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April, 2022

Game of Chicken - Screaming at the Screen

Episode 9: "Game of Chicken"

Survivor 42 Episode 9 recap/analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: April 28, 2022

Damnbueno takes a look at the flurry of activity in Episode 9 of Survivor 42, from the extremely short-lived guys alliance, to the split immunity challenge, to the twin Tribal Councils and the heavy topics discussed and moves made at the second one.

Power, knowledge, and Knowledge is Power - Brent Sullivan's Survivor 42, Episode 8 analysis

Episode 8: Power, knowledge, and Knowledge is Power

Survivor 42 Episode 8 recap/ analysis

By Brent Sullivan | Published: April 25, 2022

This week, Brent examines the Survivor 42 power dynamics: Who's in the know and seemingly in the middle of every discussion, who's on the outs, who has a massive assortment of advantages and idols — who needs to eat, and who will be eaten.

Buoy oh buoy

Episode 8: Buoy oh buoy

Survivor 42 Episode 8 recap/analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 23, 2022

It was Buoy Week on Survivor 42, and buoy, was it ever exciting. Buoys in the reward challenge. Buoys in the immunity challenge. The prospect of an all-boys alliance in the "Next time on Survivor" trailer. And of course, a majority alliance just bobbing along, picking off the people on the outs, while scooping up additional powers.

That ain't your family - Kaiser Island

Episode 8: That ain't your family

Survivor 42 Episode 8 recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: April 22, 2022

Ryan is back to revisit the first fully post-merge Survivor 42 episode, where the excitement ranges from people realizing they're not in the majority to lots of people sitting out of challenges. At least the latter leads to an increase in Drea's overflowing (with paint) armory.

You Better Wear a Seatbelt - Screaming at the Screen

Episode 8: "You Better Be Wearing a Seatbelt"

Survivor 42 Episode 8 recap/analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: April 21, 2022

After a deep dive into merge boots, Damnbueno takes on Episode 8 of Survivor 42, from sit-outs to advantages to negotiated sit-outs to buoys (lots of buoys) to Omar's wizardry and the curious game of Chanelle.

Goats, idols, amulets, and unexpected popularity - Brent Sullivan's Survivor 42, Episodes 6-7 analysis

Episodes 6-7: Goats, idols, amulets, and unexpected popularity

Survivor 42 Episodes 6-7 recap/ analysis

By Brent Sullivan | Published: April 18, 2022

Brent tries to take in all the newfound friendships and relationships formed in the double-length merge episode(s), and hones in on key bonds formed over allegedly secret items, and some big players that people just seem to like, as the individual phase of the game kicks off.

Illusion of choice, the sequel

Episodes 6-7: Illusion of choice, the sequel

Survivor 42 Episodes 6-7 recap/analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 17, 2022

After teasing possible changes to the hourglass twist, Survivor 42's merge episode(s) smashed those hopes with a hammer and served up the same plate of doo-doo. Thankfully, the contestants powered past it, and we can now assess their post-merge chances of winning.

Are you buff-shaming me? - Kaiser Island

Episodes 6-7: Are you buff-shaming me?

Survivor 42 Episodes 6-7 recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: April 15, 2022

After the Survivor 42 merge episode(s) twisted and turned in mostly predictable ways (except perhaps the boot), Ryan takes stock of where the sandy turmoil has left each remaining contestant, and puts forth a somewhat revised winner pick.

You Can't Hide on Survivor - Screaming at the Screen

Episodes 6-7: You Can't Hide on Survivor/The Devil You Do or the Devil You Don't

Survivor 42 Episodes 6-7 recap/analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: April 14, 2022

It's the merge (eventually, wait for it ... ah, there, finally), and Damnbueno has a lot to discuss, from everyone telling everyone everything, all of the time, to Probst's blatant lying and that damn hourglass. Again. But also the ascent of some subtle power players.

From three tribes to one (-ish) - Brent Sullivan's Survivor 42, Episode 5 analysis

Episode 5: From three tribes to one (-ish)

Survivor 42 Episode 5 recap/ analysis

By Brent Sullivan | Published: April 11, 2022

Brent wraps up the three tribes' internal maneuverings in the final fully pre-merge episode of Survivor 42. Who is clearly going to flip, who should consider doing so, and which, if any, tribe will stick together after they ... eventually ... merge?

A tale of three tribes

Episode 5: A tale of three tribes

Survivor 42 Episode 5 recap/analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 10, 2022

As Survivor 42's three starting tribes face semi-merging (and actual merging, eventually) in next week's two episodes, this week's final tribal-stage episode did a pretty good job of highlighting and contrasting the various degrees of cohesiveness within those three tribes. It should make for an exciting post-merge phase of the game.

Two weasels in a chicken coop - Kaiser Island

Episode 5: Two weasels in a chicken coop

Survivor 42 Episode 5 recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: April 8, 2022

With the merge approaching, Ryan takes one last look back at the three original tribes, evenly matched at four apiece, but all with internal discontent and warning signs. Will the various power duos succeed going forward, and if so, which one(s)?

I'm Survivor Rich - Screaming at the Screen

Episode 5: I'm Survivor Rich

Survivor 42 Episode 5 recap/analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: April 7, 2022

There's still a lot of oversharing in Episode 5 of Survivor 42, but at last it pays off for the Beware Idols. Damnbueno runs through that development, the ins and outs of the now-merging tribes, and the surprising tactics at the Tribal Council vote.

Less is more

Episode 4: Less is more

Survivor 42 Episode 4 recap/analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: April 5, 2022

Like a leaping Lydia, Episode 4 of Survivor 42 had its moments, but fell a bit short of the heights of Episode 2, probably because instead of a single combined reward/immunity challenge, we had two separate ones, which ate into the time that would otherwise have been lavished on the contestants.

Tribal fallout and outsized competitors - Brent Sullivan's Survivor 42, Episode 4 analysis

Episode 4: Tribal fallout and outsized competitors

Survivor 42 Episode 4 recap/ analysis

By Brent Sullivan | Published: April 4, 2022

Alliances are shifting on multiple tribes (except possibly the one with the Goliath), as Brent examines five big events from Episode 4 that could have long-term significance in Survivor 42.

There is no Kumbaya - it's like Holy Crap-baya - Kaiser Island

Episode 4: There is no Kumbaya - it's like Holy Crap-baya

Survivor 42 Episode 4 recap/ analysis

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: April 1, 2022

There's a lot of Ika in Episode 4 of Survivor 42, and a definite and regrettable dearth of Vati. Ryan makes the best of it, though, and doesn't even miss repeatedly in his attempts to grab the key events of the episode.


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