Cirie Fields - Survivor: Panama, Survivor: Micronesia, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, Survivor: Game Changers, SurvivorAU: Australia v World

Seasons - US (AU): 4 (1) | Days played: 121 (-) | Wins: 0 (-) | Jury: 3 (-)

  • Survivor 16: Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites (2008) - 3rd place, 18th out - 8th juror.
  • Sent to Exile Island two times (three days total); cumulative time: In-game - 35 days; Exile - 3 days.
  • Voted out in Episode 14, "Stir the Pot!" (Day 38).

  • Survivor 34: Game Changers (2017) - 6th place, 15th out - 8th juror.
  • Idoled out in Episode 14, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" (Day 36).

Cirie Fields on social media: Bluesky | Instagram

Cirie Fields - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S12: Panama 1.71 12.67 0.13 7 3 9 0.77 3.11 - - - 0.91 4.82
S16: Micronesia 0.64 11.80 0.05 11 3 12 0.84 3.38 - - - 0.90 4.02
S20: HvsV 0.23 0.72 0.31 2 3 3 0.63 2.67 - - - 0.94 2.89
S34: Game Changers 0.87 10.31 0.08 4 0 8 0.50 3.50 - - - 0.58 4.37
AU11: AU v World - - - - - - - - - - - NA NA
Career (US only) 3.44 35.50 0.10 24 9 32 0.75 3.38 - - - 0.85 4.24


Cirie Fields - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile



Cirie Fields - Challenge record

Ep3 IC: Battle Dig

Tribal/team challenge record (4-for-14; 3 sit-outs):

  • Panama Ep. 1 IC: "4x4" - Casaya can't finish puzzle, ends up last (4th/4).
  • Panama Ep. 2 RC: "A Reptile Dysfunction" - Crosses obstacles, but Casaya loses.
  • Panama Ep. 2 IC: "Anchor Management" - Helps bail, Casaya loses again.
  • Panama Ep. 3 RC: "Cross Fire" - Launcher for Casaya, but Casaya loses, 5-4.
  • Panama Ep. 3 IC: "Battle Dig" - Scores the first point, assists for another; Casaya wins, 3-2.
  • Panama Ep. 4 RC: "Puzzle Paranoia" - Sits out, as Casaya wins again.
  • Panama Ep. 4 IC: "Sea Level Tree Level" - Pours water in the final bucket; Casaya wins.
  • Panama Ep. 5 RC: "For Cod's Sake" - Middle tosser in the chain; Casaya wins.
  • Panama Ep. 5 IC: "Buried At Sea" - Sits out with Bruce; Casaya loses.
  • Panama Ep. 6 RC/IC: "In-Cog-Neato" - Works the puzzle with Bruce, and Casaya wins.
  • Panama Ep. 8 RC: "Rock the Boat" - Part of the last-place team (3rd/3).
  • Panama Ep. 9 RC: "Get Hooked" - With Danielle, Shane, and Aras, part of the losing team.
  • Panama Ep. 11 RC: "The Key of Sea" - With Shane and Aras, part of the losing team.


Ep10 RC: Voo Doo

Individual challenge record (1-for-9; 1 sit-out): (Mean % finish: 37%)

  • Panama Ep. 7 IC: "Vampire Bats" - First to drop out, at 3 minutes (10th/10).
  • Panama Ep. 8 IC: "Ups and Downs" - One of three out in the first round (tie-7th/9).
  • Panama Ep. 9 IC: "Marine Memory" - Sits out to eat instead (tie-8th/8).
  • Panama Ep. 10 RC: "Voo Doo" - Eliminates several people, and Cirie wins! (1st/7).
  • Panama Ep. 11 RC: "Hold Your Own" -Second to drop out, at 18 minutes (5th/6).
  • Panama Ep. 12 RC: "Second Chance" - Second out, in second round (4th/5).
  • Panama Ep. 12 IC: "Perch" - Ahead of Shane again, but no win (tie-3rd/5).
  • Panama Ep. 13 RC: "Station by Station" - One of three non-winners (tie-2nd/4).
  • Panama Ep. 13 IC: "Puzzle Dig" - Not particularly close to finishing (4th/4).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Panama Ep. 1 RC: "Skull Crush" - Does not participate.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 16
2nd place: 1
Played: 46
Win%: 0.36
Sat out: 7
Individual challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 27
Sat out: 1
Win%: 0.04
Mean% Finish: 40.7%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -


Cirie Fields - Tribal Council record

Ep5 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Panama: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (7/9):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Tina Tina Scheer (voted out, 3-1) Yes
Ep2 Shane Melinda Hyder (voted out, 5-2) -
Ep5 Bob Dawg Bob Dawg Mason (voted out, 3-2-1-1) Yes
Ep7 Nick Nick Stanbury (voted out, 6-4) Yes
Ep8 Austin Austin Carty (voted out, 6-3) Yes
Ep9 Sally Sally Schumann (voted out, 6-2) Yes
Ep11 Courtney Courtney Marit (voted out, 3-2-1) Yes
Ep12 Shane Shane Powers (voted out, 3-1-1) Yes
Ep13 Danielle Cirie Fields (voted out, 2-2; fire) -


VAP - Votes against (3):

  • Panama Ep. 1: One vote, from Tina.
  • Panama Ep. 13: Two votes, from Danielle and Terry (voted out, 2-2; lost at fire-making).


Jury votes made (1/1):

Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 24
Tribals: 32
VAP: 9
Jury votes
Made: 3
For winners: 3
Received: -


Cirie Fields - Pictures
  • Cirie Fields
    Panama intro shot


Cirie Fields - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • Josh Wigler at (2/13/17): "Cirie Fields Is Here to Win By Any Means Necessary"
  • Gordon Holmes at (2/27/17): "Cirie: 'I'm a Game Changer for a Type of Person Who Doesn't Have the Self-Esteem to Come Out Here'"
  • CBS Game Changers pre-game interview (YouTube)


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at (5/25/17): "Cirie relives one of the most shocking exits in Survivor history"
  • Josh Wigler at (5/25/17): "Cirie Fields Breaks Down Her Fourth Season"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (5/25/17): "Survivor: Game Changers Winner & Final 6 Exit Interviews"
  • Gordon Holmes at (5/26/17): "Cirie: '(Sarah) Is a Gangsta in a Cop Suit'"


Thanks to Muneeb Khan (@MUK734) for his help in compiling this list.


Cirie Fields - Bio

From her official CBS Panama bio page:

"Cirie Fields was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey. She attended St. Francis Nursing School in New Castle, Pennsylvania, where she earned her nursing degree. She currently works as an operating room nurse. Her previous occupations include surgical technician, home health aid, working at a candy factory and telemarketing. Fields' proudest accomplishment was becoming a nurse. Her mother is her hero because she raised six kids with nothing and taught her kids many life skills.

Fields swims regularly. Her favorite sports include running and working with a personal trainer. She loves amusement park rides and watching television. She describes herself as funny, charismatic and compassionate. She believes she will be a useful member of the tribe because she is very strong. Fields' skills include the ability to fish, cook and do some carpentry. She believes she will be the Sole Survivor because people love her cute, smiling personality. Her primary motivation for being on the show is to win and to change her family's life. She is proud of the fact that she was disciplined enough to lose 30 pounds once she learned she would be a castaway on the show.

Fields currently resides in Walterboro, South Carolina. She recently married Clarencio and has three sons from a previous marriage. They have one dog, Sam. Her birth date is July 18, 1970."