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May, 2021

Everything's coming up Panama  
Jeff Pitman's Panama rewatch recaps
Episodes 3-4: Everything's coming up Panama

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 27, 2021

Over the Episode 3-4 span, three key events take place that set Survivor: Panama - Exile Island up for success: La Mina crumbles, Casaya wins two immunities that preserve Cirie's position in the game, and Terry finds the idol. One of these may not have been entirely by chance.

Jeff Pitman's Panama rewatch recaps
Episodes 1-2: Succeeding despite itself

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 20, 2021

Survivor: Panama - Exile Island has a colorful cast of outsized characters. But it's also the birthplace of one mostly regrettable twist (Exile Island), has some pretty grim early boot demographics, and while idols end up being a net positive, this version is so overpowered it's never played. Why does it all work? Casaya, which itself paradoxically rises to the top despite being a complete and utter mess.

Jeff Pitman's Panama rewatch recaps
Pre-game: The Survivor: Panama pre-game press roundtable

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 23, 2021

Way back on January 26, 2006, CBS News released a video of Jeff Probst chatting about the Survivor: Panama - Exile Island contestants and their prospects in the game. It was a roundtable discussion, featuring various members of the then-large Survivor pre-game press — Mara Reinstein (US Weekly), Paul Adler (TV Guide channel), Shawna Malcom (TV Guide), Dalton Ross (EW), and Jarett Wieselman (In Touch). The video is now gone, but here's a transcript.


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