True Dork Times - Archives

May, 2019

The dog that didn't bark until the finale
Jeff Pitman's Survivor: Edge of Extinction recaps
Episode 14: The dog that didn't bark until the finale

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 21, 2019

Chris Underwood carved an impressive course through the Edge of Extinction finale to win the million dollars, so why was he virtually invisible for the entire rest of the season? Jeff explores this question, along with a final verdict on the Edge format, a Survivor records update, and a peek at next season.

Kaiser Island - Edge of Extinction
Episode 14: Defeat everybody else

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: May 18, 2019

Well, it finally happened. Edge of Extinction is finally extinct. So it's time to put a tiny Wardog cap on the season, as Ryan revisits Chris's 5-day march to victory, and the ultimate irrelevance of the 13 episodes that preceded it.

It's Kind of a Funny Story - Edge of Extinction
Episode 14: The theme is not on trial

By Dan Otsuki | Published: May 17, 2019

Dan Otsuki returns from being in law school isolation since Episode 4 to weigh in on the out-of-nowhere surprise ending of Edge of Extinction. Is Survivor still Survivor when a winning game is played over four episodes?

The Golden Ticket - Edge of Extinction
Episode 13: Is Rick really Ben 2.0?

By Ben Martell | Published: May 14, 2019

Ben asks whether it's fair to compare Rick Devens's idol- and immunity-strewn end-run in Edge of Extinction to Ben Driebergen's miraculous saved-by-an-idol streak in Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers, and explores how the show needs to adjust to re-balance the importance of the social game.

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: Edge of Extinction recaps
Pre-Episode 14: Jury Jeopardy: EoE

By Ryan Kaiser and Jeff Pitman | Published: May 13, 2019

The True Dork Times writers once again anticipate a Survivor finale by forecasting the jurors' preferences, this time for Edge of Extinction. Wow, sixteen people are still potentially in the game? That's ... a lot.

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: Edge of Extinction recaps
Episode 13: The path not taken

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 12, 2019

As the Survivor fanbase fights over the mostly irrelevant question of whether Rick's idol bluff affected the vote, a better topic for debate is: Was targeting Aurora a good idea for Victoria and Gavin? Here's the case for why it wasn't.

Kaiser Island - Edge of Extinction
Episode 13: Not living on the Edge tonight

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: May 10, 2019

Ryan revisits an episode that mostly just recycled the usual idol antics, as the finale clock ticked down, and imagines a time better spent: With lots of Reem. Lots and lots of Reem. (Also some Aurora and Lauren, but mostly Reem.)

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: Edge of Extinction recaps
Episode 12: Death by 1000 shows: The edit vs. Rick Devens

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 5, 2019

In which Jeff explores how Rick Devens is the latest example of a larger-than-life Survivor character who presents the editors with a dilemma: Show more of him, and risk irritating fans by overexposure, or show less of him, and worry the show becomes less entertaining to watch?

Kaiser Island - Edge of Extinction
Episode 12: Thanks for the honeymoon

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: May 3, 2019

Ryan recaps a tear-soaked episode of Survivor: Edge of Extinction: From the tear at the bottom of Ron's advantage menu, to the contestants' tears of enduring Probst's talk-show questioning with their loved ones, to the salty splashes on the loved ones in the challenge, to Ryan's own tears at the Reem vs. Wardog showdown at the Edge being cut for time.


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