Ep.14: It's Cagay-ON, not Cagay-YAWN
Published: May 27, 2014
We look back, mostly fondly, on the finale, season as a whole, and the final four contestants. And, of course, take issue with Probst's confounding defense of the Special Idol.
Ep.13: Har, thee mud
Published: May 18, 2014
With one episode left, an individual reward challenge appears, pizza disappears, and so does Trish. But in her departure, the game has once again been thrown open, with several people now having a chance to win.
Ep.12: Crouching idols, hidden typhoon
Published: May 9, 2014
In which Jeff Pitman assesses the challenges, rewards, and punishments of the next-to-penultimate episode of the season, with 50% less yelling and arguing than in the actual show. But with the same amount of untelevised rain.
Ep.11: Previously ruined on... Survivor
Published: May 2, 2014
If you thought the Special Idol was not enough clue-ing and digging and finding and protecting, boy, were you in for a treat this week! Also, people bought surprisingly cheap food, Spencer almost got screwed, and Tasha reigned supreme over tilting tables of wood. Woo!
Ep.10: Letters from Tyler Perry
Published: April 24, 2014
This was a very special episode of Survivor: Cagayan. One in which we finally learned what spy shacks are for (spying on your alliancemate, who leaves then returns to the fold, like magic), that steps are slippery, and that balls drop. Also some shiny idol was found.
Ep.9: Stood up, fallen down
Published: April 18, 2014
Cagayan takes a darker turn, as Tony makes a move against one of his close allies, seizing apparent control of the game. Jeff looks at the move, the challenges that preceded it, and how the edit partially gave away the outcome.
Ep.8: Portents and fortunes
Published: April 13, 2014
Jeff looks at how "Mad Treasure Hunt" may have hinted at the outcome of the game for most of the remaining players, except the ones the episode ignored, which would be several of them. Less reading for you!
Ep.7: Same vs. the other one
Published: April 4, 2014
Jeff recaps "Head of the Snake," the tumultuous merge episode (Ep.7) of Survivor: Cagayan. As you might guess, much is made of the twists and turns during Tribal Council, but there may be something that surprises you.
Ep.6: Ow! Quit it
Published: March 28, 2014
Jeff recaps "We Found Our Zombies," the final pre-merge episode (Ep.6) of Survivor: Cagayan. It had a quit, it had two more challenge losses by the former Brains tribe members. It had a previously invisible Beauty getting the axe. But hey: merge is coming next week!
Ep.5: Fractured (like chandeliers)
Published: March 21, 2014
Jeff recaps "Odd One Out," the swap-containing Episode 5 of Survivor: Cagayan. As expected, the newly reassigned tribes deliver exciting new dynamics as alliances arise and recede, rent asunder by fate's churning tides. Or something like that.
Ep.4: Having a ball
Published: March 14, 2014
Jeff recaps "Our Time to Shine," the final act of the Luzon tribe, or Episode 4 of Survivor: Cagayan. Oh, J'Tia, is there anything you can't do wrong in challenges? Also: blindfolded people getting smacked in the crotch by 2x4s! What could possibly go wrong?
Ep.3: Beauty fades
Published: March 7, 2014
Jeff recaps "Cops-R-Us," the sodden third episode of Survivor: Cagayan. Water, water, everywhere. In the shelters, over the idols, splashing over the challenge competitors. But when it comes to the Beauty tribe, barely a drop to think.
Ep.1-2: We put the 'lose' in Luzon
Published: February 28, 2014
Jeff recaps "Hot Girl with a Grudge," the two-hour premiere of Survivor: Cagayan. It was the worst of times, it was the even worster of times for the Brains tribe, but one of best of times for the audience. Mostly. Praise and pans for strategy, challenges, and the show as a whole.
Pre-season: Cagayan cast analysis
Published: February 13, 2014
Jeff projects the chances of success of the 18 new contestants, sorting them into four tiers of likelihood to win Survivor: Cagayan - likely, possible, unlikely, and impossible. Sorry. On the plus side, only a few seem like bottom-tier material this season.
Pitman is the founder of the True Dork Times, and
probably should find better things to write about than
Survivor. So far he hasn't, though. He's also responsible
for the Survivometer, calendar, boxscores, and contestant
pages, so if you want to complain about those, do
so in the comments, or on twitter: @truedorktimes