Lowest MPF, individual challenges - career

By: Jeff Pitman | Last updated: June 19, 2024

Lowest mean % finish, career - Ciera Eastin, S27, S31, S34


Ciera Eastin: S27, S31, S34

See also:

Low MPF - Season

Lowest MPF, career (min. 2 ChA in 2 seasons)
Rank Contestant Season MPF ChA
1 Ciera Eastin, Blood vs. Water, Cambodia Ciera Eastin S27, S31, S34 34.2% 12
2 Phillip Sheppard, Redemption Island, Caramoan Phillip Sheppard S22, S26 35.2% 13
3 Sandra Diaz-Twine, Pearl Islands, HvsV Sandra Diaz-Twine S7, S20, S34, S40 39.2% 20
4 Cirie Fields, Panama, Micronesia, HvsV Cirie Fields S13, S16, S20, S34 40.5% 27
5 Debbie Wanner, Kaoh Rong, Game Changers Debbie Wanner S32, S34 41.7% 6
6 Stephen Fishbach, Tocantins, Cambodia Stephen Fishbach S18, S31 42.1% 19
7 Jenna Lewis, Borneo, All-Stars Jenna Lewis S1, S8 42.3% 14
8 Abi-Maria Gomes, Philippines, Cambodia Abi-Maria Gomes S25, S31 44.3% 19
9 Zeke Smith, MvGX, Game Changers Zeke Smith S33, S34 47.8% 10
10 Danielle DiLorenzo, Panama, HvsV Danielle DiLorenzo S12, S20 47.8% 12
11 Alicia Calaway, S2, S8 Alicia Calaway S2, S8 48.3% 8
12 Tina Wesson, S2, S8, S27 Tina Wesson S2, S8, S27 48.5% 16
13 James Clement, S15, S16, S20 James Clement S15, S16, S20 48.8% 11

Complete through Survivor 46. Click contestant name/picture to view their contestant page.

Lowest MPF - putting the "mean" in Mean % Finish

You've seen the best MPF performers, now here's the rest.

As it turns out, it's really, really difficult to achieve a truly low score in MPF. While any garden-variety challenge beast can score a perfect 1.000 by simply winning, the only way to get all the way down to zero is to sit out completely from an individual challenge. (Even 40 seasons in, the producers generally frown on this.) Even finish last every time, your score gets progressively higher the longer you stick around: 0.10 for last out of 10 ten people, 0.20 for last out of five. And if you have the misfortune of appearing in, say, a puzzle challenge - where one person wins and the rest tie for second? Well, then your score for not winning shoots all the way up to around 0.50. So reaching the levels of these hallowed low scores takes some considerable effort.

Here, we present the all-time lowest-ranking career individual challenge performers. Please take a moment to appreciate their majesty. Everyone listed here made the minimum cutoff of appearing in at least two individual challenges in each of at least two seasons.

  • MPF: Mean % finish - mean of all % finishes in individual challenges. Essentially how close the contestant comes to winning any random challenge (1.00 is a win; 1/[# of participants] is last place).
  • ChA: Challenge Appearances. The number of challenges in which they competed.