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Jeff Pitman's Palau rewatch recaps
Episodes 13-14: Straight to the top

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 23, 2021

The final two episodes of Survivor: Palau play out in precisely the way you would have expected: Tom wins three immunities, the people who aren't Ian and Katie are voted out, and then Tom wins the jury vote vs. Katie. There are a few bumps along the way, but it's as expected. Here's a look back at his win and the season.

Jeff Pitman's Palau rewatch recaps
Episodes 11-12: You wanted strategy? We'll make you pay

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 19, 2021

The thing to remember about Survivor: Palau is, despite the social-strategic game the show has belatedly embraced, it always wanted to be this type of season: One in which an alpha-male leader is good in challenges, and people just let him stick around and win because he's so awesome. That appears to be the only explanation for the unforced errors by people not named Tom in Episodes 11-12.

Jeff Pitman's Palau rewatch recaps
Episodes 9-10: The case for Coby

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 13, 2021

As the (non-) merge comes and goes on Survivor: Palau, things are changing: Stephenie is now on Koror! Everything else, though, is pretty much the same. Tom's group stays in charge, the people on the bottom of Koror are voted out or are encouraged to quit. There are probably other plans going on, but you really have to dig to find or remember them.

Jeff Pitman's Palau rewatch recaps
Episodes 7-8: So long, Ulong (at long last)

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 7, 2021

It's over. It's finally over. The long, slow decimation of Ulong comes to its inevitable conclusion in Episodes 7-8 of Survivor: Palau. Sadly, this drawn-out execution comes across on TV as, well, long and slow. Koror scores a clean sweep of tribal immunity. Yay. But at least the actual game can start now, right?


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