George Mladenov - SurvivorAU: Brains v Brawn, SurvivorAU: Heroes v Villains, SurvivorAU: Australia v World

Seasons: 3 | Days played: 95+ | Wins: 0 | Final Two: 1 | Jury: 1

George Mladenov on social media: Instagram

George Mladenov - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU6: Brains v Brawn 1.87 17.79 0.11 13 12 18 0.72 1.26 2 9 0.22 1.05 4.47
AU8: Heroes v Villains 1.44 17.20 0.08 15 10 17 0.88 1.76 - - - 0.96 3.20
AU11: AU v World - - - - - - - - - - - NA NA
Career 3.31 34.98 0.09 28 22 35 0.80 1.47 2 9 0.22 0.90 3.13


George Mladenov - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


George Mladenov - Challenge record

Ep3 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (7-for-22; 1 sit-out):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 1 RC (Spinning slide puzzle) - Turns the wheel, but Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 1 IC (Climb, carts, slingshot) - Climbs, rides cart; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 2 RC "Battle Dig" - Does not compete; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 2 IC (Wheel, balls, puzzle) - Works puzzle with Wai; Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 3 RC (Trough filling) - Collects and tosses water, but Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 3 IC (Brainteaser, obstacles, blocks) - Swaps in to solve the brainteaser, and eventually, Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 4 RC "Game of Throw-Ins" - Not shown competing; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 4 IC (Cage, word puzzle) - Helps on word puzzle, Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 5 RC (Log roll) - Sits out, as the Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 5 IC (Balls, balls, balls) - Struggles on skee-ball, Brains lose again.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 6 RC (Obstacles, sandbags) - Crosses obstacles; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 6 IC "Hitching a Ride" - Turns the crank; Brains lose again.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 7 RC (Holding up barrels) - Hold on until the end, Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 7 IC (Ropes, idol) - Grabs ropes (not idols), but Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 8 IC "Weight and Sea" - Slow on the beam, and Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 10 RC "Shoulder the Load" - Loader for Brains, and Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 10 IC (Sled, slingshots) - Crosses obstacles; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 11 IC (Cubes, rings, balls) - Emmett throws it; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 12 RC "Blue Lagoon Bustle" - Paddles the raft, and Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 12 IC "Discy Business" - Brawn throws it, so Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 16 RC (Raft, memory) - Part of the white losing team.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 19 RC (Planks, obstacles) - Part of the white losing team.


Ep17 IC

Individual challenge record (1-for-15): (Mean % finish: 43.7%)

  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 9 RC/IC (Team obstacles, sandbags) - Fails to land a sandbag, does not win (tie-2nd/8).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 13 RC (Catapulting sandbags) - Gets burger & fries (1st/13).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 13 IC (Ball in chute) - Tenth out, over 15 minutes in (4th/13).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 14 IC (Multi-stage obstacles) - Eliminated in 1st round (tie-7th/10).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 15 IC "Let There Be Rock" - One of eight to not win (tie-2nd/9).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 16 IC (Seated "This Much") - First out, very quickly (10th/10).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 17 IC (Hill run, puzzle) - Fifth finished, technically a win (5th/9).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 18 RC "Teeter Tower" - One of seven to not win (tie-2nd/8).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 18 IC "Chimney Sweeps" - First to drop out, quickly (8th/8).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 19 IC "Hold Your Own" - Third person out, after 40 min. (5th/7).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 20 IC (Balls, water obstacles) - Declines to jump for a bag (5th/6).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 21 RC (Sticks, key, sandbags) - Gives up retrieving key (6th/6).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 21 IC (Ropes, word puzzle) - 5th to puzzle, doesn't win (tie-2nd/6).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 22 IC (Block, hook, puzzle) - 3rd to puzzle, doesn't win (3rd/5).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 23 IC (Balls, ladder, skee-ball) - Just starting on ball roll (4th/4).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 24 IC (Torture chamber) - Lasts 4.5 hours, but first out (3rd/3).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn: None.

Ep9 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (8-for-23):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 RC: (Gathering supplies) - Villains aren't as tall as Shaun, lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 IC: (Obstacles, hammers) - Crosses obstacles, but Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 RC: (Turnstile) - Loses first point with Fraser & Michael, but Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 IC: (Giant ball, block puzzle) - Works puzzle with Fraser; Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 RC: (Water Slaughter-ish) - Not shown competing; Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 IC: (Ladders, coconuts) - Villains lag on monkey bars, lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 RC: (Water football) - Part of the second point-losing team, Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 IC: "Vampire Bats" - Second (and last) Villain to drop, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 RC: (Hitting barrels) - With Jordie, scores Villains' only point; Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 IC: (Cart, bonfire) - Helps push cart, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 RC: "Idol Hands" - Loses to Hayley; Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 IC: (Paddles, word puzzle) - Crosses obstacles, but Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.7 IC: "Chinese Checkers" - On second point-losing team, Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.8 IC: (Box bridge)- With Steve, second Villain pair to drop (<30 min.), Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.9 IC: (Coffins, puzzle) - Works puzzle with Steve/Ben, but the new Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 RC: "Hot Pursuit" - On two point-losing teams; Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 IC: (Obstacles, slingshot) - Crosses obstacles, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.11 IC: Crate Outdoors + obstacles - Helps roll cubes, but Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 RC: (High ring toss) - Loses a point to Simon, Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 IC: (Memory) - Scores the first point vs. Shaun, Heroes "win".
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 RC: (Cart, baskets) - Helps haul and reposition the cart, but Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 IC: (Team "When It Rains" plus) - The Heroes drop together, lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.16 RC: (Pairs "Get a Grip") - With Hayley, holds on to the end, winning pair.


Ep22 IC

Individual challenge record (0-for-14): (Mean % Finish: 35.5%)

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 7 Ind. IC: (Jailbreak, fire): One of six to not retrieve their flint (tie-2nd/7).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 14 IC: "Last Gasp" - First to drop out, at 32 min. (12th/12).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 15 IC: (Barrel hold) - First to drop, very quickly (11th/11).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16 IC: "A Bit Tipsy" - One of nine to not win (tie-2nd/10).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 17 IC: (Elimination) - One of three out in the first round (tie-7th/9).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 RC: "The Game is Afoot" - Not among leaders (tie-4th/8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 IC: (Wall sit) - Second person to drop out, ~5 sec in (7th/8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19 RC: (Stacking wedges) - Gradually builds stack, not win (tie-2nd/7).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19 IC: "Dear Liza" - One of four not close to winning (tie-3rd/7).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 20 IC: "Hand on a Hard Idol" - First out, 15 minutes in (6th/6).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 21 IC: (Ring dominoes) - One of two not close to winning (tie-3rd/4).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 22 IC: (Ball obstacles, vertical maze) - Reaches maze, places no balls (tie-3rd/5).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 23 RC: (Balls, puzzle, sandbags) - One of three on the puzzle as Matt wins (tie-2nd/4).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 24 IC: (Uncomfortably Numb + spikes) - Second out, after 3 hrs, 50 min. (3rd/4).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains: None yet.

Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Australia v World Ep. 1 RC: ? - ? wins.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Australia v World: None yet.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Australia v World: None yet.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 15
Played: 45
Win%: 0.33
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 30
Win%: 0.03
Mean % Finish: 39.9%
Hero challenges/ duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -


George Mladenov - Tribal Council record

Ep18 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (2/2; 9 votes voided) | Advantages held/played (1/1):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 1: Finds and plays an advantage allowing him and five others to leave Tribal Council before voting begins (Day 2).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 4: Finds an idol in a tree in Brains camp (Day 8).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 5: Plays the idol for himself, voiding Mitch's vote (Day 12).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 17: Finds a clue and key to secret Tribal Council idol (Day 36).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 17: Plays the idol for Cara, voiding 8 votes, saving her (Day 37).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (13/19*):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 -* Phil Ferguson (voted out, 5-1) -
Ep5 Laura Mitch Shaw (voted out, 5-4-[0]) -
Ep6 Georgia Cara Atchison (idoled to Brawn, [0]-3-3; 6-2) -
Ep7 Joey Joey McCann (voted out, 5-3-1) Yes
Ep8 Georgia Daini Tuiquere (idoled out, 3-[0]-2-1) -
Ep9 Laura Laura Wells (voted out, 5-2; saved**) Yes
Ep10 Georgia Georgia Ray (voted out, 5-3) Yes
Ep11 Rachel Rachel Downie (voted out, 3-2-2) Yes
Ep12 Simon Simon Mee (voted out, 6-3-1) Yes
Ep13 Laura Kez McGee (idoled out, [0]-4-1) -
Ep15 Hayley Hayley Leake (voted out, 9-1) Yes
Ep16 Gerald Gerald Youles (voted out, 5-4-[0]) Yes
Ep17 Cara Laura Wells (idoled out, [0]-1) -
Ep18 Emmett Emmett Pugh (voted out, 4-3-1) Yes
Ep19 Andrew Andrew Ucles (voted out, 4-2-1) Yes
Ep20 Flick Flick Palmateer (voted out, 4-2; saved by an urn) Yes
Ep21 Dani Dani Beale (voted out, 2-2-2; 3-0) Yes
Ep22 Wai Wai Chim (idoled out, [0]-2-1) Yes
Ep23 Cara Cara Atchison (voted out, 2-1-1) Yes
Ep24 -*** Flick Palmateer (voted out 1-0) Yes
19* TOTALS 13


*Briefly attended Ep1 Tribal, before exiting via his advantage (no TCA charged); also attended Brawn's Ep12 Tribal Council (via Cara's advantage), cast a vote (1 TCA charged), but was ineligible to be voted against.

**The Brains voted Laura out in Ep9, but the 4 IC winners overrode it.

***Present for the F3 vote, but unable to vote himself; no TCA charged.


VAP - Votes against (12):

  • [AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 5: One vote, from Mitch, voided by George's idol play.]
  • [AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 6: Four votes, from Georgia, Hayley, Rachel, and Wai, all voided by Cara's idol play.]
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 7: Three votes, from Andrew, Georgia, and Joey.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 18: Three votes, from Andrew, Emmett, and Flick.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 19: Two votes, from Dani and Flick.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 20: Two votes, from Dani and Flick.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 22: One vote, from Flick.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 23: One vote, from Cara.


Jury votes received (2/9):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn, Ep. 24: Received two votes, from Cara Atchison and Laura Wells, to finish in second place (7-2).

Ep21 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/1; 2 votes voided):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 3: Finds the Villains idol in a tree near camp, while everyone else is eating cookies (Day 6).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 7: Plays the idol for himself, voiding two votes (Day 16).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (15/17):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Stevie Michael Warren (voted out, 8-1-1) -
Ep3 Mimi Mimi Tang (voted out, 8-1) Yes
Ep6 Sarah Sarah Marschke (voted out, 8-1) Yes
Ep7 Fraser Fraser Lack (voted out, 3-2-[0]) Yes
Ep9 Paige Paige Donald (idoled out, [0]-4) Yes
Ep11 Benjamin Benjamin Law (voted out, 4-3) Yes
Ep13 Stevie Steve Khouw (voted out, 4-2-1) Yes
Ep14 David David Zaharakis (voted out, 7-[0]-1) Yes
Ep15 Flick Flick Palmateer (voted out, 7-3-1) Yes
Ep16 Sam Sam Webb (voted out, 6-4) Yes
Ep17 Shonee Shonee Bowtell (voted out, 5-3-1) Yes
Ep18 Shaun Shaun Hampson (voted out, 4-3-1) Yes
Ep19 Hayley Hayley Leake (voted out, 4-1-1-1) Yes
Ep20 Nina Nina Twine (voted to Isolation, 5-1) Yes
Ep21 Simon Simon Mee (voted out, 3-3; 4-0) Yes
Ep22 Nina Nina Twine (voted out, 3-2) Yes
Ep23 Gerry George Mladenov (voted out, 3-1) -
17 TOTALS 15


VAP - Votes against (10):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 2: One vote, from Michael.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 6: One vote, from Sarah.
  • [AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 7: Two votes, from Simon and Steve, both voided by George's idol play.]
  • [AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 9: Four votes, from Benjamin, Flick, Matt, and Paige, all voided by Shonee's idol play.]
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16: Four votes, from Nina, Sam, Shaun, and Simon.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19: One vote, from Simon.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 24: Three votes, from Gerry, Liz, and Matt (voted out, 3-1).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 24: Voted for Liz Parnov, who won, 7-0-0.

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • AU: Australia v World: None yet.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (0/0):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?


VAP - Votes against (0):

  • AU: Australia v World: None yet.


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • AU: Australia v World: None yet.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/ played: 1/1
Idols found: 3
Idols played: 3
Votes voided: 11
Voting record
VFB: 28
Tribals: 35*
VAP: 22
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: 2
Total jurors: 9


George Mladenov - Pictures
  • George Mladenov
    Brains v Brawn intro shot
  • George Mladenov
    Brains v Brawn intro shot
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-season trailer headshot
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Watching Mitch swap in on the first puzzle
  • George Mladenov
    Turning the big slide puzzle
  • George Mladenov
    Arrival at Brains camp
  • George Mladenov
    Time for introductions
  • George Mladenov
    Chatting with Wai
  • George Mladenov
    Oh ho, what's this?
  • George Mladenov
    Just found a huge advantage
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Ready to ride the cart
  • George Mladenov
    Riding the cart
  • George Mladenov
    Weighing whether to use his advantage
  • George Mladenov
    Brains tribe, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Wai
  • George Mladenov
    Jonathan, I'd like to play my advantage
  • George Mladenov
    Explaining the move to Wai, Ep2
  • George Mladenov
    Rachel and Georgia seem less thrilled
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • George Mladenov
    We should have put me in, Baden!
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Working the puzzle (with Wai)
  • George Mladenov
    Brains win immunity!
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Fetching water
  • George Mladenov
    Working the brainteaser, Ep3 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Brains win immunity!
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Just found an idol near where Baden was looking
  • George Mladenov
    Showing the idol to Wai
  • George Mladenov
    It's an idol!
  • George Mladenov
    Moving the cage, Ep4 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Working the word puzzle
  • George Mladenov
    Brains win immunity!
  • George Mladenov
    Watching Cara vs. Dani, Ep5 RC
  • George Mladenov
    The plan is to use the idol to get Baden on side
  • George Mladenov
    Telling Baden about the idol
  • George Mladenov
    Struggling with the ball roll, Ep5 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Brawn wins
  • George Mladenov
    I'll wear this is camp, they'll have to boot someone else
  • George Mladenov
    Heading to Tribal
  • George Mladenov
    Brains, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Displaying some jewelry
  • George Mladenov
    Chatting with Cara, Ep6
  • George Mladenov
    Waiting to turn the crank, Ep6 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Brains lose on a puzzle?
  • George Mladenov
    Wishing he hadn't played his idol last time
  • George Mladenov
    Cara found an idol!
  • George Mladenov
    Brains, Ep6 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Cara
  • George Mladenov
    Cara plays her idol for ... George?
  • George Mladenov
    Overcome by the selfless gesture as votes are read
  • George Mladenov
    Cara has idoled herself out
  • George Mladenov
    Sad to have lost Cara, Ep7
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 RC ... Cara is on Brawn!
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line
  • George Mladenov
    Brains win reward!
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Trying to find the public idol
  • George Mladenov
    Trying to pitch Joey and Laura
  • George Mladenov
    Heading to Tribal
  • George Mladenov
    Brains, Ep7 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Joey
  • George Mladenov
    Finally in the majority! Ep8
  • George Mladenov
    Watching Laura and Rachel find an idol
  • George Mladenov
    The new, post-swap Brains tribe
  • George Mladenov
    Reunited with Cara, meeting her new friends
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Crossing the beam
  • George Mladenov
    Everyone understands the vote split, right?
  • George Mladenov
    Brains, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Gerald
  • George Mladenov
    Broken vote split autopsy, Ep9
  • George Mladenov
    Tossing sandbags, Ep9 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Brains AND Brawn, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Laura is saved by the IC winners
  • George Mladenov
    Directing the Brains' loading operations, Ep10 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Brains win reward!
  • George Mladenov
    Reward feasting
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Let's keep this simple: Vote Georgia
  • George Mladenov
    Brains, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Talking to JLP
  • George Mladenov
    Reading letters from home, Ep11
  • George Mladenov
    Rachel tries to convince George and Cara to go Brains strong
  • George Mladenov
    Sliding crates, Ep11 IC
  • George Mladenov
    It's Rachel
  • George Mladenov
    I *could* flip back to Rachel, but...
  • George Mladenov
    Brains, Ep11 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Talking to JLP
  • George Mladenov
    Talking to Laura about maybe working together, Ep12
  • George Mladenov
    Paddling, Ep12 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Emmett wins it for Brains!
  • George Mladenov
    Learning the candy shop reward is one at a time
  • George Mladenov
    I know there's an idol or advantage there!
  • George Mladenov
    Getting candy, with the advantage gone
  • George Mladenov
    Placing a ball, Ep12 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Brains win immunity!
  • George Mladenov
    Cara plays her golden tickets advantage
  • George Mladenov
    Special guests at Brawn's Ep12 Tribal
  • George Mladenov
    Getting a tip from Baden
  • George Mladenov
    The newly merged Fire tribe, Ep13
  • George Mladenov
    Catapulting sandbags
  • George Mladenov
    First to finish!
  • George Mladenov
    Chatting with Hayley
  • George Mladenov
    Thrilled to have made the merge
  • George Mladenov
    Tipping off the Brains to future double-agency
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line
  • George Mladenov
    Brawn party meeting
  • George Mladenov
    I have the power tonight
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep13 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Kez
  • George Mladenov
    Talking to Baden, Ep14
  • George Mladenov
    Not reaching the second round, Ep14 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Hayley might blow his cover
  • George Mladenov
    Heading to Tribal
  • George Mladenov
    Brawn alliance, Ep14 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Denying Hayley's allegations, Ep15
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line, Ep15 IC
  • George Mladenov
    It's either you or me, Hayley
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep15 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Hayley
  • George Mladenov
    Learning Chelsea has been removed
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-duel lineup
  • George Mladenov
    Ugh, Hayley could come back?
  • George Mladenov
    Watching the duel
  • George Mladenov
    Hayley wins, is back in the game
  • George Mladenov
    Hayley apologizes to the Brains
  • George Mladenov
    Licking Dani's KFC/dirt pocket
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line, Ep16 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Emmett asks for Flick's idol
  • George Mladenov
    Giving the Brains the real plan
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep16 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Hayley
  • George Mladenov
    Just found the key for the secret Tribal idol, Ep17
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line, Ep17 IC
  • George Mladenov
    George wins (5th place) immunity!
  • George Mladenov
    I can save Cara with my secret idol!
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep17 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Unlocking the secret idol
  • George Mladenov
    Cara is saved by someone!
  • George Mladenov
    Gosh, I don't know who could have saved you, Cara
  • George Mladenov
    Stacking blocks, Ep18 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep18 IC
  • George Mladenov
    First one down, with JLP's assistance
  • George Mladenov
    My goose could be cooked unless I flip Hayley and Wai
  • George Mladenov
    Spying on their conversation
  • George Mladenov
    Another idol for Cara!
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep18 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Hayley
  • George Mladenov
    George and Cara are both still here, Ep19
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line, Ep19 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line, Ep19 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Still in it
  • George Mladenov
    Plotting with the Brains
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep19 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line, Ep20 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Declining to jump
  • George Mladenov
    Chatting with Cara
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep20 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Hayley
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep21 RC
  • George Mladenov
    Sitting the rest of this one out
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line, Ep21 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Trying to get to the word puzzle
  • George Mladenov
    Wai won immunity, which means I could be in trouble
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep21 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Flick is unhappy George sat out the RC
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep22 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Helping Wai across the overhead beam
  • George Mladenov
    Hayley wins
  • George Mladenov
    Consulting with Cara
  • George Mladenov
    If Flick plays an idol, I want Wai to be out, not whoever Flick chooses
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep22 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Getting firemaking lessons from Cara, Ep23
  • George Mladenov
    Thank you, Cara, I won't stab you in the back
  • George Mladenov
    Crossing the net, Ep23 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Hayley agrees its best if they take each other to F2
  • George Mladenov
    Fire, Ep23 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Listening to Hayley's pitch
  • George Mladenov
    Pre-challenge loved ones visit, Final 3 IC
  • George Mladenov
    Starting line
  • George Mladenov
    Getting more cramped
  • George Mladenov
    Watching the spikes get even lower
  • George Mladenov
    Final 3 Tribal Council
  • George Mladenov
    Cheers to Morning 48!
  • George Mladenov
    Reflecting on his game
  • George Mladenov
    Heading to Final Tribal
  • George Mladenov
    The Final Two
  • George Mladenov
    Addressing the jury
  • George Mladenov
    Ready for the jury vote reveal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes v Villains intro shot
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes v Villains intro shot
  • George Mladenov AU8
    HvV pre-game shot
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Day 1, greeting JLP
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains lose, Ep1 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains introductions
  • George Mladenov AU8
    The original Spice Girls
  • George Mladenov AU8
    About to be injured, Ep1 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    A villain reborn, Ep2
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Spice Girls, v2.0
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Pushing, Ep2 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Raiding Heroes camp
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains trailing, Ep2 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Working the puzzle with Fraser
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains, Ep2 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Listening to Steve
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Cookie cheers, Ep3
  • George Mladenov AU8
    While everyone is eating, I'll look for an idol!
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Found it
  • George Mladenov AU8
    This one's green
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains lagging again, Ep3 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Passing info to Hayley
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains, Ep3 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Hanging in there, Ep4 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains finally "win"
  • George Mladenov AU8
    New ally alert, Ep5
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Throwing coconuts, Ep5 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains win, Ep5 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    New Villain alert, Ep6
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Taking on Hayley, Ep6 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Trying to recruit Gerry
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Trying to solve the word puzzle, Ep6 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Spice Girls plotting
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Trying to pull in Steve
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains, Ep6 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains losing again, Ep7 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains, Ep7 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains, Ep8 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Villains win!
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Pre-swap sitdown, Ep9
  • George Mladenov AU8
    George is now a hero!
  • George Mladenov AU8
    The new Heroes tribe
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Taking Shonee and Liz on reward
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Leanring how much money he's won
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Shonee finds an idol
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes, already trailing, Ep9 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Working the puzzle with Stevie
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Time to shift the vote to Paige
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes, Ep9 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Matt wants to work with the ex-Villains? Ok! Ep10
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes losing, Ep10 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes win! Ep10 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes lose, Ep11 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes, Ep11 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes "win," Ep12 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Liz reports on her Super Villains sentence, Ep13
  • George Mladenov AU8
    I don't want Hayley out!
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes losing, Ep13 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Lizand Shonee want to keep Flick around
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Heroes, Ep13 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Merge feasting, Ep14
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Happy to start playing the real game
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Spice Girls, not invited to Heroes plotting
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Last Gasp-ing, Ep14 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Recruiting Simon
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Fa'amolemole, Ep14 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    The soon-to-be Vigilantes
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Alliance named, Ep15
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Starting line, Ep15 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Vigilantes, Ep15 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Starting line, Ep16 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Hayley and George win!
  • George Mladenov AU8
    KFC feasting, with Shonee and Gerry
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Trying to catch up to Simon, Ep16 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    I saw Simon jump into Shaun's arms after he won
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Fa'amolemole, Ep16 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Concerned about Shonee, Ep17
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Let's do it, Hayley
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Recruiting Nina
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Fa'amolemole, Ep17 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Unhappy Liz, Ep18
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Wall sitting, Ep18 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Listening to JLP, Ep18 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Stacking, Ep19 RC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    The Jacuzzi alliance is formed
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Starting line, Ep19 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Talking to JLP, Ep19 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Watching the rest of the Ep20 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Fa'amolemole, Ep20 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Listening in on Nina and Gerry, Ep21
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep21 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Oh no, Simon lost
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Fa'amolemole, Ep21 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Ep22 breakfast, as you do
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Having fun, Ep22 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Yay, Liz won
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Fa'molemole, Ep22 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Unhappy Liz again, Ep23
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep23 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Final four, discussing which juror to remove
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Talking to JLP, Ep23 (juror removal) Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    With Cara, pre-F4 IC
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Having fun
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Last-minute plotting
  • George Mladenov AU8
    My time could be up
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Listening to Liz, F4 Tribal
  • George Mladenov AU8
    The final member of our jury ...
  • George Mladenov AU8
    Finally snuffed, Day 47 (Episode 24)
  • George Mladenov AU8
    With the jury, Final Tribal


George Mladenov - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (9/13/21): "Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn | Finale Exit Interviews."
  • Ryan Brink at Brink of Reality (9/13/21): "George Mladenov Exit Interview | Australian Survivor Brains v Brawn"

Pre-game interviews

  • None.


Post-game interviews

  • Official 10play exit interview (3/27/23): "'I Played the Perfect Game': King George Overthrown by His Loyal Subjects Just Before Final Tribal"
  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (3/27/23): "Survivor AU: HvV | Week 9 Finale Exit Interviews, Part 1"

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • None yet.
George Mladenov - Bios

Official Ten AU: Brains v Brawn bio excerpts (July 11, 2021):

"A self-described ‘spin-doctor for the government’, Labor Party President George believes his whole career has been preparing him for the game of Australian Survivor. Cunning, an expert negotiator and a master manipulator, this high achiever will stop at nothing to make it to the final Tribal Council."

Official Ten AU: Heroes v Villains bio excerpts (December 22, 2022):

"If you thought King George was returning for redemption, you’d be wrong. This time, it’s George the Terrible.

As runner up to Hayley in Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn, George is back and badder than ever. He says, “I’ve left Bankstown, I’ve come out here to Samoa to take back what’s rightfully mine - the crown that Hayley stole from me. I’m not coming to Samoa for redemption, I’m coming back for salvation and as a pure Villain.”

Admitting he has both heroic and villainous qualities, George is returning for the title and the prize money and thinks playing the dark side is the only way to get there. He says, “Last time I saved people, I played as a Hero and my family still doesn’t have much money. I’m coming back to change my family’s life.

Since leaving the Outback, George went straight to the gym and has been training hard to play a bigger part in the physical challenges but it’s the social and mental game that he is most excited about.

George says, “I’m so excited that it’s Heroes against the Villains this time. Last time I was on the Brains tribe, with no smart people! But I can’t wait to get into the thick of it with a tribe of 12 Villains. Villains are more cutthroat. Villains are willing to do what it takes to get the job done.”"

Official Ten AU: Australia v World bio excerpts (expected, 2025):
