- CBS pre-Ep1 "Lisa Whelchel" ad (8/20/12)
- CBS pre-game "Meet Lisa" video (YouTube)
- CBS pre-S25 "Meet the Cast" video (YouTube)
- Lisa singing on the 1977 New Mickey Mouse Club (YouTube).
- Lisa was also on some NBC show called The Facts of Life (YouTube).
- Lisa discussing her book, "The Busy Mom's Guide to Bible Study" (YouTube).
- Lisa's "Please put me on Survivor" twitvid.
- Official CBS Survivor: Philippines bio page
- Follow Lisa Whelchel on: facebook (fan page), twitter.
- Gordon Holmes's pre-Philippines interview with Lisa for XfinityTV
- Lisa's personal web site, cryptically named LisaWhelchel.com
Images from the preview, pre-game interviews, and other circa-Ep1 Philippines footage:
Vidcap gallery: Click on thumbnails to expand; use arrow keys to navigate between enlarged pics.
From MSN.com's Meet the Cast gallery (by Minh Nguyen):
"Lisa Whelchel says: 'There must be some part of me would like to act like Blair. But my own mother's voice is telling me not to. You won't see any of that come out because it's not who I am. At the same time, I do understand it's a game. It's not my strategy to lie and cheat. So, know that if you're going to respect the game, you can't be stupid and lie especially to protect your alliance.'
Jeff Probst says: 'She's got this great way about her. She's lovable. People love her from her television show. But she might be in trouble in this game.'"
Excerpts from her CBS.com Survivor: Philippines bio page:
"Personal Claim to Fame: My three delightful and interesting children and the close friendship we enjoy.
Inspiration in Life: I admire and respect Oprah. She has used her fame and fortune to help people.
Hobbies: Reading, scrapbooking and traveling.
Pet Peeves: People who judge other people.
3 Words to Describe You: Quick-witted, sharp-minded and brave-hearted.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why?
1) A Bible with giant print because I don’t know if I would have my reading glasses.
2) A journal and a pen because I have a terrible memory and I don’t want to forget a minute of this experience.
3) Playing cards because I love to play games.
Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: Colby – I’m competitive, genuine and from Texas!
Reason for Being on Survivor: I LOVE the game and was born to play it. Plus, I want to meet Jeff Probst.
Why You Think You’ll 'Survive' Survivor: I am strong physically, intellectually and in will.
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: My inherent make up is to assess the big picture goal, determine the steps to reach it, gain everything there is to learn about how to accomplish the goal, jump in with both feet, connect with other people’s strengths and never give up until the job is done."
From her EW.com interview, by Dalton Ross:
"There is probably nowhere prissy Blair Warner from The Facts of Life would rather be less than out on an island in the Philippines, but for the woman that played her, it is a dream come true. A true super fan, Lisa openly campaigned to get on Survivor. And embarking on this journey can't help but remind her of The Facts of Life theme song because, 'I have a feeling Survivor is going to be a whole lot of good, but it's also going to be a whole lot of bad.'"
Summary of evidence for Lisa Whelchel being on Survivor: Philippines.
- (Circa May, 2012) A certain former Survivor contestant started following Lisa on twitter shortly after he followed Angelia Layton... and long before speculation at Sucks emerged that Lisa Whelchel was on Survivor.
- IAMJAMESCLEMENT at Sucks (6/7/12): "Lisa Whelchel is an Actress and Mother, 49 Years Old and lives in Texas.. She is actually quite famous but not really. She had a gap on Twitter from March 4 to May 10. Skupin is Following Her."
- Ife at Sucks (6/7/12): "This post from MANDISA OF AMERICAN IDOL on facebook confirms our findings: [post from 11/2/11]"
Who is Lisa Whelchel?
From her bio page on her own web site: "I’m excited about sharing my story with you. I love talking about my family, I’m obsessed with scrapbooking, I’m online way too much, I write books because of the messages burning within me, I’m a total shutterbug (just ask my kids) and the Author of my story is my heavenly Father. Thanks for the privilege of sharing each of these passions of my life with you."
See also: This list of books Lisa has written, or her blog.