SurvAv - Top non-winning seasons

By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 19, 2024

Top non-winning finalists - Boston Rob Mariano, S8


Boston Rob Mariano, S8: All-Stars

See also:

Top non-finalists

Top non-winning finalists by SurvAv
# Contestant Season SurvAv F2/F3 Plc
1 Boston Rob Mariano, S8 Boston Rob Mariano S8
15.24 F2 2nd
2 Ozzy Lusth, S13 Ozzy Lusth S13 14.96 F3 2nd
3 Colby Donaldson, S2, S8, S20 Colby Donaldson S2
13.49 F2 2nd
4 Kelly Wiglesworth, S1, S31 Kelly Wiglesworth S1 12.26 F2 2nd
5 Amanda Kimmel, S15, S16, S20 Amanda Kimmel S15 12.13 F3 3rd
6 Amanda Kimmel, S15, S16, S20 Amanda Kimmel S16 11.60 F2 2nd
7 Chase Rice, S21 Chase Rice S21 11.51 F3 2nd
8 Brad Culpepper, S27, S34 Brad Culpepper S34 11.47 F3 2nd
9 Mike Turner, S42 Mike Turner S42 11.28 F3 2nd
10 Domenick Abbate, S36 Domenick Abbate S36 10.77 F3 2nd
11 Austin Li Coon, S44 Austin Li Coon S44
10.72 F3 2nd
12 Gavin Whitson, S38 Gavin Whitson S38 10.58 F3 2nd
13 Coach Wade, S23 Coach Wade S23
10.55 F3 2nd
14 Charlie Davis, S46 Charlie Davis S46
10.25 F3 2nd
15 Kim Johnson, S3 Kim Johnson S3
10.18 F2 2nd
16 Mike Skupin, S25 Mike Skupin S25 10.05 F3 2nd
17 Chrissy Hofbeck, Heroes v Healers v Hustlers Chrissy Hofbeck S35 9.09 F3 2nd
18 Courtney Yates, S15 Courtney Yates S15 8.84 F3 2nd
19 Ken McNickle, Millennials vs Gen X Ken McNickle S33 8.75 F3 2nd
20 Parvati Shallow, S20 Parvati Shallow S20 8.63 F3 2nd
21 Clay Jordan, S5 Clay Jordan S5 8.31 F2 2nd
22 Dean Kowalski, S39 Dean Kowalski S39 8.29 F3 2nd
23 Stephen Fishbach, S18 Stephen Fishbach S18 8.20 F2 2nd
24 Mike White, S37 Mike White S37 8.19 F3 2nd
Top non-finalists by SurvAv
# Contestant Season SurvAv F2/F3 Plc
1 Terry Deitz, S12 Terry Deitz S12 12.33 F2 3rd
2 Carson Garrett, S44 Carson Garrett** S44 9.31 F3 4th
3 Rafe Judkins, S11 Rafe Judkins S11 9.29 F2 3rd
4 Paschal English, S4 Paschal English* S4 9.07 F2 4th
5 Ian Rosenberger, S10 Ian Rosenberger S10 9.00 F2 3rd
6 Jesse Lopez, S43 Jesse Lopez** S43 8.17 F3 4th
7 Lex van den Berghe, S3, S8 Lex van den Berghe S3 7.67 F2 3rd
8 Boo Bernis, S14 Boo Bernis S14 7.37 F3 5th
9 Rick Devens, Edge of Extinction Rick Devens** S38 7.34 F3 4th
10 Malcolm Freberg, S25 Malcolm Freberg S25 7.31 F3 4th
11 Liz Wilcox, S46 Liz Wilcox** S46 7.08 F3 4th
12 Yau-Man Chan, S14 Yau-Man Chan S14 6.93 F3 4th
13 Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien, Marquesas Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien S4 6.69 F2 3rd
14 Kara Kay, S37 Kara Kay** S37 6.64 F3 4th
15 Devon Pinto, S35 Devon Pinto** S35 6.57 F3 4th
16 Lindsay Dolashewich, S42 Lindsay Dolashewich S42 6.41 F3 5th
16 Maria Shrime Gonzalez, S46 Maria Shrime Gonzalez S46 6.40 F3 5th
17 Brett Clouser, Samoa Brett Clouser S19 6.39 F3 4th
18 Ricard Foyé, S41 Ricard Foyé S41 6.29 F3 5th
19 Lauren Rimmer, S35 Lauren Rimmer S35 6.29 F3 7th
20 Ozzy Lusth, S23 Ozzy Lusth S23 6.27 F3 4th
21 Erik Reichenbach, S16, S26 Erik Reichenbach S16 6.25 F2
22 Rupert Boneham, S8 Rupert Boneham S8 6.11 F2 4th
23 Denise Martin, S15 Denise Martin S15 6.08 F3 4th
24 Darrah Johnson, S7 Darrah Johnson S7 6.06 F2 4th
25 Ashley Underwood, S22 Ashley Underwood S22 6.03 F3 4th
26 Burton Roberts, S7 Burton Roberts S7 5.87 F2 5th
27 Frannie Marin, S44 Frannie Marin S44 5.75 F3 8th
28 Eliza Orlins, S9 Eliza Orlins S9 5.73 F2 4th

Complete through Survivor 46. Click contestant name/picture to view their contestant page.

About the top non-winner and non-finalist scores

We've ranked the winners, and the best. Here are the rest: The non-winning finalists, and the best non-finalists, ranked by Survival Average (SurvAv). The BRobbed G.oddesses, perhaps. We've listed place finished and season type (Final 2 or Final 3) for both groups. For more complete stats, see the scoring data for that specific season (drop-down menu, above). Remember that SurvAv = ChW + wTCR + (6 * JV%), so this is a bit more of an apples-to-apples comparison, since non-finalists don't even have the chance at 1/3 of their score coming from jury votes.

*Important note: Paschal English's score is a bit inflated, since he left the game without being voted against (thank you, purple rock). Also, we had to cut the table off somewhere, but we should note the lowest SurvAv score, ever, by a finalist is: Phillip Sheppard, Redemption Island, with a 2.54 (note that 0.6 of this comes from the jury vote Ralph gave him). That's really something.

**F4 firemaking: Similar to Paschal's inflated scores, people who leave without a vote via F4 firemaking also end up with elevated SurvAv totals. Devon Pinto, Kara Kay, Jesse Lopez, and Carson Garrett had one VAP *total* between them. Rick Devens had more, but had also been voted out once.

  • SurvAv: Calculated by the formula SurvAv = ChW + wTCR + wJV%, or SurvAv = ChW + (2*[VFB / (4+VAP)]x(14/TCA)) + (6*JV%), for a maximal score of around 18-20 after jury votes are counted. (See also the full glossary.)