- CBS pre-game "Meet Dana" video (YouTube)
- CBS pre-S25 "Meet the Cast" video (YouTube)
Images from the preview, pre-game interviews, and other circa-Ep1 Philippines footage:
Vidcap gallery: Click on thumbnails to expand; use arrow keys to navigate between enlarged pics.
From MSN.com's Meet the Cast gallery (by Minh Nguyen):
"Dana says: 'I'm going to try to blend in even though I don't do that well, and wait for everyone else to get sick of each other and step it up. I'm definitely an alpha female. So with a whole lot of alpha males around, I'll probably want them gone quick.'
Jeff Probst says: 'Dana has an amazing spirit, and I love the fact that she's overcome so much in her life. She came out when she was really young. She had to fight stereotypes and had a tough upbringing, yet she's made something of herself.'"
Excerpts from her CBS.com Survivor: Philippines bio page:
"Personal Claim to Fame: Truthfully, I have no claim to fame. My friends tell me that my claim to fame is my blonde spiky hair.
Inspiration in Life: Helen Keller, because she succeeded and prevailed against overwhelming odds, and for her work with women’s rights and suffrage.
Hobbies: Home renovations, camping/being outdoors and going out dancing with friends.
Pet Peeves: Slow moving people as well as negativity, arrogance, laziness and narrow-mindedness.
3 Words to Describe You: Energetic, well-rounded, family-oriented.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why?
1) Tweezers – so it doesn’t look like I’m wearing a head band on camera.
2) Hair product – because my hair sticks straight up.
3) Picture of my family – to remind myself of the lives it will change if I win.
Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: Boston Rob for his unconquerable spirit and determination.
Reason for Being on Survivor: For the experience and the money.
Why You Think You’ll 'Survive' Survivor: I’m resourceful, I’m good at finding solutions to problems and I’m a hard-worker. Plus, I have experience camping. I can cook and help forage for food. I’m a team player.
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: I think I have just the right amount of perceptiveness and social skills to succeed. I’m competitive and my life experiences have taught me that observing, timing and determination can go farther than anyone thinks."
From her EW.com interview, by Dalton Ross:
"This season of Survivor will have a lot of challenges in the water, which could pose a bit of a problem for Dana. 'I've never really swam in the ocean,' she says, 'so this will be interesting.' Interesting, indeed. And even though Dana has been through rehab for amphetamines, she doesn't think toughing that out will prepare her at all for the hardships she's about to endure. 'Being on a deserted island is gong to be hard no matter what.'"
Summary of evidence for Dana Lambert being on Survivor: The Philippines.
- Dana's name and pictures were posted by longtime spoiling pariah Jim Early (a.k.a. Missyae, @TheGameSurvivor) on his twitter.
Who is Dana Lambert?
From her facebook biographical info, it appears Dana Lambert:
- Is originally from Blytheville, Arkansas. Now living in Winston-Salem, NC.
- Got a degree from University of Phoenix in 2006, finished cosmetology school two years later.
- Now works at "The Thurston House Salon & Spa" in Winston-Salem.