True Dork Times - Archives

July, 2022

Blown up by tribe swaps - Kaiser Island

Week 2: Blown up by tribe swaps

SA: Return of the Outcasts Episodes 5-8 recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: July 29, 2022

It was a week of well-executed blindsides, underdog comebacks falling short, color-filled swaps and shocking medevacs that were not actually medevacs but still ended in shocks. A massive four-pack of Survivor SA, and Ryan has all the action recapped and stan stars dispersed.

I was hoping I wasn't Uranus - Kaiser Island

Week 1: I was hoping I wasn't Uranus

SA: Return of the Outcasts Episodes 1-4 recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: July 22, 2022

Ryan has enjoyed, absorbed, and now thrown stars at (you'll see) the first four hours/three boots of Survivor South Africa's super-sized, first-ever returning player season, Return of Outcasts. Who will claim fandom's ultimate stan crown? (2 million rand not included in (figurative) crown.)


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