Hayley Leake - SurvivorAU: Brains v Brawn, SurvivorAU: Heroes v Villains

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 87 | Wins: 1 | Jury: 1

  • SurvivorAU 6: Brains v Brawn (2021) - Winner, 7-2.
  • Voted out in Episode 15 (Day 30), sent to Redemption Rock; returned to game via duel (Day 31).
  • Received 7 jury votes to win in Episode 24 (Day 48).

Hayley Leake on social media: Instagram

Hayley Leake - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU6: Brains v Brawn 6.27 18.29 0.34 11 11 17 0.64 1.21 7 9 0.78 1.76 12.15
AU8: Heroes v Villains 2.25 11.32 0.20 8 5 10 0.79 2.49 - - - 0.99 4.74
Career 6.27 18.29 0.34 19 16 27 0.64 1.21 7 9 0.78 1.76 12.15


Hayley Leake - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile



Hayley Leake - Challenge record

Ep9 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (15-for-23; 4 sit-outs):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 RC: (Gathering supplies) - Heroes have a tall player, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.1 IC: (Obstacles, hammers) - Crosses obstacles, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 RC: (Turnstile) - With Nina, loses a point; Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.2 IC: (Giant ball, block puzzle) - Crosses obstacles, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 RC: (Water Slaughter-ish) - Sits out, as Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.3 IC: (Ladders, coconuts) - Hauls the ladder, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 RC: (Water football) - Sits out, as Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.4 IC: "Vampire Bats" - Final Hero to drop (on purpose), Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 RC: (Hitting barrels) - With Sam, loses a point to George/Jordie, but Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.5 IC: (Cart, bonfire) - Sits out, as Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 RC: "Idol Hands" - Scores a point vs. George, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.6 IC: (Paddles, word puzzle) - Crosses obstacles, solves puzzle, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.7 IC: "Chinese Checkers" - Scores first point with Shaun/Flick, Heroes win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.8 IC: (Box bridge)- Sits out, as Heroes lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.9 IC: (Coffins, puzzle) - Rides in the cage, works puzzle, new Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 RC: "Hot Pursuit" - On two point-winning teams; Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.10 IC: (Obstacles, slingshot) - Crosses obstacles, but Villains lose.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.11 IC: Crate Outdoors + obstacles - Helps roll cubes, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 RC: (High ring toss) - Not shown competing, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.12 IC: (Memory) - Loses a point to Steve, Villains "lose".
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 RC: (Cart, baskets) - Helps haul the cart, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.13 IC: (Team "When It Rains" plus) - Stays in to the end, Villains win.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep.16 RC: (Pairs "Get a Grip") - With George, holds on to the end, winning pair.


Ep15 IC

Individual challenge record (0-for-8): (Mean % finish: 62.4%)

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 14 IC: "Last Gasp" - Ninth to drop out (4th/12).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 15 IC: (Barrel hold) - Lasts over 1 hr, 20 min., but drops (2nd/11).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 16 IC: "A Bit Tipsy" - One of nine to not win (tie-2nd/10).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 17 IC: (Elimination) - Reaches final round, does not win (tie-2nd/9).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 RC: "The Game is Afoot" - Struggles, not among leaders (tie-4th/8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 18 IC: (Wall sit) - Fifth person to drop out (4th/8).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19 RC: (Stacking wedges) - Loses her stack to the wind, does not win (tie-2nd/7).
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19 IC: "Dear Liza" - One of four not close to winning (tie-3rd/7).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 22
Played: 45
Win%: 0.49
Sat out: 7
Individual challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 15
Win%: 0.33
Mean % Finish: 69.0%
Hero challenges/ duels
Wins: 1
Played: 1
Win%: 1.00
Mean % Finish: 100%
Hayley Leake - Tribal Council record

Ep15 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (8/10):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep4 Rogue Rogue Rubin (voted out, 7-4-1) Yes
Ep5 Gerry Gerry Geltch (voted to Villains, 8-2-1) Yes
Ep8 Sharni Sharni Vinson (idoled out, [0]-5) Yes
Ep10 Sam Jordie Hansen (voted out, 4-4; 5-1) -
Ep14 David David Zaharakis (voted out, 7-[0]-1) Yes
Ep15 Flick Flick Palmateer (voted out, 7-3-1) Yes
Ep16 Sam Sam Webb (voted out, 6-4) Yes
Ep17 Sam Shonee Fairfax (voted out, 5-3-1) Yes
Ep18 Shaun Shaun Hampson (voted out, 4-3-1) Yes
Ep19 Nina Hayley Leake (voted out, 4-1-1-1) -


VAP - Votes against (5):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 15: One vote, from Sam.
  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 19: Four votes, from George, Gerry, Liz, and Nina (voted out, 4-1-1-1).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • AU: Heroes v Villains, Ep. 24: Voted for Liz Parnov, who won, 7-0-0.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 1
Played: 1
Votes voided: 8
Voting record
VFB: 19
Tribals: 27
VAP: 16
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: 7
Total jurors: 9


Hayley Leake - Pictures
  • Hayley Leake AU6
    Brains v Brawn pre-game cast photo


Hayley Leake - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • Official 10play exit interview (3/12/23): "'They Just Outplayed Me': Queen Hayley Leake Blindsided as the Jacuzzi Alliance is Born"
Hayley Leake - Bios

Official Ten AU: Heroes v Villains bio excerpts (December 22, 2022):

"Queen Hayley returns to the game of Survivor as the only previous winner and says a lot has changed since she last played saying, “Since I played Survivor, I got engaged, I bought a house, and I am now a doctor! But now I’m a doctor of pain! I have my PHD in pain research, so I’m going to level it up this time.”

After winning Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn in the Outback, Hayley knows coming into this game, she’ll have a target on her back. She says, “In Survivor, the worst thing is to think you’re invincible. I know my weaknesses, and I know how to use them. I’ve already been through the worst in Survivor. Everyone voted me out, sent me to Redemption Rock, and I thought there was no hope of winning. And I came back and won the game.

“I’m really glad to be back here as a Hero. I’m hoping my tribe sees me as a Hero of Survivor, and not as a Villain. Even though I obviously can be a little bit of a Villain. It was a dream come true to play Survivor once, let alone to win the game! I can’t believe that happened and I’m still, a year later, processing it, and now I’m on a gorgeous island in paradise and I’ve got a chance to win it again. It is a fan’s dream come true.”

Famous for her ability to push through excruciating pain and strategise a strong game play at the same time, Hayley has experience taking out a few Villains in her time but is also ready to hold onto her crown, saying, “A few people have won Australian Survivor now, but no one’s done it twice. And if anybody’s going to do that, it’s gonna be me."