Filmed: November 18-19, 2020 |
Aired: July 1, 2021
- Ep. 5 Reward challenge: (Rice balance) -
Only Anesu and Thoriso compete for a trip to Immunity
Island, and Anesu wins, almost instantly. Meanwhile, Nicole
hangs in there for 10 minutes, winning a Tribal Council
feast for Vuna (and an extra helping of food for herself).
- Ep. 5 Immunity Island: Carla keeps her
vote, and Gives Up and Goes.
- Ep. 5 Vuna voted out: Thoriso, idoled out
[0]-2-1 over Kiran, after Tyson plays his idol for himself.
- Ep. 5 Zamba voted out: Carla, 5-2 over
Chappies, as Vuna feasts and observes.
Episode 5 scoring notes
- Can we get just one normal tribal RC this season?
We've had two hero challenges, a tribal challenge that
worked like a hero challenge (wrestling for the pillow), and
now this: A choice between an individual challenge (for
which Anesu and Thoriso opt) and a quasi-individual team
challenge. But both challenges are the same, just with
different stakes! We scored the Immunity Island/Red
challenge as a duel, since there were only two participants
and it lasted mere seconds. (So only half-credit for Anesu's
seconds of work, sorry.) It was an individual challenge, and
it carried an individual reward. So it was clearly an
individual challenge. Meanwhile, as with the last tribal
challenge in Gabon (holding up two poles, where Matty bested
Bob), the "blue" challenge was clearly tribal, because
Nicole winning it guaranteed a feast for Vuna. Same exact
challenge at the same exact time. Two completely different
outcomes and scoring systems. Madness.
- Thoriso's weird idoling out: As with Chris Noble,
we had to give Thoriso a fake Tribal Council Appearance
credit (which normally comes from casting a vote), because
otherwise her SurvAv and SurvSc totals would be undefined,
since she was forced to cast her "No Vote" ballot, and thus
never officially voted. (The null ballot counts, so there.)
Also, this was the least suspenseful idoling out ever,
because Tyson not only planned it ahead of time, but
reminded people to vote for him at Tribal. (There was some
suspense that poor Kiran — who also asked for votes!
— might have ended up tied, and then been screwed on
the revote.) In the end, Thoriso's going out swinging ended
up hitting her, which was disappointing. Oh well.
Vuna vote count:
- *[Tyson received 4 votes, from Dino,
Nicole, Qieän, and Renier, all voided by his idol
- Thoriso received 2 votes, from Kiran and
Tyson (idoled out, [0]-2-1).
- Kiran received 1 vote, from Marisha.
Zamba vote count:
- Carla received 5 votes, from Amy, Anela,
Chappies, Santoni, and Shaun (voted out, 5-2).
- Chappies received 2 votes, from Carla and