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December, 2022

Everything's ending here

Episode 13: Everything's ending here

Survivor 43 Episode 13 Recap/ analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 20, 2022

A surprising ending to Survivor 43 confounded the audience, although it probably shouldn't have (which we'll recap). Either way, there are structural changes the show should consider making soon, which we'll also go through. Feel free to forward these (and your own) to the SurvivorShoutOut email bin.

Looking back on 43 - Brent Sullivan's Survivor 43, Episode 13 analysis

Episode 13: Looking back on 43

Survivor 43 Episode 13 recap/ analysis

By Brent Sullivan | Published: December 19, 2022

With the Survivor 43 finale and aftershow in the rearview, Brent takes stock of five key scenes during the season that correctly forecast long-term important points, along with one that seemed predictive, but was misleading.

An enigma - Kaiser Island, S43

Episode 13: An enigma

Survivor 43 Episode 13 Recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: December 16, 2022

Ryan tries to make sense of a confusing Survivor 43 finale, one that cut its main characters before the final three. Then he throws those attempts in a swiftly-made fire, crowns a Player of the Season, and looks ahead to a rock-loving 44 pre-fave.

Stats (some meaningless) for a finale - Screaming at the Screen, Survivor 43

Episode 13: Stats (some meaningless) for a finale

Survivor 43 Episode 13 recap/ analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: December 15, 2022

Well, Survivor 43 is certainly over. Damnbueno rolls out his reactions to the action as it unfolds, and his immediate attempts to understand the ending. (It's mostly jaw-dropped Jeanine face.)

Dawn of a new champion

Episode 12: Dawn of a new champion

Survivor 43 Episode 12 Recap/ analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 13, 2022

After 11 episodes of working from the shadows, Jesse finally decloaked and made a potentially game-winning move in front of everyone in Episode 12 of Survivor 43. It's still not a sure thing, despite having the protection of an idol, thanks to forced final four firemaking (which was supposed to save good players), but it was a thriller of a move and an episode as a whole.

Top five, baby! - Brent Sullivan's Survivor 43, Episode 12 analysis

Episode 12: Top five, baby!

Survivor 43 Episode 12 recap/ analysis

By Brent Sullivan | Published: December 12, 2022

It's that time of year, when the column title is the same as the column name, and Brent looks at the top five (baby) of Survivor 43 in his final pre-finale column, and projects which of the quintet has the best chances of getting that money (baby, also).

Sugar cracked out - Kaiser Island, S43

Episode 12: Sugar cracked out

Survivor 43 Episode 12 Recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: December 11, 2022

While Ryan lost another favorite character in Episode 12's epic blindside, he's excited to see how the Survivor 43 finale turns out, and indulges in his semi-annual predictions of how the season's end might unfold.

This is why I LOVE Survivor! - Screaming at the Screen, Survivor 43

Episode 12: This is why I LOVE Survivor!

Survivor 43 Episode 12 recap/ analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: December 8, 2022

Survivor 43's second-to-last episode features plans on top of plans on top of plans, and Damnbueno is excited about every last second of it, particularly including Jesse's glorious double idol-flushing (neither his own) pièce de résistance.

The comic relief before the storm

Episode 11: The comic relief before the storm

Survivor 43 Episode 11 Recap/ analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: December 6, 2022

Finally, thankfully, Episode 11 of Survivor 43 departed from the already well-worn patterns of its two preceding seasons, and ditched the "Do or Die" twist, albeit replacing it with a new advantage. But at least that advantage was minimally destructive, and featured a humorous free-for-all camp search, which was mostly played for laughs.

Plots + schemes + underdogs = fireworks? - Brent Sullivan's Survivor 43, Episode 11 analysis

Episode 11: Plots + schemes + underdogs = fireworks?

Survivor 43 Episode 11 recap/ analysis

By Brent Sullivan | Published: December 5, 2022

Brent looks at all the still-unresolved scheming and plotting in Episode 11 of Survivor 43, notes the well-stocked armory of unplayed idols, and puts a massive firework display at the top of his pre-finale wishlist.

In deep water - Kaiser Island, S43

Episode 11: In deep water

Survivor 43 Episode 11 Recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: December 2, 2022

Ryan laments the Episode 11 surround-and-drown-ing of one the more dynamic players of Survivor 43, leaving a looming power struggle and a bunch of politeness and forced analogies at Tribal plus maybe five or six more advantages.

The agony of the follow-up - Screaming at the Screen, Survivor 43

Episode 11: The agony of the follow-up

Survivor 43 Episode 11 recap/ analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: December 1, 2022

Damnbueno runs through Episode 11, which follows his favorite episode of the season, and celebrates Survivor 43 ditching Do or Die in favor of a clean Final Seven vote, but then notes the show backslides into a possible Advantagegeddon redux in the process.


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