Largest Performance Below Expected (PBE)

By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 19, 2024

Largest PBE (performance below expected) - Adam Klein, Millennials vs. Gen X


Ken McNickle, S33: Millennials vs. Gen X

See also:

PAE - Performance Above Expected

PBE (performance below expected) - highest scores
Rank Contestant Season PBE NoJ SNoJ JVF ExJ
1 Ken McNickle, Millennials vs Gen X Ken McNickle S33 -55.6% 8.75 15.73 0 5.6
2 Woo Hwang, Cagayan Woo Hwang S28 -44.2% 6.69 12.08 1 5.0
3 Natalie Tenerelli, Redemption Island Natalie Tenerelli S22 -42.8% 6.81 15.91 0 3.9
4 Stephen Fishbach, Tocantins Stephen Fishbach S18 -42.5% 8.20 19.30 0 3.0
5 Mike Skupin, S2, S25 Mike Skupin S25 -37.7% 9.30 18.52 1 4.0
6 Dreamz Herd, Fiji 'Dreamz' Herd S14 -37.6% 6.64 17.64 0 3.4
7 Spencer Bledsoe, Cambodia Spencer Bledsoe S31 -36.3% 5.15 14.19 0 3.6
8 Sugar Kiper, Gabon Sugar Kiper S17 -35.7% 8.13 22.76 0 2.5
9 Amanda Kimmel, Micronesia Amanda Kimmel S15 -35.1% 11.27 22.83 1 3.5
10 Matthew von Ertfelda, S6 Matthew von Ertfelda S6 -33.0% 7.16 15.16 1 3.3
11 Carolyn Wiger, S44 Carolyn Wiger S44 -32.7% 3.50 10.71 0 2.6
12 Russell Hantz, Heroes vs. Villains Russell Hantz S20 -32.4% 5.53 17.05 0 2.9
13 Julie Rosenberg, EoE Julie Rosenberg S38 -31.9% 6.11 19.14 0 4.2
14 Xander Hastings, Survivor 41 Xander Hastings S41 -31.8% 4.24 13.33 0 2.5
15 Laurel Johnson, Ghost Island Laurel Johnson S36 -31.7% 6.69 21.10 0 3.5
16 Noura Salman, IotI Noura Salman S39 -31.7% 5.53 17.45 0 3.2
17 Owen Knight, S43 Owen Knight S43 -31.5% 6.48 20.56 0 2.5
18 Mick Trimming, Samoa Mick Trimming S19 -30.7% 4.42 14.39 0 2.8
19 Stephenie LaGrossa, Guatemala Stephenie LaGrossa S11 -30.6% 6.54 14.55 1 3.1
20 Albert Destrade, South Pacific Albert Destrade S23 -29.9% 6.28 21.01 0 2.7
21 Dawn Meehan, Caramoan Dawn Meehan S26 -29.3% 5.15 17.55 0 2.3
22 Chelsea Meissner, One World Chelsea Meissner S24 -29.3% 6.20 21.16 0 2.6
23 Tai Trang, Kaoh Rong Tai Trang S32 -29.1% 5.05 17.37 0 2.0
24 Sash Lenahan, Nicaragua 'Sash' Lenahan S21 -27.7% 6.70 24.21 0 2.5
25 Gervase Peterson, S27 Gervase Peterson S27 -27.6% 5.09 18.45 0 2.2
26 Cassandra Franklin, Fiji Cassandra Franklin S14 -27.4% 4.84 17.64 0 2.5
27 Boston Rob Mariano, All-Stars Boston Rob Mariano S8 -26.9% 12.67 18.17 3 4.9
28 Kelly Wiglesworth, Borneo Kelly Wiglesworth S1 -26.0% 9.69 14.08 3 4.8
29 Danielle DiLorenzo, Panama-Exile Island Danielle DiLorenzo S12 -25.5% 5.76 10.65 2 3.8
30 Michele Fitzgerald, Winners at War Michele Fitzgerald S40 -25.4% 4.53 17.80 0 4.1
31 Romeo Escobar, S42 Romeo Escobar S42 -25.2% 3.27 12.94 0 2.0
32 Amanda Kimmel, Micronesia Amanda Kimmel S16 -24.7% 9.35 15.03 3 5.0
33 Sue Smey, Survivor 47 Sue Smey S47 -23.8% 4.64 19.52 0 1.9
34 Monica Culpepper, Blood vs. Water Monica Culpepper S27 -23.4% 6.63 18.45 1 2.9
35 Russell Hantz, Samoa Russell Hantz S19 -22.9% 6.49 14.39 2 4.1
36 Becky Lee, Cook Islands Becky Lee S13 -22.8% 5.28 23.11 0 2.1

Complete through Survivor 47. Click contestant name/picture to view their contestant page.

What is PBE?

PBE is pretty much just the bottom half of the PAE chart for finalists. But since it represents the people who underperformed before the jury, we broke it off into a separate table (and listed the scores from the largest underperformance on down to the smallest). In seasons 1-47 there were 52 overperformers (positive PAE score) and 74 underperformers (negative PAE). We've listed only the "bottom" 36 here. Sorry, other barely underperformers (including Brian Heidik, S20 Parvati Shallow, S2 Colby Donaldson, and S13 Ozzy Lusth).

Again, PAE uses the "No jury" score (ChW + wTCR). First, we calculate "expected" jury score (ExJ), which is the number of jurors (TotJ) times the ratio of the player's No jury score (NoJ) divided by the sum of all the NoJ scores of the finalists (SNoJ). Basically, in a jury of the size the player saw, they should receive ExJ votes. ExJ = TotJ * [NoJ/(SNoJ)].

Then, PAE is simply the actual number of votes received (JVF), minus ExJ, then divided by the number of jurors, or:

PAE = (JVF - ExJ)/ TotJ. (PBE is just the subset of PAE scores that are below zero.)

So these are the lowest PAE scores. Our condolences to all those listed. There are many, many reasons you could end up here: (1) You actively antagonized the jurors, daring them not to vote for you; (2) you did fine, the jury just really, really liked one or more of your opponents better; (3) you rode coattails the entire way, and nobody voted for you; or (4) the most popular excuse... bitter jurors. Feel free to choose whichever or as many as you see fit.