Nina Twine - SurvivorAU: Blood v Water, SurvivorAU: Heroes v Villains

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 66 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

Nina Twine on social media: Instagram

Nina Twine - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU7: Blood v Water 1.15 1.97 0.58 4 0 4 0.77* 1.87* - - - 1.32 3.02
AU8: Heroes v Villains 2.26 13.32 0.17 6 15 13 0.45 0.68 - - - 0.62 2.94
Career 3.42 15.29 0.22 10 15 17 0.58 0.96 - - - 0.81 2.67


Nina Twine - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Nina Twine - Challenge record

Ep7 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (10-for-18):

  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 1 RC: "Water Slaughter" - Scores final point vs. Mom; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 1 IC: (Battering rams) - Exhausted Water can't break gate, loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 2 RC: (Water cage match) - Scores vs. Kate, Sophie; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 2 IC: (Barrel roll) - Crosses obstacles, but Water loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 3 RC: (Sandbag pile) - Carries sandbags, but Water loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 3 IC: (Poles, seesaw) - Water takes a late lead; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 4 RC: (Mud pit, bell) - Scores vs. Sandra again, but Water loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 4 IC: (Boats, arch puzzle) - Water solves the puzzle; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 5 RC: "Sumo at Sea" - Scores vs. Sandra; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 5 IC: (Endurance logs) - Second out for Water, which eventually loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 6 RC: (3-on-3 rugby) - Scores a point; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 6 IC: (Pairs basketball) - Shoots the final basket; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 7 RC: (Rowing tug-of-war) - Loses twice, as Blood loses, 3-1.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 7 IC: (Boxes, table maze) - Directs table maze, but Blood loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 8 IC: (Disc chain) - Fifth Blood to drop out, but Blood wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 9 RC: (Dunk log) - Not shown participating, but Blood wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 9 IC: (Spool stack) - Places her spool, but Blood loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 10 RC: (Water slide b-ball) - Injures her ankle on entry, but her team wins.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Blood v Water: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Blood v Water: None.

Ep9 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (12-for-23; 6 sit-outs):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 RC: (Gathering supplies) - Heroes have a tall player, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 IC: (Obstacles, hammers) - Crosses obstacles, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 RC: (Turnstile) - Loses a point twice, and Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 IC: (Giant ball, block puzzle) - Works puzzle with Benjamin, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 RC: (Water Slaughter-ish) - Sits out, as Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 IC: (Ladders, coconuts) - Hauls the ladder, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 RC: (Water football) - Sits out, as Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 IC: "Vampire Bats" - Fourth Hero to drop (> 5 min.), Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 RC: (Hitting barrels) - Sits out, as the Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 IC: (Cart, bonfire) - Helps push the cart, but Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 RC: "Idol Hands" - Not shown competing; Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 IC: (Paddles, word puzzle) - Sits out of another Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.7 IC: "Chinese Checkers" - Not shown competing, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.8 IC: (Box bridge)- Sits out, as Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.9 IC: (Coffins, puzzle) - Hauls cage, works puzzle, new Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 RC: "Hot Pursuit" - Sits out, as the Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 IC: (Obstacles, slingshot) - Blows a lead on the slingshot; Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.11 IC: Crate Outdoors + obstacles - Helps roll cubes, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 RC: (High ring toss) - Not shown competing, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 IC: (Memory) - Loses final point to Gerry, Villains "lose".
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 RC: (Cart, baskets) - Helps haul the cart, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 IC: (Team "When It Rains" plus) - Solves the puzzle, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.16 RC: (Pairs "Get a Grip") - With Simon, first pair to drop out.


Ep14 IC

Individual challenge record (1-for-10): (Mean % finish: 57.9%)

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 14 IC: "Last Gasp" - Last person to drop out (2nd/12).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 15 IC: (Barrel hold) - Third to drop (9th/11).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16 IC: "A Bit Tipsy" - One of nine to not win (tie-2nd/10).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 17 IC: (Elimination) - One of three out in the first round (tie-7th/9).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 RC: "The Game is Afoot" - Close behind Matt and Simon, no win (3rd/8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 IC: (Wall sit) - Outlasts Shaun, and Nina wins! (1st/8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19 RC: (Stacking wedges) - Gradually builds stack, does not win (tie-2nd/7).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19 IC: "Dear Liza" - One of four not close to winning (tie-3rd/7).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 20 IC: "Hand on a Hard Idol" - Second out, at 20 minutes (5th/6).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 22 IC: (Ball balance, vertical maze) - Places one ball out of three (2nd/5).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 22
Played: 41
Win%: 0.54
Sat out: 6
Individual challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 10
Win%: 0.10
Mean% Finish: 57.9%
Hero challenges/ duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -


Nina Twine - Tribal Council record

Ep2 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • AU: Blood v Water: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (4/4):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Andy Andy Meldrum (voted out, 9-2-1) Yes
Ep2 Briana Briana Goodchild (voted out, 9-2) Yes
Ep7 Sandra Sandra Diaz-Twine (voted out, 9-1) Yes
Ep9 Amy Amy Ong (voted out, 6-2-1) Yes


VAP - Votes against (0):

  • AU: Blood v Water: None.

*Nina was removed without ever having been voted against.


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • AU: Blood v Water: None.

Ep22 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/1; 0 votes voided):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16: Finds an idol near camp, shortly before Tribal Council (Day 33).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16: Despite Hayley's tip that the votes were coming for Sam, plays the idol for herself, voiding zero votes (Day 33).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (6/13):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep4 Rogue Rogue Rubin (voted out, 7-4-1) Yes
Ep5 Gerry Gerry Geltch (voted to Villains, 8-2-1) Yes
Ep8 Sharni Sharni Vinson (idoled out, [0]-5]) Yes
Ep10 Sam Jordie Hansen (voted out, 4-4; 5-1) -
Ep14 Shonee David Zaharakis (voted out, 7-[0]-1) -
Ep15 Matt Flick Palmateer (voted out, 7-3-1) -
Ep16 George Sam Webb (voted out, 6-4) -
Ep17 Shonee Shonee Bowtell (voted out, 5-3-1) Yes
Ep18 Simon Shaun Hampson (voted out, 4-3-1) -
Ep19 Hayley Hayley Leake (voted out, 4-1-1-1) Yes
Ep20 Gerry Nina Twine (voted to Isolation, 5-1) -*
Ep21 Simon Simon Mee (voted out, 3-3; 4-0) Yes
Ep22 Matt Nina Twine (voted out, 3-2) -
13 TOTALS 6*

*After the vote, JLP revealed top two vote-getters would be sent to Isolation, so technically Nina voted correctly, but not as of the time of casting her vote, so no VFB credit.


VAP - Votes against (15):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 17: Three votes, from Liz, Shaun, and Shonee.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19: One vote, from Hayley.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 20: Five votes, from George, Gerry, Liz, Matt, and Simon (voted to Isolation, 5-1).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 21: Three votes, from Gerry, Matt, and Simon.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 22: Three votes, from George, Gerry, and Matt (voted out, 3-2).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 24: Voted for Liz Parnov, who won, 7-0-0.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 1
Played: 1
Votes voided: 0
Voting record
VFB: 10
Tribals: 17
VAP: 15
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: -


Nina Twine - Pictures
  • Nina Twine AU7
    AU: Blood v Water intro shot
  • Nina Twine AU7
    AU: Blood v Water intro shot
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Opening sequence scene, with Sandra
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Day 1 arrival, in style
  • Nina Twine AU7
    The newly assigned Water tribe
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Watching KJ vs. Sophie, Ep1 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Scoring match point vs. Mom
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Water tribe meet-and-greet, in the water
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Heaving the ram
  • Nina Twine AU7
    The losing Waters
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Talking about vote options
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Forming an alliance with Mark
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Water tribe, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Talking about Briana going through the tackle box
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Moving barrels along, Ep2 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Water, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Hauling sandbags, Ep3 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Watching the chopping, Ep3 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Placing blocks
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Water wins immunity!
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Dragging Mom for an eventual point
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Construction efforts, Ep4 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Water wins immunity!
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Scoring the winning point against Mom, again
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Starting line, Ep5 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    The losing Waters
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Water plotting
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Water, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Listening to Alex's announcement
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Cheering as Jordie scores, Ep6 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    About to score another point
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Reward feasting
  • Nina Twine AU7
    About to make the winning shot
  • Nina Twine AU7
    The new Blood tribe (with Mom!), Ep7 swap
  • Nina Twine AU7
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Maybe not the best thing to have your Mom join your alliance
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Watching the chopping, Ep7 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Directing the table maze
  • Nina Twine AU7
    The losing Bloods
  • Nina Twine AU7
    I know it's my mom tonight, still deciding if I should join in
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Blood, Ep7 Tribal Council
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Listening to Mom
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Sorry, Mom
  • Nina Twine AU7
    That wasn't fun, but now I have to readjust
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Catching a big fish
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Starting line, Ep8 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Blood wins immunity!
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Working her alliance with Josh, Ep9
  • Nina Twine AU7
    I feel like I'm in a pretty good spot
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Watching the attempted dunking
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Reward feasting
  • Nina Twine AU7
    The losing Bloods, Ep9 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Blood, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Talking to Jonathan
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Still feeling pretty good about her game, Ep10
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 RC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Starting line, heat 2
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Uh oh
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Getting checked by Medical
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Heading off to reward
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Reward feasting
  • Nina Twine AU7
    We need to check your ankle out in hospital
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Hoping she can continue
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Back for the pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Jonathan announces Nina has been pulled
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Getting goodbye hugs
  • Nina Twine AU7
    Adios, SurvivorAU
  • Nina Twine AU8
    Heroes v Villains intro shot
  • Nina Twine AU8
    Heroes v Villains intro shot
  • Nina Twine AU8
    HvV pre-game shot
  • Nina Twine AU8
    Greeting JLP, Day 1


Nina Twine - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (4/20/22): "Australian Survivor: Blood v Water | Nina Twine Deep Dive"

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • Official 10play exit interview (3/20/23): "'I Genuinely Felt Like My Time Was Up': Nina Twine Finally Has Her Torch Snuffed"
  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (3/20/23): "SurvivorAU: HvV | Week 8 (Eps 21-22) Exit Interviews"


Nina Twine - Bios

Official Ten AU: Blood v Water bio excerpts (January 24, 2022):

"Playing in the shadow of her mother’s Survivor legacy doesn’t intimidate Nina, who is ready for the challenge. Nina says: “The best advice my mum has given me is to keep your head down but your ears open. You don’t want the target to be on you, you want it to be on somebody else, so that has been really helpful.”

Have you done any training or planning before starting? I have watched multiple seasons of Australian Survivor specifically, and began doing mental exercises, like meditation, to try and learn how I can keep myself calm and alert out there.

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to the challenges. I can get competitive, and I can’t wait to get that rush of adrenaline when Jonathan says: “Survivors ready?”"

Official Ten AU: Heroes v Villains bio excerpts (December 22, 2022):

"Survivor royalty, Nina had her game cut short in Blood V Water and is ready to come back stronger than ever.

“To say I have unfinished business with this game, I feel like is a little bit of an understatement. I went home in a really good position, and it was nobody’s choice, like it just had to happen, so I got a lot of things I need to do. Me and Australian Survivor are not done, we had a break, we went to therapy, we talked things through and now I’m back and we’re ready to go again.”

After playing in last season’s Australian Survivor: Blood V Water with her mum, Survivor Legend Sandra, Nina has a bonus reason for playing in Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains.

She says, “So I’m here in Samoa and as some people may know my mom played as a Villain here and won! If this season was made for anybody, it would be made for someone like me cause I’m a Hero raised by a Villain.”

A retail sales associate, Nina is ready for the hunger and sleep deprivation since she’s done it before and wants to help the newcomers feel welcome in the game but won’t give the same kindness to the Villains. She says, “I don’t think the Villains have any idea who they’re up against because they’re probably going to try and underestimate us and that’s gonna be a big mistake.”"