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February, 2021

Idols ascendant  
Jeff Pitman's Samoa rewatch recaps
Episodes 9-10: Idols ascendant

By Jeff Pitman | Published: February 8, 2021

The crux of Survivor: Samoa, the point at which the balance of power flips from Galu to Foa Foa, comes in Episodes 9 and 10. First Russell Hantz plays his idol correctly, idoling out Kelly Sharbaugh, then Laura Morett fails to win immunity, freeing up Shambo to officially flip (and Fincher to follow her). Hantz finds two idols in this span, the first with extremely suspect provenance, but in the end, it's not the idols that are interesting, it's that people are finally willing to look past original tribe alliances.

Jeff Pitman's Samoa rewatch recaps
Episodes 7-8: The bounce-back begins

By Jeff Pitman | Published: February 8, 2021

The fate of the Foa Foa tribe feels its grimmest at the end of Episode 7 of Survivor: Samoa, but the foursome somehow find a way to avoid receiving votes at the next episode's merge Tribal Council, despite none of them being immune. It's the start of a reversal of fortunes, and it happens despite all Russell's schemes falling flat, him misplaying an idol, and being out of the loop as the merge boot was set up.

Jeff Pitman's Samoa rewatch recaps
Episodes 5-6: The storm

By Jeff Pitman | Published: February 4, 2021

There's a dark cloud hanging over Episodes 5-6 of Survivor: Samoa, one filled with foreboding for Galu. But also, mostly, rain. Almost all of which ends up on the contestants, crippling the first episode's post-IC scrambling, then taking away one contestant's shot at the game in the next episode. A look at what Survivor learned from this, and what could have been.


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