Becky Lee - Survivor: Cook Islands

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 39 | Wins: 0 | Final Three: 1

  • Survivor 13: Cook Islands (2006) - 3rd place, no jury votes.
  • Received zero jury votes to finish 3rd (5-4-0) in Episode 15, "This Tribe Will Self-Destruct in 5... 4... 3..." (Day 39).

Becky Lee on social media: facebook

Becky Lee - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S13: Cook Islands 2.17 10.57 0.21 9 5 9 0.99 3.11 0 9 0.00 1.20 5.28
Career 2.17 10.57 0.21 9 5 9 0.99 3.11 0 9 0.00 1.20 5.28


Becky Lee - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Becky Lee - Challenge record
S13 logo  S13: Cook Islands challenges

Ep6 RC - Kicking and Screaming

Tribal/team challenge record (11-for-14):

  • Cook Islands Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Lock and Load Light" - Puka wins! (1st/4).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Tow the Line" - Puka wins again! (tie-1st/4).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 3 IC: "Steeple Chase" - Now with new Aitu, drops out with the other women, and Aitu loses.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 4 RC: "Strung Along" - Passed along, Aitu wins!
  • Cook Islands Ep. 4 IC: "Mayday" - Part of the fire-building group, and thanks to Cao Boi, Aitu wins again..
  • Cook Islands Ep. 5 RC: "Never Tear Us Apart" - Paired with Cao Boi, one of two Aitu loaders, but eventually, Aitu loses.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 5 IC: "United We Stand" - Passed across the top of the poles, and eventually, Aitu wins.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 6 RC: "Kicking and Screaming" - With Flica, pulls Raros off their poles; Aitu wins.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 8 RC: "Smash and Grab" - Works the puzzle with Penner, as Aitu wins again.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 8 IC: "Stairway to Heaven" - One of Aitu's puzzle-doers, but Raro passes Aitu on it; Aitu loses.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 9 RC: "Barrel of Monkeys" - Rides in the barrel with Sundra; Aitu wins!
  • Cook Islands Ep. 9 IC: "Depth Charge" - Aids with Yul's superior targeting system, and Aitu wins again.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 10 RC: "Make Your Point" - Paired with Ozzy, and once again, Aitu wins.
  • Cook Islands Ep. 10 IC: "South Pacific" - One of Aitu's four swimmers, Aitu wins one last one.


Compass Ropes - Final 5 IC

Individual challenge record (0-for-7): (Mean % Finish: 42.2%)

  • Cook Islands Ep. 11 IC:, "Mast Cling On" - Seventh to drop out, after 90 minutes (3rd/9).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 12 IC: "Recollection" - Eliminated in the first round (bottom 5/8).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 13 RC: "Pass the Bucket" - Teamed with her sister, not among the leaders (bottom 4/7).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 13 IC: "Flotsam & Jetsam" - Did not finish collecting her sticks, so somewhere in the bottom five (bottom 5/7).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 14 RC: "Mud Run" - Tied with Sundra for last place (tie-5th/6).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 14 IC: "Cannonball Run" - Collects two bundles (4th/6).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 15 F5 IC: "Compass Ropes" - Does not win (bottom 4/5).
  • Cook Islands Ep. 15 F4 IC: "Self-Destruction" - First out, 45 minutes in (4th/4).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Cook Islands: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 11
Played: 14
Win%: 0.79
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 7
Win%: 0.00
Mean% Finish: 42.2%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Becky Lee - Tribal Council record
S13 logo  S13: Cook Islands Tribal

Final Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Panama: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (9/9):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep3 Cecilia Cecilia Mansilla (voted out, 5-3) Yes
Ep6 Cao Boi Cao Boi Bui (voted out, 6-1-1) Yes
Ep7 Flica Jessica 'Flica' Smith (voted out, 6-1) Yes
Ep11 Nate Nate Gonzalez (voted out, 5-4) Yes
Ep12 Candice Candice Woodcock (voted out, 5-3) Yes
Ep13 Penner Jonathan Penner (voted out, 6-1) Yes
Ep14 Parvati Parvati Shallow (voted out, 4-2) Yes
Ep15 (F5) Adam Adam Gentry (voted out, 4-1) Yes
Ep15 (F4) Sundra Sundra Oakley (voted out, 2-2; fire) Yes


VAP - Votes against (5):

  • Cook Islands, Ep. 3: Three votes, from Ozzy, Sundra, and Cecilia.
  • Cook Islands, Ep. 15 (Final 4 vote): Two votes, from Ozzy and Sundra (won fire-starting tie-breaker... eventually).


Jury votes received (0/9):

  • Cook Islands, Ep. 14: Received no jury votes, to finish in 3rd place, 5-4-0.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 9
Tribals: 9
VAP: 5
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: 0
Total jurors: 9
Becky Lee - Pictures
S13 logo  S13: Cook Islands image gallery
  • Becky Lee S13
    Cook Islands intro shot
  • Becky Lee S13
    Cook Islands intro shot
  • Becky Lee S13
    Bonus Cook Islands intro shot
  • Becky Lee S13
    Paddling with Puka, opening minutes
  • Becky Lee S13
    More paddling, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Working the puzzle, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    More Puka puzzle, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Puka, about to win the Ep1 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Puka wins! Ep1 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Listening to Probst, post-Ep1 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Winning Pukas, post-Ep1 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Talking about Puka's chicken-catching exploits, early Ep2
  • Becky Lee S13
    Puka pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Crossing the rope bridge, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Puka working the puzzle, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Welcoming Yul back from Exile Island, pre-Ep3 swap
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ready to swap tribes, Ep3
  • Becky Lee S13
    Now with Aitu, Ep3
  • Becky Lee S13
    Time for hugs!
  • Becky Lee S13
    Starting an early alliance with Candice, Ep3
  • Becky Lee S13
    More alliance discussion with Candice, Ep3
  • Becky Lee S13
    Comparing alliance news with Yul, Ep3
  • Becky Lee S13
    With new Aitu, ready for the Ep3 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Already out, cheering on the guys, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    New Aitu attends their first Tribal Council, Ep3
  • Becky Lee S13
    Picking up votes against, Ep3, Thanks a lot, Ozzy and Sundra.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Getting strung along, Ep4 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    New Aitu works its puzzle, Ep4 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    New Aitu wins! Ep4 RC (Also bonus Aitu Four foreshadowing)
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ready to start a fire, eventually, Ep4 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    With Sundra and Cao Boi, fire actually started, Ep4 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Time for even more hugs, Ep4 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Deep discussions at Aitu, Ep5
  • Becky Lee S13
    Loading up Raros with weight, Ep5 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu sans exiled Penner, post-Ep5 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    The Aitu Four (plus Candice, minus Ozzy) begins to form, Ep5
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Waiting to follow Flica, Ep5 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu, about to win, Ep5 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Victory is theirs! Ep5 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    More hugs, of course
  • Becky Lee S13
    Starting line, Ep6 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    With Flica, pulling Jenny off her pole, Ep6 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Dragging Cristina, Ep6 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu wins again, Ep6 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Talking strategy with Yul, Ep6
  • Becky Lee S13
    Getting ready to vote out a poorly prepared Cao Boi, Ep6 Tribal
  • Becky Lee S13
    Listening to Ozzy, Ep6 Tribal
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu gorges on lamb, while Raro starts their Tribal, Ep6
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu learns they get to kidnap a Raro, Ep6 Tribal
  • Becky Lee S13
    Oh, yay. Nate's here now.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    (Chilly) starting line, Ep7 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu wins! Ep7 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Sure, Ozzy... we'll eat the bird you caught. Whatever. Ep7
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu climbs its staircase, Ep7 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu's unsuccessful puzzle team, Ep7 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Not happy with Aitu's performance today, Ep7
  • Becky Lee S13
    Hearing out Penner's pitch to boot Flica, Ep7
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu, Ep7 Tribal
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu, in the process of losing two more people, Ep9 mutiny
  • Becky Lee S13
    Sad trombone
  • Becky Lee S13
    So unloved
  • Becky Lee S13
    Oh well, out of the frying pan, in to the rolling barrel (with Sundra). Ep9 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Tiny Aitu, about to win. Ep9 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    The winners, exiling Candice. Ep9 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Well, that mutiny seemed to work out okay. Post-Ep9 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu at their Ep9 reward
  • Becky Lee S13
    Enjoying the letters/pictures from home, Ep9 reward
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu, ready to go, Ep9 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ready... aim... Ep9 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Another win, Ep9 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Random camp shot, Ep10
  • Becky Lee S13
    The Aitu Four, backs to the wall again, pre-Ep10 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Compass Points puzzling with Yul, Ep10 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Another Aitu win, Ep10 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu arrives for its village getaway reward, Ep10
  • Becky Lee S13
    Getting to narrate the Ep10 reward
  • Becky Lee S13
    Cheers! Ep10 reward
  • Becky Lee S13
    Starting line, Ep10 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu works the puzzle, Ep10 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Oh no, Rebecca might eventually finish her leg of the Ep10 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Never mind.
  • Becky Lee S13
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu, about to become Aitutonga, Ep11 merge
  • Becky Lee S13
    Yay. Merge.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Merge feast; Parvati being Parvati.
  • Becky Lee S13
    More merge feast
  • Becky Lee S13
    Color guard duty, with Penner.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Post-merge idol talk with Yul.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu 4ever.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Holding onto a pole, Ep11 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Exchanging knowing glances with Sundra. Ep11
  • Becky Lee S13
    Feeling pretty safe, Ep11 Tribal Council
  • Becky Lee S13
    Tough luck, Nate. Ep11 Tribal.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Auction time, Ep12
  • Becky Lee S13
    This exile's for you, Candice.
  • Becky Lee S13
    With Sundra, feeling grumpy about Penner, post-auction Ep12
  • Becky Lee S13
    More Penner-bashing, Ep12
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Watching the second round from the bench, Ep12 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Not eating with/feeding the former Raros, Ep12
  • Becky Lee S13
    Giving jury management advice to Yul, Ep12
  • Becky Lee S13
    And... Parvati just chopped her thumb, Ep13
  • Becky Lee S13
    Describing Parvati's chopped thumb, Ep13
  • Becky Lee S13
    Greeting her sister, Ep13 RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ready to go, Ep13 loved ones RC
  • Becky Lee S13
    With Ozzy, not pleased with the loved ones camp invasion, Ep13
  • Becky Lee S13
    Hiding the food, Ep13
  • Becky Lee S13
    Greeting the returning Sundra, post-reward
  • Becky Lee S13
    Um, no... but we may have hid some food
  • Becky Lee S13
    That was awkward
  • Becky Lee S13
    Starting line, Ozzy's great challenge run (here, Ep13 IC)
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ep13 Tribal, ready to vote out Penner
  • Becky Lee S13
    Aitu Four, still solid, Ep14
  • Becky Lee S13
    Treemail time, Ep14
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ready to get muddy, Ep14
  • Becky Lee S13
    Muddy discussions with Sundra, back at camp
  • Becky Lee S13
    Yeah, seems like a good time for a confessional
  • Becky Lee S13
    Cleaned up, waiting for the rewardees to return
  • Becky Lee S13
    Checking in with the freshly returned Yul, trying to alert him to the Ozzy threat
  • Becky Lee S13
    Double-checking with Yul and Sundra, Ep14
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Getting close to last place, Ep14 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ep14 Tribal Council
  • Becky Lee S13
    Still here. Ep15
  • Becky Lee S13
    About to head out to the F5 IC, Ep15
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pre-challenge lineup, F5 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Starting line, F5 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Everybody working puzzles, F5 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    And now, the Aitu Four are the Final Four, Ep15
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ready for Rites of Passage and the final IC, Ep15
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pretend paddling, Ep15
  • Becky Lee S13
    Well. THOSE won't be going up on eBay.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pre-challenge lineup, F4 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Self-destruction, Ep15 F4 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Still in it...
  • Becky Lee S13
    ...and out. F4 IC
  • Becky Lee S13
    Going over options with Sundra, Ep15
  • Becky Lee S13
    On board with the tie vote scenario, Ep15
  • Becky Lee S13
    Final four Tribal Council
  • Becky Lee S13
    Pre-emptive sigh...
  • Becky Lee S13
    Well, this is fun
  • Becky Lee S13
    Survivor's first Final Three.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Finale/reunion, ready for the final vote read.
  • Becky Lee S13
    Ooh, this is close! (Except for Becky)
  • Becky Lee S13
    Cook Islands finale/reunion show
  • Becky Lee S13
    Cook Islands reunion show
Becky Lee - Interviews
S13 logo  S13: Cook Islands interviews

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Eric Goldman at (12/19/06): "Exclusive Survivor: Cook Islands Interview: Becky Lee"
Becky Lee - Bio
S13 logo  S13: Cook Islands bio

From her official CBS Survivor: Cook Islands bio page: (8/23/06)

"Born to South Korean immigrants in Flushing, New York, Rebekah 'Becky' Lee was raised in the suburbs of Pittsburgh. She attended Thomas Jefferson High School where she played varsity tennis all four years and did international volunteer work in several developing countries.

Lee received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in women's studies from the University of Michigan. While at Michigan, she was an active member of Alpha Kappa Psi and the Women's Boxing team. Lee continued on to receive her Juris Doctorate Degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. While there, she was elected president of the Asian Law Students Association and was involved with Pitt Law Women's Association and Pittsburgh Asian American Young Professional Association.

Interested in the prevention of domestic violence, she has been working on issues concerning domestic violence survivors over the last eight years as a policy associate and attorney. She is also passionate about creating awareness of the specific needs of battered immigrant women, such as language access and cultural competency. She has previously worked as a kickboxing instructor, policy associate and legal intern.

Lee enjoys playing competitive sports, doing hot yoga, traveling to warm climates and going out with her girlfriends. Her favorite sport is football, and she especially loves watching her two favorite teams, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Michigan Wolverines. She regularly plays flag football and tennis. She is most proud of passing the bar exam. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

Lee currently resides in Washington, D.C. Her birth date is September 11, 1977."