Shaun Hampson - SurvivorAU: Champions v Contenders 2, SurvivorAU: Heroes v Villains

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 69 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 2

Shaun Hampson on social media: Instagram

Shaun Hampson - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU4: Champs v Contenders 2 2.74 6.75 0.41 2 9 4 0.45 1.08 - - - 0.85 3.82
AU8: Heroes v Villains 1.88 9.32 0.20 2 5 9 0.22 0.69 - - - 0.42 2.57
Career 4.62 16.07 0.29 4 14 13 0.30 0.93 - - - 0.59 3.24


Shaun Hampson - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Shaun Hampson - Challenge record

Ep9 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (14-for-23):

  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep.1 RC: "Battle Dig" - Oddly, not shown competing; Contenders lose, 3-2.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep.1 IC - Hits two tiles with war clubs, and the Contenders win!
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 2 RC: (Turnstile) - With Matt, wins a point vs. ET and Luke, but Contenders lose, 3-2.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 2 IC: (Muddy sled) - Contenders' sled gets stuck in the mud; Contenders lose.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 3 RC: (Trench, bells) - Wins two points vs. David and Luke, and Contenders win, 5-3.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 3 IC: (Plank, poles, sandbags) - Holds a pole; Contenders win again.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 4 RC: (Tower, buoys) - Jumps and grabs his flag, but the Contenders lose.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 4 IC: (Rope-a-dope, balls) - Navigates the ropes, and the Contenders win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 5 RC: (Water football) - Oddly, no goal kicks; Contenders can't beat the pros, 5-1.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 5 IC: (Cages, blocks, sandbags) - Unlocks people, crosses obstacles; Contenders win!
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 6 RC: (Tug of war) - Slips, losing the final point to Ross; Contenders lose, 3-2.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 6 IC: (Dunk tower) - Holds the rope for a long time; the Contenders win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 7 IC: (Pairs squats) - With Simon, third pair to drop, and Contenders win!
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 8 RC: (River swim) - Not shown competing, but the Contenders win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 8 IC: (team Last Gasp) - Helps fill the chambers; Contenders win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 9 RC: (Tethered Idol Hands) - Wins a point vs. David, but Contenders lose, 5-3.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 9 IC: (Blocks, stacking) - Helps knock the blocks off the net, but Contenders lose.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 10 IC: (balls, tower, shoot) - Dives to open the gate; Champs lose.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 11 RC: (Monkey bars) - Not shown competing; Champions win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 11 IC: (Gutter, balls) - Lasts to the third stage, and the Champions win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 12 RC: (Tower, rings) - Not shown competing; Champions win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 12 IC: (Slide, masks, puzzle) - Smashes a mask; Champions win.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 13 IC: (Obstacles, stair puzzle) - Throws the monkey fist, and Champs win one final time.


Ep14 IC

Individual challenge record (1-for-4): (Mean % finish: 64.6%)

  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 14 RC: "When It Rains" - With John & Baden, drops out for spaghetti (tie-5th/12).
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 14 IC: (Barrel and rope) - Lasts over 55 minutes, and Shaun wins! (1st/12).
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 15 RC: "Chimney Sweep" - First out, just over 20 minutes in (11th/11).
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 15 IC: "Last Gasp" - Long battle with David, but Shaun does not win (2nd/11).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2: None.

Ep2 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (15-for-22; 2 sit-outs):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 RC: (Gathering supplies) - Shaun is really tall, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 IC: (Obstacles, hammers) - Hammers ladder rungs, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 RC: (Turnstile) - Scores easily with Flick, but Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 IC: (Giant ball, block puzzle) - Moves the ball solo, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 RC: (Water Slaughter-ish) - Easily scores vs. Stevie, but Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 IC: (Ladders, coconuts) - Hits all six targets before Villains reach it, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 RC: (Water football) - Passes to David for a kick, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 IC: "Vampire Bats" - Sits out, as Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 RC: (Hitting barrels) - With Ben, scores vs. Simon/Steve; Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 IC: (Cart, bonfire) - Helps push the cart, but Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 RC: "Idol Hands" - Loses a point to Jordie, but Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 IC: (Paddles, word puzzle) - Crosses obstacles, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.7 IC: "Chinese Checkers" - Scores first point with Hayley, Flick; Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.8 IC: (Box bridge) - Sits out, as Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.9 IC: (Coffins, puzzle) - Helps haul the cage, new Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 RC: "Hot Pursuit" - On two point-winning teams; Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 IC: (Obstacles, slingshot) - Chops through the log, but Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.11 IC: Crate Outdoors + obstacles - Helps roll cubes, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 RC: (High ring toss) - Scores first point vs. Matt, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 IC: (Memory) - Loses first point to George, Villains "lose".
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 RC: (Cart, baskets) - Helps haul the cart, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 IC: (Team "When It Rains" plus) - Stays in to the end, Villains win.



Individual challenge record (0-for-6): (Mean % finish: 57.6%)

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 14 IC: "Last Gasp" - Fifth to drop out (8th/12).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 15 IC: (Barrel hold) - Fifth to drop, over 1 hr in (7th/11).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16 IC: "A Bit Tipsy" - One of nine to not win (tie-2nd/10).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 17 IC: (Elimination) - Reaches final round, does not win (tie-2nd/9).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 RC: "The Game is Afoot" - Struggles, not among leaders (tie-4th/8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 IC: (Wall sit) - Showdown at the end with Nina, does not win (2nd/8).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 29
Played: 45
Win%: 0.64
Sat out: 2
Individual challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 10
Win%: 0.10
Mean% Finish: 60.4%
Hero challenges/ duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -


Shaun Hampson - Tribal Council record

Ep14 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1*/0):

  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 5: Finds an idol near the well, but it's for the Champions (Day 11).
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 5: Successfully trades with David... getting a fake in return (Day 12).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (2/4):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Laura Laura Choong (voted out, 8-4) Yes
Ep10 David Hannah Pentreath (idoled out, [0]-2-2-1; 4-2) -
Ep14 Andy Andy Meldrum (voted out, 11-[0]) Yes
Ep15 Luke Shaun Hampson (voted out, 7-2-2) -


VAP - Votes against (9):

  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 10: Two votes, from David and Luke.
  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2, Ep. 15: Seven votes, from Abbey, Daisy, David, Janine, John, Luke, and Pia (voted out, 7-2-2).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • AU: Champs v Contenders 2: Voted for Pia Miranda, who won, 9-0.

Ep17 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/1; 0 votes voided):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 4: After Sam/David find a clue in the reward pizza, they give it to Shaun for safe keeping (Day 8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 4: Shaun uses the clue on his own after the IC, quickly finds the idol (Day 9).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16: Plays his idol for himself, despite Hayley's help, voiding no votes (Day 33).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (2/9):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep4 Gerry Rogue Rubin (voted out, 7-4-1) -
Ep5 Gerry Gerry Geltch (voted to Villains, 8-2-1) Yes
Ep8 Benjamin Sharni Vinson (idoled out, [0]-5) -
Ep10 Jordie Jordie Hansen (voted out, 4-4; 5-1) Yes
Ep14 Liz David Zaharakis (voted out, 7-[0]-1) -
Ep15 Matt Flick Palmateer (voted out, 7-3-1) -
Ep16 George Sam Webb (voted out, 6-4) -
Ep17 Nina Shonee Fairfax (voted out, 5-3-1) -
Ep18 Simon Shaun Hampson (voted out, 4-3-1) -


VAP - Votes against (5):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 17: One vote, from Simon.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18: Four votes, from George, Gerry, Hayley, and Matt (voted out, 4-3-1).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 24: Voted for Liz Parnov, who won, 7-0-0.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 2*
Played: 1
Votes voided: 0
Voting record
VFB: 4
Tribals: 13
VAP: 14
Jury votes
Made: 2
For winners: 2
Received: -


Shaun Hampson - Pictures
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Champions v. Contenders intro shot
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Champions v. Contenders intro shot
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Gratuitous hiking, Ep1
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Checking out the incoming Champions
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Watching John score a point vs. Simon Black
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders tribe meet-and-greet, Ep1
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Casey offers shelter construction ideas
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Starting line
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Crossing obstacles
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Tossing war clubs with Andy
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win immunity!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders have fire! Ep2
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Starting line
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    With Matt, trying to score a point
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Almost there...
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Disappointed at not winning
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Trying to haul the sled
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders, trailing
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    The losing Contenders
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Listening to Andy
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Watching Matt vs. Luke
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win reward!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Listening to the complicated reward crate instructions
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Starting line, Ep3 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Moving the plank along
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Holding poles
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win immunity!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Hoping Sarah will jump
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Listening to Sarah explain why she couldn't jump
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Watching Andy and Harry roll balls
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win immunity!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Talking about his idol find, Ep5
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Never mind, Daisy, it's a Champions idol
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Starting line
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Making a deal with the devil
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Psst... hey, Shaun!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    The handover
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Watching Andy toss sandbags
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win again!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Getting groomed, Ep6
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Trying to score a point
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Giving up match point to Ross
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Visiting the Champions for reward, anyway
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    No chance of that!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-swap lineup, Ep7
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Cheers to new buffs!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    The new Contenders tribe
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Meeting the new tribemates
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Listening to Harry talk about his son, "Oscar"
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Starting line
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Watching Matt vs. Luke
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win reward! Finally!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Excited about winning food
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Checking out the cafe
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Starting line
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders win immunity!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Janine breaks the bad news about his idol, Ep9
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Dammit, she's right
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Maybe I should have looked at it earlier...
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Doing battle with David
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Giving the news to Daisy
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Here's some advice for you, Harry...
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Watching Ross chop
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Knocking off blocks
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Trying to catch up to the Champions' stack
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    The losing Contenders
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Consulting with the boys
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Heading to Tribal
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    The Champions are stealing one of us?
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Picking up that new Champions buff
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    I'm finally a champion! Ep10
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Agreeing to David's alliance request
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Champions ready to start shooting baskets
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    The losing Champions, somehow
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Time to take out Dave!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Heading to Tribal
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Contenders, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Talking to Jonathan
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Letting everyone check out the fake idol, Ep11
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Watching Andy vs. Ross
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Champions win reward!
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Learning only one person can attend the cinema at a time
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Starting line, Ep11 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU4
    Champions "win"!
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Heroes v Villains intro shot
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Heroes v Villains intro shot
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    HvV pre-game shot
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Greeting JLP, Day 1
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Marginally slowed down by Simon, Ep1 RC
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Heroes win!
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Heroes tribe introductions
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Heroes leading
  • Shaun Hampson AU8
    Heroes win!


Shaun Hampson - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • Stephanie Anderson at (7/20/19): "Shaun Hampson: 'I Know I'm Not an AFL Champion'"


Post-game interviews

  • Ryan Brink at Brink of Reality (8/26/19): "1st Juror Exit (Sunday 25th August) | Australian Survivor CvsC 2019"

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • Official 10play exit interview (3/7/23): "'It Was Gut-Wrenching': Shaun Hampson Blindsided Just as He Finds His Path to the Finale"
  • Shannon Guss & Mike Bloom at RHAP (3/8/23): "Survivor AU: HvV | Week 6 (Eps 16-18) Exit Interview"


Shaun Hampson - Bios

Official Ten Champions v. Contenders 2 bio excerpts(July 22, 2019):

"A former AFL player who played 98 games over a 12-year career with Carlton and Richmond Football Clubs, Shaun doesn’t feel like he ever really made it with his AFL career due to injuries that forced him into an early retirement.

Two games short of 100, Shaun was devastated to watch from the sideline as his team took out the 2017 premiership. But all his training and career goals have instilled in him the drive to take on Survivor, which has been a dream of his since he was 12.

“Besides the fact that I really didn’t achieve anything great in football, I have a lot of determination and drive to still leave a mark. I love this show and this is my chance. I’ve loved it from when I first saw the first season. It’s the perfect mix of physical, mental and strategic/social elements.”

Now a dad of two and the owner of a Melbourne café, Shaun wants to use his sportsmanship and love of teamwork to play with integrity but as a fan of the show, also knows what it takes to win. Shaun says; “In real life, my relationships and my word are incredibly important to me but this is a game of deception. If you aren’t prepared to be lied to or lie you shouldn’t be here.”"


See also: Shaun's official pre-game interview/ad

Official Ten AU: Heroes v Villains bio excerpts (December 22, 2022):

"The Horse is back. As one of the best challenge beasts Australian Survivor has seen, Shaun hopes his social game will take some of the attention away from his physical game.

After lasting 32 days in Australian Survivor: Champions v Contenders, he’s come back with unfinished business saying, “Last time I was complacent and there’s no room for complacency in this game whatsoever. You can’t leave an Idol in your bag for 14 days without looking at it. I wanted to come back because I love the game and I really feel like I’ve got some unfinished business here.”

A successful AFL player and now business owner, Shaun is leaving his family behind who he says are his biggest motivators and his proudest supporters in taking on this challenge again. While he admits he is doing this for selfish reasons, his ultimate goal is to win and make his family proud.

As a returning player, Shaun knows the types of moves a Villain will make and is not afraid to use some of those tricks himself. He says, “I’m really proud to be part of the Heroes tribe. I think Heroes at their core are good people. They want to help people, they want to see people get better and I love that in the outside world. But in the game of Survivor, it’s a little different. I’m happy to be called a Hero, but I’m not going to play like one.”"