By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 23, 2018
Jeff celebrates the successes of the David vs. Goliath season, then looks ahead to see how to replicate that triumph: examining new trends in jury voting patterns, the role of luck in the success of a Survivor season, some good international twists to add to the whiteboard, some new-ish twists to avoid Pagonging, and uh ... well, it's a lot.
By Ryan Kaiser | Published: December 22, 2018
Ryan bids a fond farewell to a great season, and makes as many fireworks as possible, as one should. Chief among them: His choice for Player of the Season, which is of course 100% correct. Deal with it.
By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 17, 2018
With six players remaining, three True Dork Times writers (Pat Ferrucci, Ryan Kaiser, and Jeff Pitman) unite to forecast the outcome of the Survivor: David vs. Goliath jury's vote on the final three. Who will win the million? And more importantly, will we out-predict Survivor scribes from other sites?
By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 16, 2018
As the sun sets on the scrappy little season that overcame the oversized skepticism surrounding its theme, Jeff ponders which of the six remaining Survivor: David vs. Goliath contestants has the best chance to win, now that Christian has joined the jury.
By Ryan Kaiser | Published: December 15, 2018
Ryan negotiates his way through the twists and turns of a convoluted but ultimately shocking final boot before the David vs. Goliath finale. Chock full of tricks, frenemies, revenge, God, and of course... balls.
By Pat Ferrucci | Published: December 14, 2018
As the season finale looms, and the winner's landscape now lacks Christian's Goliath presence, Pat tries to discern which of the six David vs. Goliath contestants remaining are the frontrunners to win, might have a chance, or have no chance.
By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 10, 2018
Jeff looks at how, idols and immunities aside, a constantly shifting jury size and final vote schedule makes discerning the correct time to make a move nearly impossible, even for the most game-aware players. Plus the role of idol plays in jury votes, and strategy vs. emotion.
By Ryan Kaiser | Published: December 7, 2018
Ryan ponders the relative merits of going Big (Move) AND going home, crapshoot (lack of) movement to win reward, not moving at all to win immunity, and hiding your movements so as not to become a target, as seen in Episode 12 of David vs. Goliath.
By Pat Ferrucci | Published: December 6, 2018
Pat finds similarities between Gabby's big (attempted) move and the concept of image restoration theory, and finds it applies generally to the recent emphasis on making Big Moves, not just in Survivor: David vs. Goliath.
By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 3, 2018
Survivor's two-hour double episode didn't really have a unifying theme, apart from a whole lot of focus on Christian. Which is fine, we'll run with that: Is Christian winning this season, or will he be the tragic hero who falls just short?
By Ryan Kaiser | Published: December 1, 2018
Ryan looks back on two hours of David vs. Goliath that delivered in so many ways: yoga, tips, dunks, drunks, Godfathers, drunk Godfathers, eggs, and dings. Or possibly bings, depending on your perceptions.
By Pat Ferrucci | Published: December 1, 2018
Pat looks at the academic concept of interpersonal trust, and how it applies in Survivor, particularly as both a currency and a weapon, as seen in Episodes 10 and 11 of Survivor: David vs. Goliath.