True Dork Times - Archives

January, 2022

As other Casayas sink, Cirie rises

Episodes 10-12: As other Casayas sink, Cirie rises

Survivor: Panama Rewatch recap/analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: January 29, 2022

With the La Mina numbers stripped to just the always-immune Terry, the Casaya alliance is forced to start eating its own over Episodes 10-12. Bruce's medevac delays that first vote, but when it happens, it's spectacular, thanks to the strategic prowess of one Cirie Fields.

Decimation and frustration

Episodes 8-9: Decimation and frustration

Survivor: Panama Rewatch recap/analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: January 22, 2022

As the La Mina stragglers get picked off in Survivor: Panama - Exile Island, there's very little going on strategically. Luckily, Cirie is still here to keep things watchable, but apart from her brief scenes, it's just a slow-motion car crash as Terry glacially contemplates, then decides against, playing his idol for his departing allies.

Fun in the Philippines - Kaiser Island

Episodes 1-16: Fun in the Philippines

SA: Philippines Recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: January 20, 2022

Some people demonstrate their commitment to the game by eating an entire idol clue. For his part, Ryan instead watches the entire SurvivorSA: Philippines (2018) season, recaps it and sings its many praises, then lists his favorites to return in the upcoming SurvivorSA: Return of the Outcasts.


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