received: 7
Total jurors: 8


Tyson Apostol - Pictures
  • Tyson Apostol
    Tocantins intro shot


Tyson Apostol - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at XfinityTV.com (9/17/13): "Tyson & Rachel: 'She's the Sweetness to My Salty'"


Post-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at XfinityTV.com (12/16/13): "Winner Tyson Apostol: 'I Might Have to Go on a Fourth Time'"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (12/16/13): "Post-Finale Interviews with the Survivor: Blood vs. Water Final 7"
  • Daniel Fienberg at HitFix.com (12/21/13): "Tyson Apostol Discusses His Survivor: Blood vs. Water Win"


Tyson Apostol - Bio

From his official CBS Survivor: Tocantins bio page (1/27/09):

"Witty, charming and arrogant is how Tyson Apostol describes himself. This former pro-cyclist and swimmer believes that his natural athleticism, combined with his 'life of the party' personality, will get him far in he game. His favorite movie is 'The Jerk' and that’s how some people just might describe him.

He compares his game strategy to that of some of the most entertaining castaways to ever play the game. Much like them, he is willing to do almost anything to win one million dollars, including implementing the use of lies and deceit to feed off the 'emotional weakness' of the other castaways. A Brigham Young University drop-out, he is actually very well traveled and skilled in street smarts, previously spending two years in the Philippines as a Mormon missionary, in addition to six years as a cyclist in Switzerland, Belgium and Austria.

In many ways Tyson can be brash, egotistical and unapologetic but, oddly enough, he has no tolerance for 'know-it-alls' or individuals who lack common courtesy. In addition to, as he describes it, 'looking awesome,' his favorite hobbies are exercising and sunbathing. If he becomes the next sole Survivor, he plans to use all of the money for selfish purposes, starting with 'the most smoking motorcycle around.'

Tyson currently resides in Heber City, Utah and his birthday is June 17."