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May, 2020

Thoughts from the Edge  
The Baker's Dozen - S40
Episode 14: Thoughts from the Edge

By Andy Baker | Published: May 20, 2020

Now that the king of Survivor has been crowned, Andy looks ahead to what shape the future of Survivor will take, if or when it continues. Which parts of the game need retooling, what twists should stay, and, wait ... teenagers?

It's Kind of a Funny Story - S40
Episode 14: All hail the king

By Dan Otsuki | Published: May 20, 2020

Dan is back with his end-of-season assessment of Winners at War, praise for the winner of winners and the runners-up, and hopes that the show can fix some its current flaws during its downtime.

Jeff Pitman's recaps - S40
Episode 14: The friends they made along the way

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 19, 2020

The Winners are finally no longer at War, and the season finished on a high note, and one surprisingly steeped in emotion. A solid finale that reaffirmed the core Survivor game, with a well-earned win from an entertaining winner who somehow played an even better game this time around.

Top Five, Baby! - S40
Episode 14: Top One, Baby!

By Brent Sullivan | Published: May 17, 2020

With a salute to the new two-time champion, Brent wraps up his Winners at War watch with a look back at five previously flagged key items from earlier in the season that ended up indeed being a big part of the story (plus a miss).

Kaiser Island - S40
Episode 14: Take it all in

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: May 15, 2020

The War of Winners ends on a high note, in what could be the last Survivor finale for a while. Ryan celebrates the season's emotional end and its embrace of its past champions, with hopefully more to come. A finale that was grand, even if it's not the grand finale.

The Baker's Dozen - S40
Episode 13: Perception is everything

By Andy Baker | Published: May 12, 2020

As the dawn of the Winners at War finale approaches, Andy casts his gaze on perceptions: How these contestants are viewed by themselves, their competitors, the jury, and the audience, and what that means for their respective chances at a $2 million victory.

Jeff Pitman's recaps - S40
Episode 13: Ending Edge of Extinction

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 11, 2020

With Edge of Extinction and fire tokens both (mostly) ending this episode, Jeff takes this pre-finale opportunity to assess their impact, what should be kept (hint: only one), and potential improvements in their execution. Hopefully leading to a bright, distraction-free conclusion to Winners at War.

Top Five, Baby! - S40
Episode 13: Top Five! (Maybe ... one more as well)

By Brent Sullivan | Published: May 10, 2020

Now that Winners at War has reached its (initial) final five, Brent assesses each of their games and chances of becoming the re-winning Winner. Plus a bonus look at some other contenders.

Kaiser Island - S40
Episode 13: Funeral march

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: May 8, 2020

The end of Winners at War is nigh, and this week, Ryan is turning the episode's penultimate steps into a pathway to that end for the remaining five players, plus the two thousand jury members/people on the Edge.

The Baker's Dozen - S40
Episode 12: All Along the Watchtower

By Andy Baker | Published: May 5, 2020

There are still two big episodes to go, but Andy is calling his Winners at War shot now: We are watching a virtuoso performance by a unicorn, someone who uniquely combines different Survivor talents, then shapes and performs them in a fiery, string-bending anthem. Andy runs through the many movements involved.

Well, in theory... - S40
Episode 12: How about some power rankings heading into the end game?

By Pat Ferrucci | Published: May 4, 2020

After an unplanned hiatus, Pat returns to speed through some catch-up communication theory takes on (and praise for) the season so far, then to assess the state of the game looking ahead for the final seven (and Edge players).

Jeff Pitman's recaps - S40
Episode 12: The long and the short of challenges

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 4, 2020

This episode featured a stark contrast between a grueling Edge of Extinction task and a spectacularly short 'endurance' immunity challenge. That probably wasn't by accident, and was probably intended to boost the audience's opinion of the Edge. Sigh.

Top Five, Baby! - S40
Episode 12: Strained relationships, strained arms, and strained Tribal trends

By Brent Sullivan | Published: May 3, 2020

As the game churns on and tensions mount, Brent is here to break down the key connections, disconnections, and question marks in Episode 12 of Winners of War.

Kaiser Island - S40
Episode 12: Son of a B

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: May 1, 2020

It was a bittersweet week, as the war between winners not only claimed a fan favorite, but also as the fantastic tale of the spy nest fell well short of expectations, like a nocturnal avian projectile. Ryan finds other reasons to cheer, though. So... relax and let him carry you through the forest?


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