Monika Radulovic - SurvivorAU: Champions v Contenders

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 46 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

Monika Radulovic on social media: Instagram

Monika Radulovic - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU3: Champs v Contenders 1.81 14.14 0.13 10 3 13 0.77 3.08 - - - 0.90 4.89
Career 1.81 14.14 0.13 10 3 13 0.77 3.08 - - - 0.90 4.89


Monika Radulovic - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Monika Radulovic - Challenge record
SurvivorAU 3 logo  AU3: Champs v Contenders challenges

Ep3 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (15-for-24; 4 sit-outs):

  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 1 RC: Not shown competing. Both tribes win stuff.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 1 IC: Helps carry the battering ram; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 2 RC: "Sumo at Sea" - Loses her bout to Paige, but the Champions win, 7-3.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 2 IC: Helps retrieve buoys, but the Champions lose, 8-4.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 3 RC: Scores the final goal vs. Shonee, and the Champions win, 7-4.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 3 IC: Works the puzzle with Jackie, but the Champions lose.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 4 RC: "Kicking and Screaming" - With Shane, drags Shonee; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 4 IC: Crosses the obstacles; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 5 RC: Crosses the planks and barrels; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 5 IC: Helps paddle the canoe; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 6 RC: Beats Anita, and the Champions win, 7-2.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 6 IC: Locked inside one of the two cages, but the Champions lose.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 7 IC: Competes once, in a losing round, but the Champions win, 3-2.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 8 RC: Sits out, as the Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 8 IC: Second (and final) Champ to drop out; Champions win again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 9 IC: Sits out as the Champions win again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 10 RC: Has to jump three times to get the rope, succeeds, but the Champions lose.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 10 IC: Sits out, as the Champions win once again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 11 IC: Paired with Fenella, they drop at under 10 min., but new Contenders win!
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 12 RC: Not shown competing, but new Contenders win, 3-1.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 12 IC: Assembles wheels and rides the cart, Contenders win again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 13 IC: Sits out, as the Contenders lose one final time.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 18 IC: Loses her match vs. Benji, but yellow team wins, 3-2.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 20 RC: With Shonee and Fenella, part of the losing team.


Ep19 IC

Individual challenge record (0-for-11): (Mean % finish: 31.8%)

  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 14 IC: "Get a Grip" - Minutes in, requests a departure by ladder (11th/12).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 15 IC: Fifth person to drop out, in under 5 minutes (11th/11).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 16 RC: First person eliminated (10th/10).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 16 IC: "Last Gasp" - Lasts over 50 minutes, but fourth person out (7th/10).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 17 IC: Eliminated in the first round, digging under a log (tie-7th/9).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 18 IC: Second person to drop out, in under 10 minutes (7th/8).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 19 IC: Eventually loses her final showdown with Shonee (2nd/7).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 20 IC: "Ram-Ball On" - Still on the second stage when Brian wins (7th/7).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 21 IC: Hangs on for over 25 minutes, fourth to drop out (3rd/6).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 22 RC: Just makes it to the final stage, when Brian wins (5th/5).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 22 IC: One of three people still unable to make fire (tie-3rd/5).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Champions v. Contenders: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 15
Played: 24
Win%: 0.63
Sat out: 4
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 11
Win%: 0.00
Mean% Finish: 31.8%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -


Monika Radulovic - Tribal Council record
SurvivorAU 3 logo  AU3: Champs v Contenders Tribal

Ep22 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Champions v. Contenders: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (10/13):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Shane Russell Hantz (voted out, 4-4-2-2; 9-1) -
Ep3 Damien Damien Thomlinson (voted out, 8-2-1) Yes
Ep6 Moana Moana Hope (voted out, 7-[0]) Yes
Ep13 Heath Heath Davies (voted out, 5-2) Yes
Ep14 Lydia Lydia Lassila (voted out, 9-3) Yes
Ep15 Robbie Robbie Skibicki (voted out, 9-1-1) Yes
Ep16 Samuel Samuel Hinton (voted out, 8-2) Yes
Ep17 Mat Mat Rogers (voted out, 5-4) Yes
Ep18 Benji Benji Wilson (voted out, 4-4; 5-1) Yes
Ep19 Steve W Steve Willis (voted DMW, 4-3) Yes
Ep20 Steve W Steve Willis (voted out, 2-2-2; 3-1-0) Yes
Ep21 Shane Fenella McGowan (idoled out, [0]-2-1) -
Ep22 Shane Monika Radulovic (voted out, 3-2) -
13 TOTALS 10


VAP - Votes against (3):

  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 22: Three votes, from Shane, Sharn, and Shonee (voted out, 3-2).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 24: Voted for Shane Gould, who won, 5-4.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 10
Tribals: 13
VAP: 3
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: -


Monika Radulovic - Pictures
SurvivorAU 3 logo  AU3: Champs v Contenders image gallery
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Champions v. Contenders intro shot
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Champions v. Contenders intro shot
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Watching Shane vs. Paige
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Russell thinks he's making an alliance
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Champions win!
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    About to lose a point to Paige
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Starting line
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Supporting Sam
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Buoy retrieval
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Heading to Tribal
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Champions, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Listening to Russell
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Watching Sam vs. Benji
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Champions win reward!
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 IC
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Starting line
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Working the puzzle with Jackie
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Champions lose
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Heading to Tribal
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Champions, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    With the jury, Final Tribal Council
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Reunion show, waiting for the vote reveal
  • Monika Radulovic AU3
    Reunion show


Monika Radulovic - Interviews
SurvivorAU 3 logo  AU3: Champs v Contenders interviews

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Ryan Brink at Brink of Reality (10/3/18): "7th Juror/ 20th Boot Exit Interview (Episode 22)"
  • Kyle Dessent at 2 Boys Talk Survivor (10/3/18): "E22 Exit Interview"


Monika Radulovic - Bio
SurvivorAU 3 logo  AU3: Champs v Contenders bio

Excerpts from Monika's official bio page (7/31/18):

"Monika may be one of Australia’s most beautiful models but she’s very keen to prove there’s more to her than how she looks.

Crowned Miss Australia in 2015 and third in Miss Universe, Monika also studied psychology at University and is planning to use that to her advantage saying, “People probably think I’d just be a beauty because of what I do, but I have brains too and I can’t wait to show everyone!”

Recently married and heading to Survivor as a newlywed, Monika thinks the hardest part for her will be missing her family. She is extremely close to her parents who fled Bosnia when she was one.

“My parents made the decision to flee the country due to the outbreak of war, leaving all our extended family behind. They are so brave and I think their resilience and positive outlook on life will help me through the tough times on the island.”

Stepping out of her comfort zone, Monika was initially terrified of competing and roughing it. As someone who has never gone camping before, the idea of sleeping in the outdoors and going without was a concern but she admits she’s a fast learner and won’t ever give up.

“I value my word and I value my relationships. I want to play and fight fair but I also want to win this. I one hundred percent want to win and I think my competitive streak will come through pretty fast so I don’t plan on going anywhere too early. I love the show and I know I have what it takes.”"