- CBS pre-game "Meet RC" video (YouTube)
- CBS pre-S25 "Meet the Cast" video (YouTube)
- Official CBS Survivor: Philippines bio page
- Follow RC Saint-Amour on: facebook, twitter.
- Gordon Holmes's pre-Philippines interview with RC for XfinityTV
- RC's appearance in New York magazine's "Hedge Funds' Hottest Assets: The Ladies of Investor Relations"
- She's also part of "2BeautiesAndABanker" (along with Angie and Katie). So there.
Images from the preview, pre-game interviews, and other circa-Ep1 Philippines footage:
Vidcap gallery: Click on thumbnails to expand; use arrow keys to navigate between enlarged pics.
From MSN.com's Meet the Cast gallery (by Minh Nguyen):
"RC says: 'I've watched 24 seasons of Survivor. I am such a big competitor and athlete -- which is what drew me to the show originally. I think I can do it. I can win. I want the experience.'
Jeff Probst says: 'RC could win this game. She's a bit of a salesman. She's good at reading you right away and giving people what they want. That's a great skill to have in this game.'"
Excerpts from her CBS.com Survivor: Philippines bio page:
"Personal Claim to Fame: I was the 112th Wellesley Hoop Rolling Champion – the oldest and most beloved Wellesley tradition. The winner is said to be the first person in her class to achieve success, however she defines it.
Inspiration in Life: My mother – she has always been there for me, guiding me, helping me, teaching me right from wrong and sacrificing for me. She always wants the best for me and inspires me to believe that my happiness only comes from my own self-respect.
Hobbies: Swimming, running and traveling.
Pet Peeves: Annoying people and inefficiency.
3 Words to Describe You: Outgoing, headstrong and exuberant.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why?
1) A good book that I could read over and over again.
2) A puppy so I can have at least one loyal friend.
3) A radio to listen to music and news.
Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: None – I’m an original. There’s no one like me!
Reason for Being on Survivor: I have been a huge fan of Survivor since the beginning. I want to be on the show to win sole survivor and prove to myself that I can do it.
Why You Think You’ll 'Survive' Survivor: I would be a great physical asset for the team. I am mentally tough and very little bothers me.
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: I have the perfect combination of physical and mental strengths. I’m an athlete and have been a competitive swimmer since the age of 5. I hold a Masters All-American title, earned 12 top 10 national master’s records in the last four years, held numerous college and high school records. I ran a half Boston marathon without training and swam the English Channel. As an investment banker, I’m very analytical and have survived Wall Street and the fall of Bear Stearns."
From her EW.com interview, by Dalton Ross:
"'I'm the total package of athletic [ability] and brains,' says Wellesley college's 112th hoop rolling champion as to why she'll do well on Survivor. She also has a laugh that is very...uh, boisterous. (See her video for proof.) As for returning players, R.C. welcomes them. 'If we can get one of them on our team that can guide us in the right direction, I think that would be very beneficial for us. And it's just that certain point of keeping them around long enough until they're no longer useful.'"

Summary of evidence for RC Saint-Amour being on Survivor: Philippines.
- (7/6/12): In another tag-team effort, Survivorfever.net posts RC as an S25 contestant, giving full credit to longtime spoiling pariah Jim Early/"missyae."
- Also on 7/6/12, Upolu at Sucks notes that RC resembles one of the Tandang women shown in the post-S24 preview.
Who is Roberta 'RC' Saint-Amour?
From her most-recent job bio at NYC-based Landmark Ventures (and from LinkedIn), "Roberta is an investment banking professional with more than 4 years of financial advisory and investment experience spread across several industries.... Roberta received a B.A in International Relations and Economics from Wellesley College." She's originally from Hewlett Harbor, NY.
She also has shown up in various New York publications: In the society pages with the Young Professionals Council for Choice here, and in New York Magazine's not-at-all-embarrassing "Hedge Funds' Hottest Assets: The Ladies of Investor Relations" slideshow (she's #3, here).
RC is also an accomplished swimmer, setting a strong 5K swim time of 1:44:33 here (in 2009; first in her age group, sixth overall, second woman), and, even more impressively, on 7/13/09 became part of the first father-daughter relay team to swim the English Channel, as described in her father's Babson College alumni magazine (see page 30). Oh, and she also has a history of winning, at least in collegiate hoop-rolling.