- CBS pre-Ep1 "Michael Skupin" ad (8/22/12)
- CBS pre-Philippines "Meet Michael" video (YouTube)
- Funny115 entry #44 ("Mike Skupin - Psychopath")
- "Survivor Memories: Michael Skupin" (YouTube)
- Official CBS Survivor: Philippines bio page
- CBS Survivor: The Australian Outback bio
- Follow Mike Skupin on: facebook; twitter.
- Mike's official web site, MikeSkupin.com
Images from the preview, pre-game interviews, and other circa-Ep1 Philippines footage:
Vidcap gallery: Click on thumbnails to expand; use arrow keys to navigate between enlarged pics.
From MSN.com's Meet the Cast gallery (by Minh Nguyen):
"Michael says: 'I think it's a good time (for me to win). As I was getting older, there was Rodger (Bingham) on my season. He was 52. And I was 39, thinking how could I help the old guy? Now, I'm the old guy. I'm 50, and I don't feel like the old guy but I'm wondering if the 21-year-olds and the 24-year-olds are wondering if we should keep the old guy around or is he a liability? I never played the old guy before so it will be a new experience for me.'
Jeff Probst says: 'We wanted Skupin on the show for years, and we haven't figured it out. He is a great, strong leader. I think if he teams up with the young people, they could be a strong team.'"
Excerpts from his CBS.com Survivor: Philippines bio page:
"Personal Claim to Fame: I have seven of them that I feed everyday – my children. And, ranking 23rd on TV Guide and TV Land's List of the 100 Most Unexpected TV Moments. It’s an honor to have been there when it all started!
Inspiration in Life: My dad, a true warrior who lost a battle to cancer when he was 28 and my mom who battled emphysema for 17 years and never complained. She taught me what tough was.
Hobbies: Sports and fitness, coaching my kids and anything to do with water… in it, on it, over it, looking at it or listening to it.
Pet Peeves: Negativity and pessimism. The glass is always full.
3 Words to Describe You: Adventurous, spontaneous and competitive.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why?
1) Animals to hunt for food.
2) An impenetrable shelter.
3) An unbreakable alliance.
Reason for Being on Survivor: To avenge a long-standing internal battle, wondering if I can win this game in spite of the changes and my 12 year absence. No matter what any returning player may say, you never stop thinking about going back. And: 7 cars when they turn 16, 7 college educations, 7 weddings… I want to be there for my kids at all times when they need me.
Why You Think You’ll 'Survive' Survivor: The physical part I’m ultra prepared for. I never stop moving. The survival part won’t be an issue. I grew up in the woods. My crazy family life has prepared me exceptionally for the mental part. I’m surviving seven kids!
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: There is no other returning player in the history of this game with more to prove than me. I’ll find a way to win, whatever it takes! I won’t give up… ever, ever , ever, ever!"
From his EW.com pre-game interview, by Dalton Ross:
"'For 22 seasons, I’ve thought about playing this game again,' the 50-year-old Skupin told EW.com while on location in the Caramoan Islands the day be'ore filming commenced, but he is not looking at this outing as a shot at redemption. 'I’m not here because I fell in the fire or to prove to the world anything,' he says. 'I’m here to play the game again, from start to finish. This will be a whole new adventure for me.'"
Summary of evidence for Michael Skupin being on Survivor: Philippines.

- DanieuBleau at Survivor Skills (3/13/12): "There are going to be returnees [on S25]. The contestants began flying out to location yesterday to be part of the show, and at least one of them flew out of Los Angeles."
- Polonium at Sucks (3/19/12, jokingly?): "Two returnees: Mike Skupin; Russell Swan"
- SuperJude (indirectly) at Sucks (4/16/12): "It's Russell Swan, Mike Skupin and Jonathan Penner, like we'd originally heard. It's three tribes, with one returnee on each. The rest are newbies."
- (5/13/12) The official Survivor: Philippines preview video (vidcaps here) mentioned the return of three previously medically evacuated players, and showed Mike (along with people not on S25).
Who is Michael Skupin?
From his (2001) official CBS bio for Survivor: The Australian Outback: "Michael Skupin co-founded a software publishing and distribution company in 1992 where he currently serves as president. He also founded the CCA, which is a motivational speaking company. He attended Western Michigan University where he earned a bachelor of business management in 1984. His previous employment includes office equipment sales, surgical and operating room equipment sales, and a water-ski instructor. He is most proud of his wife Peni and his three children, Michael (12), Kalyn (9) and Emily (3).
Skupin describes himself as adventurous, a thrill-seeker, and a risk taker. His favorite television shows are ESPN's SportsCenter / Primetime (to compare notes with his son) and Seinfeld while his favorite motion picture is Meet Joe Black. Although he's a big fan of Faith Hill, he listens to a variety of music including Top 40, Country, Christian and has a soft spot for Oldies. His favorite sports teams are any team from Michigan, especially the University of Michigan Wolverines. Amid his hectic schedule, Skupin finds time to hunt, barefoot water-ski and play ice hockey. He'll also play a good game of Scattegories if time permits.
Originally from Farmington Hills, Michigan, Skupin currently lives in White Lake, Michigan with his wife and three children. They have 2 Black Labradors, Thor and Simeon and lots of wild fish and wild birds. His birth date is January 29, 1962."