VAP is Votes Against the Player, something a
successful player probably tries to avoid, if at all possible.
Even so, some fairly big names, including three winners, made
the career numbers list. We've included the number of times
voted out, for additional perspective. Ties broken first by #
of times voted out, then by Tribals attended.
- Important note: When you think about it,
Phillip's racking up 17 votes against in Redemption
Island, without ever being voted out, is pretty
impressive. Ozzy had to get voted out three times just to
tie that.
- Final two special note: Although we now
give VFB credit to the person at a final three vote who
survives the Tribal Council without actually voting, neither
that person nor the person voted out gets dinged for a VAP
on those autovotes. The person voted out receives a single
VAP, from the physical vote cast by the F3 IC winner.
- Less-important note: It's fun to look
back at the old seasons, when someone could only be voted
out once. Quaint.