Complete through Survivor 47. Click contestant name/picture to view their contestant page.
PBE is pretty much just the bottom half of the PAE chart for finalists. But since it represents the people who underperformed before the jury, we broke it off into a separate table (and listed the scores from the largest underperformance on down to the smallest). In seasons 1-47 there were 52 overperformers (positive PAE score) and 74 underperformers (negative PAE). We've listed only the "bottom" 36 here. Sorry, other barely underperformers (including Brian Heidik, S20 Parvati Shallow, S2 Colby Donaldson, and S13 Ozzy Lusth).
Again, PAE uses the "No jury" score (ChW + wTCR). First, we calculate "expected" jury score (ExJ), which is the number of jurors (TotJ) times the ratio of the player's No jury score (NoJ) divided by the sum of all the NoJ scores of the finalists (SNoJ). Basically, in a jury of the size the player saw, they should receive ExJ votes. ExJ = TotJ * [NoJ/(SNoJ)].
Then, PAE is simply the actual number of votes received (JVF), minus ExJ, then divided by the number of jurors, or:
PAE = (JVF - ExJ)/ TotJ. (PBE is just the subset of PAE scores that are below zero.)
So these are the lowest PAE scores. Our condolences to all those listed. There are many, many reasons you could end up here: (1) You actively antagonized the jurors, daring them not to vote for you; (2) you did fine, the jury just really, really liked one or more of your opponents better; (3) you rode coattails the entire way, and nobody voted for you; or (4) the most popular excuse... bitter jurors. Feel free to choose whichever or as many as you see fit.