Mat Rogers - SurvivorAU: Champions v Contenders, SurvivorAU: All-Stars

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 59 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

Mat Rogers on social media: Instagram

Mat Rogers - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU3: Champs v Contenders 3.67 7.55 0.49 5 6 9 0.55 1.56 - - - 1.03 5.22
AU5: All-Stars 0.70 2.79 0.25 2 5 6 0.32 1.04 - - - 0.57 1.74
Career 4.37 10.35 0.42 7 11 15 0.46 1.35 - - - 0.88 3.53


Mat Rogers - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile



Mat Rogers - Challenge record

Ep10 IC - Nut Bucket

Tribal/team challenge record (15-for-22):

  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 1 RC: Beats Robbie, grabs the rope. Both tribes win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 1 IC: Crosses obstacles, helps carry the ram; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 2 RC: "Sumo at Sea" - Beats Robbie again, and the Champions win, 7-3.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 2 IC: Shoots four buoys, but the Champions lose, 8-4.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 3 RC: No goal, but also none allowed vs. Robbie; Champions win, 7-4.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 3 IC: Helps haul the giant cart; Champions lose.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 4 RC: "Kicking and Screaming" - No points in two bouts, but Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 4 IC: Swings the giant ball into the targets; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 5 RC: Helps move the barrels and planks; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 5 IC: Lands one of the Champions three rings; Champions win.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 6 RC: Beats Robbie, Champions win; then beats Commando Steve for bonus reward.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 6 IC: Helps hauls the cage, but the Champions lose.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 7 IC: Competes four times, Champions score three, and Champions win, 3-2.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 8 RC: Runs once, Champions win the point; the Champions win, 3-1.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 8 IC: Outlasts all of the Contenders; Champions win again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 9 IC: Slides and fills the bucket; Champions win again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 10 RC: Jumps, grabs rope, climbs the ramp, but the Champions lose.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 10 IC: Shoots baskets like a pro, and the Champions win once again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 11 IC: Paired with Steve, they drop at circa 10 min.; new Champions lose.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 12 RC: Loses the first point to Robbie; new Champions lose, 3-1.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 12 IC: Carries wheels across the monkey bars, but Champions lose again.
  • Champions v. Contenders Ep. 13 IC: Tosses sandbags with Shane, and the Champions win.


Last Gasp - Ep16 IC

Individual challenge record (2-for-5): (Mean % finish: 84.3%)

  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 14 IC: "Get a Grip" - Ninth person to drop out, at over 2 hours (4th/12).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 15 IC: Last person to drop out, after making a deal with Sharn (2nd/11).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 16 RC: Eliminates Benji with wrestling, and Mat wins! (1st/10).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 16 IC: "Last Gasp" - Lasts over 1 hr, 15 minutes, Mat wins again (1st/10).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 17 IC: (Logs, puzzle, snooker) - Eliminated on the puzzle stage (tie-4th/9).


Duel/ hero challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Champions v. Contenders: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 22
Played: 39
Win%: 0.56
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 2
Played: 6
Win%: 0.33
Mean % Finish: 79.6%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -


Mat Rogers - Tribal Council record

Ep16 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/0):

  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 4: Receives Moana's idol, as an alliance-building step (circa Day 9).
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 17: Leaves the game without playing the idol (Day 37).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (5/9):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Jackie Russell Hantz (voted out, 4-4-2-2; 9-1) -
Ep3 Shane Damien Thomlinson (voted out, 8-2-1) -
Ep6 Shane Moana Hope (voted out, 7-[0]) -
Ep11 Jackie Jackie Glazier (voted out, 4-2-1-1) Yes
Ep12 Tegan Tegan Gasior (voted out, 3-2-2; and again 5-2) Yes
Ep14 Lydia Lydia Lassila (voted out, 9-3) Yes
Ep15 Robbie Robbie Skibicki (voted out, 9-1-1) Yes
Ep16 Samuel Samuel Hinton (voted out, 8-2) Yes
Ep17 Brian Mat Rogers (voted out, 5-4) -


VAP - Votes against (6):

  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 15: One vote, from Robbie.
  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 17: Five votes, from Benji, Brian, Fenella, Monika, and Shonee (voted out, 5-4).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • Champions v. Contenders, Ep. 24: Voted for Shane Gould, who won (5-4)
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Held: 3
Played: 2
Votes voided: 8
Voting record
VFB: 7
Tribals: 15
VAP: 11
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: -


Mat Rogers - Pictures
  • Mat Rogers AU3
    Champions v. Contenders intro shot


Mat Rogers - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None found.


Post-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (2/26/20): "Australian Survivor All Stars | Week 4 Exit Interviews"


Mat Rogers - Bios

Official Ten SurvivorAU: All-Stars bio excerpts (February 3, 2020):

"The Godfather returns, and he’s ready to go! NRL and Rugby League great, Mat has become one of Australian Survivor’s most recognisable faces. He made it to the Jury in Season 3 alongside his best mate in the game, Commando, and Mat is looking forward to seeing what the All Stars can bring.

“I really hope to see Moana again. She had a tough run in our season so would love to see her healthy and smashing it. I loved Luke and Dave last time – they’re my favourites, hands down! I hated Dave initially, but he grew on me and Luke is such a loveable rogue.”

Still reeling from leaving the game with an Immunity Idol in his pocket, his number one fear returning is being blindsided again. “I’ve got no set strategy, I’ll just play the situation and not be afraid to have to burn people this time around. Being voted out again with an Idol would be my worst nightmare. I won’t be so open with people this time, so I think I’ll be a little less trustworthy. I’ll try playing from the bottom so I get more info and can play smart.”

Hoping to take his wife Chloe, and kids to Disneyland if he wins the prize money, Mat just wants to have fun this time around. “I don’t want to get angry about anything, I just want to enjoy the game. Everyone is here to win so if you get lied to, you need to accept it and move on.”"